Nothing warms the heart of parents more than to hear their children or grandchildren voluntarily say, "I love you." And God wants the same thing from us. God wants us to voluntarily love Him because we choose to, not because we have to.
Many believers waste their afflictions by focusing upon "the things which are seen." They set their minds on themselves, their circumstances, or some conventional human wisdom.
There is no need for God to create a new thing upon the earth in order to restore believers to joy; if they would prayerfully rake the ashes of the past, they would find light for the present; and if they would turn to the book of truth and the throne of grace, their candle would soon shine as aforetime. Be it ours to remember the lovingkindness of the Lord, and to rehearse His deeds of grace. Let us open the volume of recollection which is so richly illuminated with memorials of mercy, and we shall soon be happy.
Charles Spurgeon
A dog may be a worthless animal, and yet by a little kindness it is soon won to love its master, and is faithful unto death; but we forget the goodness of the Lord, and follow not at His call. The term "dead dog" is the most expressive of all terms of contempt, but it is none too strong to express the self-abhorrence of instructed believers.
Charles Spurgeon
You are my portion, O LORD;
I have said that I would keep Your words.
I entreated Your favor with my whole heart;
Be merciful to me according to Your word.
(Psalm 119:57-58)
While we have no natural right to mercy, according to God's
promise there is a spiritual right to mercy for all who ask according
to His promise. Receive that mercy, draw near to God, and satisfy
your soul.
By David Guzik
Only God can take the broken pieces of your life and make something beautiful out of each one. He is waiting for you to let go of your pain and trust Him. And you really can. No one loves you like He does.
You may not always understand or even like His process, but you can always trust His heart of love for you! It's time to look into the word and receive it with gladness as it is the perfect law of liberty
Jam 1:25
Our gracious God wants to use the trials in our lives ("our light affliction") to produce for us eternal blessings ("eternal weight of glory"). He intends to use our daily difficulties to enlarge our spiritual capacity to experience more fully the glorious eternal realities of knowing, worshiping, and serving God forever! The Lord desires a full, rich inheritance to await us in heaven: "For so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 1:11).
Read, Study & Meditate
If Romans is the purest expression of the gospel (as Luther
said), then Ephesians is the most sublime and majestic
expression of the gospel.
~David Martyn Lloyd-Jones~
"When you're good at something, you'll tell everyone. When you're great at something - they'll tell you" ~ Walter Payton
All the water in the ocean can never sink a ship unless it gets inside. All the pressures of life can never hurt you unless you let them in.
"All the water in the ocean can never sink a ship unless it gets inside. All the pressures of life can never hurt you unless you let them in. ~ Unknown
“Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've everything to do, and you've done it.”
— Margaret Thatcher
Warren Buffet has a philosophy, F.O.C.U.S, follow one course until success!!!!!!!!
Sometimes the hardest thing and right thing are the same.
Do you agree?
more at Zig Ziglar
When you raise capital, always under promise and over deliver.
The Secret is no secret at all, We all live by a world view and that is the view we project to others. But here is the thing does it matter if Jesus said to turn the other cheek, to love them anyway... I guess we have to determine life by some key factors. Who we hang with, what we are taking in, what we eat, and so on. It is all in the word of God. Read it to find your way to the blessings life has for you. John 10:10 "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have [it] more abundantly.
I made myself a checklist of skills I needed to develop around a knowledge base to graduate from being a cautious "tourist" in life to becoming a courageous "guide" for myself and my family. The next morning I wrote:
Know your environment
Know the participants
Know your strengths and limitations
Know your purpose and inner motives
Know that others have a different agenda, often hidden
Know that there are givers and takers, prey and predators
Know how to be a giver, but not a prey for predators
Know enough to say "I don't know."
Know that change is the rule, but not the ruler.
Make the right choice, take action on that choice, keep your thinking sound, and persist, persist, persist.
Man is a creature that is led more by patterns than by precepts.
~George Swinnock~
We have peace and comfort knowing that He is our God and that He is our Savior. And that's the only way that we'll ever find true peace.
You need to really be careful and listen to the wisdom of the godly people God has surrounded you with. He has your best interest in mind, so you can trust Him and His ambassadors. We can be certain that God wants us to be wise, just as we are sure He wants us not to sin.
~R. C. Sproul~
A sure sign of spiritual decline is when we find ourselves wanting to get away from godly people.
Don't ever make your decisions based solely on the bottom line. This world runs on money. The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6:10). That's why pimps and prostitutes exist. That's why drug cartels exist. Follow the money and you'll find the root of the evil in a given situation. Today, let your faith in Christ Jesus bring you God's will for your life, and He'll take care of you.
Brennan Manning
“My deepest awareness of myself is that I am deeply loved by Jesus Christ and I have done nothing to earn it or deserve it.” ...
“In a futile attempt to erase our past, we deprive the community of our healing gift. ...
“Define yourself radically as one beloved by God".
Viktor Frankl
Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
― Viktor E. Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning
“We face a humanity that is too precious to neglect. We know a remedy for the ills of the world too wonderful to withhold. We have a Christ too glorious to hide. We have an adventure that is too thrilling to miss.”
~ Theodore Williams ~
Theodore williams was the founder and first general secretary of the indian evangelical mission.
Our light shines best when we are broken and humbled through it all.
If you ask why me your answer may be, because...
It is no longer you but Christ in you who will glorify the father.
If we don’t take the time to remember, we are in danger of falling into despair when life is hard. We lose sight of who God is and how much He loves us. We too easily forget the people He has given us to bless our lives—people we know, as well as strangers who lay down their lives for the good of us all.
Ray Bently
“Lighthouses don’t fire guns or ring bells to call attention to their light, they just shine.”
—Sherwood E. Wirt
“Despair is a greater sin than all the sins which provoke it, “
C.S. Lewis
“God always answers us in the deeps. Never in the shallows of our soul.” —Amy Carmichael
“If I take God at His word, the responsibility of fulfilling His promise does not lie with me, but with God, who made the promise.” Spurgeon
Today, America’s sins are many. God calls believers to intercede for America as Moses interceded for Israel. In this case, though, sin has already been punished through the crucifixion of Christ. People need to receive Jesus as Savior and Lord; Savior—to receive forgiveness and a right standing with God; and Lord—putting God in control of their lives.
Christian service is not about our position, responsibilities, or the respect of peers, it's about humbly serving God's people -- one at a time -- usually without any fanfare or recognition.
Are you having trouble getting involved in ministry? Perhaps you've become more concerned with what you won't want to do rather than what needs to be done.
One of the things I appreciate so much about Jesus is His willingness to have a close, personal, and nurturing relationship with me individually. If we are not careful, in the course of large 'church programs,' we can forget one of the more important aspects of Christian witness and ministry that is the need for our personal involvement -- one at a time "and from house to house."
If we don’t wait for the Lord to provide in His way and time, we may make unwise decisions we can’t afford.
~Charles F. Stanley~
You have a responsibility to hear the voice and open the door. People and God will call to you, but if your distorted thinking and your resistance to risk get in the way, you will keep the door closed so that attachment cannot happen.
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with Me. – Rev. 3:20.
Sin is the ruin and misery of the soul; it is destructive in its nature; and if God should leave it without restraint, there would need nothing else to make the soul perfectly miserable.
Jonathan Edwards
Their foot shall slide in due time” (Deut. xxxii. 35)
“All sin is of the same nature, and essentially consists in selfishness. Sin is a transgression of the law of love, and nothing but selfishness is a transgression of that law.
Nathanael Emmons
I could not live comfortably for a day, or an hour, without the doctrines of grace.
John Newton
Worship is more than the songs we sing, it’s the lifestyle we live.
No one is too wounded for Jesus to heal.
“When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place.” - C.S. Lewis
“The goal of preaching is discovery, not creation.” -Adam Bailie
“Preaching is not conversation, or casual talk about religious things. Preaching is not mere teaching. Preaching is heralding the message of God’s greatness, majesty, and grace.”
- John Piper
do it as serving the Lord, not people.
People all around us are searching and longing for the hope they see living inside of you and me. -Doug Stringer
No greater peace or joy exists than to know we belong to Christ. -Doug Stringer
Thank God that you know you are a sinner and Christ is your savior. Charles Spurgeon
Look to the Word of the Lord and long to be conformed to it in all things. Charles Spurgeon
Anyone who really wants the truth ends up at Jesus. Johnny Cash.
Everyone thinks forgiveness is a lovely idea until they have something to forgive. C.S. Lewis
Is there any room for prejudice and discrimination among people of faith? Jesus answered that question with His actions and His love. No matter who we are or what we know or don’t know, we can all come to Jesus for help and healing. He turns no one away. Ever. Ray Bentley
Be of good courage weary pilgrim, for the years are flying fast and trials and troubles are flying just as fast. You are tarrying here only for one short night, and then you will be up and away to your eternal home. Spurgeon
Help me to be a faithful servant, Lord, skilled in the task to which You have called me. Amen. Tozer
One of the hardest things for a lofty and superior nature is to be under authority, to renounce his own will, and to take a place of subjection. But Christ took upon Him the form of a servant, gave up His independence, His right to please Himself. AB Simpson
Brother, you ought to take that head of yours, oil it and rub the rust off and begin to use it as God has always expected you would. God expects you to understand and have a grasp of His truth because you need it from day to day. Tozer
It is through tribulation that the Word of God becomes powerful. G. Campbell Morgan
The baptism of the Holy Ghost does not make you think of Time or Eternity, it is one amazing glorious NOW. “This is life eternal, that they might know Thee.” Begin to know Him now, and finish never. Chambers
We allow ourselves all too constantly to be deflected from the main line of our endeavour; and find that we have been so busy doing excellent nothings that we have been able to do nothing excellently. G. Campbell Morgan
What is the cure for carnal Christianity? The first step is to walk in love. If you walk in love you’ll not engage in envy and in strife. If you walk in love you’ll not bring division into the body of Christ. Chuck Smith
“Thank God that you know you are a sinner and Christ is your savior.” — Charles Spurgeon
“All errors will die in due time.” — Charles Spurgeon
“Beware, my dear Christian friends of living by feeling.” — Charles Spurgeon
“We must judge teaching carefully and not think that any opinion will do.” — Charles Spurgeon
“‘Let your requests be made known,’ not to your neighbors, but ‘to God.’” — Charles Spurgeon
“If our salvation depended upon our feelings, we should be lost one day and saved another.” — Charles Spurgeon
“We live by faith, and if that faith be weak, praise God that weak faith is faith.” — Charles Spurgeon
“God's love does not depend upon what we are; it flows from his own heart.” — Charles Spurgeon
“Understanding the love of Jesus lifts the mind above all fear.” — Charles Spurgeon
“Go on, dear teachers, and believe that God will save your children. Expect fruit.” — Charles Spurgeon
“God’s love is not from something good in us; it is love for us because of everything good in him.” — Charles Spurgeon
“The least selfish one is King of this kingdom.” — Charles Spurgeon
“Holy Spirit, guide our thoughts and words rightly.” — Charles Spurgeon
“Your child needs teaching. He will never know the Lord unless he is taught.” — Charles Spurgeon
"The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end." – Charles Spurgeon
“Children need to learn the doctrine of the cross.” — Charles Spurgeon
"Pray before you read the Bible, while you read it, and after you read it." -Joel Beeke.
To live happily the evils of false ambition and self-love must be plucked from our hearts by the roots. -John Calvin -
I would rather teach one man to #pray than ten men to preach. -C.H. Spurgeon -
O Lord of grace, My soul is often a chariot without wheels, clogged and hindered in sin's miry clay; Mount it on eagle's wings and cause it to soar upward to thyself. —Valley of Vision, Pg. 165
Idleness is the devil's bath; a slothful person becomes a prey to every temptation. - Thomas Watson
Ah, Christians! It is sad with you, it is night with you, when you read over the evidences of God’s love to your souls, as a man does a book which he intends to refute. —Puritan Thomas Brooks, Works 3:282
… there is much more to godly living than sheer pietism.” — Mike Abendroth, Sexual Fidelity, 31.
“If we would be holy, we must get to the cross, and dwell there.” — Horatius Bonar
You can't accept Jesus, and reject the Bible. Anything we know about following Him comes from the Scriptures.
We have no right to judge where we should be put, or to have preconceived notions as to what God is fitting us for. God engineers everything; wherever He puts us, our one great aim is to pour out a whole–hearted devotion to Him in that particular work. “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might.” OSWALD CHAMBERS
If a man cannot prove his religion in the valley, it is not worth anything.
Compassion leads to miracles!
Sometimes we worship because we’ve had a victory. But sometimes we worship until we see one.
Worship in celebration! Worship regularly. Worship when you grieve. Worship in prayer. Worship in battle! Satan hates it!
God has so much more for us, and the day we decide to start fighting for it, the battle for abundant life begins.
What might happen if you stopped working so hard to keep anyone from knowing about your struggle? The world would not end… but it might be the beginning of the end of your isolation and suffering.
Obedience is a vital issue for every believer. Throughout the Scriptures we see that God's desire is for His children to walk in obedience. Moses wrote of this truth. "You shall obey the voice of the LORD your God, and observe His commandments and His statutes which I command you today" (Deuteronomy 27:10). Samuel confirmed this truth. "Has the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice" (1 Samuel 15:22). Likewise, the Apostle Peter declared that God's children are to live "as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts" (1 Peter 1:14).
As we saw in our previous meditation, the grace of God provides what we need for growing in a life of obedience. Now we will begin to see that God's law demands obedience (whole-hearted obedience), but it does not provide the necessary spiritual resources for living an obedient life.
Prayer is a core part of the Christian life; naturally it should extend to our most intimate relationship: marriage! One author and theologian, Henri Nouwen says: “a spiritual life without prayer is like the gospel without Christ.”
Our lives are to be under the rule (the dominion) of God's will revealed in His word. When we are disobedient to God's will, sin is dominating our lives. The Lord certainly wants us to get out from under the domination of sin and to live obediently.
A little thorn may cause much suffering. A little cloud may hide the sun. Little foxes spoil the vines; and little sins do mischief to the tender heart. These little sins burrow in the soul, and make it so full of that which is hateful to Christ, that He will hold no comfortable fellowship and communion with us.
Search the scriptures...For in them you think there is everlasting life!
Do you feel guilty because of past sin?
Have you asked God to forgive you for those mistakes?
A shield does not protect any one area of the body. It is large and
mobile enough to cover any and every area of the body. It is armor
over armor. This is how fully the favor of God, our standing in
grace, protects us.
All gave some but some gave all.
~Author Unknown~
Do you trust the power of God's Word? So often we are frustrated when friends or family members (who are under a spirit of deception, oppression, depression, etc) don't listen to our personal witness. Have you tried to simply read Scripture to them? Hebrews tells us that God's Word is "living and active." It has the power to change the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. My words alone don't have that kind of power.
Some people are just plain crazy and that is with Jesus in there life.
God created us to need each other. That truth is never more evident than when we are in pain or struggling with some crisis in life.
Comparison will always leave us feeling like we don't measure up. We can try to do more and be more, yet it's never enough.
If only Eve had focused on who she was and what she had as a child of God. If only we could too.
Yet Satan wants us to focus on our flaws and feelings of inadequacy, then exhaust our energy figuring out how to hide them. But we don't have to go along with his schemes. Instead we need to equip ourselves to recognize his lies, refute his temptations with truth, and focus on God's acceptance, security, and significance. Then we can thank God for His provision and His promises that remind us of who we are in Him:
I am accepted...
Ephesians 1:3-8 I have been chosen by God and adopted as His child.
Colossians 1:13-14 I have been redeemed and forgiven of all my sins.
Colossians 2:9-10 I am complete in Christ.
I am secure...
Romans 8:28 I am assured that God works for my good in all circumstances.
Romans 8:31-39 I am free from condemnation. I can't be separated from God's love.
Philippians1:6 I am confident God will complete the good work He started in me.
I am significant...
Ephesians 2:10 I am God's workmanship.
Ephesians 3:12 I may approach God with freedom and confidence.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Love is not only something you feel, it is something you do.
If we are His workmanship, and He created us to serve Him, with opportunities He has already established for us, what do we need to do? We need to walk in Christ, seeking those opportunities He has for us.
The reason some people don’t recognize opportunity is that
is usually comes disguised as hard work.
A love that never fails! Hard to imagine, isn’t it? Has human love ever failed you? I’m guessing your answer may be, “Yes it has—more times than I like to admit!” I Corinthians 13:8 promises that “love never fails!” Not God’s kind of love anyway.
Don't lose heart if you're feeling like giving up. Jesus Christ has paid the price for your sin and for your pain. Give (or re-give) your life to Him and let Him fill you with a renewed sense of purpose and passion for your life. Jesus Christ is the only way, truth, and life.
If you're dealing with depression, or loneliness, or bitterness, or anger, talk to your pastor and get some help. If you desire, simply reply to this email and cry out for help
Have you put your trust in Jesus as your Redeemer? Let Him take your head out of the enslaving collar of sin and set you free.
-- Vernon C Grounds
In our life's we worry about the big picture, instead of worrying about the part of the puzzle at hand.
When we ask why, there is two reasons, sin or it is something God is using to bring glory to Him. I often talk about the blind man who was blind from birth and the disciples asked Jesus who sinned, this man or his parents? Jn.9:2
Jhn 9:3 Jesus answered, "Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him.
Think about it, being born with an illness, the doctors say we can not help you. You deal with the pain and then Jesus says you where born for such a time as this to bring gloy and honor to me.
Opportunities are out there, the question is are you willing to move towards them!
There is no love in giving if you are looking to get back!
Hbr 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Be aware that your mind cannot focus on two things at the same time... it can either focus on the current situation and worry or a solution. The choice is always yours.”
“Mastery is not something that strikes in an instant, like a thunderbolt, but a gathering power that moves steadily through time, like the weather.”
— John Champlin Gardner, Jr.
“A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist.”
— Louis Nizer
“The truly liberated human being is not always fighting against something, but more frequently is fighting for something or someone.”
— Denis Waitley
“It is better to say, "This one thing I do" than to say, "These forty things I dabble in.”
— Washington Gladden
“With more success comes greater problems along with greater ability to solve them.”
— Mark Victor Hansen
Right now, make a decision to do something that causes you to utilize one of your richest and most empowering emotions. Remember, the more you use something, the stronger it becomes. Our emotional muscles must be exercised, not only to produce results, but to keep us in a healthy and prepared state.
"We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret." ~ Jim Rohn
Make positive deposits in your mind each day because the last deposit in your mind is the first one you will withdraw.
To fail harder means to try harder.
The purpose of unity is that we might become more deeply involved with one another.
We must thank our God for the graces and comforts, gifts and usefulness of others, as we receive the benefit and God receives the glory.
~Matthew Henry~
Keep speaking. Keep striving. Keep seeing.
Let us learn from our losses and in our pain let us move closer to Jesus, not further from Him.
Hope helps us persevere beyond the pain.
Hope fuels our recovery.
Hope tells us we still have a future.
Hope gives us the patience to trust.
Our hope is in Jesus
"Your mission, should you choose to accept it..." was the famous line of the hit 1960s show, Mission Impossible. The mission details that followed were disclosed only to a team of secret government agents. If they failed or were caught, the "secretary" would deny knowing them.
Before departing planet Earth, Jesus gave a mission mandate to his followers. Often called the Great Commission, it is found in each of the four gospels including Acts. Your mission is to proclaim the good news about salvation through faith in Jesus'
there is no position for a perfect marriage just stay perfect God working out his perfect love
In the kingdom of God, the surest way to lose something is to try to protect it, and the best way to keep it is to let it go. This was the word of our Lord Jesus Christ: "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross!" Christ turned from the fallen world of Adam and spoke about another world altogether, a world where Adam's philosophy is invalid and his technique inoperative. He spoke of the kingdom of God whose laws are exactly opposite to those of the kingdom of men. So, the true Christian is a child of two worlds. He lives among fallen men, but when he is regenerated, he is called to live according to the laws and principles that underlie the new kingdom. He may, then, find himself trying to live a heavenly life after an earthly pattern-and this is what Paul called "carnal" living. That is why it is vitally important to move up into the life of the Spirit of God. Give up your earthly "treasures" and the Lord will keep them for you unto life eternal!
A. W. Tozer Sermon: Child of Two Worlds
May 30, 1416 reformer JEROME OF PRAGUE was burned to death as a heretic for speaking out against corruption in the Catholic Church. For his execution, he was made to wear a paper hat painted with red devils and of this, he said, "Our Lord Jesus, when He suffered death for me, a most miserable sinner, did wear a crown of thorns upon his head; and I for his sake will wear this adorning derision of blasphemy." He sang hymns as the flames consumed him in the same place his friend and mentor John Hus was previously executed.
“If Jesus gives us a task or assigns us to a difficult season, every ounce of our experience is meant for our instruction and completion if only we'll let Him finish the work. I fear, however, that we are so attention-deficit that we settle for bearable when beauty is just around the corner.”
― Beth Moore
Beware of anything that stops the offering up of prayer. “Pray without ceasing…”(1 Thessalonians 5:17)
Walking in the Spirit and being Spirit-filled transforms our lives, our character, and our communities as we proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and even witness healings as we pray for those who are sick or in need!
You can’t walk with Jesus and run with devil at the same time.
Characteristics of Jesus that we don't mention enough: He must have been fun, kind, and approachable. How do we know that? Children flocked to Him. Kids don't run to curmudgeons. They run away from them. Notice, there are no Scriptures where the kids ran to Judas.
Don't Just Do What God Called You to Do, DO IT WELL!
“I’m all for creativity in preaching but this inordinate preoccupation with being clever is concerning. At some point, we have to believe that flat footed preaching in a plain and ordinary way has way more power in it than 45 minutes of quotables.” -Jackie Hill Perry
"An ounce of obedience is better than a tonne of head knowledge." - Charles Spurgeon
"In giving an invitation, people need to know why they need to put their trust in Jesus and that God’s not made it complicated for us to be saved." —Catherine Renfro
It is neglect of the Bible which makes so many a prey to the first false teacher whom they hear." -J.C. Ryle
Who shall deliver me from my own sin and failure? Not ‘How shall I be delivered theologically’—but ‘Who shall deliver me personally?’ Like Paul, I declare to you experientially and emphatically that Jesus Christ is the key! Jon Courson
People aren’t going to move this world by criticism of it, nor conformity to it. But by the combustion within it having lives ignited by the Spirit of God. Vance Havner
The Church needs a return to recognition of the sacredness of the ministry. G. Campbell Morgan
Anything that hinders your joy in the Lord needs to be brought to the feet of Jesus to be healed. Just as He bowed down and washed His disciples’ feet, surrender to Him, and receive hope and healing. Ray Bentley
Allow the Spirit of God to fill your heart, and you know what will happen? You’ll lose interest in the stuff which dominated and controlled you. Jon Courson
“Man deserves nothing but death, and life must be the free gift of God.” — Charles Spurgeon
“All things in salvation are from God through Christ by his Spirit.” — Beeke and Smalley, Reformed Systematic Theology, 3:447.
“Whatever your crime has been, the Lord says, 'Return, for I have mercy upon you.'” — Charles Spurgeon
The Trinity is proof that God is love; for love requires the presence of a lover, a beloved, and the spirit of Love between them. Augustine
You cannot make yourself happy, but you can make yourself rejoice, in the sense that you will always rejoice in the Lord. Happiness is something within ourselves, rejoicing is 'in the Lord'. question of life and my personal being, my soul and its eternal destiny. MLJ
“Solid learning is never a burden and is often a great means of usefulness.” — Charles Spurgeon
In preaching, "conviction is good, but then we give the balm of assurance after, the balm of the Lord Jesus." –– Mike Abendroth
“Teacher of morality, do your best, but what man really needs for eternity is the gospel.” — Charles Spurgeon
“If Jesus was born in poverty, may not the poor in spirit expect that he will be their friend?” — Charles Spurgeon
"The truly holy person does not merely 'do what God commands,' though he certainly does that; the holy person 'loves what God loves,' and then acts in keeping with that renewed heart.” –– Michael Riccardi, Sanctification, 11.
"Just as justification frees the believer from ‘the guilt of sin,’ so sanctification frees him from the ‘stain of sin’ to restore him to the purity of the image of God.” –– Beeke and Smalley, Reformed Systematic Theology, 3: 628.
“If God loves you, man will hate you.” — Charles Spurgeon
“Doubtless he accommodates himself to our ignorances whenever he puts on a character foreign to himself. And this consideration exposes the folly as well as the impiety of those who bring forward single words to show that God is, as it were like mortals." - John Calvin
“This is the recipe for sanctification: by his stripes we are healed.” — Charles Spurgeon
"There is no happier, no easier, and no better way for obtaining money or anything else in the work of God, than to deal directly with God Himself." -George Muller.
The devil seeks to weaken our opinion of God’s goodness. —Puritan Thomas Manton, Works 7:191
Christ’s worst is better than the world’s best. Moses counted ‘the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt.’ —Thomas Manton, Works 7:269
“As your prayers have been many, so also have been God's answers to them.” — Charles Spurgeon
“If God had granted all the silly prayers I’ve made in my life, where should I be now?” - C.S. Lewis
The ultimate goal of the human mind is to know God. Augustine
"We are sent to bless the world, but we are never told to compromise with it." AW Toze
If I do what God tells me, when he tells me, because he tells me, I shall not fear.” — Charles Spurgeon
We are only strangers in this world if we are Christians. Paul says "Our citizenship is in heaven." Martyn Lloyd-Jones
A child of God findeth a greater treasure in one chapter of the Bible than worldly men in all their lands and honours and large revenues. —Puritan Thomas Manton, Works 7:265-66
"The Holy Spirit is sovereign in His operation; and we know He uses a great variety; and we cannot tell how great a variety He may use, within the compass of the rules He Himself has fixed. We ought not to limit God where He has not limited Himself." -Jonathan Edwards.
Just like a good pair of glasses- #Scripture...clearly shows us the true God. -John Calvin -
Blood, always precious, is priceless when it streams from #Immanuel's side. -C.H. Spurgeon -
“Be of good courage, my friends. Follow the Captain of your salvation!” — Charles Spurgeon
"I have shared Peter's immaturities, his misunderstanding, his lack of self-knowledge, and, yes his failure in courage. You have too. But these failures need never be final if Peter's Savior is our Savior too." — Sinclair Ferguson, Lessons from the Upper Room, 59.
“King Jesus will never lose the many crowns that are on his head.” — Charles Spurgeon
’Tis not that I did choose thee, for, Lord, that could not be; this heart would still refuse thee, hadst thou not chosen me. —Trinity Psalter Hymnal, 428
’Tis not that I did choose thee, for, Lord, that could not be; this heart would still refuse thee, hadst thou not chosen me. —Trinity Psalter Hymnal, 428
“Come to God confessing our ignorance and asking to be led and instructed.” — Charles Spurgeon
You are but a sinner, and Jesus died for sinners. - George Whitefield
We must remind ourselves of who we are: children of God. It is only as we remember this and live accordingly that we shall live the righteous life and advance toward holiness. — D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
“Oh church of God, fear not: you shall do wonderful things.” — Charles Spurgeon
"Brother, if any man thinks ill of you, do not be angry with him. For you are worse than he thinks you to be." —Charles Spurgeon
“Life is a gift from heaven, a gift of undeserved love and sovereign grace.” — Charles Spurgeon
When a preacher preaches the law, he binds all consciences; and when he preaches the #gospel, he looses them again. -William Tyndale -
To do so no more is the truest #repentance. -Martin Luther -
“Let us lift up our eyes and wonder. Let us lift up our voices and praise.” — Charles Spurgeon
“Much is done for the devil in the name of God.” — Charles Spurgeon
“Bold-hearted men are always called mean-spirited by cowards.” — Charles Spurgeon
“If a student should learn a thousand things, and yet fail to preach the gospel acceptably, his seminary training will have missed its true design.” — Charles Spurgeon
“If you have received much from God, you are so much a debtor to men.” — Charles Spurgeon
“The love of God, the grace of God, the mercy of God remain just the same as ever they were.” — Charles Spurgeon
Hard thoughts of God keep us off from him, but his loving and merciful nature inviteth us to him. —Puritan Thomas Manton, Works 7:192
“You are chosen by God, redeemed by blood, called by his Spirit, and made one with Jesus.” — Charles Spurgeon
“God has sought us out. Let us have good hope for those we pray for.” — Charles Spurgeon
The good of our condition is not to be determined by the interest of the flesh, but the welfare of our souls. —Puritan Thomas Manton, Works 7:254
“To be a true Christian is something higher and nobler than simply sitting in our pews on Sunday.” — Charles Spurgeon
So perverse are we by nature, that we are worse often times by prosperity: ‘Before I was afflicted I went astray’. —David Dickson, Geneva Series of Commentaries: Psalms, 368
“God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts in our pains; it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” - C.S. Lewis
“The secret of a believer's holy walk is his continual recurrence to the blood of the Surety, and his daily [communion] with a crucified and risen Lord. All divine life, and all precious fruits of it, pardon, peacc, and holiness, spring from the cross.” — Horatius Bonar
“There can be no falsehood in Christ Jesus, nor failure in him.” — Charles Spurgeon
The #God of the #Scripture can only be known by those to whom He makes Himself known. -A.W. Pink -
I maintain that to tell a person they are born again, while they are living in carelessness or #sin is a dangerous delusion -J.C. Ryle
"By delay of repentance, sin strengthens, and the heart hardens. The longer ice freezeth, the harder it is to be broken." -Thomas Watson.
“You can truly serve God behind the counter, in the workroom, by digging a ditch, or clipping a hedge.” — Charles Spurgeon
“A Christian is always and everywhere not his own, but belongs to Christ.” — Charles Spurgeon
To me the Bible is not God, but it is God's voice, and I do not hear it without awe. Charles Spurgeon
Whether the world grows atheistic or devout, our duty and our joy are the same — we are to magnify the Lord our God.. Charles Spurgeon
The best men, if they sin, should give the best example of repentance. Matthew Henry
Love not the world, for it is a moth in a Christians life... John Bunyan
The best and sweetest flowers of paradise God gives to His people when they are upon their knees. Prayer is the gate of heaven. Thomas Brooks
Prayer is one of the best and most powerful means of helping forward the cause of Christ in the world. J.C. Ryle
"The only way you’re living your best life now is if you’re going to hell." John MacArthur
"My unknown sins are buried in the unknown deeps of his almighty sacrifice." Charles Spurgeon
“Grace is free; Christ is free. Come, poor sinner, there is none to push you back.” — Charles Spurgeon
Man will glory either in himself or in God. Man will live either to serve and please himself, or he will seek to serve and please the Lord. None can serve two masters. (Matthew 6:24) A.W. Pink
Prayer can let in a ray of hope when all our earthly prospects seem darkened. J. C. Ryle
He loves me best who loves me in his prayers. J. C. Ryle
“Heaven's way is paved with grace and mercy to the end.” William Gurnall
Regeneration is something that is accomplished by God. A dead man cannot raise himself from the dead. R.C. Sproul
The Bible from Genesis to Revelation presents a stupendous view of God, and then it tells us that Jesus Christ is all that God is. J. Gresham Machen (1881 – 1937)
Jesus doesn't just save us from Hell, he saves us from the sin that sends us to Hell. Conrad Mbewe
You want to know a person's worldview, don't ask them what they believe, just watch how they live. Voddie Baucham
God is incomparable not only in what He has done, but also in what He can do. He can do whatever He wills, and He can do more than He wills. His arm is as large as His mind, and His hand is equal to His heart. His pleasure is the only boundary of His strength. — George Swinnock
“There would be absolutely no benefit to us if Jesus merely lived and died as a private person. It is only because He lived and died as our representative that His work becomes beneficial to us” The Gospel for Real Life, Jerry Bridges.
t is those who look to Christ, not only for pardon but for holiness, that are successful in subduing sin, while the legalist remains its slave. — Charles Hodge, Commentary on Romans
“Dedicate your home, consecrate your living room, make your kitchen into a church for God.” — Charles Spurgeon
“The law does not motivate (but it does guide and norm the Christian's behavior). Grace motivates.” — Mike Abendroth, Sexual Fidelity, 31.
if Christ had not died, sin had never died in any sinner unto eternity. - John Owen
"We cannot receive what He wants to give until we let go of what He wants to take." -Elisabeth Elliot.
“You are justified by faith, not by feelings.” — Charles Spurgeon
“The true religion of Jesus is a good thing for you.” — Charles Spurgeon
The #Bible was not meant to be learned only, but obeyed. -A.W. Tozer -
If #God doth such great things to teach us, we ought not to do little to learn. -Jonathan Edwards -
“Do not think you have done your children any good unless you have taught them the Word of the Lord.” — Charles Spurgeon