God's grace is always sufficient for us. He said will never give us more than we can handle, He tells us to be faithful in the small things and He will give us more. It's time to be faithful and put down self, crucifying the flesh and let God work in us and through us.
When we have nothing left but God, we discover that God is enough.
If one quality makes a Christian marriage stand out from the rest, it's our choice to forgive our spouse. We might feel as if we're ignoring the offense or giving our stamp of approval by choosing to forgive. Our pride and fear might rise up: What if the offense happens again and again? Will I be taken for a fool? What will others think?
Choosing to forgive is an act of obedience to God's commands. Forgiveness entails choosing, often over and over again, not to dwell on the offense because that would allow a root of bitterness to grow in our hearts. But let's be clear: If you're dealing with a sin issue in marriage, choose to forgive but still spend the needed time talking about the situation, praying separately and together, and seeking godly counsel.
Forgiveness is one of the most essential attitudes for bringing unity and oneness to marriage, and it flows from our relationship with Christ.
Make it your goal to become more and more like Jesus with each passing day...
Self focus will cause you to miss the message of God..
Others focus can also cause you to miss it as well.
The only focus in time of trial and tribulation to have is a God focus.....
any pursuit of God’s counterpart is vain. No one and nothing compares to him. No one advises him. No one helps him. You and I may have power. But God IS power.
We should never let ourselves get so far away from the Lord that we forget how to love others and to treat them with the respect they deserve. Yes, it's tough sometimes to see injustices, but God demands more of us as Christians. After all, look at what His Son experienced for us.
Our Lord Jesus wants His followers to live in obedience to His will: "teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:20a). Our Lord is with us in every step of our pilgrimage, granting us His grace unto obedience. "I am with you always…through whom we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith" (Matthew 28:20b and Romans 1:4-5). This is also the way that Jesus lived here on earth in relationship with His heavenly Father. "And He who sent Me is with Me. The Father has not left Me alone, for I always do those things that please Him." The Father was with the Son, as the Son lived to please the Father.
First man must choose his love, and then he must love
his choice. ~Henry Smith~
Don’t be afraid to stand for what you believe in, even if that means standing alone.
For the sake of those you love, travel light. For the sake of the God you serve, travel light. For the sake of your own joy, travel light!
From Traveling Light
Num 12:1 Then Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married; for he had married an Ethiopian woman.
Prayer is a direct communication lifeline from our hearts to the heavenly Father -- it is the single greatest gift of communication.
"Don't wait for some magic gift. Share what you are, dare to be vulnerable, and you will find people who count you among their deepest friends." — Malcolm Smith "Let God Love You"
"There is no such thing as being too great a sinner to be saved. The number of your sins does not come into the matter at all. The character of your sins does not matter one scrap. There is no difference in the sight of God between the murderer and the most self-righteous person - none whatsoever! Both are equally lost." Martyn Lloyd-Jones (Romans - To God's Glory)
“Think like the rich. Invest your money first, then spend what’s left. Don’t spend your money and invest what’s left.”
Don’t wait to put together a financial statement with a list of your assets and liabilities, the time to figure out where you are and where you’re headed. “Now’s the time to fix it.”
“Life is accumulative. Our errors either accumulate into what we don’t get or our wise decisions accumulate into what we do get.”
“[Relationships are] one of the fundamentals for wealth and happiness. You gotta associate with the right people.” It’s the power of influence.
People Do What People See.
What do your people see in you?
A Passion for Personal Growth, A Heart for People, An Ability to Coach Others to Reach Their Potential.
“Be light, be joyous, make a difference in how another feels by perhaps changing the way you feel.”
— Ellie Drake
Before we had Jesus Christ in our lives, we were aimless and yet we thought we had some agenda we needed to accomplish in this life. Little did we know that we could only have complete fulfillment when we understood what it meant for Jesus to die for our sins. No more agenda. No more religion.
There are no disappointments to those whose wills
are buried in the will of God.
~Frederick W. Faber~
In God’s hands intended evil becomes eventual good!
Only in obedience can we discover
the great joy of the will of God.
~Sinclair Ferguson~
Where your mind goes, your heart will follow --
Today, if you feel stressed, perhaps you are distracted. It could simply be that you're out of the Word and you're out of touch with what God desires for you.
the Christian life is a journey, and we need God's strength and guidance along the way." Billy Graham
When a stone is dropped into a lake, it quickly disappears from sight-but its impact leaves behind a series of ripples that broaden and reach across the water.
the impact of one life lived for Christ leaves behind an influence for good that touches the lives of many others - Roy Lessen
One of the key promises we make as leaders is to be discerning and wise.
Each day brings unique challenges. People change, needing different amounts of attention daily. Furthermore, each of us has different purposes. Essentially, there can never be a one-size-fits-all model for achieving balance.
We cannot perform our duty without the grace of God; nor does God give His grace for any other purpose than that we may perform our duty!
~John Owens~
Our Lord Jesus wants His followers to live in obedience to His will: "teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you". Our Lord is with us in every step of our pilgrimage, granting us His grace unto obedience. "I am with you always…through whom we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith"
When we truly grasp this concept that Jesus is "the Lord of both the dead and the living," it changes the way we worship, pray, and study. Our awareness becomes attuned to His presence.
As servants of the new covenant of grace, the Lordship of Jesus is part of our message.
"We are all too much occupied with taking care of ourselves."
— Charles Spurgeon
God wants servants, not helpers.
Dustin Benge
FACT: Not even a single verse in the Bible encourages marriage or sexual relations between people of the same sex.
It is the bold Christian who can sing God’s sonnets in the darkness.
Charles Spurgeon
How much you store up on the mountain top, often determines how far you can go in the valley.
Jason Powell
Sin is not only a defection but also pollution.
Thomas Watson
The stability of our souls in the hour of temptation depends upon the care we exercise in keeping our hearts.
John Flavel
"The same glory that is to be his, he will have us to enjoy with him."
- Charles Spurgeon
Do not glory in your own faith, your own feelings, your own knowledge, or your own diligence. Glory in nothing but Christ. -
J C Ryle
Satan's greatest weapon is man's ignorance of God's Word.
Dustin Benge
Cease to be cast down by the measures of statesmen, or the plots of wolves in sheep's clothing.
Christ will ever provide for His own Church. Christ will take care that "The gates of hell shall not prevail against it."All is going on well, though our eyes may not see it.
JC Ryle
If you want to get rid of problems, start by talking and praying as one!
Study Christ.
Know Christ.
Obey Christ.
Honor Christ.
Gaze at Christ.
Sing to Christ.
Live for Christ.
Worship Christ.
Labor in Christ.
Rest in Christ.
Weep to Christ.
Hope in Christ.
Repent to Christ.
Rejoice in Christ.
Commit to Christ.
Be strong in Christ.
Faith in Christ is the only means of the true knowledge of God
- John Owen
Now, abiding fellowship with God ought to be our daily life. The enjoyment of God’s love ought not to be a thing of yesterday, nor of today, but of all days...
The Daily Spurgeon
The evangelical downgrade began when the churches stopped preaching holiness and began preaching winsomeness.
Consider, my brethren, what danger we are in when we live at a distance from God! what danger of backsliding further and further; what danger of being tempted to gross sin! Consider how we are grieving the Holy Spirit! Consider what comforts and mercies we are losing!
The Daily Spurgeon
True leadership does not lord it over others and press them down.
True leadership gets down low and lifts others up.
People who reject Christ are like bakers who like making apple pies but want to burn down all the orchards.
“One primary reason why so many of us are still troubled, still making little forward progress is that we haven't yet come to the end of ourselves. We're still trying to give orders, and thus interfering with God's work within us.”
AW Tozer
If we want people to talk to us more, we should start by listening to them more.
Humility is one of the chief qualifications for usefulness. Many have been passed over on the list of usefulness because they have fallen into the snare of the Devil and are exalted with pride.
- C.H. Spurgeon
"All the worlds that at present have been created are but as mere trifles compared with what God could make if he so pleased."
Spurgeon Library
“If you want a religion to make you feel really comfortable, I certainly don’t recommend Christianity.” -
C.S. Lewis
Everything is needful that he sends; nothing can be needful that he withholds. -
John Newton
It is the watchful heart that discovers and suppresses the temptation before it comes to its strength.
John Flavel
No love of the natural heart is safe unless the human heart has been satisfied by God FIRST.
~Oswald Chambers~
As Christians, seeking God and His kingdom is to be our first priority. It is the key to everything we do in life. Our entire life’s pursuit is to seek first the kingdom of God. If we come to God by faith, seeking Him first, then He will add everything else to us effortlessly without us having to be anxious.
“Joy is love exalted; peace is love in repose; long-suffering is love enduring; gentleness is love in society; goodness is love in action; faith is love on the battlefield; meekness is love in school, and temperance is love in training.”
—Dwight L. Moody
Our witness is greater than we think it is and we’re observed more than we are aware. Let’s preach the gospel of Jesus in our daily lives!
The truth is, men are not basically good; they are basically evil, and the essence of their sin lies in their selfishness!
~A.W. Tozer~
The philosophy of the world remains the same––me, myself, and I; but as Christians, God must always be first in our lives. God first! We need to be last.
As believers, it is essential to spend quality time with Jesus. In these last days, we need to draw close to Him and hear His voice. People will begin to panic when they hear of food shortages and pestilences. They will begin to ask a lot of questions as to why these events are happening. As Christians, we have the biblical answers to give them hope.
Raul Ries
We have all felt the effects of inflation, which has caused gasoline and food prices to drastically rise. The world is not at peace. At this present time, Russia is at war with Ukraine. Is it possible that America might be involved in a worldwide conflict? We do not know, but prophetically, there are nations named in Ezekiel 38-39 that will invade Israel. War is horrible. Innocent people and military personnel are killed. Think about nuclear weapons in the hands of very unstable-minded leaders in different nations. It only takes a push of a button, and millions of people will die.
It's not the children's minister's job, the youth pastor's job, the school teacher's job, the coach's job, a celebrity’s job, or social media's job to be the primary influence in your child's life. As the parent, it's primarily your God-given job. Don't give that job away.
Not everyone who disagrees with you: - is a bigot. - hates you. - has a phobia. - is toxic. - is oppressive. - is intolerant. - is dangerous. Sometimes, people are willing to kindly share truth with you and disagree with you, because they actually love you enough to do so.
I've personally seen more college students and teenagers be saved by Jesus in the last 4 years, than the previous 20 years of ministry combined! Why? They're realizing the world is broken and they're broken, so they're looking for a solution! Jesus is the solution. Preach Him!
“Have you ever thought about the wonderful truth that Christ lived His perfect life in your place and on your behalf?” — The Gospel for Real Life by Jerry Bridges
Salvation, redemption, regeneration do not merely put us back where Adam was; we are in a much higher position. —Great Doctrines of the Bible, 1:170
“If the love of a father will not make a child delight in him, what will?” — John Owen
“Most of Scripture speaks to us; the Psalms speak for us.” — Athanasius
“Your being united to Christ is not a doctrine floating somewhere out there in the abstract theological ether, nor is it confined to the pages of dusty systematic theologies. Rather, it is the very essence of what it means to be a Christian.” — David Gibson
In our ongoing walk with the Lord now, do we functionally believe that the healthy Christian life is basically a matter of our efforts, baptized with a little extra push from Jesus?” — Dane C. Ortlund, Deeper, 25.
Though the Father is the primary agent of eternal election, the Son has also elected because He too is God, and all the persons of the Trinity share one divine will. — Joel R. Beeke
“We move through life with our eyes looking ever up. Our posture is one of expectant empowering from above.” — Dane C. Ortlund, Deeper, 48.
“The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God.” - C.S. Lewis
To receive the gospel is to receive an entirely different view of reality where Christ is the epicenter of all things.
Lord, the more we have of you, the more we want you. Charles Spurgeon
“Unbelief is often the mother of needless worry.” — Charles Spurgeon
Accountability requires having some defined and consistent context in which guys know you all the way down to the level of where your heart strays.” - Dave Harvey
“Sickness has frequently been of more use to the saints than health has.” — Charles Spurgeon
In the beginning #God, the uncaused Cause of matter, mind, and law. There we must begin. -A.W. Tozer -
If you embrace all creation with goodwill, but do not embrace #Christ, you are infinitely narrow -Jonathan Edwards -
"Suffering is better than sinning. There is more evil in a drop of sin than in an ocean of affliction. Better burn for Christ, than turn from Christ." -Charles Spurgeon.
“If you are poor and needy, the gospel will be most joyful to your heart.” — Charles Spurgeon
You will find Jesus to be an unfading flower in a fading world. James Evans
Much affected this evening by my own reflections. Alas, I am an unprofitable servant, but God's mercy and Christ's love are inconceivably great, his ways (thank God) not as our ways. - William Wilberforce
“Because Christ loves us, he became man for us, slumbering in the manger of Bethlehem.” — Charles Spurgeon
“We sense how desperate our flight is only when it is stacked up next to the intimate beauty of God himself.”
As the love of many grows colder and colder, what tremendous open doors for the agape love of God to flow through us!
“You can live for this world or the next; but to live for both is impossible.” — Charles Spurgeon
Victory comes as we learn to trust in Christ to help us handle the temptations the enemy may throw at us. Chuck Smith
“A sermon without Christ as its beginning, middle, and end is a mistake in conception and a crime in execution.” — Charles Spurgeon
“God teaches his people every day through sickness.” — Charles Spurgeon
The glory of God and the good of his people are inseparably connected. John Newton
No one can read the New Testament attentively without discovering that there is a believing in Christ which does not save -A.W. Pink -
What is the cause of most backslidings? I believe, as a general rule, one of the chief causes is neglect of private #prayer -J.C. Ryle -
When pastors and the church play the victim in their current cultural setting… Pastors lose all credibility. Churches lose their witness. Learn to live by faith and aggressively progress the kingdom not your own discomforts.
“Wash my feet? Lord, will you take the worst part of me, and wash that?” — Charles Spurgeon
No wild beasts are so fierce to one another as one Christian has been to another. Lesser differences [among fellow believers] should not make void this Christ-like love [that is due to each other] —Thomas Manton, Works 7:285
“Do not read the Bible as a book for other people. Take it home to your heart.” — Charles Spurgeon
Using Outlines to Communicate Well - Brian Bell
The least spark of saving knowledge inlaid in the minds of the poorest believers by the gracious operation of the Holy Spirit, will be more effectual unto their sanctification… than the highest notions that men have attained in leaning on their own understanding. —John Owen
“If you put your case into his hands, the Holy Spirit will pour his love in your heart.” — Charles Spurgeon
“All other strength is weakness, for power belongs to God.” — Charles Spurgeon
True saving peace (i.e assurance) loves to be examined, is willing to be examined, it loves to be tried. But false peace, cannot endure examination, it flies from the light, it does not love to be tried. —Puritan William Bridge, Works 2:17
n the legal-covenant, our love and work is first, and then favor and justification [follows]; but in the gospel-covenant, God’s love and favor in justification is first, and then our love and obedience follows. —Ralph Erskine (1685-1752), Works 1:453
“My wife has been God’s best earthly gift to me.” — Charles Spurgeon
Does prayer change things or people? BOTH. God has used my prayers to change me, and for that I am grateful. Ray Bentley
“Christ is my refuge; all beside. When justice frowns, in him I hide.” — Charles Spurgeon
What’s tolerated in the mind, corrupts the mouth, corrupts relationships, corrupts reputations, corrupts entire lives. Compromise always decays your spiritual life.
Jesus’ grace changes everything. Chuck Smith
“To the graceless, the yoke of Christ is intolerable, but to the saved sinner it is easy and light.” — Charles Spurgeon
“If your goal in life is anything less than the glory of God, you are a worshipper of idols.” — Charles Spurgeon
“God calls you to turn your eye off yourself and look to him.” — Charles Spurgeon
If you believe the Lord told you something that contradicts what He already said in His scriptures… You can be sure that was NOT the Lord.
“For every look at yourself, take ten looks at Christ.” - Robert Murray M’Cheyne
“It was Christ's exclusive prerogative to proclaim: ‘If anyone thirst, let him come to Me and drink.’ No other person is entitled to say this. For any other preaching it is befitting to do no more than point others to Christ, leading them to hear His words." - Martin Luther