We went through all the feasts, looked at the stars, and looked at all possible timelines by counting shmita cycles, years, and even days - and we're STILL here!
NOT for a SECOND believe that all that was in vain!
God is positioning and aligning His church much like an astronomer meticulously prepares their telescope to witness an incredible celestial event.
"Watching" requires careful steps—it's not just a quick grab-and-see process!
The astronomer spends considerable time setting up the telescope, ensuring it is stable and securely positioned.
They use specialized software to align its position with the night sky, carefully select appropriate eyepieces to adjust magnification, fine-tune the focus for optimal clarity, add specific filters to reduce light pollution, and spend time recording observations to discern patterns. It's not a simple process!
We, as the Church, have been gradually awakening and getting ready for it. He's preparing the way, completing His work within us, and aligning our minds and hearts for His revelation! Not a second of this year has been wasted as we eagerly looked up for our redemption.
Don't let the enemy sow discouragement in your soul, keeping you from looking up.
Everything has worked for our good— if we're still here, that only means that it was part of the process. The real looking up is about to begin! The telescope is up and ready, alignment and eyepieces are set, tracking and filtering are in place—observations have even been recorded. The stage is set, and now we're just waiting for the REVELATION!
Take a look at Ephesians 1. Paul starts the letter by discussing how God chose us before the world's foundations and predestined us according to His will. He emphasizes our redemption through His blood and grace, assuring us of security in the Holy Spirit
"who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory." Eph 1:14
Then he proceeds to pray for God to grant them wisdom and revelation. He knows that his teachings have their limit; beyond that, it's only the Holy Spirit's work to impart wisdom and revelation DIRECTLY to them!
Watchers or pastors that we followed this year have their limits in teaching us—the rest must come from the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation — the Holy Spirit directly providing revelation TO us!
Paul went from the beginning (we're chosen before the foundation of the earth) to the end (redemption day) - then He prayed for revelation! So, this is my prayer for us for 2024, just like Paul prayed over the Church in Ephesus. "God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power."
Keep listening to the Holy Spirit for wisdom and revelation!
The telescope is set, keep looking UP, the most important and anticipated celestial event in human history is about to happen! Keep watching our King is coming!