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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

Updated: May 12, 2024

The new covenant of grace, which depends upon the Spirit of the Lord working in lives, produces liberty: "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." The old covenant produces bondage in those who attempt to live under it, because it provides no resource for meeting its demands. In our last meditation, we looked at the bondage of secrecy that results from living by man's sufficiency. Spiritual blindness is another bondage that comes from living under the law.


God does not further our spiritual life in spite of our circumstances, but in and by our circumstances.

Feed your faith, and your fears will starve.

Children come to their parents in a state of helplessness. They’re aware that they can’t do a lot of things for themselves. In the same way, we should come to God in an acknowledgment of our complete helplessness and dependence on Him.

Grace is stronger than circumstances.

~J. C. Ryle~

Many people today rely upon their religious heritage to give them an acceptable standing with the Lord. Such hardness of heart leaves them blind. They cannot see as God sees. God tells them of their need, but they will not reach out to Him for help.

Those who live by the grace of God have such great hope. Their expectations are anchored in the Lord, not in self. Thus, they can be bold, open, candid. If they fail, they humbly confess their insufficiency. If they succeed, they openly credit the Lord's adequacy.

All the Christian’s rights are his by grace.

~William Hendriksen~

Through His death on the cross, He took upon Himself our sins, our imperfections and our blemishes, imparting His righteousness to us, so we can enter into the assembly of God. I thank God for His grace every day!

Act as if what you do makes a difference, because it does.

We can try to avoid making choices by doing nothing, but even that's a choice.

Let me encourage you to share your struggles with a Christian brother who might be able to offer you encouragement and accountability. You will be glad you did.

 Be sure it is some one you know and some one who knows you~ Relationship is everything.

Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.

If Satan came to you in a little red suit with a pitchfork and announced himself as the devil, you wouldn’t believe a word he said. But he is cunning and disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). When he deceived Eve, he even quoted Scripture – albeit twisted and distorted. He has a collection of old tapes from your past and pushes rewind and play, rewind and play.

Satan knows exactly which lies to whisper in your ear. He has watched you over the years and is well acquainted with your insecurities, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities.

You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. You are loved and chosen by God. That is the truth.

God requires no more than faithfulness in our place.

~William Gurnall~

He may be silent...but He is still there.

Gratitude makes what you have enough.

"Don't be distracted by criticism. Remember - the only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you."- Zig Ziglar

The new covenant of grace, which depends upon the Spirit of the Lord working in lives, produces liberty: "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." The old covenant produces bondage in those who attempt to live under it, because it provides no resource for meeting its demands.

No matter what we've already achieved, there will be times when we come up against roadblocks to personal and professional progress. The question is not whether you're going to have problems, but how you're going to deal with them when they come up.

Jesus doesn't want to patch lives; He wants to give new life. Unless a man is born again -- unless he undergoes a complete regeneration -- there's no way he'll see heaven.

When God brings new into your life, it's time to let go of the old. Let go of those old high school and college memories. Let go of the memories as a little girl or a little boy when someone bothered you. Let go of those memories that cause you anger and bitterness. Forget the things that are behind.

 come to Jesus with all your imperfections, with all your memories and mistakes, and lay them at His feet. No more illusions, no more faade. The former things are gone, and the newness of life in Christ lies ahead!

God loves to smile upon His people when the world frowns most.

~Thomas Brooks~

There's no greater truth for the life of your marriage. We desperately need Jesus in every facet of who we are. Without him, the definition of love is transient and ever-changing.

Aside from his love, grace, and goodness, we lack the strength and joy to love in a truly selfless way.

seek Jesus with everything you've got. He's the one love that has never failed and will never disappoint.

Keep God at the Center of your relationship... He comes first! loving God and giving ourselves to the Lord is our foundation...

Serving God is not staying where you are but moving forward in His will.

If you come to church and the message is not directed at you and you get up to leave. That is just rood.

Even when you have little you have much as long as you have the word of God and love!

We are in the Ark of safety of Jesus Christ and His word to live out the word of God in the world.

Insulate with the word of truth Don't Isolate by taking a child out of the world...

Distractions will make you determined or make you stumble and sure-come to the world. The enemy is trying to create fear in your life so you can not be an effective witness for Jesus Christ.

Men are what their mothers made them.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

we must have a mind to work, a heart to pray and eyes to watch. God will take care of everything else.

Salvation is always “good news.” It is news of God’s love and forgiveness––adoption into His family––fellowship with His people––freedom from the penalty of sin––liberation for the power of sin.

~Billy Graham~

When we work, we work. When we pray, God works.

~Hudson Taylor~

Relationship with other people is essential to our humanity. Yet, at the same time, Scripture commends the value of being alone at times.

Too often when some crisis happens that affects our livelihood (job, career, health, etc.) rather than move on (to the next thing we had on our mind if we weren't so tied down), we mourn over what once was and now is lost.

You have inside you the capacity to invest your mental, emotional, and spiritual gifts in a way that glorifies God impacts the world and satisfies your own soul.

~David Jeremiah~

“When you are in the dark, listen, and God will give you a very precious message for someone else when you get into the light.” —Oswald Chambers

One of the greatest gifts a friend, coach, mentor, or parent can give another person is encouragement --

As people who are special to God because of His grace in Christ, the first thing we’re to put on is “compassion.” The original language is even more powerful. It says that we’re to clothe ourselves with “a heart of compassion” (splanchna oiktirmou). This isn’t simply a matter of appearing to care for others. Rather, it’s having your heart moved by the sufferings of others and the acting on that empathy.

The way of the cross is still the pain-wracked path to spiritual power and fruitfulness.

~A W. Tozer~

“The light that shines from the Crucified is a light…which both illuminates the obscurity of being and overcomes the darkness of nonbeing.” —

Nicolas Berdyaev

“Some people lose their faith because of a sharp sense of disappointment with God. They expect God to act in a certain way, and God ‘lets them down.’ Others may not lose their faith, but they too experience disappointment. They believe God will intervene, they pray for a miracle, and their prayers come back unanswered.”

Philip Yancey

Be not ashamed of your faith; remember it is the ancient gospel of martyrs, confessors, reformers, and saints. Above all, it is the truth of God, against which the gates of hell cannot prevail.

~C.H. Spurgeon~

Be ready, for when God calls you for a specific work in your life, you’re set to go!

“Wherever we go, this family is our fortress.”

Christians in the second generation tend to become slack. Going to church becomes more like a religion. They go to church once in a while, but they do not take their relationship with Christ seriously. The third generation rebels, saying in their hearts, “Forget God, I do not need Him. I will live as I please.” They choose to reject the God of their parents and grandparents. These children grow up to be self-willed, making the decision to trust in themselves.

The world is not falling apart. The world is falling into place!

"We must not imagine that we are suffering for Christ if we are not in Christ."

— Charles Spurgeon

"There is no evil to be faced that Christ does not face with us.

There is no enemy that Christ has not already conquered.

There is no cross to bear that Christ has not already borne for us,

and does not now bear with us."

— St. John Paul II

He is a sufficient Savior because he is a living Savior.

Jonathan Edwards

The new covenant of grace, which depends upon the Spirit of the Lord working in lives, produces liberty.

Peace is not the absence of conflict, it’s the presence of Christ.

We need the energy, passion, and vision of the younger generations and the wisdom of the older. But we also need to view and present what God has revealed to us through His Word with hope, victory, compassion, and joy.

Give your fears to God! He wants you to run to Him with whatever is causing you to worry, stress, or anxiety. He's got your back!

Jesus tells us that we had better make sure we've made the correct preparations along the way. Why? Because if we wait until He arrives it will be too late! In other words, we need to deal with the sin in our lives right now and without delay.

Often times when I am circled by the love and goodness of friends, family, and fellow Christians I temporarily forget the evilness and depravity of man. Sometimes I too need a reminder. I think that is why mission work is so incredibly valuable for us -- it gets us out and into the real world -- where hunger, poverty, sexual abuse, drug addiction, murder, and AIDS are not just headlines -- but real facts of life.

When we work, we work. When we pray, God works. ~Hudson Taylor~

Psychology has been very successful in convincing people that they are not responsible for their sins.

The Word of God needs no corroboration.

“If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.” - C.S. Lewis

“The door on which we have been knocking all our lives will open at last.” - C.S. Lewis

"Throughout all disagreements and disappointments, let brotherly love continue." — Charles Spurgeon

"The bleeding, dying, rising Savior is the only star of hope to a sinner." — Charles Spurgeon

"The best of the church are not 'too good' for children's ministry." — Charles Spurgeon

"The Provider in heaven is better than any provider on earth." — Charles Spurgeon

"God alone can give peace to a church, and he only gives it by sanctifying its members." — Charles Spurgeon

"Sin and grace can no more agree than fire and water." — Charles Spurgeon

"When holiness reigned over the whole universe peace reigned also." — Charles Spurgeon

"As long as you live, endeavor to bless others." — Charles Spurgeon

"Prayer links us with the omnipotence of God." — Charles Spurgeon

"I may know all the doctrines of the Bible, but unless I know Christ, there is not one of them that can save me." — Charles Spurgeon

"Sin needs quenching in the Savior's blood, not concealing under the garb of religion." — Charles Spurgeon

"When I stand at the foot of his cross to be washed, I bring nothing but sin." — Charles Spurgeon

"The sum total of all human knowledge is but as a drop of the bucket compared with the wisdom of God." — Charles Spurgeon

"If you wish to know God, you must know his Word. If you wish to perceive his power, you must see how he works by his Word." — Charles Spurgeon

"The sufferings and death of Jesus have set his people free." — Charles Spurgeon

"Prayer is not an introspection, but a looking towards the hills, where our help comes from." — Charles Spurgeon

"The Bible is... a star without a speck a sun without a blot a light without darkness a moon without its paleness." — Charles Spurgeon

"To live as though tomorrow might be the judgment day, that is the style of living which is the best of all." — Charles Spurgeon

"There is no saint here who can out-believe God. God never out-promised himself yet." — Charles Spurgeon

"I wish that our ministry might be tied and tethered to the cross. I have no other subject to set before you but Jesus only." — Charles Spurgeon

"If there be anything I know, anything that I am quite assured of beyond all question, it is that praying breath is never spent in vain." — Charles Spurgeon

"There is no injustice in the grace of God. God is as just when he forgives a believer as when he casts a sinner into hell." — Charles Spurgeon

"A sinner can no more repent and believe without the Holy Spirit's aid than he can create a world." — Charles Spurgeon

"Man, until sovereign grace opens his ears, is deaf to the heavenly harmonies of the love of God in Christ Jesus." — Charles Spurgeon

"It is a blessed thing when darkness below gives us an eye to the light above." — Charles Spurgeon

"Men know not the gold which lies in the mine of Christ Jesus, or surely they would dig in it night and day." — Charles Spurgeon

"If Christ has died for me, ungodly as I am, without strength as I am, then I cannot live in sin any longer." — Charles Spurgeon

"When I sin, it is from me and is done on my own, but all the goodness I have within me is totally from the Lord alone." — Charles Spurgeon

"A minister who can preach a sermon without addressing sinners does not know how to preach." — Charles Spurgeon

"Men know not the gold which lies in the mine of Christ Jesus, or surely they would dig in it night and day." — Charles Spurgeon

"If Christ has died for me, ungodly as I am, without strength as I am, then I cannot live in sin any longer." — Charles Spurgeon

"When I sin, it is from me and is done on my own, but all the goodness I have within me is totally from the Lord alone." — Charles Spurgeon

"A minister who can preach a sermon without addressing sinners does not know how to preach." — Charles Spurgeon

"We miss a thousand blessings because we are too busy to commune with God." — Charles Spurgeon

"Humility is to make a right estimate of one's self." — Charles Spurgeon

"If you do not die to sin, you shall die for sin. If you do not slay sin, sin will slay you." — Charles Spurgeon

"If my compass always points to the North, I know how to use it. If my Bible is always right, it will lead me right, and so I shall follow it." — Charles Spurgeon

"Do not philosophize. Do not sit down and bother your poor brain. Just believe Jesus as you would believe your father." — Charles Spurgeon

"The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end." – Charles Spurgeon

If you haven’t been to church in a while, don’t let these excuses keep you away: - God is mad at me - People don’t want to see me Those are lies, here is what’s true: - God loves you - People want to see you Tomorrow is the perfect day to get back in a Bible believing church.

We shall never know what strength there is in grace if we know not what strength there is in trials. -John Owen -

If we would only seek God's face as earnestly as we seek success we would grow in grace like grass by the watercourse -A.W. Tozer -

Victory comes as we learn to trust in Christ to help us handle the temptations the enemy may throw at us. Chuck Smith

Jesus, our head, is already in heaven; and if the head be above water, the body cannot drown. —Puritan John Flavel, Works 1.176

We have turned our Sundays into fundays. Our folks want a minimum of the Word and maximum amusement. -Leonard Ravenhill -

Prayer is an approach of the soul by the Spirit of God to the throne of God. -C. H. Spurgeon -

"An honest man with an open Bible and a pad and pencil is sure to find out what is wrong with him very quickly." - A.W. Tozer

The gospel is God’s gospel. The gospel originates with God, it belongs to God, and it is all about what God has done for his people through Christ by the Spirit. Because it’s his gospel, we must not mess with it, dilute it, change it, or complicate it.

Burk Parsons

Everyone would do well to read this. Grateful.

The sum total of all human knowledge is but as a drop of the bucket compared with the wisdom of God. Charles Spurgeon

Remember, Christ’s scholars must study upon their knees. Charles H. Spurgeon

I have little confidence in those persons who speak of having received direct revelations from the Lord as though He appeared otherwise than by & through the gospel. His Word is so full, so perfect that for God to make any fresh revelation to you or me is quite needless. Spurgeon

I have known my Lord for fifty-seven years, and there has never been even a single day that I have failed to get an audience with the King. George Mueller

A Reformation is as much needed now as in Luther's day, AND BY GOD'S GRACE WE SHALL HAVE IT, IF WE TRUST IN HIM AND PUBLISH HIS TRUTH. C.H. SPURGEON

"If you want to know what Heaven is, know what Christ is. The way to spell Heaven is with those five letters that make up the word J E S U S." C.H. Spurgeon

“Anything that you take away from self and give to Christ is well invested.” Charles Spurgeon

"A crucified Savior will never be content to have a self-pleasing, self-indulging, worldly-minded people!" J.C. Ryle

The demands of following Christ will cost you everything. But you gain far more than you give up. You give up dirt for diamonds. Steve Lawson

Faith is the evidence of divine adoption. John Calvin

“Conversion is a turning onto the right road. The next thing to do is to walk on it.”. Charles Spurgeon

We need a heaven-sent, God-exalting, sin-exposing, grace-giving, holiness-pursuing, soul-saving revival to sweep through our churches. Steven Lawson

The more you feed on God's Word, the more you will work for the good of others. Charles Spurgeon

Death only frightens those who have their mind exclusively in this World. John Calvin

Even if the budget is never balanced, even if the stock market crashes, even if food prices skyrocket, even if my child never recovers from her illness, even if I lose my job, and even if we lose our home—yet still will I rejoice in the God of my salvation. R.C. Sproul

Each of us must yet give an account of our stewardship: of every dollar we have spent, of every hour wasted, of every idle word uttered! Arthur Pink

The more you feed on God's Word, the more you will work for the good of others. Charles Spurgeon

Joy in the Lord puts our mouths out of taste for the pleasures with which the tempter baits his hooks. Matthew Henry

“If the gospel is old news to you, it will be dull news to everyone else.” — Kevin DeYoung, Reaching The Next Generation, 6.

Lord Jesus, it is for thee that I patiently endure this cruel death. I pray thee to have mercy on my enemies. John Huss (burned at the stake)

Like a cunning angler—sin shows the bait, but conceals the hook. William Secker

Satan, like a fisherman, baits his hook according to the appetite of the fish. Thomas Adams

Sin has a spreading, infectious, deceitful, and bewitching nature. Thomas Brooks

Let us set high value on the inspired Word; we shall defeat our adversaries by that sword-thrust, 'It is written.' So spoke Christ; and so he conquered Satan. So also the Holy Spirit speaks. - Charles Spurgeon

"The Word is like the sun in the firmament. . . . It hath virtually in it all spiritual light and heat. But the preaching of the Word is as the motion and beams of the sun, which actually and effectually doth communicate that light and heat unto all creatures." -John Owen

“If we are to grab the next generation with the gospel, we must grab them with passion.” — Kevin DeYoung, Reaching The Next Generation, 7.

"Our times are in God's hand. Whether they be prosperous times or calamitous times, it is He who has determined them." -Matthew Henry.

Nobody else can give you a clean heart but God. -Leonard Ravenhill -

The children of God all have a cross to bear. A suffering Savior generally has suffering disciples. -J.C. Ryle -

“The evangelical church needs to stop preaching the false gospel of cultural identification.” — Kevin DeYoung, Reaching The Next Generation, 9.

“The gospel is a message not about what we need to do for God but about what God has done for us.” — Kevin DeYoung, Reaching The Next Generation, 22.

“The nature of true Christianity is to seek the good of their souls whom we love.” — Arthur Hildersham

“Man has no being, no life, no activity without God.” — John Colquhoun (The Law and Gospel, 14)

“Be not discouraged. You must not receive the promise immediately [directly] of God, but Christ must do it for you. Though you are unworthy, yet there is dignity and worthiness sufficient in Him.” - William Perkins. On Gal. 3:16, Works 2:190.

Objection: But there is no healing for me [backsliding]? I fear I have sinned the sin against the Holy Ghost. Answer: The fear of sinning it is a sign that thou hast not sinned it. —Puritan Thomas Watson, The Beatitudes, in Discourse, 2:449-50

Objection: But there is no healing for me [backsliding]? I fear I have sinned the sin against the Holy Ghost. Answer: The fear of sinning it is a sign that thou hast not sinned it. —Puritan Thomas Watson, The Beatitudes, in Discourse, 2:449-50

When God measures a man he puts the tape around the heart, not the head. Howard Hendricks

“The world needs to see Christians burning, not with self-righteous fury at the sliding morals in our country but with passion for God.” — Kevin DeYoung, Reaching The Next Generation, 7.

The church is the community of the gospel, a place for sinners and sufferers who acknowledge their need for Jesus and each other. Jeremy Treat

God is working out a plan that we are not privy to. We can only understand His will as it is unveiled day by day. Chuck Smith

When you go to God in prayer do you go with a fearful spirit, hesitant, and doubtful; or do you go realizing that the way to God is wide open by the blood of Jesus? —Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Exposition of Ephesians 1: God’s Ultimate Purpose,

Hold loosely to all worldly things, but grip firmly the unseen God. Spurgeon

Please don’t think you’re missing it if you’re not a missionary. If the Lord wants you selling insurance or pouring cement, be at peace, saying, ‘Lord, if this is what You have for me, I’ll do it for Your glory. I’ll be salt & light, and I’ll do it as unto You.’ Jon Courson

We can begin now to obey & learn the blessedness of obedience. The Word of God is before us. We have only to read & do what is written there & revival is assured. It will come as naturally as the harvest comes after the plowing & the planting. -Tozer

The immediate efficient cause of all gospel holiness is the Spirit of God. - John Owen

Today we need prophetic preachers; not preachers of prophecy merely, but preachers with a gift of prophecy. The word of wisdom is missing. We need the gift of discernment again in our pulpits. -Tozer

When a person is not really convinced that he is not righteous, he is not under the call of Jesus Christ -John Owen -

The mind of God is greater than all the minds of men, so let all men leave the gospel just as God has delivered it onto us -C.H. Spurgeon -

"Preaching is not about making people think you're clever. It's about helping them discover that the Word of God is sufficient." - Daniel Im

If we deny the depths of our depravity in order to obtain a better self-image, we will have lost far more than we’ve gained. R.C. Sproul

The evidence that you have repented unto salvation and that you have believed unto salvation is that you continue repenting and continue believing. Paul Washer

Whatever you're suffering, remember two things about it; 1) It's temporary 2) It's not worth comparing to that which lay ahead for you, regardless of whether your circumstances change or not. Voddie Baucham

"Doctrine is useless if it is not accompanied by a holy life. It is worse than useless; it does positive harm. Something of the 'image of Christ' must be seen and observed by others in our private life, and habits, and character, and doings." J. C. Ryle

Better a thousand times confess Christ now, and be despised by man, than be disowned by Christ before His Father in the day of judgment.” J.C. Ryle

“He came into this world…not merely to give us his incomparable teaching, or to provide us with an example, perfect and glorious though it is, but the work he came to do was to taste death for every man.” Martyn Lloyd-Jones

"When I cease to preach salvation by faith in Jesus, put me into a lunatic asylum, for you may be sure that my mind is gone." C.H. Spurgeon

"You will not be carried to Heaven lying at ease upon a feather bed." Samuel Rutherford

Jesus says: “Fear not, little flock; for it is my Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” There is a wonderful restfulness for worried hearts in this single assurance, “Lo, I am with you alway.” This may be called Christ’s richest and sweetest promise. Theodore Cuyler

"Count up all the worldly losses you have had, and see if you are not the gainer, if these losses have but sent you closer to your Saviour." Theodore Cuyler

It is true, life is sweet, and death bitter; but eternal life is more sweet, and eternal death more bitter. John Hooper

All our perils are nothing, so long as we have prayer. Charles Spurgeon

There is more to our lives than “now”. If there is not, then even the now is meaningless. R.C. Sproul

"If it's not in the 66 books of the Bible, God didn't say it." John MacArthur

Dwell much with Him, and it is impossible for you to be at peace with sin. Charles Spurgeon

If you believe the wrong gospel, it doesn't matter how sincere you are in your belief, you are merely sincerely wrong. Voddie Baucham

“The reason why congregations have been so dead is because she’s they have had dead men to preach to them.” — George Whitefield

"Dear Christian… Look to and rest in Christ, the author and finisher of your faith!"

The church suffers today from Christians who know volumes more than they practice. It would be well to let our walk catch up with our talk. Vance Havner

"What did Jesus mean when He said we are to seek God's Kingdom first? It means our top priority in life should be to seek what is eternal." John MacArthur

We should never tell a man that he only needs to add Christ to make his life complete. He must be told that without Christ he has no life. Paul Washer

"Biblical exposition does the heavy lifting of building up a church.” - David Helm

Satan's greatest success is in making people think they have plenty of time before they die to consider their eternal welfare. -John Owen -

Nothing less than a whole Holy Bible can make a whole Christian -A.W. Tozer -

As Christians, we are to be honest and upright in our dealings with people both within and outside the church. We have the opportunity of pointing people to Jesus not only with our words, but also by our conduct.

"Be not deceived; God is not mocked." He will not bestow His favours upon the wicked: for while He will not cast away a perfect man, neither will He respect an evil doer. Thus there will be three effects of nearness to Jesus-humility, happiness, and holiness. May God give them to thee, Christian!

C.H. Spurgeon

It is better to be innocent than penitent.

~William Secker~

While we have grace today, sin still keeps many from entering the assembly of God, but it is by choice. When we have sin in our lives, it is hard to stand before God; it is difficult to hear God’s Word taught. We must all seek to live our lives holy before the Lord, not live according to the world.

I truly believe our greatest opportunity to impact the world is the way we love and enjoy family. I love the way jesus did it when He was told here comes your brothers and He said who is my brother or mother but they that do the will of God.

One of the things I appreciate so much about Jesus is His willingness to have a close, personal, and nurturing relationship with me individually. If we are not careful, in the course of large 'church programs,' we can forget one of the more important aspects of Christian witness and ministry that is the need for our personal involvement -- one at a time "and from house to house." And knowing our friends and family today right where they are today and not looking back to the pass.....

When we were at our worst, God gave us His best.

As we have seen, the old covenant of law produces spiritual bondage in those who attempt to live under it. The remedy for that bondage is the new covenant of grace, because it produces spiritual liberty. This liberty is a work of the Holy Spirit. "Now the Lord is the Spirit." The life-giving Lord of grace is the Spirit of God: "the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life" (2 Corinthians 3:6).

God is the cause of all causes, the soul of all souls.

~Augustus H. Strong~

Every sin has a way of affecting others around you.

“Some people plant in the spring and leave in the summer. If you’ve signed up for a season, see it through. You don’t have to stay forever, but at least stay until you see it through.” – Jim Rohn

Following Jesus Christ is really living—it's the ultimate adventure, because when you serve Him, deny yourself, and die to your own ambition, you're basically saying, "Okay, Lord, I'm Yours. I don't know where this road is going to take me, but I'm up for the adventure.

A man’s character is accurately measured

by his reaction to life’s inequities.

Let's do what we can while we can, because in that final day, we will wish we would have done more.

The heart which has no agenda but God’s

is the heart at leisure from itself.

~Elisabeth Elliot~

Never could it be possible for any man to estimate what he owes to a godly mother.

~Charles Spurgeon~

God never uses anyone greatly until He tests them deeply.

~A.W. Tozer~

"Christ said, 'Feed my sheep... Feed My Lambs.' Some preachers, however, put the food so high that neither lambs nor sheep can reach it. They seem to have read the text, 'Feed my giraffes.'"—Charles Spurgeon

The gospel is free and meets us right where we are. If you are not understanding it, It is too high and you need to change it up...

The Christian's place in heaven was assured before there was a single angel there to help in arranging his accommodation.

~John Blanchard~

The Quaker Thomas Kelly wrote in his Testament of Devotion, “There is a way of ordering our mental lives on more than one level at once. On one level we can be thinking, discussing, seeing, calculating, and meeting all the demands of external affairs. But deep within, behind the scenes, at a more profound level, we may also be in prayer and adoration, song and worship, and a gentle receptiveness to divine breathings.”

There is no one insignificant in the purposes of God.

~Alistair Begg~

Are you in the middle of a famine? Is your Christianity dry, barren and lifeless? Do you go to church and Bible study but still don't feel any different?

You need to eat, no not the food of this world, the word of God that is eternal.

In every Christian heart, there is a cross and a throne, and the Christian is on the throne till he puts himself on the cross; if he refuses the Cross, he remains on the throne.

~A.W. Tozer~

The throne is for God alone. Bear one another's cross and you will bear yours in the process

God wants to save us from self-dependent striving to develop a life of godliness and loving service. He accomplishes this by the work of the Holy Spirit.

Allow God's Word to inspire, direct, and lead your every thought and action.

Christ died that we might live. This is the opposite of abortion. Abortion kills that someone might live differently.

John Piper

“I am with you always” is enough for my soul to live upon no matter who forsakes me.

Dana Renee

If reading the Bible offends you it’s working..keep reading.

You never find the Apostles announcing beforehand that they are going to hold a Healing Service in a few days’ time. Why not? Because they never knew when it was going to happen. They did not decide, and it was not within their control.

– Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Has it ever been clearer how much the Prince of Darkness hates children?

“As the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, so the denial of God is the height of foolishness.”

Scott Bacher

There is a spiritual instinct in most true believers, which generally enables them to distinguish between true and false teaching. When they hear unsound instruction, there is something within them that says, ‘This is wrong.’

J.C. Ryle

If people really see that Christ has removed the fear of punishment from them by taking it into Himself, they won't do whatever they want, they'll do whatever He wants.

John Bunyan

Our short-term visa here is about to expire!

It matters nothing who says a thing, and declares it to be religious truth; it matters nothing whether we like or dislike a doctrine. Is it in the Bible? That is the only question.

J.C. Ryle

"God has said much about prayer because he knows we have much need of it."

— Charles Spurgeon

"Christ saves his people, not in their sins, but from them."

Charles Spurgeon

His love to him who believes on him lives, for whom he loves he loves to the end.

Jonathan Edwards

The heart of the gospel is redemption, and the essence of redemption is the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ.

~C.H. Spurgeon~

We need the energy, passion, and vision of the younger generations, and the wisdom of the older.

Ray Bently

When direct Biblical instruction isn't available, what are your criteria for seeking advice? Is the advice giver Christ-centered? Who has God placed near you who can offer the sound advice we all need from time to time


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