One can live on less when he has more to live for.
~S. S. McKemp~
Each person of the Bible was called by God to do incredible things, yet each had a unique calling and gift. God has given you a gift and a calling as well. Do you know what it is?
God’s love for you spans the range of emotion, from quiet contemplation, to an exuberant “hoorah!” Sin kidnapped and held you hostage. God paid the ransom in full through the cross. When you are restored to Him through Jesus Christ His joy makes the stars of heaven dance. He’s like a father on a big holiday with all the family around him. He lavishes his eyes on the feast of his children’s presence. Your heavenly Father rejoices in your presence, and the key to your joy is being with Him.
*Our thoughts determine our path.
As God sees your heart, He will open other doors, where He will use your life to bring glory and honor to His holy name. It is so neat, as you are faithful in the small things, God will make you greater in the big things.
Whom God sends He employs, for He sends none to be idle.
~Matthew Henry
Another superior aspect of grace is seen in the difference between a shadow and the substance that casts a shadow. Shadows supply various benefits, but they have critical limitations. Shadows can provide a visible outline of an actual reality, but they cannot supply what is inherent to the reality. Also, shadows can indicate an approaching person, but they cannot provide a relationship with that person.
When God gave the Ten Commandments, and it came to Sabbath rest, His message was clear, “If creation didn’t crash when I rested, it won’t crash when you do!” You know we need to rest. For a field to bear fruit, it must occasionally lie fallow. And for you to be healthy, you must rest.
One's environment is stronger than will. if you have an addiction to a substance don't go where it is.
Stop acting like it is about helping others when you will not spend time with those that believed in you, when the only thing you cared about is your self!
Once you lose Credibility It will be a tough Road ahead of you!
DON’T hurt your KIDS trying to hurt the person you had them WITH
Don’t Allow The Few Bad People in Your life rent space In Your Mind
When God Tells You what To Do, You can Not Hesitate
Let Your Silence speak For You?
The Biggest Talker is Usually The Biggest Loser
Making Money Is Cool But When You Lose Your Health there is No More Money Read It Again
Take Care Of Yourself.
Sometimes God will put you on time out so you can figure it out!
Whatever They say About YOU is NONE of your BUSINESS! WHEN they stop TALKING you are no longer RELEVANT!
Whatever You going Through, Keep going Until You Through it!
Never Be Apologetic For Doing What You Have To Do For Your Family.
I am Determined to figure it out.
Get Educated
To grow in knowledge and discernment, you need to be a man or woman who reads God's Word, prays, and fellowships with other believers. As you do these things, you will find that knowing what is right and wrong will become clearer. You will find that Christ's love will become more real to you than ever. And you will find yourself falling in love with Jesus brand new everyday, as you are filled to overflowing with His awesome love.
It ought to be the business of every day to prepare for our last day.
~Matthew Henry~
Actions have consequences. So what do you do? Do what pleases God!
Faith will not get for us what we want, but it will get
what God wants us to have.
~Vance Havner~
Faith will not get you very far unless you take a step...
If we want to truly experience the faithfulness of the Lord, we have to put our faith and trust in Him. He wants to bless our lives, but many times we get in the way of God’s blessings, because we are trying to do things our way instead of God’s way.
Here is something to consider. If God is calling you in some way, shape, or form, to not respond actually can be a sin.
Hate carries a false arrogance that shouts:
“I’m better than you.”
“I deserve better than you.”
“I wish you would go away.”
When people don't want to obey the Lord they always bring up free will.
True Godly love is loving one another even through the hurt and distance..
Let the Shema be the centerpiece of your daily morning and evening prayers, Amen!
A Different Kind of Drug…
I read the following short story a little while ago that reminded me of my days of childhood. I am sure that for some of you, it will conjure up similar emotions. Sometimes I think that if parents disciplined their children more like they did “in the days of old” our country would be a lot different than it is now.
The other day, someone at a store in our town read a newspaper story that a Methamphetamine lab had been found in an old farmhouse in the adjoining county and he asked me a rhetorical question, “Why didn’t we have a drug problem when you and I were growing up?”
I replied that I did have a drug problem when I was younger: I was drug to church on Sunday morning. I was drug to church for weddings and funerals. I was drug to family reunions and community socials no matter what the weather was like.
I was drug by my ears when I was disrespectful to adults. I was also drug to the woodshed when I disobeyed my parents, told a lie, brought home a bad report card, spoke ill of the teacher or the preacher, or I didn’t put forth my best effort in everything that was asked of me.
I was drug to the kitchen sink to have my mouth washed out with soap if I uttered a profanity. I was drug outside to pull weeds in mom’s garden and flower beds and told to pick out the cockleburs out of dad’s fields. I was drug to the homes of families, friends, and neighbors to help out some poor soul who had no one to mow the yard, repair the clothesline, or chop some firewood, and, if my mother had ever known that I took a single dime as a tip for this kindness, she would have drug me back to the woodshed.
Those drugs are still in my veins and they still affect my behavior in everything I do, say or think today. They are stronger than cocaine, crack, or heroin: and if today’s children had THIS kind of drug problem, America would be a better place today.
God bless the parents who drugged us!
James Monroe, said, “When we view the blessings with which our country has been favored, those which we now enjoy, and the means which we possess of handing them down unimpaired to our latest posterity, our attention is irresistibly drawn to the source from when they flow. Let us then unite in offering our most grateful acknowledgments for these blessings to the Divine Author of All Good.”
What do people see of Christ when they look at your life? Do they see any difference between you and everyone else? Are joy and peace a by-product, or does your face look like you've just bit into a lemon?
What do people see looking at you, sour lemons or lemon joy?
God's love is only precious when you know you deserve God's wrath.
We can't have too high and exalting thoughts of God's mercy.
Jonathan Edwards
"If God loves us so much as to become man, then the blessings which he intends to bestow must be incalculable."
Charles Spurgeon
If God is everywhere present, then for a Christian to walk with God is not impossible.
Thomas Watson
Most Christians pray to be blessed, and few pray to be broken.
Leonard Ravenhill
Do we all realize that the most important thing we have to do in this world is to prepare ourselves for eternity?
– Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Let us resolve by God's grace, that however poor and feeble our prayers may seem to be, we will pray on. -
J.C. Ryle
“Hate Sin! Instead of loving it, cleaving to it, excusing it, playing with it, we ought to hate it with a deadly hatred.”
—J.C. Ryle
Let us turn to the Lord, for he is faithful. No promise from his word will ever be broken.
- Charles Spurgeon
It is your duty to believe and to teach what the Bible teaches, not what you want it to teach.
R.C. Sproul
Where one man has been ruined by adversity, ten thousand men have been destroyed by prosperity.
"It is the whole job of the whole church to preach the whole gospel to the whole world." - C.H. Spurgeon
Ever wondered why you feel exhausted after preaching? "Brain research has shown that the higher-thinking functions actually take physical energy." - Henry Cloud (from Boundaries for Leaders)
"The purpose of preaching is not to inform us of the preacher's gifts; it's to bring us face-to-face with the living God." -Warren Wiersbe
“An all-too-common misconception of the Christian life: the thinking that, although we are saved by grace, we earn or forfeit God’s blessings in our daily lives by our performance.” — Jerry Bridges
“If you are not in Christ, then do not seek to become holy before coming to him, but come to him as you are, for Christ is the source of all holiness for sinners.” — Beeke and Smalley, Reformed Systematic Theology, 3:675
“Would you be holy? Would you become a new creature? Then you must begin with Christ.” — J. C., Holiness, 49.
The way parents treat their children in daily living has more impact on their children’s spiritual development than the family’s religious practices, including having a family altar, reading the Bible together, and attending church services regularly. David Jeremiah
We can KNOW God, through Jesus. We can know our Father. We can know God as our Father. We can call on Him like we would a dad. When we look at Jesus—Healer, Savior, Shepherd, Friend—we can also see almighty God, our Father who is in Heaven. Ray Bentley
The sweet love of Christ, when placed on the deepest wound the soul can ever know, heals at once. A drop of the precious medicine of Jesus’ love chases away all heart pain. Spurgeon
If our life is hidden with Him we shall have to go through the same trials that He went through, but we shall not find them too hard. AB Simpson
He comes by our side as our helper; nay, more, He comes to dwell within us; to be the life in our blood, the fire in our thought, the faith within us, both in inception and consummation. AB Simpson
“There are times when solitude is better than society, and silence is wiser than speech.” — Charles Spurgeon
"The baptism with the Spirit is the highest form of assurance of salvation that anybody can ever receive." -Martyn Lloyd-Jones.
A Christianity that gets you into Heaven, while also allowing you to continue living however you want here on earth… is a Christianity that’s foreign to the New Testament. The Gospel changes who we ARE, then it also changes what you DO. It changes your IDENTITY & your ACTIVITY!
“Faith goes up the stairs that love has built and looks out the windows which hope has opened.” — Charles Spurgeon
The gospel affords sufficient ground for an abiding assurance of hope; nor should we rest satisfied without it. - John Newton
I am decidedly closed-minded to anything that is not biblical. As the closed-minded, Christ-minded faithful, we must join arms against the satanic pluralism of our day, whether it is decreed from the Vatican or broadcast from Mecca. Burk Parsons
The love of Christ is the subject which ought to occupy our daily meditations, and in which we ought to be wholly plunged. John Calvin
Man’s heart cannot comprehend the unfathomable depth and burning zeal of God’s love toward us. Martin Luther
Nothing is so sweet as to: "Lie passive in God’s hands, and know no will but His." O child of suffering, be thou patient. Sit not down in despair. Hope on, hope ever. Charles Spurgeon
The human heart has so many recesses for vanity, so many lurking places for falsehood, is so shrouded by fraud and hypocrisy, that it often deceives itself. John Calvin
Young man, if ever you would do good, you must preach the gospel and the free grace of God in Christ Jesus. Richard Sibbes
If you want to civilize the world, it must be by preaching the gospel. Charles Spurgeon
If it does not glorify Christ, let it not console or please you. Charles Spurgeon
Give me a Christian that counts his time more precious than gold. Joseph Alleine
I have mentioned Baxter, Bunyan and Fox, but if you wish to have the best description of all of what Puritanism means, read the epistles of St. Paul. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Doctrine is useless if it is not accompanied by a holy life. J.C. Ryle
“The cross is not a sign of our great worth but of our great depravity that we were so evil that the only way we could be saved is by God’s Son being crushed under the full force of God’s wrath that was due to us.” Paul Washer
My prayer for you is that you study the Word of God. Fight for it. Obey it. Love it. Honor it. And believe it." John MacArthur
"God has allowed this nation, that has rejected Him, to go down the path of Romans 1; through a sexual revolution, homosexual revolution, to the point of insanity." John MacArthur
Obedience honors God, and God honors obedience. Steven Lawson
Satan cares not how many sins one leaves, if he live in any one sin. As children when they have a bird, they can give it leave to fly, so [long as] it be in a string to pull it back again; so Satan hath men in a string, if they live in any one sin. —Richard Sibbes, Works 4:231
Woe to us if we do not preach the gospel, and even greater woe if we preach it in error. Paul Washer
“You will never glory in God till first of all God has killed your glorying in yourself.” — Charles Spurgeon
There is no worse screen to block out the Spirit than confidence in our own intelligence. John Calvin
“A Jesus who never wept could never wipe away my tears.” — Charles Spurgeon
“Nothing teaches us about the preciousness of the Creator as much as when we learn the emptiness of everything else.” — Charles Spurgeon
In order to stand before the judgement of God, to be acquitted of all guilt and punishment, and to share in the glory of God and eternal life, we must have Christ, not something of Him, but Christ 𝘏𝘪𝘮𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧. —Herman Bavinck, The Wonderful Works of God, Pg. 436
Satan always hates #Christian fellowship; since union is strength, he does his best to promote separation. -C.H. Spurgeon -
If your #Christianity depends upon a pastor's preaching, then you're a long way from being where you should be. -A.W. Tozer -
“We must own that we are powerless in this business. Salvation is of the Lord and we cannot save a single soul.” — Charles Spurgeon
“When Christ died, he died for you individually just as much as if you had been the only person in the world.” - C.S. Lewis
“That very church which the world likes best is sure to be that which God abhors.” — Charles Spurgeon
How afflicted soever we be, let us not seek to be delivered in a way not allowed by God, nor take any sinister courses, nor use any carnal shifts to rid ourselves of danger. This is to distrust God. —Thomas Manton, Works 7:357
“To believe God's Word is the most reasonable thing we can do.” — Charles Spurgeon
“Go to your rest rejoicing, for you are not a desolate wanderer but a beloved child, cared for and defended by your Lord.” — Charles Spurgeon
"GOD is RESTORING things you thought you lost.
"Every heresy forces the church to be theologically sharper to be able to define and defend truth." -Steven Lawson.
“Calvinism did not spring from Calvin. We believe that it sprang from the great Founder of all truth.” — Charles Spurgeon
"Nine times out of ten, falling away from God begins in the neglect of private prayer." — Charles Spurgeon
"Trust in Christ despite it all, for he can hush the hurricane to slumber, and lay the storm to sleep." — Charles Spurgeon
God did well enough before you were born, and he will do well enough when you have gone home. Charles Spurgeon
"Any teaching, whatever authority it may claim, which does not glorify Christ, is most assuredly false." — Charles Spurgeon
Guarded by omnipotence, the chosen of the Lord are always safe. Charles Spurgeon
We are in a hurry for mercy, slow to duty. We cry, How long? But how justly may God cry, How long? We complain of the delay of the promise; God may more justly complain of the delay of our obedience. —Puritan Thomas Manton, Works 7:369
"All manner of afflictions that come to men are sent to touch their conscience and to bring them back to God." — Charles Spurgeon
“…I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus…” (Eph. 1:15) We cannot believe in ‘𝘑𝘦𝘴𝘶𝘴’ and leave out ‘𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘓𝘰𝘳𝘥’. —Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Exposition of Ephesians 1, Pg. 321
“It would be a huge mistake to look to Christ for justification but then move on to pursue holiness by human willpower and wisdom.” — Beeke and Smalley, Reformed Systematic Theology, 3:675