Not everyone gets to “Rest In Peace”. Only those who have been saved by the Prince of Peace do.
An ever-changing world desperately needs a never-changing God.
If you date a woman for years & never plan to marry her, let her go. You're holding someone's future wife hostage.
Nothing binds a couple together with more strength and joy than shared faith in Christ and authentic friendship with each other.
God confines Himself to using humans in His work. And the reason He uses flawed men and women is so that His glory will be more obvious.
Take some time out of every day--just you and Jesus and the Bible--and watch your life change. As we read and meditate on God's Word, we are ushered into His presence; after all, the Bible is about Him (Luke 25:27). And as you begin to change, others will start changing around you. Jesus wants to meet with you! Take that next step and gather around Him.
When Jesus was weary, He still made time to refresh Himself in prayer to His Father. Not only did prayer revive Him; it was His source of strength. When you are physically or emotionally weary, go to the Father in prayer--anytime--and He will refresh and strengthen your soul.
Treasures in heaven are laid up only as treasures on earth are laid down.
~Author Unknown~
Sometimes, when someone's in trouble, nothing short of throwing yourself into a situation and getting your arms around that person will work
The greatest gift you can give your child is a godly life.
Godly living is not about religion, but life. “Righteousness” is a lifestyle conforming to God’s holy character. “Integrity.
The right word, spoken at the right time and in the right way can bring order in the midst of confusion and light on a very dark path.
Spiritual growth means continuing to love God when the gifts seem like chunks of coal in a brown bag. Knowing that God loves us.
The way of uprightness is the way of heavenly wealth.
~C. H. Spurgeon~
Documentation Beats Conversation!
No fear, only faith that will not be swayed . . . †'
Can you imagine a life with no fear? What if faith, not fear, was your default reaction to threats? -Max Lucado
"Spiritual Partnership ... The new female and the new male are partners on a journey of spiritual growth. They want to make the journey. Their love and trust keep them together. Their intuition guides them. They consult with each other. They are friends. They laugh a lot. They are equals. That is what a spiritual partnership is: a partnership between equals for the purpose of spiritual growth.”~Gary Zukav
Success comes when >
You know who you are.....
When > You know what you are called to......
and > When you know where you are going........
Take time / make time to rest and give thanks in the highs and the lows.....
I think of men like Alan Redpath. His teaching blew me away. Dr. Redpath once told a story about A. W. Tozer, who wrote his books on his knees.
He was a great man of prayer, empowered by the Holy Spirit, but during his lifetime, he was criticized. Everyone thought he was weird until he died and then all his writings became so famous, that people loved him.
They hated Tozer because they thought he was just a super spiritual person. They did not see the depth of the man. All of his writings are deep and convicting, but I think his life was even more convicting. When you spend real time with God, you do not have to say anything, the Holy Spirit brings conviction to people. I think people were just convicted by his life and that is why they did not like him.
Is the work of the Holy Spirit apparent in your life? Are people convicted by the way you live your life? Think about it.
They tell me I rub the fur the wrong way. I don’t. Let the cat
turn around!
~Billy Sunday~
Think about this: if the first are last and the last are first, then everyone is equal! If we treated everyone with the attitude and mentality that we're truly all equal in God's sight, then we'd not try so hard to climb the ladder and trample over anybody.
We have been considering some characteristics that God wants to develop in our lives by His grace: namely, triumphant living, a fragrance of Christ, godly sincerity, and becoming living letters of Christ. How do these appear in our lives in an ever-increasing manner? As Paul wrote on these wonderful descriptions of godly living, his heart was stirred to ask, "And who is sufficient for these things?" (2 Corinthians 2:16). Paul fully realized that man cannot produce these realities. Human resources are inadequate.
We have to be careful not to get ahead of God, or assume something He does not intend. We have to wait on the Lord to see where He is leading and then move forward, but not before.
Prayer is a direct communication lifeline from our hearts to the heavenly Father -- it is the single greatest gift of communication. Use it. God will hear, and will answer your prayers. Of course, you need to be patient. But to experience peace in the midst of a disintegrating world, you need God's love. Always remember, God wants to talk to you and help you through what might now seem like a confused tangle of rubble and a field of insurmountable obstacles.
Mike Macintosh
The mark of friendship…true, Biblical friendship is not the absence of conflict, but the presence of a reconciling spirit.
It’s crucial for us to see the world from a biblical point of view.
We all live in cultures, communities, and contexts that lure us into the ways of sin and death. Because we are so familiar with these ways, they don’t feel wrong or dangerous. They simply feel normal. Thus, we need to develop a divine perspective on the world so that we might see it for what it is, acknowledging the ways in which it opposes God. Kingdom living demands us to see through God's eyes.
The evidence of our love for Him is the absolute spontaneity of our love, which flows naturally from His nature within us. And when we look back, we will not be able to determine why we did certain things, but we can know that we did them according to the spontaneous nature of His love in us.
When was the last time you told your spouse, "I see who God is making you, and it excites me!"
Great quote from Timothy Keller
Conformity to the Word of God is always right, but obedience to religious leaders is good only if those leaders prove themselves worthy to lead. Leadership in the church of Christ is a spiritual thing and should be so understood by everyone.
"Renew within me, even today, a sense of my divine call. Then help me to live a holy life, exemplary in faithfulness, so that I might indeed be a leader worthy to lead. Amen."
A. W. Tozer Sermon: Worthy to Lead
Thomas Hooker, the English preacher who came to the new world and founded the state of Connecticut, lay dying. Gathered around him were well-meaning people who sought to comfort him. “You are going to your rest,” they said. The old preacher turned and responded, “I go to receive mercy.”
The idea that God will pardon a rebel who has not given up his rebellion is contrary both to Scripture and to common sense.
~A.W. Tozer~
A scientific website says, “The sun is as bright as four trillion 100-watt light bulbs.” But the sun has nothing on the Son of God. How beautiful that eternal city will be, with the glory of God lighting up the place!
There is more to repentance than apologizing to God.
~John Blanchard~
The famous pastor C.H. Spurgeon once said when teaching students regarding ministry, "When you teach on heaven, let there always be a glow on your face, a gleam in your eye, and a smile on your lips. When you teach on hell, your normal face will do just fine."
When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die.
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer~
There is no retirement in the kingdom of God!
it’s easy to view world events as a nosedive into chaos thinking you must do something dramatic to rescue yourself. But that isn’t what God usually calls His people to do. Historically during challenging times, God asks His followers to remain faithful and serve others, spreading His message of hope through His Son Jesus Christ.
The influence of others upon where we go, what we do, what we like, and how we behave can not be underestimated.
God places us in relationship with both Christians and non-Christians alike. The question is: What or who has the most influence upon you -- the world or the Lord?
The proper study of a Christian is the Godhead.
~C.H. Spurgeon~
God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and flowers and clouds and stars.
~Martin Luther~
“I used to think I knew everything; now I know, I know nothing” -Daniel Etter
“‘The flesh is weak’ is a warning. Not an excuse to sin!”
- McArthur
Nothing in all the universe is outside the sovereign control and authority of Jesus.
Dustin Benge
Prayers from people in the Bible that you can pray!
Jacob — DELIVER me
(Genesis 32:11)
Hannah — REMEMBER me
(1 Samuel 2)
Hezekiah — SAVE me
(2 Kings 19)
Jabez — BLESS me
(1 Chronicles 4:10)
David — FORGIVE me
(Psalm 51)
God not only wants our lives characterized with godly sincerity toward His word, He desires to mark our lives with godly sincerity in general.
Knowing we’ll live forever on the New Earth helps us realize the choices we make today will impact eternity.
Randy Alcorn
Nothing is too great and nothing is too small to commit into the hands of the Lord.
A.W. Pink
If we eagerly await seeing and doing things on vacation, how much more should we anticipate eternal life with Jesus?
Randy Alcorn
"The church—which was created by God, bought by Jesus, and empowered by the Holy Spirit—exists to reflect God’s, indescribable love."
SBTS Admissions
Trust the past to God’s mercy, the present to God’s love, and the future to God’s providence.
We don’t need an explanation about God; we need an encounter with God. That’s because when we see God for who He is, we will see our problems for what they are. If we have a small God, then we have big problems. But if we have a big God, then we have small problems.
Greg Laurie
I long for nothing more earnestly than to serve God with all my might.
~C.H. Spurgeon~
Jesus fulfills the soul’s longings for God. He promises that only He Himself will satisfy.
I long for nothing more earnestly than to serve God with all my might.
~C.H. Spurgeon~
The kingdom of God does not exist because of your effort or mine. It exists because God reigns. Our part is to enter this kingdom and bring our life under his sovereign will.
~T. Z. Koo~
When we create (no matter what it is), we follow in Jesus’ footsteps! When we dig into the community of believers and contribute, interact, build relationships, serve, fellowship, and eat and pray together, we follow Him as well.
The legacy you are passing on to your children and others is the life you are living today.
~Dennis Rainey~
"Scripture speaks of Christ in a twofold manner: some things are said of him as divine, and other things are said of him as human." — R. B. Jamieson and Tyler R. Wittman
Though sin wars, it shall not reign; and though it breaks our peace, it cannot separate from his love. - John Newton
“The best proof that He will never cease to love us” is “that He never began.” — Geerhardus Vos
If we have the mind and heart of Christ, we shall clothe even the world with those graces which faith can claim for them, and try our best to count them as if they were real, and by love and prayer we shall at length make them real. “Love believeth all things.” AB Simpson
The devil does not care a bit about our feelings. He can make our feelings good or bad; he can take us up on the mountain, or down into the valley, and we can only vanquish him by the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word. Moody
It seems right now that they are getting away with sin and are enjoying the fruits of their sin. They are not. You can be sure of that. You… follow Him!
When Jesus met the woman at Samaria He immediately seized hold of the best things in her, and by this He reached her heart, and drew from her a willing confession of her salvation. AB Simpson
“God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts in our pains; it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” - C.S. Lewis
If you belong to Christ, be holy. Charles Spurgeon
We need to hear the Gospel every day, because we forget it every day. Martin Luther
Huge as this great universe is, God has complete power over it, as you have over the ball which you toss in your hand. Charles Spurgeon
If the Lord is your friend, who is he that can harm you? All is well. Charles Spurgeon
One of the greatest works of grace in the heart is to humble our pride. Charles Spurgeon
Change not your faith with changing times. Charles Spurgeon
"Close access to God in wrestling prayer is sure to make the believer strong—if not happy." — Charles Spurgeon
Truth is discriminating. Truth is entirely incompatible with the wisdom of this world and the teaching of men. Steven Lawson
Without the Word of God one is left in the dark. Steven Lawson
"Christ in the heart is better than corn in the barn." — Charles Spurgeon
For God alone is without sin, and the only man without sin is Christ, since Christ is also God. -Tertullian -
Saving faith is not a native product of the human heart, but is a spiritual grace communicated from on high. -A.W. Pink -
Tony Evans
Mercy is where God meets you in your misery.
A Christless sermon is a worthless sermon." — Charles Spurgeon
"We love to see our children converted, because we love God." — Charles Spurgeon
Now, if an ordinary true friend be so valuable, what is a Christian friend? A holy, heavenly, faithful friend is one of the greatest treasures upon earth; therefore we should seek out and associate with them. —Thomas Manton, Works 7:179
"To live for a political party is unworthy of a man who professes to be a Christian." — Charles Spurgeon
“See that you build upon nothing below Christ! See that you have a real interest in Christ. See that you die daily to sin, to the world, and to your own righteousness.” Thomas Brooks
The only explanation for the state of America is this: when people lose theirs morals, they lose their minds. Simply put, immorality produces insanity. Steven Lawson
There is no proof of the indwelling Spirit in the man who lives at ease in Sodom, who has befriended his flesh, and who has entered into league with the world. Paul Washer
My entire theology can be condensed into four words: 'Jesus died for me' Charles Spurgeon
"The Spirit changes the recalcitrant heart of the sinner, making the unwilling willing to come to Christ. He makes the indisposed disposed to Him, the disinclined fully inclined. Our salvation is entirely of God - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit." R.C. Sproul
The Bible should be our Mentor, our Monitor, our Memento Mori, our Remembrancer, and the Keeper of our Conscience. Charles Spurgeon
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. John 17:17
Give us preachers who know the truth, who live the truth, who proclaim the truth, who apply the truth, and who defend the truth. Steven Lawson
If our Lord’s doctrine be true there is no such thing as a state of neutrality in real religion. Every man is either for him or against him. Andrew Fuller
Don’t compare yourself to other Christians. Compare yourself to Scripture. Paul Washer
The prosperity gospel movement offers people the same thing the devil offers; they just do so in the name of Christ. John MacArthur
"The Bible has told me a great many of my faults; it would tell you yours if you would let it." Charles Spurgeon
The gospel is God’s gospel. The gospel originates with God, it belongs to God, and it is all about what God has done for his people through Christ by the Spirit. Because it’s his gospel, we must not mess with it, dilute it, change it, or complicate it. Burk Parsons
"Backsliding begins with dusty Bibles." — Charles Spurgeon
“Change happens not just by giving the mind new arguments but also by feeding the imagination new beauties.” -Tim Keller
Burk Parsons
A man who says “I’m not going to die on that hill” but never fights on any hill is not a man you can trust to fight for anything that really matters.
"When your will is God's will, you will have your will." — Charles Spurgeon
"Jesus lived that he might die, and died that we might live." — Charles Spurgeon
The best way to prove that a stick is crooked is to set a straight one beside it. No words need to be spoken. -A.W. Tozer -
It is in many places a lost labor to seek for Christianity among Christians. -John Owen -
"Christ offends men because his gospel is intolerant of sin." — Charles Spurgeon
For a woman to destroy the child in the womb is murder. —Puritan Thomas Manton, Works 7:150
"The best way to get men to believe that the Bible is true is to get them to read the Bible." — Charles Spurgeon
"Christ became a man for you; be a man for Christ." — Charles Spurgeon
"A pastor with a great flock is not without his hourly anxieties; but what are those to the cares of the Chief Shepherd?" — Charles Spurgeon
An ever-changing world desperately needs a never-changing God.
I realized that the deepest spiritual lessons are not learned by His letting us have our way in the end, but by His making us wait, bearing with us in love and patience until we’re able to honestly pray what He taught His disciples to pray: “Thy will be done.” Elisabeth Elliot
"Most men forget God all day and then ask him to remember them at night." — Charles Spurgeon
"Lord, help me believe that the most important thing about me is the Jesus I proclaim." - Matt McCullough
"An unwatchful church will soon become an unholy church." — Charles Spurgeon
"It is better to serve God in solitude than to sin with the multitude." — Charles Spurgeon
Our world is so in-love with lies that the truth feels like hate.