One of the most beautiful aspects of marriage is longevity. Nothing replaces time; longevity can't be fabricated. The thing about time is that it takes patience, fortitude, and a total lack of escape routes.
Grace is the sum and substance of New Testament faith.
~J. I. Packer~
Not everything we experience in life has a clear purpose or meaning. You can make yourself crazy trying to understand why something happened and what it is supposed to mean to you or someone else. Sometimes things are beyond our understanding until after the event has occurred and we have the benefit of looking back.
if we live by the promises of God we won’t get upset when other people ignore our needs. Our supply doesn’t come from them, but from God. An unhealthy co-dependence occurs when our happiness depends on how others view and treat us. Drawing on God’s supply delivers us from preoccupation with our needs and anger with people who seem to fail to recognize them.
God opens doors no man can close and closes doors no man can open but He will never make you try or make you walk through them. Believing that He will show you the way is half of it. Psa 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You [are] with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
“Live your truth. Express your love. Share your enthusiasm. Take action towards your dreams. Walk your talk. Dance and sing to your music. Embrace your blessings. Make today worth remembering.”
― Steve Maraboli
Most people don’t want to know the will of God in order to do
it; they want to know it in order to consider it.
~William Pettingill~
Do not get mad at people when they cannot do your will. Make sure you are open to the Holy Spirit. God will reveal His plan when we submit to His will and open our eyes to what He is doing.
When God led the children of Israel through the wilderness, he didn’t just appear once a day and then abandon them. The pillar of fire was present all night; the cloud was present all day. Our God never leaves us!
Learn how to separate the majors and the minors. A lot of people don't do well simply because they major in minor things. Jim Rohn
Sometimes you need to stay in touch but be out of reach. Jim Rohn
Time is our most valuable asset, yet we tend to waste it, kill it, and spend it rather than invest it.
Jim Rohn
We can no more afford to spend major time on minor things than we can to spend minor time on major things. Jim Rohn
Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.
Jim Rohn
Successful people believe in their core genius. They believe it holds tremendous value and they put their purpose first. They find as much time to focus on it because they know it is what they are meant to be doing in the world. In order to find more time, they learn to delegate!
Rule of 5 is as follows:
Every day we...
1. Think Globally
2. Evaluate Our Leadership Strategy
3. Create Resources
4. Develop Associate Trainers, Partners & Donors
5. Train Leaders to Train Leaders
A Rule of 5 is more than a to-do list. It is the 5 things that are ingrained in daily life. Achieving them daily leads to success in purpose and vision. It keeps you focused. It is essentially the essence of a strategic plan.
"If you learn from defeat you haven't really lost."- Zig Ziglar
One of the main ingredients of success is the openness to receive answers.
Be the best YOU that you can be!
God doesn't expect us to know everything about Him right away or all the time, matter of fact He knows that we dont. He tells us to Ask Him for wisdom and understanding and He will be happy to school us.
"I Wanted To Change The World"
When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world.
I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation.
When I found I couldn't change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn't change the town and as an older man, I tried to change my family.
Now, as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself, and suddenly I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family and I could have made an impact on our town. Their impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world.
Author: Unknown
"There is little you can learn from doing nothing."- Zig Ziglar
just have faith.....!
"You can start where you are with what you've got and go to wherever it is you want to go."- Zig Ziglar
All our perils are as nothing, so long as we have prayer.
~C. H. Spurgeon~
if we live by the promises of God we won’t get upset when other people ignore our needs. Our supply doesn’t come from them but from God. An unhealthy co-dependence occurs when our happiness depends on how others view and treat us. Drawing on God’s supply delivers us from preoccupation with our needs and anger with people who seem to fail to recognize them.
Genuine faith does not fade when God is the center of your life.
Prayer is not the natural response, it's the supper natural response.
Count the cost be committed. Pray with boldness knowing God will, not that He can do, but knowing He already has done great and mighty things.
Do you ever want to just give up? Quit? Throw in the towel? Pain has the potential to hinder progress, but we want you to know that suffering is not ending your life. God is still shaping your life! It is a bend, not the end! So don’t lose heart!
It is the Spirit’s ministry to bring the sinner to the Savior and to make the sinner like the Savior.
~John Blanchard~
If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you'd like to win but think you can't,
It's almost certain you won't.
Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.
God leads us to eternal life not by our merits but according to his mercy.
“The New Testament does not say, ‘You shall know the rules and be bound by them,’ but, ‘You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.’”
–John Baillie
Get into His Word, live it, test it, and experience freedom!
We all start with an "F", and then God in his infinite wisdom, sovereignty, and love, offers His grace to us -- an undeserving people. We don't earn righteousness -- it is a gift based upon our belief.
Many Christians feel the more we do (serve, pray, etc.) will create an obligation that God owes. Have you ever felt that way? For example, "I prayed for three hours this morning, God owes me something really good today." Or, "I did this for you today what are you going to do for me?" God owes us nothing. We are all sinners and deserve punishment for our transgressions. What we do in the Lord's name should be an expression of our love of Him and gratitude for what He has already done for us. God is a debtor to no man.
Each new season with God will require you to walk by faith.
The Saint’s enduring riches are in the future, locked up in the heavenly casket.
~George Barlow~
Anything that hinders your JOY in the Lord needs to be brought to the feet of Jesus to be healed. Just as He bowed down and washed the feet of His disciples, surrender to Him and receive hope and healing.
the only one who is justified is the one who realizes he is worthy of nothing.
In unity, we are devoted to Jesus and His church, in a divine commitment, and an answer to His prayer for us, “that they all may be one” (John 17:21).
Ray Bently
God alone is the source of our grace and salvation, not obedience to our own set of regulations.
Welcome, Jesus into the midst of this turbulent time. Don’t let the storm turn you inward. Let it turn you upward. Max Lucado
The world cannot give us joy, and the world cannot take it away.
Steven Lawson
Jesus calls. Jesus commissions. Jesus sends. The church belongs to him.
I think people forget the send part and get very comfortable.
There Is No (I) Self in Team!
The song of saints in heaven is not “Worthy am I,” but “Worthy is the Lamb!”
Dustin Benge
Once you are saved, you don't move beyond the gospel. The gospel is essential in every moment of the Christian life
When we sin––we need the gospel.
When we stray––we need the gospel.
When we doubt––we need the gospel.
Every day, we are desperate for the gospel.
Justin Joiner
"Jesus is the Lamb of God. He bore your sins, now you must bear his praises." — Charles Spurgeon
"There is no spiritual disease that can withstand the wondrous remedy of the love of God." — Charles Spurgeon
"We are one with Jesus, knit to him, united to him, never to be separated." — Charles Spurgeon
"Praise God with the heart he has changed, the lips he has loosed, and the life he has spared." — Charles Spurgeon
"What an influence the parent has. To a great extent, you mold your children’s lives." — Charles Spurgeon
"God has heard your prayers, let him hear your praises." — Charles Spurgeon
"The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end." – Charles Spurgeon
"The god of this world is skilled in making men love sin." — Charles Spurgeon
“To believe and love the Trinity is to possess the key of theology.” — Charles Spurgeon
“Are you afraid of the earthquake? No, I rejoice to know that I have a God that can shake the world.” — Charles Spurgeon
"You are chosen by God, redeemed by blood, called by his Spirit, and made one with Jesus." — Charles Spurgeon
“The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God.” - C.S. Lewis
"Study prepares the sermon. Prayer prepares the preacher."
THE pressure of hard places makes us value life. Every time our life is given back to us from such a trial, it is like a new beginning, and we learn better how much it is worth, and make more of it for God and man. Streams in Desert
Don't get hung up on where the struggle is coming from. What's more important is how you handle the situation.
A calling to ministry is not a calling to stardom. It’s a calling to servanthood.
The goodness of God, and his readiness to be gracious to everyone who cometh to him, is the fountain of the saint’s hope, strength, and consolation. —Thomas Manton, Works 7:242
"Calvinists who do not pray are not Calvinists." -Martyn Lloyd-Jones.
When discipline leaves a church, Christ goes with it. —John Leadley Dagg
"There are three stages in the work of God: impossible, difficult, done." -Hudson Taylor.
#Jesus wills to have the whole of what he bought with his precious blood with him in heaven he will not lose any part. -C.H. Spurgeon -
The man who has #God for his treasure has all things in one. -A.W. Tozer -
The gospel is the greatest news ever to be proclaimed to the world. As the hour grows darker, the message of the cross grows brighter. Now more than ever, we must spread the only hope that exists. Steven Lawson
"For if one party drive away the other with great fierceness and cruelty, there is cause of desertion, and he is to be reputed the deserter." –– William Ames
No pen, no words, no image can express to you the loveliness of my only, only Lord Jesus. Samuel Rutherford
"If God is our God, he will give us peace in times of trouble. When there is a storm outside, he will make peace within. The world can create trouble in peace, but God can create peace in trouble." Thomas Watson
"Some people do not like to hear much of repentance; but I think it is so necessary that if I should die in the pulpit, I would desire to die preaching repentance, and if out of the pulpit I would desire to die practicing it." Matthew Henry
When Christ comes in the clouds every eye shall see him, but many will see him (as the rich man in hell saw Abraham) afar off... Matthew Henry
If I walk with the world, I can't walk with God. D.L. Moody
Long before time began or space was created, God had written upon His heart the names of His elect people, had predestinated them to be conformed unto the image of His Son, and ordained them heirs of all the fullness of His love, His grace, and His glory. Charles Spurgeon
Here are two keepers; I am to keep the Lord's word and the Lord will keep me. John Henry Jowett 1863 – 1923
There is no cure for the love of sin—like the blood of Christ! Charles Spurgeon
The world will let the man go to hell quietly and never try to stop him. The world will never let a man go to heaven quietly-- they will do all they can to turn him back. J.C. Ryle
The thing that keeps one going in the Christian life is Prayer. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
"We may live in a culture that believes everyone will be saved, that we are 'justified by death' and all you need to do to go to heaven is die. But God's Word certainly doesn't give us the luxury of believing that." RC Sproul
"The closer we are to God, the more the slightest sin will cause us deep sorrow." R.C. Sproul
There is no form of sinfulness to which you are addicted which Christ cannot remove.⠀ Charles H. Spurgeon
"Reading the Bible in a year? Good. But don't just read it, study it, and do so not just to brag about it but for your good and God's glory." Burk Parsons
We are watching our country free fall into godless darkness, sexual perversion, gender insanity, crime of all kinds, the breakdown of law and order, the family destruction, and above all, the constant flood of lies and efforts to silence the truth... John MacArthur
The problem with man is not the environment. Adam lived in a perfect world and still sinned and suffered. Steven Lawson
"People do not fear sin because they do not fear God, and they do not fear God because they do not know God and they do not know God because most preachers aren't preaching God and most preachers do not preach God because they do not know God!" Paul Washer
"In the Great Commission Jesus didn't say 'teach them all I've commanded.' He said 'teach them to obey all that I've commanded." Burk Parsons
I am amazed that he should call me anywhere, or employ me as his ambassador to beseech poor sinners to be reconciled to God. - George Whitefield
“God is incomparable in His work of providence…The hand that made everything maintains everything. The power that produced all things out of nothing must preserve all things from returning to nothing.” — George Swinnock, The Blessed and Boundless God, 73
"The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end." – Charles Spurgeon
"We preach not man's merit, but Christ crucified." — Charles Spurgeon