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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

Updated: Jun 9, 2024

No #soul has ever lacked #God's supply when he depended upon God's invitation to trust in Him absolutely. -John Owen -

#Prayer will make a man cease from sin, or sin will entice a man to cease from prayer. -John Bunyan -

“Many difficult problems can be best solved by prayer.” — Charles Spurgeon

“… salvation in Jesus Christ contains not just future heavenly life but also present transformation by the Spirit. God changes the believer to be more like Himself. He makes us love what He loves and hate what He hates.” — Glorifying and Enjoying God


"It is not good to be much conversant with error, even though the object be to refute it; it is disturbing, if not defiling." -James W. Alexander.

“Teach the Word to your children so that they may teach it to their children.” — Charles Spurgeon

“Christian salvation is not assistance. It is rescue. The gospel does not take our good and complete us with God's help; the gospel tells us we are dead and helpless, unable to contribute anything to our rescue but the sin that requires it. — Dane C. Ortlund, Deeper, 42.

“Are you dirty? The fountain is open—wash.” — Charles Spurgeon

God did not choose us because we were worthy, but by choosing us he makes us worthy. - Thomas Watson

Pastors often compromise in the counseling room long before they compromise in the pulpit.

If you seek the state’s permission to counsel, do not be surprised when they put restrictions on the counsel that you can provide.

“Begin at the cross, believe in Jesus, and let his purity transform you.” — Charles Spurgeon

So stand with Him and you shall not fall; rest in Him and peace shall be yours Augustine

“Your strength is a lie. However much you boast, it will pass away.” — Charles Spurgeon

“Christ will hear you, for he never yet refused to heed the cry of a poor sin-sick soul.” — Charles Spurgeon

The Word of God sets us "free from ignorance, free from prejudice, free from error, free from the wiles of Satan, free from the power of evil: and if the truth is not 'known' then such freedom will not be enjoyed."

Where we see a false estimate of one's own excellence...there let us be assured that #Christ is not known. -John Calvin -

If #grace does not make you to differ from your own surroundings, is it really grace at all? -C.H. Spurgeon -

God did not choose us because we were worthy, but by choosing us he makes us worthy. - Thomas Watson

“It is upside down to say, 'I have too much to do; I cannot pray long.'” — Charles Spurgeon

When pastors and appointed leaders become experts in criticizing and critiquing the darkness. They forget that Jesus mandate is to be salt and LIGHT. The world will always be the world but only the church can be the church.

“There are only two kinds of people: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, ‘All right, then, have it your way.’” - C.S. Lewis

It is not great talents God blesses so much as great likeness to Jesus. A holy minister is an awful weapon in the hand of God. Robert Murray M’Cheyne

Grace finds sinners as low as hell, and advanceth them as high as heaven. —Puritan William Bridge, Works 5:390

“When God puts his hand to a man, he can make him very valuable.” — Charles Spurgeon

A holy life isn’t the automatic consequence of reading the right books, listening to the right tapes, or attending the right meetings. It’s the result of a living, loving union with Jesus Christ and a life marked by godly discipline. Wiersbe

I’m grateful that the ministry we serve in now is because of the grace of Jesus not any man or his decisions. The ministry is sovereignly His.

Guilt by association is sinful.

No matter how much talent and training we may have, ifwe don’t have character, we don’t have anything. Wiersbe

“Our progressive growth in holiness is not only a fruit of saving faith, a by-product of regeneration, but also the fruit of the Spirit's work.” — Glorifying and Enjoying God


“Here is the history of the grass: Sown Grown Blown Mown Gone. And the history of man is not much more.” — Charles Spurgeon

A wonderful way to begin praying is to turn to the Psalms and as you read, take into your heart and mind the praise, worship, and acknowledgment of who God is. Ray Bentley

The authority of the minister is not the authority of an office conferred; it is the authority of the Word that is committed to him to preach; that great and sacred deposit which he holds on trust for the Church. G. Campbell Morgan

"Naturalists observe, that, though the loadstone has an attractive virtue to draw iron to it, yet it cannot exercise that virtue upon iron that is rusty. Ignorance is the rust of the soul, that blunts the edge of our affections to whatsoever is spiritually good." - W. Whitaker.

When you begin realize what God says about you, it will no longer matter what the world says about you.

"The man who would truly know God must give time to Him." -A.W.Tozer.

“No man who merely skims the book of God can profit from it. We must dig and mine until we obtain hidden treasure.” — Charles Spurgeon

No matter how peaceable and congenial you may be, when you commit yourself to a life of faith, you have declared war. The enemy will surely challenge you on every side. He will threaten you with the loss of everything you hold dear. - Conrad Murrell




“To be in Christ… is for our destiny to be bound up with his rather than with Adam’s.” — Dane C. Ortlund, Deeper, 58.

"God is our source of strength. Prayer is the channel through which God gives His strength." - Chuck Smith

“Do not turn away from Jesus; do not dream of going beyond him.” — Charles Spurgeon




"Everyone that is CONNECTED to you might not be COMMITTED to you. Know the difference."

Though [our obedience is] not for the obtaining of salvation, that being made sure to us by Christ, yet [it is] for the obtaining of 𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 of salvation, and for the making of our calling and election sure. —Puritan Thomas Brooks, Works 3:351

“Not much good comes of picking holes in other men’s character; and yet many spend hours in that unprofitable occupation.” — Charles Spurgeon

Help me to be a faithful servant, Lord, skilled in the task to which You have called me. Amen. Tozer

Our Lord Jesus Christ commands us to pray against temptation. He doth not command us to pray against affliction. —Robert Traill, Works 1:158

Though [our obedience is] not for the obtaining of salvation, that being made sure to us by Christ, yet [it is] for the obtaining of 𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 of salvation, and for the making of our calling and election sure. —Puritan Thomas Brooks, Works 3:351

“God can help us in our study. Pray over what you have to learn.” — Charles Spurgeon

“Even if sin is pardoned, that is not enough for us. We need to have sin put away from us.” — Charles Spurgeon

Fear arises when we imagine that everything depends on us. Elisabeth Elliot

Our minds by love will be changed into the image of what we contemplate, and we shall endeavour that our lives be conformed thereunto. - John Owen

“Psalm 23 teaches you there is nothing you need that Jesus will not supply.” — David Gibson, The Lord of Psalm 23, 39.

“The gospel is not “wisdom” humanly conceived but the story of a crucified Messiah who died on behalf of sinners.” -Gordon Fee

Wherever there is a Christian family, there should be daily praise in it.” — Charles Spurgeon

Things may be against His 𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘥 will but not against His 𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘵 will. While men break commandments they fulfill decrees. God’s ‘revealed will’ shows what 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 be done, His ‘secret will’ what 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 be done. —Puritan Thomas Manton

“Say much of what the Lord has done for you, but say little of what you have done for the Lord.” — Charles Spurgeon

#Sin is three-dimensional and has consequences in three directions: toward #God, toward self and toward society. -A.W. Tozer -

#God is glorified not only by His glory being seen, but by its being rejoiced in. -Jonathan Edwards -

"We are to attack the Goliath sin to which we are most addicted, whose death causes other lesser sins to flee." -Richard Sibbes.

“When the soul is downcast, who but God can lift it up?” — Charles Spurgeon

“Your salvation is to be united to the living Christ himself.” — Dane C. Ortlund, Deeper, 61.

"A garden has seeds sown and herbs, but in the winter there is no difference between it and a common field; but when the sun shines and appears, then the herbs appear in their lustre. So it is with a Christian." - Richard Sibbes. Works, 5:208

“Redemption and rescue precede obedience and moral conformity to the beauty of God's law.” — David Gibson, The Lord of Psalm 23, 48.

The way to derive virtue from Christ is by touching of him. - John Owen

“When we have the Holy Spirit, we have Christ.” — Charles Spurgeon

Sanctification is not only an extreme makeover of our lives, but a dramatic takeover. – Steve Lawson

The cross now, the crown tomorrow! Now the bed of languishing, tomorrow the throne of Jesus! William Hewitson

“True Christians find joy in sacred activity.” — Charles Spurgeon

You are not saved because your repentance and faith are perfect. You're saved because the work of Christ is perfect and you're clinging to that in your frailty and your helplessness. Paul Washer

At the cross we demonstrated how far we will go in our sin and God demonstrated how far He will go for our salvation. Burk Parsons

God is man's happiness. Augustine

The message of Christianity is " Jesus will forgive all your sins, in a moment, when you come to Him, and believe in Him, and cry out Lord be merciful to me, a sinner. John MacArthur

"Nothing of all that God wishes to be saved shall perish." John Calvin

The bait of unity may cover the hook of heresy. Charles Spurgeon

Rest assured, that Jesus Christ is the same to-day as he was yesterday, and he will be the same forever. Mourner, be glad! Charles Spurgeon

O death, when you seized my Lord, you lost your grip on me. Augustine

Give yourself to prayer, and get your texts, your thoughts, your words from God. Robert Murray McCheyne

The law discovers the disease. The gospel gives the remedy. Martin Luther

Other physicians can only cure them that are sick, but Christ cures them that are dead. Thomas Brooks

The least mercy from God is a miracle. Charles Spurgeon

"No time to pray? Had you time to dress? If you had purposed to pray, you would have prayed." Charles Spurgeon

You can give the whole world to God, but if you do not give yourself it is of no value. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

To assume that partnership with the world is a part of advancing the Gospel is to pollute the Gospel. John MacArthur

"Too many choose a church by style over substance, drama over doctrine, and entertainment over exposition." Steven Lawson

Tickling ears will get you: • Big crowds, • Approving accolades, • Cultural popularity. Preaching the Word will get you: • Hardship, • Suffering, • Cultural rejection. Regardless of the outcome, man of God, “Preach the Word!” Dustin Benge

I commend to you much study, but above all I commend the study of Christ.” — Charles Spurgeon

The danger is that we exploit people to get things done instead of ministering to them so that what they’re doing helps them mature in Christ. Remember, in God’s eyes, the worker is more important than the work. Wiersbe

“If you had God’s praise in your mouths, you would not criticize others so often.” — Charles Spurgeon

The surest mark of true #conversion is humility. -J.C. Ryle -

"Ministers must preach to themselves." -Martyn Lloyd-Jones

“God and the world will never agree. We shall never be able to serve both.” — Charles Spurgeon

REAL true faith is man’s weakness leaning on God’s strength. Moody

“Those who are called by Christ are called to be his.” — Charles Spurgeon

“The imitation of Christ [rather than being a brand new morality or code of ethics] consists in the keeping of no law other than the moral one.” —Disputation 22 | Synopsis of a Purer Theology (1625), 1:244

Millions of believers in Jesus can love others personally, face to face, and change lives in His name. Ask the Holy Spirit to come upon you and empower you to do what Jesus did—and more! Ray Bentley

In all such cases (of trying to interpret Providence in our afflictions) it is best to acknowledge our ignorance, and rather accuse ourselves of blindness than God of injustice. This is a fixed truth, that God is righteous, though we cannot clearly make it out. —Thomas Manton

The doctrine of Jesus Christ, and him crucified, is the Sun of the intellectual world. John Newton

The most brazen lie of all is the lie people tell themselves: “I have nothing to worry about from the wrath of God. My God is a God of love.” If that is your thought, your god is an idol. R.C. Sproul

Believers who are assuredly freed from the 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳 of sin ought yet to make it their business all their days to mortify the 𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳 of sin. —John Owen, Works 6:9

When the church compromises if’s biblical convictions to 'become more relevant'… it stops being relevant. Stick to the Word. Stick to the Gospel. That’s what’s relevant. That’s what the world needs.

"Too long have we been waiting for one another to begin! The time for waiting is past! .. In God's holy name let us rise and build!" -C.T.Studd.

“The infinite God must take away the infinite filth of his people’s sin.” — Charles Spurgeon

“If the heart be once much taken up with this the eminency of the Father's love, it cannot choose but be overpowered, conquered, and endeared unto him.” — John Owen

When you receive Christ, Christ is the power of God unto salvation. We take Him: and He is our salvation. Moody









“If you pray over your work, I am persuaded you will be helped in it.” — Charles Spurgeon


“Your life doesn’t disprove Christ love; his life proves it.” — Dane C. Ortlund, Deeper, 80.

So what is the place of the Law in the life of the Christian?  Simply this: We are no longer under the Law to be condemned by it, we are now “in-lawed” to it because of our betrothal to Christ!  He has written the Law, and love for it, into our hearts! —Sinclair Ferguson

Faith and favoritism are incompatible. We have been saved by a loving Redeemer and we must be willing to accept all different kinds of people. That’s not to say that people don’t need to repent of known sin. But one of the glaring sins of the Christian church is discriminating on…

“If you're sitting under consistently angry preaching, you will soon become either angry yourself, or crippled with fear. Both are the result of spiritual abuse — whether intentional or not.” — Costi Hinn

“Praise God with the heart he has changed, the lips he has loosed, and the life he has spared.” — Charles Spurgeon

It is not my power, or my experience, or my mode of thought, which will bring men from death to life; it is the Holy Spirit who will do it, and he only. - Charles Spurgeon

“God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, ‘I love you.’” -Billy Graham

We should not suspect his love because of our afflictions. God’s strokes do not make void his promises, nor doth he retract his gift of pardon when he chastiseth. —Thomas Manton, Works 7:298

“No thoughtful person will be without food as so as the epistles of Paul exist, for he feeds the soul with sacred manna.” — Charles Spurgeon

We will not get victory in prayer until we too cease our struggling, giving up our own will and throw our arms about our Father’s neck in clinging faith. Streams Desert

“So much as we see of the love of God, so much shall we delight in him, and no more.” — John Owen

What you'll always need: - Jesus - A prayer life - The Bible - A journal to write in - A church that believes the Bible - A pastor who will preach the truth in love, even when it's not popular - Love for your neighbor - A heart for unbelievers - Someone to disciple

If you think the Holy Spirit is directing you to do things contrary to the Word of God, it's not the Holy Spirit at all.

Our sins are many, but His mercies are more: our sins are great, but His righteousness is greater: we are weak, but He is power. John Newton

“You consider sin a mere trifle, scarcely worth thinking about; but God regards it as an evil and an accursed thing.” — Charles Spurgeon

“Revival is often preceded by repentance then continued through repentance.”

“… the exact midpoint of the psalm—is this: ‘for you are with me.’ So while this verse is sung along a particular road all sheep must take, it is a path they never walk alone.” — David Gibson on Psalm

“We can never be happy, restful, or spiritually healthy until we become holy.” — Charles Spurgeon

The most tremendous #judgment of #God in this world is the hardening of the hearts of men. -John Owen -

#Christ, with what he hath done and suffered, is the meritorious cause of our justification; -John Bunyan -

The least sin should humble the soul, but certainly the greatest sin should never discourage the soul, much less should it work the soul to despair [of obtaining pardon]. Despairing Judas perished; the murderers of Christ, believing on Christ, were saved. —Thomas Brooks

The Gospel does not to affirm your sin, celebrate your sin, or accept your sin. The Gospel rescues you out of sin, redirects you away from sin, and gives you victory over sin.

“Exercise your thoughts upon this very thing, the eternal, free, and fruitful love of the Father, and see if your hearts be not wrought upon to delight in him.” — John Owen

"Holiness is nothing but the implanting, writing, and living out of the gospel in our souls." - John Owen

“Because God is the living God, he can hear. Because he is a loving God, he will hear.” — Charles Spurgeon




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Ed Taylor



Jun 6

In spite of what some “success preachers” say, God’s goal for our lives is not money but maturity, not happiness but holiness, not getting but giving. God is at work making people more like His Son, and that’s what Christian service is all about. Wiersbe



T. S. Sinclair reposted

No Compromise Radio



Jun 6

The Gospel does not abrogate God's law, but it makes men love it with all of their hearts. ― J. Gresham Machen

God takes such a delight in his work, that, having begun it, he completes it. - Charles Spurgeon

“Christ is love covered over with flesh.” — Thomas Goodwin

“O sweet the hour, O joyous day, When sins so deep were washed away.” — Charles Spurgeon

“Just as it has pleased God to begin this work of grace in us by the proclamation of the gospel, so God preserves, continues, and completes this work by the hearing and reading of the gospel, by meditation on it.” — The Canons of Dort 5.14

“Believe in Jesus and trust him and you shall never be made ashamed of your confidence.” — Charles Spurgeon

The atonement, power, and grace of Christ, is a sufficient answer for all. You only lack more faith. John Newton

“God's guarantee is worth more than human oaths.” — Charles Spurgeon

“If you live by feelings, you are looking for joy where it never can be found.” — Charles Spurgeon

Therefore, we preach that it is the purchase of #Christ alone which reconciles us to #God... -John Calvin -

Be not proud of race, face, place, or #grace. -C.H. Spurgeon -

“There will be three effects of nearness to Jesus: 1. Humility 2. Happiness 3. Holiness.” — Charles Spurgeon

Though it be lawful to read other men’s holy works, yet the holy Scriptures must still have the pre-eminence, they must be firstly, chiefly, and mostly read. —Puritan Thomas Brooks, Works 4:228

“The truth is, of course, that what one regards as interruptions are precisely one’s life.” - C.S. Lewis

“Atonement is the brain and spinal cord of Christianity. Take away the cleansing blood, and what is left to the guilty?” — Charles Spurgeon

“For every one look at yourself, take ten looks at Christ.” — Robert Murray McCheyne

"As God spoke to the fish, and it cast up Jonah, commanded the earth, and it delivered up Jesus; so He will speak to all creatures, and they shall not detain one dust of our bodies." -Thomas Adams.

They were again and again charged never to forget [that God redeemed them from Egypt]. How much more bound are we to God for our redemption by Christ? What is Pharoah to Satan? Egypt to this present evil world? Egyptian bondage to sin’s slavery? —John Trapp, on Micah 6:4

“Infinite power shall stoop that you may lean upon its shoulder.” — Charles Spurgeon

“When we deal seriously with our sin, God will deal gently with us.” — Charles Spurgeon

“It is common in some quarters of the church to think that the message of the gospel initiates us into the Christian life, and then we move on to other strategies when it comes to growing in Christ. This is a fundamental mistake.” — Dane C. Ortlund, Deeper, 85.

No amount of spiritual posturing, religious rituals, or even ministry work can replace the raw humanity of a believer pouring his or her heart out to God. Allowing ourselves to be honest and real, we can let God take all that pain and sorrow. Ray Bentley

Nothing is wasted by God. Nothing.

"All those miracles which Christ wrought in the days of His flesh upon the bodies of poor creatures, in restoring sight to the blind, speech to the dumb, life to the dead; all these does Christ work over again upon the souls of them whom He prepares for heaven." -W. Whitaker.

“Child of God! If you want God to answer your prayers, you must be prepared to follow the footsteps of ‘our father Abraham,’ even to the Mount of Sacrifice.” (See Rom. 4:12) JR Miller

How to reach Gen Z & Gen Alpha: Pray! Be real. Authenticity rules the day. Meet them where they are. Teach the Word in a way they can understand & apply it. The Bible is always relevant. Don't dumb down the Gospel, disciple them up. Don't lower the bar, raise the mission!

“The unexpected development in the story of Psalm 23 is that the good shepherd's paths of righteousness sometimes include the valley of the shadow of death. If I find myself in the valley of deep darkness, it is because he has led me there.” — David Gibson

“The only joy worth having must be found in Christ Jesus.” — Charles Spurgeon

"They lose nothing who gain Christ." – Rutherford

“God will continue to bless you, for is he not an unchanging God?” — Charles Spurgeon

“The comfort is the presence of the shepherd in the midst of the danger rather than the comfort of the removal of the danger.” — David Gibson, The Lord of Psalm 23, 76.

Ships don't sink because they are surrounded by water. No. They sink because water fills the ship. Just like believers. You won't sink because you live in a dark, sin filled world. No. You will sink as you let the world inside of you! Look up!

“Unless your hearts are deeply plowed with genuine repentance, you may have some cause to suspect the reality of your conversion.” — Charles Spurgeon

Too many believers are trying to fight evil habits and tendencies on their own, and it’s exhausting. If you walk into a dark room, you don’t scream, karate chop, give teachings about, or rebuke the darkness. You turn on the light. Jon Courson

“Is it nothing to you that Jesus died?” — Charles Spurgeon

“The gospel is not a hotel to pass through but a home to live in. Not only a gateway into the Christian life but the pathway of the Christian life. Not jumper cables to get the Christian life started but an engine to keep the Christian life going.” — Dane C. Ortlund, Deeper, 85.

"Proper sermon preparation includes serious thinking/contemplation/meditation over a text. You aren’t doing that with constant distractions and interruptions. Love your church by tuning the other stuff out during study." - Richard Caldwell

On how an unrighteous life won’t secure a comfortable death   “Those that 𝘯𝘰𝘸 question precepts will 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘯 question promises.” —Thomas Manton, Works 7:302

Keep your conscience awake with wrath and grace, with heaven and hell, but let grace and heaven bear sway. — John Bunyan

“Hold everything earthly with a loose hand; but grasp eternal things with a deathlike grip.” — Charles Spurgeon

“The process of sanctification is, in large part, fed by constant returning, ever more deeply, to the event of justification.” — Dane C. Ortlund, Deeper, 86.

Only the Word of God will revolutionize your life. Only the Word of God will cleanse your mind.

God in his simple and perfect nature cannot be said either to joy or grieve, but He carrieth Himself [by way of analogy in scripture] as one thus affected. —Puritan Thomas Manton, Sermon on Psalm 119:76, Works 7:301

"There is a kind of rest that comes from knowing that the shepherd is near and so you may safely lie down. You are in the presence of someone who is just taking care of everything. — David Gibson, The Lord of Psalm 23, 29.

“God will not reject you, though you are covered from head to foot with filthiness.” — Charles Spurgeon

Jesus humbled himself for our sake. Though he was rich he became poor. How does knowing this influence your heart posture towards others?

“Wipe your tears away, for Jesus is not in the grave; he rose again.” — Charles Spurgeon

Outside the will of #God, there's nothing I want. Inside the will of God there's nothing I fear. -A.W. Tozer -

The main door by which the devil comes into the hearts of those who are zealous for #Christ is spiritual pride. -Jonathan Edwards -

When the Bible says that Christ is God, it does not ask us to forget a single thing that it has said about the stupendous majesty of God. No, it asks us to remember every one of those things in order that we may apply them all to Jesus Christ. Gresham Machen

"Salvation is not the reward for obedience; it is the reason for obedience." -Kevin DeYoung.

“We are justified by being given a right standing that comes to us from wholly outside us.” — Dane C. Ortlund, Deeper, 86.

“The gospel has saved me. I know it will save you if you receive it.” — Charles Spurgeon

“So often we disqualify ourselves from Christ's presence, and we think he cannot be with us because we presume his love for us is based on us, on what we are like, on what we have done or not done; but it is not.” — David Gibson, The Lord of Psalm 23, 86

"To say that we are sorry for our sins is mere hypocrisy, unless we show that we are really sorry for them, by giving them up. Doing is the very life of repentance." J.C. Ryle

"Old-fashioned believers could give you chapters and verses for what they believed; but how few of such remain!" Charles Spurgeon

"The Gospel that I'm giving to you is not the one that says, "Pray a prayer and believe in Jesus, and He'll give you a wonderful life." On the contrary, it is the invitation for you to turn from your sin, and follow Jesus Christ - at all costs." Paul Washer

The gospel is not a self-help program; it is a message of redemption and reconciliation through Christ. John MacArthur

Restlessness and impatience change nothing except our peace and joy. Peace does not dwell in outward things, but in the heart prepared to wait trustfully and quietly on Him who has all things safely in His hands. Elisabeth Elliot

The question is not if you accepted Jesus into your heart. The question is if he changed it. Paul Washer

Pleasure, profit, preferment are the worldling's trinity. John Trapp ⠀

“In the gospel we are given what the Reformers called an “alien righteousness” because the record of a Jesus is given to us.” — Dane C. Ortlund, Deeper, 86.

“Our best performances are so stained with sin that it is hard to know whether they are good works or bad works.” — Charles Spurgeon

O what miserable creatures are those men of this world who have their portion in this life. Jonathan Edwards

A contented Christian carries heaven with him. For, what is heaven - but that sweet repose and full contentment that the soul shall have in God. Thomas Watson

The devil hath, by his apostasy, proclaimed war against God, and he brings thee, by sinning, to espouse his quarrel, and to jeopard the life of thy soul in defence of his pride and lust. William Gurnall

Whatever others do, O ye saints, abhor the thoughts of sinning willingly; which when you do, you help the devil against God. And what more unnatural than for a child to be seen in arms against his father? William Gurnall

We ought never to doubt but to rely upon the Godhead Father Son, and Holy Spirit—in every time of our need. In the mount it shall be seen, Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord will provide. Oh, for grace to cast all care away; to be baffled and worried no longer, but to rest and be still! CHS

To rely upon God by faith, when you have no sensible testimonies of His love to you, is the purest and most basic act of obedience that you could offer. Anthony Burgess (1600-1663)

What is God's remedy for dejection at apparent failure in our labors? This--the assurance that God's purpose cannot fail, that God's plans cannot miscarry, that God's will must be done. Our labors are not intended to bring about that which God has not decreed. A.W. Pink

The secret of Christian contentment is found in making Christ all in all in our life. If we depend altogether and only upon Him, then we need not care what may come; we shall be restful and calm in any circumstances. J.R. Miller

Oh, how sweet it is to be spent and worn out for God! David Brainerd

There is no such thing as a great man of God, only weak, pitiful, faithless men of a great and merciful God. Paul Washer

“Our business is to study the Word of God and preach it as we find it.” — Charles Spurgeon

Because of our fallen natures, we expect that we will be repenting of sin until glory. But repentance is not simply proof of failure. It is, more importantly, a sign of God’s hand upon us. It is a conversion proof, as only a saved person can repent of sin. Rosaria Butterfield

Anyone who thinks he can live the Christian life himself is just proclaiming that he is not a Christian. - Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Grace does not destroy the will but rather restores it. Augustine

“Feed the lambs. Make God’s Word understood by children.” — Charles Spurgeon

“In the wounds of the dying Savior see the love the great I AM.” — Charles Spurgeon

Go to #church once a week and nobody pays attention. Live for #God seven days a week and you become strange! -A.W. Tozer -

“We are not called to proclaim philosophy and metaphysics, but the simple gospel.” — Charles Spurgeon

"For regeneration is not the result of baptism, but baptism the result of regeneration." -Menno Simons.

“You must ask for God’s help. ... After each failure, ask forgiveness, pick yourself up, and try again.” - C.S. Lewis

"The Scriptures were not given to us that we should enclose them in books, but that we should engrave them upon our hearts." -John Chrysostom

As rivers swell from sudden showers, and overflow the banks, so, beyond all expectation, many times doth God take away tyrants, and spreads his truth, enlarging the bounds of his church with new confluxes of converts. —Puritan John Trapp, Commentary, 4:281

“The blood of the Lamb silences the Accuser” —D.A. Carson

“If you want to see beauty, look into the face of Jesus.” — Charles Spurgeon

Those that have a deep sense of their own unworthiness most see a need of mercy, and most admire mercy. —Puritan Thomas Manton, Works 7:302-3

Let not our sins keep us from him; our misery rather than our worthiness is an object of his mercy. —Thomas Manton, Works 7:303

“We take refuge in the truth of justification…while our hearts find subtle ways of undermining what our minds confess…We receive the truth of justification but gently strengthen it through our performance, generally without consciously realizing what we're doing.” Dane Ortlund

"Pastors, we are back in our pulpits tomorrow. I hope we can hear the cry of God’s people as they say from the depth of their hearts, “Show us Christ.” After the arduous labors of sermon preparation, may the Holy Spirit help us to do just that!" - Conrad Mbewe

“If you are wrongly cast out from society, the Lord will be your joy.” — Charles Spurgeon

“If you meet with a system of theology which magnifies man, flee from it as far as you can.” — Charles Spurgeon

Give me a word from heaven, Father, that will fly without my weak efforts at cute originality! Amen. Tozer

"Not all believers have the same assurance. Assurance is rather the fruit of faith, than faith: now as the root of the rose or tulip may be alive, where the flower is not visible; so faith may live in the heart, where the flower of assurance does not appear." - Thomas Watson.

What I need first of all is not exhortation, but a gospel, not directions for saving myself but knowledge of how God has saved me. Have you any good news? That is the question that I ask of you. ― J. Gresham Machen

“It is a profound truth, more profound than we realize, that the love of the Father for the Son, and the love of the Son for the Father, is the same love of the Father and the Son for us (John 17:20-26).” — David Gibson, The Lord of Psalm 23, 86.

How do we keep our minds on Him? By keeping in the Word. Jon Courson

“The Lord loves to use tools which are not rusted with self-conceit.” — Charles Spurgeon

The book of God speaketh no comfort to persons that live in sin, but to God’s servants, such as do not live as if they were at their own disposal, but at God’s beckoning: if He say, Go, they go. —Puritan Thomas Manton, Works 7:308

“The gospel gives you a duty to train your children in the fear of God.” — Charles Spurgeon

“The freer the gospel, the more sanctifying the gospel; and the more it is received as a doctrine of grace, the more will it be felt as a doctrine according to godliness.” — Thomas Chalmers

“Poverty is hard, but those who trust in the Lord are made rich by faith.” — Charles Spurgeon

Whave daily reason to sorrow because we are sinners — and greater reason to rejoice, because Jesus has put away sin by the sacrifice of himself! John Newton

"This being the sum of our art and task: by the help of Christ, to preach the gospel of Christ, to the praise of Christ, without whom a sermon is no sermon, preaching no preaching." - Samuel Ward. Christ is All in All

The Lord can heal it all and give you a fresh start and a revelation of how precious you are to Him as His son or daughter. Ray Bentley

“All throughout the New Testament the apostles brought the gospel to bear on believers’ lives… The apostles considered the gospel not a one-time vaccination that spares us from hell but food to nourish us all the way to heaven.” — Dane C. Ortlund, Deeper, 95.

“We must have the Word of the Lord. With this Word alone we can withstand the devil.” — Charles Spurgeon

Faith can change any situation. No matter how dark it is, no matter what the trouble may be, a quick lifting of the heart to God in a moment of real, actual faith in Him, will alter the situation in a moment. Marshall Foch

“The Holy SpiriHe that took pity upon us in our lost estate, and did 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘯 pardon our sins freely, will he not take pity upon us 𝘯𝘰𝘸 that we are in a state of grace, and have our sins pardoned? —Puritan Thomas Manton, Works 7:304t is not exhausted. His power is not lessened in any way whatever.” — Charles Spurgeon

The divine truth of biblical sufficiency is based firmly upon the bedrock of the nature of Scripture and God’s sovereign rule over His creation. – James White

"There is no Christian so mature that he no longer needs the helping hand, the watchful eye, the comforting love and the collected wisdom of the body of Christ." -Paul Tripp

"'The Teacher is here, and he is calling for you!' (John 11:28). These words could be carved atop every pew, table, and pulpit in the sanctuary of every congregation." —Frederick Dale Bruner

“It is a great thing for a youth to have godly parents to train his tender mind.” — Charles Spurgeon

“Living under the grace of God instead of under a sense of duty frees us from a self-serving motivation. It frees us to obey God and serve Him as a loving and thankful response to Him for our salvation and for blessings already guaranteed to us by His grace.” — J. Bridges

The knowledge of a proud man is the throne of Satan in his mind -John Owen -

You can do anything after you have #prayed but nothing until you have prayed. -John Bunyan -

“Do not seek lasting comfort in earthly things.” — Charles Spurgeon

“There is written in nature enough to condemn men if they do not turn to God.” — Charles Spurgeon

"Without prayer, our preaching is just a lot of smoke with no fire." -Paul Washer

“The righteous carves his name upon the rock, but the wicked writes his remembrance in the sand.” — Charles Spurgeon

All the counseling and psychology degrees in the world are utterly useless if you do not know the Word of God.

Psychotropic medications may change your behavior, but they will not change your heart.


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