True holiness does not consist merely of believing and feeling, but of doing and bearing, and a practical exhibition of grace.
JC Ryle
Grace will break the hardest heart. It was the love of God that prompted Him to send His only-begotten Son into the world so that He might save it.
D.L. Moody
“Give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin, and desire nothing but God, and I care not a straw whether they be clergymen or laymen; such alone will shake the gates of hell and set up the kingdom of heaven on Earth.” -
John Wesley
The evil of sin is not so much seen in that one thousand are damned for it, as that Christ died for it. -
Thomas Watson
You cannot be a Christian and love the things God hates.
Revenge is a sweet evil; nothing more pleasing to nature, and more contrary to grace. —
Thomas Manton
Although our sins … can never be enough represented, if it is in order to drive a man more to God’s grace and unto Christ: yet to represent them singly and alone…in such a manner as thereby God’s mercies and all comforts are hidden… that is Satan’s practice. —
Thomas Goodwin
The glory of the gospel is that when the church is absolutely different from the world, she invariably attracts it. ~
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Men not living up to their responsibilities as fathers is a major cause of poverty, violence and crime Fatherhood is the most important responsibility any man can have and a role no government program can ever fill
"Christ the man, the God, connects man with God; the river flows directly from the throne of God to the hearts of mortals, and brings God himself to us to fill us with all fulness. Observe the excellence of the Lord Jesus, and meditate upon it."
- Charles Spurgeon
Christ doth not pray ‘Father, send me twelve legions of angels, but ‘Father, forgive them.’ —Thomas Manton,
If there are many truths then there is no truth. Relativism is antithetical to the truth. Jesus is the Truth, the only Saviour, and Eternal Life.
Worldliness is one of the greatest dangers that beset the human soul. -
JC Ryle
God never belongs on the stand. He is the JUDGE - not the one on trial, EVER.
If you linger near sin, you will fall in.
"Because the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, therefore do rivers of mercy flow to many, and we who believe shall be made to drink of the river of his pleasures. Here, O my heart, is the reason for adoration. I need not see any difficulty in it." -
Charles Spurgeon
Believers, Christ should not only live in heaven, but He should live in you also. You should make His power useful in your worst condition; your lives should be nothing else but a discovery of the life of Christ in yourselves. —
Thomas Manton,
“We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade, the presence of God. The world is crowded with him. He walks everywhere incognito.” -
C.S. Lewis
It is possible, that some serious persons make a covenant with God, and think they do it with all their heart and in the strength of promised grace, but then their dependence is more upon the covenant they made with God than upon the covenant with Christ. —
Ralph Erskine
I will not boast in anything No gifts, no power, no wisdom But I will boast in Jesus Christ His death and resurrection Why should I gain from His reward? I cannot give an answer But this I know with all my heart His wounds have paid my ransom
“… the external works of the Trinity are indivisible. This is another way of saying that when God acts, He always acts as God the Trinity.”
Sinclair B. Ferguson
Christians have a God above them, before them, and within them.