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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

"God never promised He would inform us ahead of time all about His plan. He's just promised He has one. Ultimately, it's for our good and His glory."

Chuck Swindoll

In days of foreboding, when we fear what may lie behind the veil of the impenetrable future!Disease? Poverty? Suffering? Bereavement? We cannot tell, but we may turn in confidence to our God. He knows just how much we can bear, for He has made us: "I have made, and I will bear, and will deliver you. Says the Lord."

For as the soul in man is not seen, being invisible to men, but is perceived through the motion of the body, so God cannot indeed be seen by human eyes, but is beheld and perceived through His providence and works. For, in like manner, as any person, when he sees a ship on the sea rigged and in sail, and making for the harbour, will no doubt infer that there is a pilot in her who is steering her.

I talk to more believers who want a sign from the Lord and the truth is you don't need a sign when the Lord lives in you. Signs and wonders are for the non believer

Jesus didn’t commit the Gospel to an advertising

agency; He commissioned disciples.

~Joseph Bayly~

We do not make up what we want out of it. We obey what it says in the Word of God. It is not enough to just know His Word, we must live it. We must go out and tell it to the world. We must all be disciples of Christ.

God created us with the capacity for emotions. That means He has the right plan and place for emotions.

One of the most encouraging things about suffering is to see how God uses it not only in our lives, but in the lives of others.

God's outlook on suffering is so different from our own. He sees not just the instance of suffering, but its end result. Not just the pain involved, but the refinement that is certain. Someone has said that from the perspective of eternity, the worst suffering this life could hold would look like "one night in a bad hotel." I believe that. But even though God's view of suffering is higher and longer than ours, He is always there to comfort us in our pain.

"If you stay focused on the goal, whatever pain you might experience will be minimal and far surpassed by the ultimate gain you receive." Simply put -- don't lose sight of your purpose.

There is no place for prejudice, contention, and division in the body of Christ. Our only hope is through Him.

There is no racism in the body of Christ. We are one body under one blood in Jesus Christ who died for our sins and gave us eternal life.

With God behind you and His arms beneath you, you can face anything ahead.

There is only one thing that is more beautiful than being a man after God's own heart and that is a woman who has a heart after God's heart and loves and serves him.

it is not good to appease the intellect of another in conversation. Be forthcoming in straightforward.

when it comes to defining Christ, no box works. You can't put the Holy Spirit in a box. Trying will only lead to your own understanding and not His.....

Choose to love on purpose today.

I think God speaks something meaningful into our lives and it filled us up and helps us change the world regardless of ourselves and our shortcomings. His name for us is His beloved. He hopes we'll start to see ourselves as His beloved rather than think of all the reasons that we aren't.

-- Bob Goff

"The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in you if you have made Jesus your Lord and Savior (Ephesians 1:17-21). Wow! Think of what that means. This is for you to embrace, not in a prideful way, but in a bold humility. Christ died so that you not only can be with Him in eternity, but so you can walk in the power of His HolySpirit as a light in this world. This power will enable you to walk through anything... even difficult times in your marriage."

~Dr. Emerson Eggerichs,

You are confined only by the walls you build yourself.

You are confined by the WORD OF GOD.

God's law demands wholehearted obedience. "This day the LORD your God commands you to observe these statutes and judgments; therefore you shall be careful to observe them with all your heart and with all your soul" (Deuteronomy 26:16). When the Israelites heard this summary requirement of the law, they confidently promised that they would obey. "Today you have proclaimed the LORD to be your God, and that you will walk in His ways and keep His statutes, His commandments, and His judgments, and that you will obey His voice." Forty years earlier, when the Lord first gave His law to His people, they responded in a similar fashion. "Then he took the Book of the Covenant and read in the hearing of the people. And they said, 'All that the LORD has said we will do, and be obedient.'"

The filling of the Holy Spirit brings a sharp separation

between the believer and the world.

~A. W. Tozer~

"Don't be distracted by criticism. Remember, the only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you."- Zig Ziglar

"Why does Jesus command us to love our enemies? Because they are made in God's image and because He loves them. Can you see your spouse in that light? God's Word commands us to see each other in that light...If you are having difficulty with this, spend time alone with God and ask Him to reveal to you things to love/respect in your spouse. He will respond if you open your heart and listen!"

~Dr. Emerson Eggerichs,

May we be like Samuel--> The LORD came and stood there, calling as at the other times, "Samuel! Samuel!" Then Samuel said, "Speak, for your servant is listening." (1 Samuel 3:10)

It's never to late to turn things around but we need the power of the Holy Spirit to lead us in the way we should go!

We are witnesses to the world but to our family and each other first!


Grace is the oxygen to marriage, breath life into yours!

God changes the heart of people, not people...

Wives don't emasculate your husband!

Men simple gestures as gifts are just as important as big ones.

Walk in faith and do what is right<3

Forgiven people ought to be forgiving people.

“It is impossible for a man who is warm to understand one who is cold.” —

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

It's easy to take your spouse for granted, if for no other reason than just being around each other every single day.

Your marriage is a gift!

I thank the Lord daily for a husband who loves me unconditionally

Have you ever tried to convey important information to a distracted listener, someone who is not completely engaged? It’s a challenge: kind of like trying to get to your destination using only one-way roads. Poor listening is a major roadblock to achieving good relationships.

When the Devil tempted Jesus for forty days in the wilderness, it was God’s Word that Jesus used to defeat the enemy.

If our circumstances find us in God, we shall find God in our circumstances.

~George Muller~

offer what you are doing to the Lord as worship.

Too often we approach the Bible as a philosophy or a set of rules without the depth and richness that comes from a spiritual perspective. Is there a disconnection between your Bible study and your real life?

“If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a million enemies. Yet distance makes no difference. He is praying for me.” ~Robert M. McCheyne

When you struggle with your faith when you face the dark night of the soul when you are not sure of where you stand with the things of God, flee to the Scriptures. It is from those pages that God the Holy Spirit will speak to you, minister to your soul, and strengthen the faith that He gave to you in the first place.

~R.C. Sproul~

The Jews are God’s Chosen people. We cannot place ourselves in opposition to Israel without detriment to ourselves.

~Billy Graham~

You may think you can live fine without Christ, but you cannot afford to die without Him.

~C.H. Spurgeon~

There is nothing attractive about the gospel to the natural man; the only man who finds the gospel attractive is the man who is convicted of sins.

~Oswald Chambers~

The driver on the highway is safe not when he reads the signs, but when he obeys them.

~A.W. Tozer~

God is sovereign.

God is sovereign. The world has received a unique wake-up call this year. Some have said the virus pandemic is a discipline from God for mistreatment of His gift of the earth or for the immorality of its inhabitants. Whether He sent it, or whether He didn’t, He is powerful enough to stop it, yet He hasn’t. Could it be He is longing for people to seek Him, to be redeemed by Him, to love Him?

Our lives are to be under the rule (the dominion) of God's will revealed in His word. When we are disobedient to God's will, sin is dominating our lives.

As we receive personal instruction from the Lord it is important to remember His lesson first applies to us individually -- not necessarily to everyone in our lives.

If you go past the cross, you’ve gone too far. —

Dr. Carl Livingston

"Many people will do almost anything except think." —

Charles Spurgeon

The streams of glory are not like the water of a conduit, often stopped, so that we cannot have one drop of water; but those heavenly streams of joy are continually running.

Thomas Watson

The church does not meet as often as the home. Thus, if Christ is to be worshipped daily, it is incumbent upon the home to play an important spiritual role. Consequently, fathers, as heads of households, are thrust into a pastoral role. -


To tell about Jesus without the cross is to betray him with a kiss.

Charles Spurgeon

Without the cross, there would be no grace.

Without the cross, there would be no goodness.

Without the cross, there would be no gratitude.

  — Dr. Carl Livingston

We need preachers who still preach God is holy, hell is real, salvation is available, death is coming, and Jesus is returning. God, give us such men!

Dustin Benge

Without God, what am I but a guide to my own destruction?

The believer delights in coming like a beggar in his own rags, for he knows he has nothing else to offer to God.

Jonathan Edwards

The Bible is authoritative not because we accept it as such, but because it is the word of the risen Lord. It has a claim on all people. Its truth is the truth for every person in every place. -

K. Scott Oliphint

Pride is the oldest and most common of sins. Humility is the rarest and most beautiful of graces.

J C Ryle

“People come to church for the ministry of the Word, not for the words of the minister.”

- Gerald Bray

There is nothing sweeter to the Christian than knowing Jesus is interceding for us.

1. He prays for our protection (Jn 17:15).

2. He prays for our unity (Jn 17:20–23).

3. He prays for grace in time of need (Heb 4:16).

4. He prays for our recovery from sin (1 Jn 2:1).

Dustin Benge

"The best thing about the past is that it shows you what not to bring into your future." -

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." -

Mother Teresa

A true Christian desires to be free from sin, not to sin freely.

In 1877, Charles H. Spurgeon wrote to his son offering advice for ministry faithfulness:

“Give them the Gospel. Study all you can, preach boldly, and let your behavior be with great discretion. Live to Him, and you will be better than great.”

The Bible is:














Sweeter than 

More precious than gold


Like a 

Sharper than any two-edged 

Read it

Study it

Meditate on it

Obey it

Be transformed by it

"One of the happiest moments in your life is when you find the courage to let go of what you can’t change." -

Shallow theology produces shallow worship. We can’t worship a God we don’t know.

We can continue to argue about gun laws and mental health but the issue is SIN and the answer is JESUS.

When we get to the end of ourselves, we get to the beginning of God.

~Alan Redpath~


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