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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

“Holiness is not one grace only, but all the graces of the Spirit; it is a constellation of graces.… Every part of man is sanctified, though no part is perfectly so.” — Thomas Boston

"When a Christian sees a deficiency in himself, he may see an all-sufficiency in his Savior." - Thomas Watson. But Christ is All in All

“Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God’s grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God’s grace.” — Jerry Bridges

"There is not the least thought or affection to goodness in us, but it comes from God; we are what we are by his grace." –– Richard Sibbes

“Regardless of our performance, we are always dependent on God’s grace, His undeserved favor to those who deserve His wrath… there is never a day when we can stand before Him on our own two feet of performance, when we are worthy enough to deserve His blessing.” — Jerry Bridges

“Sanctification is the efficacious operation of God in elect, called, regenerated, and justified sinners … causing them to live according to His will as expressed in the law of the ten commandments.” –– Wilhelmus à Brakel

“Just as Christ’s obedience and death grant believers the legal status of righteousness before God, so Christ’s holiness in the Spirit grants believers new life and spiritual productivity.” — Beeke and Smalley, Reformed Systematic Theology, 3:675.

“The good news of the gospel is that God’s grace is available on our worst days. That is true because Christ Jesus fully satisfied the claims of God’s justice and fully paid the penalty of a broken law when He died on the cross in our place.” — Jerry Bridges

“The Past is frozen and no longer flows, and the Present is all lit up with eternal rays.” - C.S. Lewis

“You may forget that you are at every moment totally dependent on God.” - C.S. Lewis

“If you are not content with what you have, you would not be satisfied if it were doubled.” — Charles Spurgeon

“Doubt not his grace because of your tribulation, but believe that he loves you as much in seasons of trouble as in times of happiness.” — Charles Spurgeon

“God's mercy is so great that you may sooner drain the sea of its water or deprive the sun of its light than diminish the great mercy of God.” — Charles Spurgeon

“I knew that I could not keep myself, but if Christ promised to keep me, then I should be safe forever.” — Charles Spurgeon

“Think not of the sinner or of the greatness of his sin, but think of the greatness of the Savior.” — Charles Spurgeon

“Within the Scripture there is a balm for every wound, a salve for every sore.” — Charles Spurgeon

“The nearer a man lives to God, the more intensely has he to mourn over his own evil heart.” — Charles Spurgeon

“Hope is like a star: not to be seen in the sunshine of prosperity, and only to be discovered in the night of adversity.” — Charles Spurgeon

“When the believer gets near to God and eats the bread of heaven, all the feasts of earth, its amusements and glories, seem very flat, stale, and unprofitable.” — Charles Spurgeon

“All our infirmities, whatever they are, are just opportunities for God to display his gracious work in us.” — Charles Spurgeon

“It is God's Word, not our comment on God's Word, which saves souls. The Word of God is powerful for all sacred ends.” — Charles Spurgeon

“May God give you grace to see sin as it really is in his sight, for then you will realize your need of a Savior.” — Charles Spurgeon

“You love sin, that is the fact of the matter, and you suppose that sin is no more offensive to God than it is to yourself.” — Charles Spurgeon

“God regards sin as an evil and an accursed thing which he will by no means pardon except in those who trust in his Son.” — Charles Spurgeon

“The gospel shows how you can be completely delivered from sin's curse, and penalty, and power through the mercy of God.” — Charles Spurgeon

“We bid you not to trust in forms and ceremonies, but to look alone to Jesus Christ and him crucified.” — Charles Spurgeon

“There is only one door to salvation, and that is Christ. There is one way, and that is Christ. One truth, and that is Christ. One life, and that is Christ.” — Charles Spurgeon

“‘You are no saint,’ says the devil. Well, if I am not, I am a sinner, and Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners.” — Charles Spurgeon

“Get a hold of a promise of God and you may pray with great boldness, for the Lord will not run back from his own Word.” — Charles Spurgeon

“You are no Christian if you do not pray. A prayerless soul is a Christless soul.” — Charles Spurgeon

Rely on anything that you have felt, or thought, or said, or done, and you rely on a broken reed.” — Charles Spurgeon

“There may be some sins of which a man cannot speak, but there is no sin which the blood of Christ cannot wash away.” — Charles Spurgeon

“God's choice of us was not because we were holy, but to make us holy. God's purpose will not be fulfilled unless we are made holy.” — Charles Spurgeon

“Will you ever again say that God has forsaken you when he has graven you upon his own palms?” — Charles Spurgeon

“Prayer is an open door which none can shut. Devils may surround you on all sides, but the way upward is always open.” — Charles Spurgeon

“As long as a man has anything to boast of, there is no Christ for him, but the moment he has nothing of his own, Christ is his.” — Charles Spurgeon

“There is no way of putting sin from before God except by the streams which flow from the open veins of Christ.” — Charles Spurgeon

“In heaven the whole glory of salvation will be to the wounds of Jesus and nothing else.” — Charles Spurgeon

“How do I know that I am full of sin? Because God tells me so. How do I know that Christ died for me? Because God tells me so.” — Charles Spurgeon

When work is pressing there are many little things that will come and seem to need attention. Then it is a very blessed thing to be quiet and still, and work on, and trust the little things with God. He answers such trust in a wonderful way. AB Simpson

Faith in Jesus requires no apology. James S. Stewart

We allow ourselves all too constantly to be deflected from the main line of our endeavour; and find that we have been so busy doing excellent nothings that we have been able to do nothing excellently. G. Campbell Morgan

We can only know joy when Jesus becomes real to us, and we know the power of His resurrection in our lives. The early disciples learned that the sorrow of crucifixion is transformed into the joy of resurrection.] Ray Bentley

Bitter? Better? Your choices after being hurt. Choose better.

ThenChristian life that is dearest to the heart of God, and will rise to the highest glory and usefulness, is the one whose foundation principle is sacrifice and self-renunciation. This is why the Master teaches us to give. AB Simpson

Stand with Him and you shall not fall; rest in Him and peace shall be yours. Augustine

Fear not because your #prayer is stammering, your words feeble, and your language poor. #Jesus can understand you. -J.C.Ryle -

True humility is not an abject,groveling,self-despising spirit; it is but a right estimate of ourselves as #God sees us -Jonathan Edwards -

A spiritual and saving knowledge of God is the greatest need of every human creature. Arthur W. Pink

Blessed are such as extend their piety and mercy, not only to men’s bodies (i.e physical needs), but also to their precious and immortal souls. —Thomas Brooks, Works 3:271

"If you want to induce a man to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, you must hold up the Lord to him in His true character." -John Albert Broadus.

Sometimes God Allows “IT/THEM” to HURT you bad enough so you don’t go back! Why? Because This Time, Your Deliverance Will Have No Revolving Doors and No Repeat Cycles of Dysfunction!

LOYAL People Remain Attached Because of What They Can DEPOSIT IN YOU; LEECHES Remain Attached Because of What They Can WITHDRAW FROM YOU!"


Beware of being sensitive to the sins of others 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 being desensitized to the sins of your own heart   “To have strong feelings about the sins of others that are not matched by a ruthless dealing with our own sins is 𝘩𝘺𝘱𝘰𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘺.” —Sinclair Ferguson

“There can be no conversion without conviction, and there can be no conviction apart from the Spirit of God using the Word of God and the witness of the child of God.” - Warren Wiersbe

What you believe will dictate how you behave. Know the Word of God!

Trust in Christ despite it all, for he can hush the hurricane to slumber, and lay the storm to sleep. Charles Spurgeon

When Leaders are Blind and Won’t Admit It Follow them at your own peril!

The more we set before the soul that quiet estate in heaven which the souls of perfect men now enjoy, and itself ere long shall enjoy there, the more it will be in love with it, and endeavour to attain unto it. - Richard Sibbes, Works i:167

Three means by which God assures us that we do have eternal life: 1. The promises of His Word. 2. The witness of the Spirit in our hearts. 3. The transforming work of the Spirit in our lives. —Jerry Bridges, The Gospel for Real Life, Pg. 150

“Sanctification is the efficacious operation of God in elect, called, regenerated, and justified sinners … causing them to live according to His will as expressed in the law of the ten commandments.” –– Wilhelmus à Brakel

Our motivation for getting saved should not just be to escape Hell, but to become like #Christ. -A.W. Tozer -

Depend on it, my hearer, you never will go to #heaven unless you are prepared to worship #Jesus #Christ as #God. -C.H. Spurgeon -

"What we most frequently give thanks for betrays what we most highly value." -D.A.Carson.

They who are like unto God, and they only, are useful in this world. - John Owen

"It takes courage to die for Christ, but it also takes courage to live for him" John MacArthur







God is our portion, Christ our companion, the Spirit our Comforter, Earth our lodge, and Heaven is our home. Charles Spurgeon







“No man-pleaser preaches the whole counsel of God.” R.C. Sproul






What is a sunset, an ocean, the stars, the riches of this world compared to Christ? What are mansions of glory and streets of gold compared to Christ? If men can spend themselves for lesser things, should we not spend ourselves for the greater?" Paul Washer







For the believer, our last day will be our best day, because it will be our first day with Jesus. Steven Lawson

Growth in grace is growth downward: it is the forming of a lower estimate of ourselves; it is a deepening realization of our nothingness; it is a heartfelt recognition that we are not worthy of the least of God’s mercies.... Arthur W. Pink






God wants your life. Not one hour a week, not 10% of your income, He wants you. R. C. Sproul







“A spiritual and saving knowledge of God is the greatest need of every human creature.” A.W. Pink






"The more I see of the World, the more I grow sick of it every day. GOD grant this sickness may increase!" George Whitefield







The Lord graciously lay His quieting hand upon each of us, and cause us to look and rest in Himself alone. A.W. Pink

While others are occupied in national conflicts and political speculations, the true Christian must steadily seek first the kingdom of God. J.C. Ryle






If evil-speaking, scandal, or back-biting be the conversation where you happen to be, keep your heart and your tongue to yourself: be as much grieved as if you were amongst cursing and swearing, and retire as soon as you can. William Law






There can be no earnest desire to know Christ, nor any holy panting after a spiritual revelation of Him—while the heart is pursuing worldly objects. J. C. Philpot






People tell me judge not lest ye be judged. I always tell them, twist not scripture lest ye be like satan. Paul Washer







"The Word of God is ROCK. All else is sand." J.C. Ryle







Others may think it enough to mourn over dead bodies. For my part, I think there is far more cause to mourn over dead souls. J.C. Ryle

No child of #God sins to that degree as to make himself incapable of forgiveness. -John Bunyan -

Belt of Truth 1




We evidence our love for #Christ by our loyalty and support of one another in opposition to all false worship. -John Owen -

Breathe in me. Act in me. Draw my heart. Strengthen me. Guard me. O Holy Spirit, that I always may be holy. Augustine

He that hunger and thirsts after the righteousness of Christ imparted (sanctification), as well as after the righteousness of Christ imputed (justification), he is a blessed soul, and shall at last be filled. —Thomas Brooks, Works 3:270

Believing there is a "higher power" is not the same thing as being saved through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and having the Holy Spirit of God living inside of you.

Gay & lesbian belief system: “I was created this way. I can’t change how I am. It’s not a choice.” Trans belief system: “How I was created is wrong. I can change how I identify whenever I feel like it. It’s my choice.” These two belief systems actually contradict each other! The greatest need for both belief systems is to be rescued by belief in a Savior, named Jesus.

“As long as you and your sins are one, God will always be at war with you.” — Charles Spurgeon

All our infirmities, whatever they are, are just opportunities for God to display his gracious work in us. Charles Spurgeon

“Holiness is essential to power in prayer: the life must knock while the lips ask and the heart seeks.” — Charles Spurgeon

"The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end." – Charles Spurgeon

The transition from the first service to the second service is amazing. Just an observation.

As a Christian you have all the power you need for all the problems you face.

Our eyes, when gazing on sinful objects are out of their

calling and God’s keeping.

~Thomas Fuller~

There's NO such thing as FAILURE... only FEEDBACK!!!

 "When God starts blessing people, what is the first thing they do? They start bragging about it. It is not yours. It has been loaned to you. You are a steward, a house manager. God wants to see how well you manage His things."

Focus on where you are going not where you've been.

Grace is the free favour of God; peace is the condition which

results from its reception.

~H. L. Goudge~

In every way, the new covenant of grace is a better covenant than the old covenant of law. "But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant." We have considered some of the better aspects of living under grace: a better High Priest to minister to us, a better sacrifice for sins, a greater intimacy with God, and spiritual substance instead of mere shadows.

Worry is the burlap bag of burdens. It’s overflowing with “whaddifs” and “howells.” Whaddif after all my dieting, I find that lettuce is fattening and chocolate isn’t? Howell will we pay our baby’s tuition?” Whaddifs and howells…the burlap bag of worry. Cumbersome. Chunky. Unattractive. Scratchy. Irritating to carry and impossible to give away! No one wants your worries. The truth is, you don’t want them either. No one has to remind you of the high cost of anxiety, but I will anyway. Worry divides the mind. It splits our energy between today’s priorities and tomorrow’s problems. The result is half-minded living!

There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.

Nelson Mandela

Words have the power to start wars, create peace, destroy relationships, or strengthen them. How we feel about anything is shaped by the meaning we attach to it. The words you consciously or unconsciously select to describe a situation immediately change what it means to you and thus how you feel.

"For every sale you miss because you're too enthusiastic, you'll miss a hundred because you're not enthusiastic enough."- Zig Ziglar

"Forgiving is the direct opposite of judging. Nothing is easier than judging, nothing is harder than forgiving, and nothing can reap more blessings."

~Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

This season in which you find yourself may puzzle you, but it does not bewilder God. He can and will use it for His purpose. God is not sometimes sovereign. He is not occasionally victorious. Jeremiah 30:24 reminds us, “The Lord shall not turn back until He has executed and accomplished the thoughts and intents of His mind.”

The Bible is seen to be more reliable, not less reliable, as time passes.” – James Montgomery Boice

"Mission is not ours; mission is God's. Certainly, the mission of God is the prior reality out of which flows any mission that we get involved in. Or, as has been nicely put, it is not so much the case that God has a mission for his church in the world but that God has a church for his mission in the world. Mission was not made for the church; the church was made for mission-God's mission." Chris Wright

Christians often get the relationship between faith, works, and salvation messed up. Some think that our works can earn our salvation, though this is plainly contradicted by Ephesians 2. Others think that works are completely irrelevant to salvation, though this is also contrary to the plain sense of Scripture.

Living as a faithful Christian in a less-than-faithful world is not easy. In our workplaces, neighborhoods, and social groups, we often find ourselves relating to people who do not share our values and practices. Sometimes we can be drawn into ways of living that do not reflect the truth and good news of God. In order to avoid this potential trap, some Christians withdraw from those they consider to be “worldly.” These followers of Jesus minimize their interaction with non-Christian folk, preferring instead to remain in the safe enclave of their Christian community.

The devil wrestles with God, and the field of battle is the human heart.

~Fyodor Dostoyevski~

Fyodor Dostoevsky observed in The Brothers Karamazov, “For the secret of man’s being is not only to live but to have something to live for. Without a stable conception of the object of life, man would not consent to go on living and would rather destroy himself than remain on earth.”

Billy Sunday, said, “More men fail through lack of purpose than through lack of talent.”

The church is not a place. It’s a body––a family with blood ties through Jesus Christ.

~Billy Graham~

“Peace is such a precious jewel that I would give anything for it but the truth.” —

Matthew Henry

me: "Jesus, should I buy this new book?"

Jesus: “Show me the latest new books you read.”

me: "I have no new books I've read."

Jesus: "You are right in saying, ‘I have no new books I've read,' for you have twenty-six new books, and the ones you now own you have not read."


Ready or not, Jesus is coming!

We have access to God -- not to an earthly "Magic Kingdom", but into the presence of the Lord God Almighty. How do we gain this access? We take the hand of His Son Jesus by faith, and He Himself escorts us into the presence of His Father for eternity. We have been given a full access pass by grace with no expiration date. (John 14:6: "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'")

The study of God’s Word will secure peace. You take Christians who are rooted and grounded in the Word of God, and you find they have great peace; but it is these who don’t study their Bible and don’t know their Bible, who are easily offended when some little trouble comes, or some persecution, and their peace is all disturbed; just a little breath of opposition, and their peace is all gone.

~D.L. Moody~

As children of God, we have a real hope -- not in words or slogans but in the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross. Hebrews 10:23: "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful." We know that no matter what our circumstances -- God is in control and all things work out for good. (Romans 8:28: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.")

There can be great victory in suffering as long as it points us back to the cross.

The church that is soundly rooted cannot be destroyed, but nothing can save a church whose root is dried up. No stimulation, no advertising campaigns, no gifts of money, and no beautiful edifice can bring back to life the rootless tree.

~A.W. Tozer~

If God decides to not bail you out of your present situation add another second to your game clock.

“God Hold us to that which drew us first when the Cross was the attraction, and we wanted nothing else.”

~Amy Carmichael, God's Missionary~

Contrary to the tone of the world:

You can disagree with someone,

and still not hate them.

You can speak up,

and still not be judgmental.

You can say something is wrong,

and still not have a phobia.

You can stand for truth,

and still, be loving.

A Christianity that gets you into Heaven, while allowing you to continue living however you want to here on earth, is a Christianity foreign to the New Testament.

The real Gospel changes who we ARE, then it also changes what you DO. It changes your IDENTITY and your ACTIVITY!


The great point of Abraham’s faith in God was that he was prepared to do anything for God.


Am I learning how to use my Bible? The way to become complete for the Master’s service is to be well soaked in the Bible; some of us only exploit certain passages. Our Lord wants to give us continuous instruction out of His word; continuous instruction turns hearers into disciples.

C.S. Lewis said, “We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at sea. We are far too easily pleased.“

Since you matter to God, your prayers matter in Heaven. 

The health crisis in your life does not hold the power. Jesus does. Your marriage mess is not in charge. Jesus is. The teenager whose behavior is worrying you doesn’t rule the world. Jesus does! Pray! Praying in Jesus name has power.

Single folks, and especially single parents often feel excluded from churches because churches are often geared towards married couples and families with two parents in the household. Is there a single mom or dad in your area of influence whom you can embrace and encourage? Reach out! Invite them in and see what good things God will do!


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