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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

Updated: Apr 23, 2024

One way


He is Greater than I

I'm In

He gets us


and the Word remains the same...

It’s important that our homes be a place where everyone can release their tension in appropriate ways and find respite and relief.

God's will for our lives is that we might live in His word. This allows us to grow in His grace that we might know Him better. This truth is to delight our hearts and change our lives. "Thus says the LORD: 'Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, nor let the rich man glory in his riches; but let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the LORD, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight,' says the LORD" (Jeremiah 9:23-24).

Jesus is coming soon!

The world is lost and yearning to hear about the good news of Jesus Christ. So many people need to hear about His love and forgiveness. May the Lord give us all the strength, wisdom, and encouragement to be about His work, not letting our flesh get in the way of what He wants to accomplish in and through us. May we do this each day with a sense of urgency and immediacy as we wait eagerly for His soon return!

Jesus wants us to be completely engaged in the battle, committed to Him and His work. And as hard as that may seem sometimes, look at the next words of Jesus: "I will make you become fishers of men." He is not asking you to do this in your own strength; Jesus says that He will make you become! You don't make yourself become a fisher of men; He does! All you need to do is to follow, and walk--step by step--with Jesus. He directs your steps and your ways. All you need to do is listen to Him and follow Him where He sends you. God has something great for you. Follow Him and He promises to do the rest.

What legacy are you leaving to future generations? Solomon tells us that all possessions and accomplishments are vanity -- what we work hard for in our life only goes to the next generation who did nothing to earn it -- therefore we're doing it only for our vanity or pride. Are you guilty of vanity? Are you leaving a legacy of obsession with material objects?

Sometimes suffering occurs to get us back on the path -- Jesus' path. The point of suffering is not the pain -- it's to focus us on Jesus -- maybe it's time for you to bring ALL of your focus to Him? Other times people we know are suffering and become open to solutions -- when someone you know is in trouble do you offer worldly advice, or do you offer Jesus?

The Holy Spirit doesn’t contradict the Holy Spirit. Acting—walking—by the Spirit isn’t moving upon every internal emotional impulse.

Walking “by” the Spirit is behaving according to the Lord's ways, no matter what the emotions or imaginations may be telling you to do.

You said your piece, now listen to your teens.

The new covenant of grace (at its very core) is a covenant of relationship. God's grace enables us to grow in spiritual intimacy with our Lord. "Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." Here, grace is linked with growing and with knowing the Lord. As surely as grace was for spiritual birthing, grace is also for growing. The most strategic area of spiritual growth is progress in a deepening relationship with the Lord.

We don't love to go to church we get to go to church! It is not about going on Sunday, it's about living it everyday.....

It is easy to criticize what is wrong in the church when you are not doing what is right in the church ~ Casey Kendal

“One of the best places to start to turn your life around is by doing whatever appears on your mental ‘I should’ list.”  Jim Rohn

“Don't say, ‘If I could, I would.’ Say, ‘If I can, I will.’”  Jim Rohn

“Indecision is the thief of opportunity.”  Jim Rohn

“If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree.”  Jim Rohn

"Locks are never manufactured without a key. Similarly GOD never gives problems without solutions. Only we need to have patience to Unlock them.."

By the time your life is over, you’ll have spent six months at stoplights, eight months opening junk mail, a year and a half looking for lost stuff (double that in my case), and a whopping five years standing in various lines. Why don’t you give these moments to God? By giving God your whispering thoughts, the common becomes uncommon. Simple phrases such as “Thank you, Father”…“Be sovereign in this hour, O Lord”… “You are my resting place, Jesus”…can turn a commute into a pilgrimage. You don’t have to leave your office or your kitchen. Just pray where you are. Let the kitchen become a cathedral or the classroom a chapel. Give God your whispering thoughts.

Christians do not have to live; they have only to be

faithful to Jesus Christ.

~Vance Havner~

Nowadays we don't fully grasp the idea of taking up a cross. But people living in the first century did. The sight of someone carrying a cross down the street in Jerusalem meant that person was about to die. So when Jesus said, "Let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily," people got it. Jesus was saying that if we want to follow Him, then we must die to our own desires and put God's will above our own.

Don't make life too complex. Keep your heart soft and your plans sensitive each day to whatever He brings along your way. May I encourage you to simply pray every morning that God would use you in whatever way He wants and that He would give you the strength for whatever it is.

Christians are often quick to stand up for truth and righteousness but struggle with humility. While they may seem an unlikely trio, truth and righteousness should be given with a gentle and lowly heart. Ask God to help you dispense truth with meekness instead of pride.

J. Vernon McGee once commented, "Prophecy is the mold into which history is poured." The Hebrew mindset identifies patterns in Scripture and history. Prophecy is best understood when we recognize those patterns. On the world stage, with Israel's rebirth, God was moving, revealing some interesting historical patterns.

The duty of the believer to the church is spiritual. Our duty as a citizen under government is worldly and material. To combine the two is to miss Jesus' point completely. The book of Romans outlines the two..

The problem is never Scripture but our unwilling hearts to believe what Scripture clearly teaches.

Dustin Benge

Your future is as bright as the promises of God!

God’s main concern is conforming His children to the image of Christ. And He works through the chal­lenging circumstances of our lives to help develop that Christlikeness in us.

 Randy Alcorn

"God delights to make the church his household and makes her beautiful by his presence among her."

Dustin Benge

“Content is the philosopher's stone which turns all it touches into gold; happy is he who has found it. Content is more than a kingdom, it is another word for happiness.”

 —C. H. Spurgeon

What scary thing is Jesus calling you to do? Are you listening? Let's give the people we influence something to reach for!

Before Pentecost the disciples found it hard to do easy things; after Pentecost, they found it easy to do hard things.

~A. J. Gordon~

We Christians do not believe that Jesus Christ was the only one that ever rose from the dead. We believe that every deathbed is a resurrection; that from every grave the stone is rolled away.

~C.H. Spurgeon~

God will pursue us like a relentless lover, longing to bless you...

When we dig into the Word of God, we discover our true worth because to Him, we are precious!

But those who chose to reject God during their lifetime on earth will be separated from him for eternity. This is not God’s desire, but man’s own choice. God holds every man accountable for his rejection of Christ.

~Billy Graham~

Be careful not to resist the work of the Holy Spirit in your life. If the Holy Spirit is convicting your heart, do not fail to respond. God has extended His grace, but if you continually reject it, there may come a point in time that God will honor your decision.

“Grace is getting another chance even though you haven’t earned it or deserve it. (You may not even want it!)”—

Fritz Ridenour

If you’re in the thick of it now, trust that God has a plan; follow your King, as he knows the plan and knows the way; and ask the Holy Spirit for help.

You can put truth in the grave, but it won’t stay there.

Part of growing in godliness involves being set free from the dominating influence of sin in our lives. God's grace provides this liberating reality. "For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace" (Romans 6:14). As we learn to live by God's grace, instead of by our own best performance, the grace of God is working deep within us, bringing spiritual stability to our inner man.

"When looking for faults use a mirror, not a telescope."

"If you don't want to be excellent at your current job, it's probably not the right job for you."

The God of peace will be with you because you’re living where He lives.

Children of light may walk in darkness, but they are not therefore cast away. No, they are now enabled to prove their adoption by faith.

If your not helping your not helping!

I think many people are taking advantage of the holiness of God, today. I am convinced of it. With the condition of the church, I believe billions and billions of people would be left behind, if Jesus came today.

The church has no greater need today than to fall in love

with Jesus all over again.

~Vance Havner~

When God gives us an impossible task, it becomes possible.  Jim Rohn

You must learn to translate wisdom and strong feelings into labor.  Jim Rohn

The miracle of the seed and the soil is not available by affirmation; it is only available by labor.  Jim Rohn

Make rest a necessity, not an objective.  Jim Rohn

Only rest long enough to gather strength.  Jim Rohn

Without constant activity, the threats of life will soon overwhelm the values.  Jim Rohn

The few who do are the envy of the many who only watch.  Jim Rohn

For every promise, there is a price to pay.  Jim Rohn

“We generally change ourselves for one of two reasons: inspiration or desperation.” – Jim Rohn

“Don’t join an easy crowd; you won’t grow. Go where the expectations and the demands to perform are high.” – Jim Rohn

At some point you must stop asking questions and start taking action. Questions such as "What is my life really about?" "What am I most committed to?" and "Why am I here?" are incredibly powerful, but if you agonize over getting the perfect answer, you won't get very far.

Let your past be your past so that the future is your own.

I'm glad the Bible compares the Christian life not only to running a race, but also to walking a walk. Isaiah 40:31 says, "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."

The objective is not to just run fast. It is to run long. Finish. That is the objective. If you want to grow up spiritually, then you need to pace yourself in this race of life — because you are in it for

the long haul.

If men refuse to be taught by precept, they must be taught

by punishment.

~Thomas V. Moore~

The old saying goes, "A clear conscience makes a soft pillow." Having trouble sleeping. Check out what's troubling you.

We can never lose sight of scripture and get caught up on quotes and commentaries.

“The opportunity of a lifetime needs to be seized during the lifetime of the opportunity.”

― Leonard Ravenhill

"If our identity is in our work, rather than Christ, success will go to our heads, and failure will go to our hearts."

- Tim Keller

Only One Life, Twill Soon Be Past –

Poem by C.T Studd

Two little lines I heard one day,

Traveling along life’s busy way;

Bringing conviction to my heart,

And from my mind would not depart;

Only one life, twill soon be past,

Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Only one life, yes only one,

Soon will its fleeting hours be done;

Then, in ‘that day’ my Lord to meet,

And stand before His Judgement seat;

Only one life,’twill soon be past,

Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Only one life, the still small voice,

Gently pleads for a better choice

Bidding me selfish aims to leave,

And to God’s holy will to cleave;

Only one life, ’twill soon be past,

Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Only one life, a few brief years,

Each with its burdens, hopes, and fears;

Each with its clays I must fulfill,

living for self or in His will;

Only one life, ’twill soon be past,

Only what’s done for Christ will last.

When this bright world would tempt me sore,

When Satan would a victory score;

When self would seek to have its way,

Then help me Lord with joy to say;

Only one life, ’twill soon be past,

Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Give me Father, a purpose deep,

In joy or sorrow Thy word to keep;

Faithful and true what e’er the strife,

Pleasing Thee in my daily life;

Only one life, ’twill soon be past,

Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Oh let my love with fervor burn,

And from the world now let me turn;

Living for Thee, and Thee alone,

Bringing Thee pleasure on Thy throne;

Only one life, “twill soon be past,

Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Only one life, yes only one,

Now let me say,”Thy will be done”;

And when at last I’ll hear the call,

I know I’ll say “twas worth it all”;

Only one life,’twill soon be past,

Only what’s done for Christ will last. ”

— extra stanza —

Only one life, ’twill soon be past,

Only what’s done for Christ will last.

And when I am dying, how happy I’ll be,

If the lamp of my life has been burned out for Thee

God never guides us at some time in the future, but always here and now. Realize that the Lord is here now, and the freedom you receive is immediate.

Can Jesus Christ see the agony of His soul in us? He can’t unless we are so closely identified with Him that we have His view concerning the people for whom we pray. May we learn to intercede so whole heartedly that Jesus Christ will be completely and overwhelmingly satisfied with us as intercessors.

~Oswald Chambers~

Many times we are more than willing to voice complaints, yet lack the resolve to get involved.

Death has two stages, first the separation of the body from the spirit… for a purely spiritual existence, and second, reunion with the body and a glorious resurrection....

~Billy Graham~

I have learned to kiss the wave that slams me into the Rock of Ages.

~C.H. Spurgeon~

“The harmony between the single and the double...has been naturally so implanted in us (by whom indeed, if not by Him who created us?) that not even the illiterate can remain unaware of it.”

St. Augustine

You call me Master and obey me not, you call me light and

see me not… if I condemn you blame me not.

~Inscribed inside Cathedral in Germany~

When you’ve run out of words to pray when you don’t even know what to say to God, when your heart groans with sadness and yearning, God, who raised Jesus from the dead, is with you. God knows what’s in your heart. And through his Spirit, God groans with you.

the Almighty I AM still desires to enter into covenant agreements with His people. In these agreements, He gives us more than we can imagine. However, God has high standards for us.

Let every man abide in the calling wherein he is called unless there be to him some special call from God to devote himself to the ministry.

~C.H. Spurgeon~

God has made it plain to all who earnestly seek -- in Jesus Christ we will find His righteousness. Not in ourselves or the Law, but in Jesus.

The more our culture moves away from God, the more foolish it becomes.

Grace is the free favor of God; peace is the condition that results from its reception.

~H.L. Goudge~

Whenever a Christian endures suffering in a God-glorifying way, they become beacons of hope to a suffering world



"May the abounding mercy of God have abundant praise from us." — Charles Spurgeon

“The more of Christ a man has, the more useful will he be in his day.” — Charles Spurgeon

“Let the whole church preach Christ more, and live Christ more.” — Charles Spurgeon

“If you want to see beauty, look into the face of Jesus.” — Charles Spurgeon

“This is the recipe for sanctification: by his stripes we are healed.” — Charles Spurgeon

“We are not called to proclaim philosophy and metaphysics, but the simple gospel.” — Charles Spurgeon

"When a man is lost, he has earned it. When a man is saved, it is a gift." — Charles Spurgeon

"Everyone is empty until they come to the Savior and Lord." — Charles Spurgeon

"Mothers often become powerful messengers from God." — Charles Spurgeon

"Give your all to Christ. Do not think of reserving some for another occasion." — Charles Spurgeon

"Our efforts cannot make us ready for heaven apart from the hand of Jesus." — Charles Spurgeon

"The preciousness of mercy is best known by those who discern the terror of justice." — Charles Spurgeon

"As God is faithful, let us also be faithful." — Charles Spurgeon

"Every day brings us nearer to the coming of the Lord." — Charles Spurgeon

"God asks us to believe in his love and he has given us abundant proofs of it." — Charles Spurgeon

"When I see young men and women full of zeal for God’s glory, I say, ‘God bless them!’" — Charles Spurgeon

"Mothers have great power. They shape the future of their children." — Charles Spurgeon

"To love Jesus is another name for paradise." — Charles Spurgeon

"Our griefs cannot mar the melody of our praise." — Charles Spurgeon

"Close communion with Jesus raises the heat of our love towards him." — Charles Spurgeon

"This is the first and last of true delight—to love him who is the first and the last." — Charles Spurgeon

"May God’s kingdom come not here only, but in every land and nation." — Charles Spurgeon

"A Christian ought to be a comforter, with kind words on his lips and sympathy in his heart." — Charles Spurgeon

"If you want power in prayer you must have purity in life." — Charles Spurgeon

"There are no pure hearts on earth unless the Lord made them so." — Charles Spurgeon

"Prayer is the breath, the comfort, and the strength of a Christian." — Charles Spurgeon

"You are as much serving God in training your own children, as you would be if you lead an army to battle for the Lord." — Charles Spurgeon

"Followers of Jesus must be men of mercy; for they have found mercy, and mercy has found them." — Charles Spurgeon

"The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end." – Charles Spurgeon

"If grace itself fails to save a man, nothing else can be done for him." — Charles Spurgeon

"Nothing here below can fill an immortal soul." — Charles Spurgeon

"Whitefield and Wesley might preach the gospel better than I do, but they could not preach a better gospel." — Charles Spurgeon

“I sometimes wonder if all pleasures are not substitutes for joy.” - C.S. Lewis

For way too long the world has tried to bully the church into silence by making Christians falsely believe that certain topics were too political to talk about. However, when does life begin? That’s a biblical truth. Who defines marriage? That’s a biblical truth. God determining sex and gender. That’s a biblical truth. These were biblical truths, before they were ever political statements. The world is infringing on the Word’s territory, not vice versa.

Self-help: You are enough. Bible: You're not enough. God is enough. Self-help: Believe in yourself. Bible: Deny yourself. Believe in God. Self-help: Follow your heart. Bible: You need a new heart. Follow Jesus. Self-help: Live your truth. Bible: Jesus is the Truth. He is Life.

Charisma and entertainment can build a crowd, but only the Holy Spirt can build the church.

When the Church’s main focus is to simply have a good weekend experience, then we can’t be surprised when people walk away once they have a bad one.

“We don’t start anything, we don’t end anything. It’s just our turn to be faithful to point the next generation to the mighty acts of God so that they will rise up and point the next generation to the mighty acts of God.” -

The primary way God has chosen to bring non-believers to faith is through the verbal articulation of the gospel. The Great Commission doesn’t say, “Go into all the world and be a good example.” No, Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel.” And by the way, to “preach” doesn’t mean you have to yell. To preach literally means to proclaim, or publish. You can speak softly, you can tweet it, you can type it, you can post it, you can text it, or you can share it conversationally. Just do it every chance you get. And know that nothing anywhere is more powerful.

If you want a spouse that loves Jesus, then start by being someone that loves Jesus yourself.

“We don’t start anything, we don’t end anything. It’s just our turn to be faithful to point the next generation to the mighty acts of God so that they will rise up and point the next generation to the mighty acts of God.” -

Why then will you not let the Lord have time? Why are you in a hurry? Why do you perpetually ask, “Explain this now, and show me the present motive and reason.” “A thousand years in Your sight are like yesterday when it is past, and like a watch in the night” (Ps. 90:4). Spurgeon

Let the world think what it wants. We know the truth. And oh, how we love that old rugged cross. Chuck Smith

In the spiritual realm, the opposite of ignorance is not knowledge but obedience. Howard Hendricks

We might be separated for a time from Him and His people. But He never stops loving us and giving us a chance to start anew. Ray Bentley

Often we want people to pray for us and help us, but always defeat our object when we look too much to them and lean upon them. AB Simpson

Because the Holy Spirit is resident in the life of every believer, it becomes possible for every believer to experience peace (Galatians 5:22). David Jeremiah

You listen to and follow false teachers and false prophets at your own eternal risk. Give your time to the Bible and not to nonsense.

Regarding so-called "pronoun hospitality" A lie "in love" is just a lie. Speak truth in love. Beware of wolves promoting lies.

Wherever you are, whatever your case, God will be with you. Spurgeon

Nobody ever got anything from God on the grounds that he deserved it. So if God answers prayer it’s because God is good. From His goodness, His loving-kindness, His good-natured benevolence, God does it! That’s the source of everything. Moody

Your response to God’s promise will have great effect upon you, for if you don’t believe God, you won’t be established. You’ll be unstable. You’ll be emotional. You’ll cave in.’ Jon Courson

May God awaken His church and challenge us by His Word to righteous, holy living. Chuck Smith

I see him more and more lovely every day. In Jesus there is plenteous redemption. - George Whitefield

It is through Jesus alone that we have our access unto God, and that by faith in him. - John Owen

It is the devil’s logic to argue thus: My sins are great, therefore I will not go to Christ. Whereas the soul should reason thus: The greater my sins are, the more I stand in need of mercy, of pardon, and therefore 𝘐 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘨𝘰 𝘵𝘰 𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵. —Thomas Brooks, Works 1:139

Let every one that is out of Christ, now awake and fly from the wrath to come. -Jonathan Edwards -

The way to heaven is blocked up with dead professors. -Horatius Bonar -

How solemn is this fact: nothing can be concealed from God! -A.W. Pink -

Unless men see a beauty and delight in the worship of God they will not do it willingly. -John Owen -

The pulpit can be a shop window to display one's talents--the prayer closet allows no showing off. -Leonard Ravenhill -

Before a man can seek God, God must first have sought the man. -A.W. Tozer -

He loves me best who loves me in his prayers. -J.C. Ryle -

I can bear anything for Jesus, while His everlasting arms are underneath me! -C.H. Spurgeon -

We are…called to community, a sharing of help, gifts, resources, and problems. The Early Church helped each other with life’s many difficulties, “bearing each other’s burdens and … fulfilling the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2). John Wimber

“That there is no other way for sinners to be justified from the curse of the law in the sight of God, than by the imputation of that righteousness long ago performed by, and still residing with, the person of Jesus Christ.” — John Bunyan

"Long ago I ceased to count heads. Truth is usually in the minority in this evil world." — Charles Spurgeon

Jesus will reign over you, either by your consent, or without it. Charles Spurgeon



Indeed there is no 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘴𝘪𝘯 because there is no 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘎𝘰𝘥 to sin against. —John Trapp, A Commentary on the Old and New Testaments, 5:500

“It is no sign of humility, no mark of saintliness, to go into the presence of God doubting whether God is forgiving you.” –– Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Great Doctrines of the Bible, 1.355 H/T:

Fall into [sin] we may and shall; but it is not falling into the water that drowns, but lying in it; so it is not 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 into sin that damns but 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 in it. —Puritan John Trapp, A Commentary on the Old and New Testaments,

Fall into [sin] we may and shall; but it is not falling into the water that drowns, but lying in it; so it is not 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 into sin that damns but 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 in it. —Puritan John Trapp, A Commentary on the Old and New Testaments, 5:499

"Long sermons are not really useful; they should be short, scriptural, and addressed to people’s conscience." - Gavin Parker

Fall into [sin] we may and shall; but it is not falling into the water that drowns, but lying in it; so it is not 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 into sin that damns but 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 in it. —Puritan John Trapp, A Commentary on the Old and New Testaments,

The layman has a large field in which he may minister to his fellow man, even if he is not called to full time ministry. —William Gurnall, The Christian in Complete Armour, 1:300

"If you’re looking for affirmation after you preach a sermon, you'll be looking for a long time. Don’t expect your congregation to affirm you. You’re there to serve them. They’re not there to serve you." - Carey Nieuwhof

Be ashamed when you sin, not when you repent. John Chrysostom

"How good we are as preachers depends primarily on how good we are as men." -John Knox.

It is a heavy plague to have a fat body and a lean soul; a house full of gold, and a heart full of sin.” Thomas Brooks

I thought when I became a Christian I had nothing to do but just to lay my oars in the bottom of the boat and float along. But I soon found that I would have to go against the current. Dwight L. Moody

"The first sign of spiritual life is to feel that you are dead!" Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Prayer is a strong wall and fortress of the church; it is a goodly Christian weapon. Martin Luther

"To forsake Christ for the world, is to leave a treasure for a trifle, eternity for a moment, reality for a shadow." William Jenkyn

A soul-winner can do nothing without God. - Charles Spurgeon

Who delivered up Jesus to die? Not Judas, for money; not Pilate, for fear; not the Jews, for envy; but the father, for love! Octavius Winslow

Jesus went to the cross because God planned it. God purposed it. And God designed it as the absolutely necessary means by which and by which alone reconciliation could take place. That's why Jesus said, "I came into the world to do the Father's will." John 6:38 John MacArthur

This earth, if we are Christians is not our home. D.L. Moody

May your character be not a writing upon the sand, but an inscription upon the rock. C.H. Spurgeon

"You are always on duty in the Christian life, you can never relax. There is no such thing as a holiday in the spiritual realm." Martyn Lloyd-Jones

What shall I say of Christ? The excelling glory of that object dazzles apprehension and swallows up all expression. John Flavel

It is wonderful the effect of a single verse of Scripture when the Spirit of God applies it to the soul. What power would come upon the soul if we would grasp a single line of Scripture and suck the honey out of it till our soul is filled with sweetness. Charles Spurgeon

It is not merely hearing a sermon that does you good, but meditating on what you hear. Edmund Calamy (1600–1666)

Observe that the woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved. Matthew Henry

“Helplessness is an introduction to grace.” Martyn Lloyd Jones

The Lord continues to empty us in order to teach us to lay aside all self-reliance, that we may cling to Christ alone. Paul Washer

"Either sin is lying on your shoulders, or it is lying on Christ, the Lamb of God—and if it is resting on Christ, you are free." Martin Luther

"Don't ever be ever embarrassed to let the world see your love and passion for Christ." Burk Parsons

"One might pray and not be a Christian, but one cannot be a Christian and not pray." R.C. Sproul

People love truth when it enlightens them, but hate truth when it accuses them. Augustine

”.. many [wrongly] operate under the assumption that divorce is automatically a greater evil than a destructive marriage.” — Stephen Swartz

“The law, then, is not to condemn the believer, but to guide and to direct.” — Mike Abendroth, Sexual Purity, 17.

But my sin was this, that I looked for pleasure, beauty, and truth not in him but in myself and his other creatures, and the search led me instead to pain, confusion, and error. Augustine

“Justifiable divorce, while still tragic and painful, is not one that God condemns and Malachi 2:16 cannot accurately be used to make the case that God condemns divorce in general.” — Stephen L. Swartz

Remember this today   “It is no sign of humility, no mark of saintliness, to go into the presence of God doubting whether God is forgiving you.” —Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Great Doctrines of the Bible, 1.355

“The law has taken the Redeemer, it does not want you.” — Charles Spurgeon

"Every day brings us nearer to the coming of the Lord." — Charles Spurgeon

Remember this today   “So let us be clear about this. It is no sign of humility, no mark of saintliness, to go into the presence of God doubting whether God is forgiving you.” —Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Great Doctrines of the Bible, 1.355

As a body without a soul, much wood without fire, a bullet in a gun without powder, so are words in prayer without spirit. —John Trapp, Commentary on the Old and New Testaments, 5:334

May I never be godly only on the sabbath or in thy house, but on every day abroad and at home. —The Valley of Vision, Pg. 117

The Christian shoemaker does his duty not by putting little crosses on the shoes, but by making good shoes, because God is interested in good craftsmanship. Martin Luther

“The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God.” - C.S. Lewis

"Most of the verses that I have in my memory today are ones I memorized as a teenager." -Joel Beeke.

We must read our Bibles like men digging for hidden treasure. J. C. Ryle

The general religion of mankind is 'do,' but the religion of the Christian is 'done.' Charles Spurgeon

“Holy Spirit, guide our thoughts and words rightly.” - C.H. Spurgeon

“Therefore, the theology that God reveals to us is not a direct apprehension of His infinite glory, but a mental of who He is adapted for our point of view as human beings.” -Joel Beeke “RST 1.3.68”

When we live by the new covenant of grace, God impacts our lives. He makes us sufficient by sharing His sufficiency with us. "Our sufficiency is from God, who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant." This sufficiency is from His grace at work on us, in us, and through us-which produces spiritual characteristics in our lives. A brief reflection upon the workings of God's grace will provide a helpful context as we begin to consider these characteristics.


We should always choose our books as God chooses our friends, just a bit beyond us, so that we have to do our level best to keep up with them.

Nagging only fatigues both sides of your marriage.

There are times when consistent reminders are timely and constructive, and other times when it degrades your relationship.


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