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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

There is an alarming ignorance of who God is and what He is like, even among professing Christians. This was shown in recent poll conducted by Barna.

According to the poll, half of Americans who call themselves "Christian" don't believe that Satan exists and fully one-third are confident that Jesus sinned while on Earth. Further, 25% dismiss the idea that the Bible is accurate in all of the principles it teaches."

The pollster concluded, "Growing numbers of people now serve as their own 'theologian-in-residence.' One consequence is that Americans are embracing an unpredictable and contradictory body of beliefs."

So it's time to put our "thinking caps" on.

God has a new covenant of grace for His people, and it is all related to a Person, the Lord Jesus Christ. He Himself is the embodiment of all that the new covenant promises. In the new covenant, the Lord promises righteousness. This righteousness is found in a Person. "'Behold, the days are coming,' says the LORD, 'That I will raise to David a Branch of righteousness; a King shall reign and prosper, and execute judgment and righteousness in the earth.

We find freedom when we find God;

we lose it when we lose Him.

~Paul Sherer~

 God reveals Himself to us to change our perspective so that we might act according to this new insight.

Today we are reminded to be thankful to God as He provides and sustains us by His great love, grace and mercy.

Character isn’t always permanent. I wish I could tell you that once formed, you have a grip on it forever. Never quit.

As we have seen, God, the Father, promised to give Jesus, the Messiah, to His people as the new covenant of grace. "I, the LORD…will keep You and give You as a covenant to the people." Thus, God's resources of grace are only available through relationship with Christ. Furthermore, the Father promised that His covenant of grace through his Son would extend to all the Gentile nations: "that You should be My salvation to the ends of the earth."

Man is most free when controlled by God alone.


Don't ever make your decisions based solely on the bottom line. This world runs on money. The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6:10). That's why pimps and prostitutes exist. That's why drug cartels exist. Follow the money and you'll find the root of the evil in a given situation. Today, let your faith in Christ Jesus bring you God's will for your life, and He'll take care of you. Money is not so bad either.....

A hero is not someone who is "perfect." We'd have no heroes if this were our standard. We all make mistakes, but that doesn't invalidate the contributions we make in the course of our lives. Perfection is not heroism; humanity is.

“I don't want to be saved just to make it into heaven; I want to be saved from sin; I want to be a God-directed man that in the life I have, I may live for the glory of God. For the devil has enough people to give glory to his rotten name. He’s got more people that has given every beat of their heart, every bit of their money, and every thought of their mind. Every instinct they have, they are sold out to the devil.”

At the end of the day, one of the greatest educations you learn as you grow up is that most people around you won’t help you. You are responsible for you. If I had a buck for every time I have herd, I will pray for you when that person could have met the need, I would very well off.

Don't think because it it a kitty cat, it won't draw blood...!


If you happen to be looking for ideas, here's a sampling!

I couldn't do this without you. And I wouldn't want to either.

Honey, you make me laugh!

I loved being with you this morning.

You are my knight in shining armor. After rescuing me in the parking lot with a dead battery.

I'm crazy about you, Baby.

You're a good dad. Making homemade ice cream with the kids at 10:00 pm!

I miss you when you're gone.

I was glad for your clear head in that difficult situation today.

This is my favorite place to be. Snuggled up in your arms.

Thank you for looking after me.

My heart belongs to you. Always.

“Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.”

― George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman

“If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.

[Inaugural Address, January 20 1961]”

― John F. Kennedy

Today is Independence Day in the United States. It’s a day for Americans to celebrate our independence and freedom. We do so with picnics, parades, fried chicken, and fireworks. That’s all well and good. But let me suggest that, on this day of all days, we take time to pray for “kings and all those in authority,” yes, including the President of the United States.

“FREEDOM!” cried a dying William Wallace (Braveheart).

Freedom is a battle cry, a longing of the heart, a cause and belief to fight for, die for, and celebrate. Freedom is a gift.

Today we celebrate freedom. It starts with remembering, we are no longer slaves.

Too many live in a slave mentality.

We are slaves to habits and broken lives, slaves to past wounds, slaves to our flesh or the false peace the world offers. It takes time for your mind to start thinking like a free person.

Jesus died to set us free.

The division between the sacred and the secular, or, as it’s sometimes described today, the spiritual and the ordinary, does not reflect the truth that our fruitfulness includes all goodness, all righteousness, and all truth. What we do in this world and for this world matters. It matters to the world and it matters to God. Like I said, “all” makes a world of difference.

If you talk does not match your walk you are a fool deceiving yourself.

George Washington said, in 1789, “It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favors.” And so it should be in 2023. No endeavor of yours will have any impact unless you stand with the Lord and obey His will.

There is a fine line between obligation and freewill in ministry. The Lord makes it very clear He is only interested in our voluntary deeds as a result of a willing heart.

“We are saved by faith alone, but the faith that saves is never alone.”

— Martin Luther

“The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God.” - C.S. Lewis

"When you are arguing against God you are arguing against the very power that makes you able to argue at all.” - C.S. Lewis"

“Can a person have the Spirit of God renovating their hearts and progressively conforming them to be more like Jesus Christ and not gain greater gratitude and strength in the Lord?” — Glorifying and Enjoying God


“In [Christ] we have a plaster for all sores, a remedy against all distempers.” — William Whitaker

"[T]radition is not the issue; it is how one defines that tradition and how one understands the way it connects to Scripture that are really the points at issue." –– Carl Trueman, Crisis of Confidence, 5.

“In Martin Luther's terms, the Nicene Creed gives us gospel rather than law, because it is not telling us what to do but telling us what God has done for us and our salvation— all the things we cannot do to save ourselves…” — Phillip Cary, The Nicene Creed, 12.

“The word, stored in the heart, provides a mental depository for the Holy Spirit to use to mediate His grace to us, whatever our need for grace might be.” — Jerry Bridges

“Though our deliverance in this world is not complete or perfect, yet is it so far complete as to render our salvation undoubtful.” — William Whitaker

“God did not make the creatures because He needed them but because it was His pleasure to do so.” — George Swinnock

“In spiritual things, God works alone-even when He has ministers and ordinances to serve Him.” — George Swinnock

“It was not all the legal sacrifices of old could do any thing, nor can all the duties now; but Christ is ALL in expiating for sin.” — William Whitaker

“The Churches of the Reformation from the very beginning distinguished between the law and the gospel.” — Louis Berkhof, Systematic Theology, 612

The change of human nature is a thing beyond all human might. Who can make his or her own heart clean? God must work this marvel. We must be born again from above, or else we will remain bitter to the end. Spurgeon

We are born from above and have a longing to go home. Let us go forth to-day with our hearts on the homestretch. AB Simpson

God is in it with you, and you are in it with God—that is the message of the Cross on the mystery of suffering. And that message means victory. James Stewart

We all live in Babel now because people exchanged the truth for lies and have codified these lies into the law of the land. It’s a tragedy that we embrace lies because we don’t remember the truth. Rosaria Butterfield

Be wary and avoid pastors and teachers who are always the “hero” in their testimonies. Narcissism is at the root of that.

We have a choice. We can drink the crystal clear waters of heavenly love—or we can settle for the murky waters of temporary joy and lose our source of beauty, goodness, and truth—treasures the human soul longs to possess. Ray Bentley

He is the Captain and the Overcomer in our lives. If we have caught any help that has relieved us of a troubled morning, it has been of Him. He lifts our eyes up unto Himself and delivers us from apathy, from discontent and from fears. AB Simpson

God will never forget you, not for a single moment. Spurgeon

Press on, for you are loaded with untold blessings. Every event is marching for the righteous and the humble spirit. Spurgeon

I encourage you to step into your true identity. Embrace that you are God’s precious child, His son or daughter. Until we realize who we really are, we miss so much. Ray Bentley

Next to the problem of self, the greatest problem I will have as a disciple is my relationship to others. When that relationship is pure, there is no greater joy; when sour, no greater heartache. W. Evans

There are many things outside of my control. I must yield my concerns to the Lord. Daily.

The way to get peace and safety in evil times is not to comply with [God’s] enemies, but to comply with God. —Puritan Thomas Manton, Works 7:485

Some make a fair show to the world, but in their family relations are loose and careless. David saith, ‘I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.’ If a man be truly holy he will show it at 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘦 as well as abroad. —Puritan Thomas Manton, Works 6:54

Never read these words of our Lord Jesus the same again "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life." John 10:27-28 Puritan John Trapp: It is easy to observe in [these verses] those five links of that golden chain of God’s grace in our salvation: "my sheep," 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯; "hear my voice," 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨; "and I know them," 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯; "and they follow me," 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯; "and I give unto them eternal life,"𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘭𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯.

"To me, the Bible is not God, but it is God's voice, and I do not hear it without awe." — Charles Spurgeon

"Child of God, you cost Christ too much for him to forget you." — Charles Spurgeon

"God does not save an unwilling man, but he makes him willing in the day of his power." — Charles Spurgeon

"You are often sinning, but he is always forgiving you." — Charles Spurgeon

"Long ago I ceased to count heads. Truth is usually in the minority in this evil world." — Charles Spurgeon

"It is never right to distrust God, and never vain to trust him." — Charles Spurgeon

"It is a very natural thing that man should fear death, for man was not originally created to die." — Charles Spurgeon

"I would sooner be a Christian than an emperor; sooner have Christ than a crown." — Charles Spurgeon

"Men might be willing for Christ to save them, but not for him to reign over them." — Charles Spurgeon

"We shall not grow weary of waiting upon God if we remember how long and how graciously he once waited for us." — Charles Spurgeon

"The very essence of anxiety is the imagining that we are wiser than God." — Charles Spurgeon

"Holiness and love distinguish the children of God from the children of the devil." — Charles Spurgeon

"We took Christ for better or worse, in health, or in sickness, to have and to hold so that even death should never part us." — Charles Spurgeon

"Half our fears arise from neglect of the Bible." — Charles Spurgeon

"My study was a dark den, but it contained books and this made it a gold-mine to me." — Charles Spurgeon

"To rejoice in temporal comforts is dangerous, to rejoice in self is foolish, to rejoice in sin is fatal, but to rejoice in God is heavenly." — Charles Spurgeon

"Ten minutes' praying is better than a years' murmuring." — Charles Spurgeon

"Don't struggle, sinner, after righteousness in your own strength. Fall back and rest in the infinite love of God in Christ Jesus." — Charles Spurgeon

"We are entrusted with a great power. Do we pray for our country?" — Charles Spurgeon

"God forgives the ungodly, not because they are good, but because he is good." — Charles Spurgeon

"Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners: forgiveness is for the guilty." — Charles Spurgeon


"The law is for the self-righteous, to humble their pride. The gospel is for the lost, to remove their despair." — Charles Spurgeon

"It is one of the temptations of the devil to tell you not to pray when you do not feel like praying. Pray twice as much then." — Charles Spurgeon

"I cannot err when I have God's Word in my lips." — Charles Spurgeon

"It is a mighty power which Christ has set up in this world, a power mightier than all secular states combined." — Charles Spurgeon

"The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end." – Charles Spurgeon

"The present age is so flippant that if a man loves the Savior he is called a fanatic, and if he hates the powers of evil he is named a bigot." — Charles Spurgeon

"Train up a child in the way he should go— but be sure you go that way yourself." — Charles Spurgeon

Doing the work of God is dangerous but not doing the work of God is more dangerous. -Sabina Wurmbrand

Behold now is the day of salvation. 2 Corinthians 6:2 Few are ever saved on their deathbeds. One thief on the cross was saved, so that none should despair; but only one, so that none should presume. - JC Ryle

We need preachers who present the whole Word of God-not just the New Testament but also the Old Testament; not just the best known texts, but also the less known; not just the passages that favor the preacher's particular prejudices, but also those that do not! -J. Stott

"Bad theology hurts people." - J.I. Packer

Let us strive, every year we live, to become more deeply acquainted with Scripture. -J.C. Ryle -

So, let no one deceive himself. He that has no sight of Christ's glory here shall never see it hereafter. -John Owen -

"If we are to be mighty in God’s work, we must be mighty in God’s Word." -Basil Manly Jr

"Every atom in the universe is managed by Christ so as to be most to the advantage of the Christian." -Jonathan Edwards.

Now who are wise? Those that will live according to the counsel of God’s Word, or those that will fashion their lives according to the course of this world, according to the customs and examples of carnal men? —Thomas Manton, Works 7:490

What a man delights in he will be talking of. —Thomas Manton, Works 7:476

The garden of Gethsemane, The second Adam saw, Oppressed with woe, to set us free From the avenging law. John Newton

The love a child of God hath to the Word differs from the love of a hypocrite or a temporary believer. Hypocrites may delight in speculation, but a child of God is delighted in the obedience and in conformity to His Word. —Thomas Manton, Works 7:476

Heaven will not be fully heaven to Christ till He has all His redeemed with Himself. -A.W. Pink -

No man can survey himself without forthwith turning his thoughts towards the God in whom he lives and moves. -John Calvin -

"I had rather be in the heart of Africa in the will of God than on the throne of England out of the will of God." -David Livingstone.

The world is becoming more and more rude; rougher, uglier, louder. I believe that the individual Christian is having a greater opportunity today than he has had for many a century, owing to the whole state of the world and of society. – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

No matter how amazing your life is or how great your accomplishments, the best and greatest thing in your life is that your name has been written in heaven. Paul Tripp

“Do not be deceived—one sin will send you to hell as fast as a thousand.” William Gurnall

“Have faith in God. Not in self, man, schemes, societies, organizations, churches, money, intellect, science, progress; but in God.” Horatius Bonar

I want no other garments, save Jesus doings, and his imputed righteousness. Charles Spurgeon

"Heartless hymns are insults to heaven." – Charles Spurgeon

There is no greater recommendation to the truth and power of the Christian faith than a Christian husband and wife, a Christian marriage, and a Christian home. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

They who dive in the sea of affliction bring up rare pearls. Charles Spurgeon

"In a world of instant access to the best commentaries in human history: I’m convinced this is an underrated aspect of sermon prep. Walking. Space for prayer, silence, processing, the Spirit, thinking & creativity. Sometimes a 20 min walk is what our sermon needs." -Tim Hunter

Let everything that have the value now which it will have upon a sick bed... -Jonathan Edwards -

God is the only desirable good, nothing without him is worthy of our hearts. -John Bunyan -

"No man can withdraw himself from the stated religious services of the community of which he is a member, without serious injury to his personal religious life." -B.B.Warfield.

We are continually thinking of whatsoever we love. Love causes the soul to be more where it loves than where it lives. —Thomas Manton, Works 7:479

When I stand at the foot of his cross to be washed, I bring nothing but sin. Charles Spurgeon

“… the government is not God, but the government is established by God to further his purposes on earth.” –– Jesse Johnson ( ), "City of Man, Kingdom of God," 49.

Having a bad experience with a Christian or a local church is not a reason to avoid the Church or Christianity as a whole. Just like having a bad experience with a nurse or a hospital is not a reason to avoid all healthcare as a whole. God didn't mistreat you. People did.


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