The human spirit has incredible capacity for sacrifice and self-
control. We hear a desperate survival story, someone
who cuts off their own arm or leg to get free from a tree or a rock
that has fallen on them and pinned their limb. With amazing
courage and will, they will self-amputate and drag themselves to
help. Yet that same man who showed such
amazing courage can't tame the tongue perfectly. Speak Life!
Living during the old covenant was a drag~ Thank you Lord for dieing for me.
We really need to look to God as the Author and Finisher of our faith, so we can do exactly what He says, and we can have peace in our lives. That is the bottom line.
Too many men, including professing Christian men, express their role as father exclusively in terms of financial provider. The fact is, children are not looking for financial provision; they are looking for love, guidance, and a role model. Provision is a big part but it is not the arm that hugs a son or daughter.
Our God is a God who keeps His promises. Because He is changeless, we know He is still in the business of keeping them today. We can rest in His faithfulness even when uncertainty is all around us
DR. Ed Young
Francis Schaeffer said that when we lack proper contentment, either we have ceased to believe that God is God, or we have failed to be submissive to Him. Believing that God is God requires believing that He is faithful and just, because those are essential aspects of His character.
If your desires be endless, your cares and fears will be so too.
~Thomas Fuller~
“ The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will. ”
― Vince Lombardi
To believe in God is to "let God be God." This is the chief business of faith. As we believe we are allowing God to be in our lives what He already is in Himself. In trusting God, we are living out our assumptions, putting into practice all that we say He is in theory so that who God is and what He has done can make the difference in every part of our lives.
-- Os Guinness
Christian love is not the victim of our emotions but the servant of our will.
~John R. W. Stott~
Love enough to change a life?
Jesus laid down His life for you!
Do all things as unto the Lord
Be others minded even when it hurts!
Agape Love has no reservations or self protection~ You have to risk it.
Write it down, send a text, pray, but by all means let the loves of your life know.
If love is going to grow you need to apply it to your life.
Believe the best of your spouse.
The Higher calling in Christ is our aim.
Honesty is Transparency<3
Love is a verb, it is worked out, an action, always seeking unity through works.
As ambassadors for Christ, our speech is supposed to edify and encourage others in the goodness of God. Yet, many Christians I meet would have to learn a whole new vocabulary if they were to fully embrace the spirit of this passage. Most churchgoers would agree that profanity is wrong, however many of those same people think gossip, criticism, and complaining are their God-given rights.
What does your speech say about your residency?
We are not living for the approval of people.
We are living for the approval of God.
I love to see faith in action, friends who have overcome and blessed others by living out the gospel...
Counselors, psychologists, and leadership coaches often ask people to construct a life map. Made as plain or elaborate as time allows, the life map is a visual representation of one’s experiences from birth to the present. It can often reveal how the character has been shaped and molded. With high points and hard times, the maps never follow a straight line.
Marriage is called a covenant for good reason. It is an agreement that puts boundaries around behavior to provide an environment where the relationship can flourish.
The Greek word metamorphoo means “to change or transform” and may refer to an outward physical change or to an inward spiritual transformation. Jesus was physically transformed on a high mountain in front of His disciples, Peter, James, and John. The Lord temporarily assumed the form of His heavenly glory, permitting them to see Him as He will appear in His kingdom. This was a special revelation of Jesus’ divinity and it was the Father’s divine affirmation of everything Jesus had done and was about to do. Indeed, it was a life-changing experience for Peter, James, and John. When people embrace a relationship with Christ, they can experience an inward spiritual transformation. But it doesn’t usually happen instantaneously. Although God gives believers the mind of Christ, it still requires committing daily habits and routines to Him. Then the Holy Spirit transforms them by renewing, reeducating, and redirecting their minds. In Romans 12:2, Paul commands believers to be inwardly transformed through the renewing of their minds. He says, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Allow the Holy Spirit to renew your mind daily as you pray, read and reflect on God’s Word, and worship Him.
Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the door of resentment and the handcuffs of hatred. It is a power that breaks the chains of bitterness and the shackles of selfishness.
~Corrie ten Boom~
No one is born either naturally or supernaturally with character; it must be developed. Nor are we born with habits— we have to form godly habits on the basis of the new life God has placed within us.
With the cry for peace filling up our atmosphere today, we the church should be looking up!
Joy is not the absence of suffering but the presence of God.
— Elisabeth Elliot
In times of uncertainty, your Bible is certain. God is sure. -David Villa
“Each day we are becoming a creature of splendid glory or one of unthinkable horror.” - C.S. Lewis
“All true holiness is by God’s grace.” — Beeke and Smalley
“We conquer sin only by living in communion with Christ by faith in his death and resurrection (Col. 2:18, 23; 3:1).” — Beeke and Smalley, Reformed Systematic Theology
“He will lead none to heaven but whom he sanctifies on the earth. The holy God will not receive unholy persons; this living head will not admit of dead members, nor bring men into the possession of a glory which they neither love nor like.” — John Owen, Hebrews, 3:417
John Owen: “We have so much of the Pharisee in us by nature, that it is sometimes well that our good is hid from us.” (Works 6:600)
“Christians who feel discouraged or defeated do not need to be translated into a new state, but need to renew their faith in the finished work of Christ.” — Beeke and Smalley, Reformed Systematic Theology, 3:644.
“There is no sin that shall damn the man who believes, and nothing can save the man who will not believe.” — Charles Spurgeon
“If your creed and Scripture do not agree, cut your creed to pieces, but make it agree with this book.” — Charles Spurgeon
“If we had to look for some natural goodness in the sinner before we preached the gospel to him, we should never preach to him at all.” — Charles Spurgeon
“There is no going on in sin and going to heaven. That cannot be. You must quit sin or quit hope.” — Charles Spurgeon
“The sermon cannot do any good unless there is a savor of Christ in it.” — Charles Spurgeon
“A single word from Christ could have destroyed his enemies, as the leaves of autumn lie withered and dead.” — Charles Spurgeon
“Whitefield and Wesley might preach the gospel better than I do, but they could not preach a better gospel.” — Charles Spurgeon
"The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end." – Charles Spurgeon
“Whatever the doctrine of election may be or may not be, there is a free invitation in the gospel given to needy sinners.” — Charles Spurgeon
“The ideal Christian is one who has been made alive with life which he lives for God.” — Charles Spurgeon
“Read the Bible carefully, and then meditate and meditate and meditate.” — Charles Spurgeon
“Bible study is the metal that makes a Christian. This is the strong meat on which holy men are nourished.” — Charles Spurgeon
The effect of our knowledge rather ought to be, first, to teach us reverence and fear; and, secondly, to induce us, under its guidance and teaching, to ask every good thing from him, and, when it is received, ascribe it to him. John Calvin
Wherever we see the Word of #God purely preached and heard, there a church of God exists, even if it swarms with many faults. -John Calvin -
That which friendship cannot do, and mere benevolence will not attempt, a #father's heart and hand must do for his sons. -C.H. Spurgeon -
"As the pulpit goes, so goes the church. No church will rise any higher than the strength of its biblical preaching." - Steve Lawson
A Christian's one question in any set of circumstances is “What does God think of this?” Nothing else matters. What the current popular attitude may be is of no importance. He will approve or disapprove altogether as the written Word & the indwelling Spirit indicate. -Tozer
Lead me safely on to the eternal kingdom, not asking whether the road be rough or smooth. I request only to see the face of him I love… —The Valley of Vision, Pg. 189
"When I enter the pulpit with the Bible in my hands and in my heart, my blood begins to flow and my eyes to sparkle for the sheer glory of having God's Word to expound. We need to emphasise the glory, the privilege, of sharing God's truth with people." - John Stott
John Owen: “We have so much of the Pharisee in us by nature, that it is sometimes well that our good is hid from us.” (Works 6:600)
He is certainly a blessed man, heaven is for that man, and that man is for heaven, that hungers and thirsts in a right manner after the righteousness of justification, and after the righteousness of sanctification. —Thomas Brooks, Works 3:271
"God can turn money on to our path as easily as He sends a shower of rain." -Mary Slessor.
Every pain is a tutor to praise, for it teaches us how to play on all the keys of our humanity until a complete harmony, which perpetual health could never produce, is achieved. Spurgeon
It is startling to consider how much of our lives pass without any thought of God, without any recognition of his presence and his character. And how much of [life] might be spent in sweet and profitable meditation. William Shedd
It is not just that God knows and sympathizes with you in your troubles. He is in you. And therefore your sufferings are his suffering, your sorrow his sorrow. J Stewart
[They] begin well in their quest for holy lives, as the Pharisees did, but become ensnared by their desire to have a reputation before 𝘮𝘦𝘯 rather than before 𝘎𝘰𝘥. — Sinclair Ferguson
If God can bless disasters, just think of what blessing He could give if we’re really prepared! Wiersbe
God didn’t leave humanity adrift in the sea of speculation—He’s given us a book, the Bible.
Justification is received by faith alone, but since that faith unites us to Christ as sanctifier, justification and sanctification can no more be separated than Christ himself can be divided. — Sinclair Ferguson
Conformity with the world, compromise on basic issues, the unwillingness to be distinctive, is strongly condemned in Scripture (Rom 12:2: 2 Cor 6:14; 1 Jn 2:15-17). William Hendrickson