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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo


The great point of Abraham’s faith in God was that he was prepared to do anything for God.


There is no condition of life in which we cannot abide in Jesus. We have to learn to abide in Him wherever we are placed.

The Church breaks down the classes, caste systems and ethnic divisions so that God’s people are those from every tribe, tongue, ethnic group and nation.

In this important voting year, it’s more important than ever to remember that we, the Church, are one Body. Christian nationalism isn’t a unique phenomenon. Let’s remember that as such we are not separated by class systems or ethnic divisions. We believers are from every tribe, tongue, ethnic group, and nation! Praise Jesus!

Be happy with those who are happy. Be sad with those who are sad.

Some people don’t discover what is best for them until they try to run away and find that God is a God of pursuing love.

Sometimes running away from the Lord can become the first step toward obedience.

Billy Graham described angels as God’s secret agents. That’s a good description of them, because they generally operate undercover, doing the bidding and work of God.

One reason we’re not personally aware of angels in our lives is because they’re doing their job properly. They remain invisible most of the time, except on occasions when God sends them on a special mission and they clothe themselves in human form. But when they appear in all their splendor, they are no doubt very beautiful to behold.

The Bible says that when the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, “he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire” (2 Kings 6:17 NLT). What he saw was the equivalent of an army. An angelic military force had surrounded Elisha and his servant.

We see throughout the pages of Scripture that angels are alive, well, and working. And the Bible says they also will be working mightily in the last days. Angelic activity will reach a fever pitch in both the holy and the unholy realms. The angels of God will be active, and demons will be active as well.

We have been considering the wondrous truth that we who believe in Jesus are in Christ. "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ" (Ephesians 1:3). All that God has for us is ours "in Christ." We can now enjoy the benefits of who Christ is and all that He has accomplished for us, because we are in Him. Our present verse adds another extraordinary dimension. Not only are we "in Christ," but Christ is also in us: "Christ in you, the hope of glory."

In our verses, we again see the extent of the intimate relationship that the new covenant of grace provides. An astounding intimacy is declared in these words: "abides in Me, and I in him." We have not merely come near to Christ, nor has He simply drawn close to us. Rather, we live in Him, and He lives in us! We live by being in Christ (by being related to Him, by being united with Him, by drawing our spiritual life from Him). Moreover, He lives in us and desires to express His life through us.

The famous pastor C.H. Spurgeon once said when teaching students regarding ministry, "When you teach on heaven, let there always be a glow on your face, a gleam in your eye, and a smile on your lips. When you teach on hell, your normal face will do just fine."

Instead of us thinking that we have all of the answers to everyone's problems, we'd look to Jesus, the author, and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2).

I have been thinking a lot about the excuses of man and how they have even gone high tech, from back in the day when the dog ate your home work to now my phone battery died and did not go off.. Even if there is a ligament reason for them it does not change weather we are willing or not.

Your eternal destination is really your choice. Not everyone will be saved in the end—only those who put their faith in Jesus Christ.

Do you believe that the end is near? Do you believe the words of Jesus when He says to be ready and to have your house in order? Do you believe that His return is soon? If you've answered "yes" to these questions, then let me ask you this: Do you love the Lord and do you love your neighbors so much that you will share the love of Jesus with them?

Take care of the mind, body, and soul and give it all you have.

There’s no place fear won’t go to chase us from God, there’s no place grace won’t go to find us again.

Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become. by Jim Rohn

Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. You don’t fail overnight. Instead, failure is a few errors in judgment, repeated every day. by Jim Rohn

Don’t take the casual approach to life. Casualness leads to casualties. by Jim Rohn

Success is the study of the obvious. Everyone should take Obvious I and Obvious II in school. by Jim Rohn

It’s too bad failures don’t give seminars. Wouldn’t that be valuable? If you meet a guy who has messed up his life for forty years, you’ve just got to say, “John, if I bring my journal and promise to take good notes, would you spend a day with me?” by Jim Rohn

“Better understated than overstated. Let people be surprised that it was more than you promised and easier than you said.” – Jim Rohn

Breakthroughs occur when we continually:

1. Meet needs (which allows us to stay in the arena);

2. Improve ourselves and our team; and

3. Succeed. It’s a fact that there is no success like success.

So if you want to go from good leadership to great leadership, keep pushing toward a breakthrough. And when momentum arrives, either because you are near the goal or because you’ve broken through, don’t ease up. That’s when you push the pedal to the metal. Are you leading in a way in which breakthroughs are possible?

“It’s not the matter you cover so much as it is the manner in which you cover it.” – Jim Rohn

“If you want to change and grow, then you must know yourself and accept who you are before you can start building.”

“If you’re not enjoying what you do for a living, you need to take some time to examine why.”

“When you tap into your passion, it gives you the E & E factor: energy and excellence.”

“You have to have some kind of criteria for knowing if the desire you have matches the abilities you possess.”

“Doing something for the right reasons also keeps life less cluttered and your path clearer. Not only is your vision clearer, but you sleep well at night knowing you’re on the right track.”

Communication takes place with the mouth, body, and ears but when cultures crash, communication sees!

Time shall be no more when judgment comes, and when

time is no more, change is impossible.

~C. H. Spurgeon~

We are always to live as the sent people of the Lord!

I am reminded of a story I read once: A Christian man was passing out Gospel tracts to passerbys in an area near his home. A homeless man stopped, took one of the tracts, and said, "I can't read, but I will surely watch your tracks!" In other words, how we live the example of Christ, walking in His footsteps, is just as important to the world as our words.

People of God need to be bold not arrogant~

                                     Courageous not afraid

                                     Faith Filled

                                      And Christ Centered

People are ether drawn to Jesus or repelled by Jesus but all that matters is Jesus in you.

Even in the best of people you will find faults if you are looking for them. When I read my bible I do not see leaders without fault. The people who found favor with God were not perfect, but had a heart to be perfected in Him. There is no perfect leader, church, ministry, husband, wife, or friend. There will always be more reasons to not to get involved in people's lives, than to get involved. If you go in with less expectation of what they will do for you and more expectation of what you can do for them, I have found my experience is always one of fulfillment and joy in seeing all God can do with an imperfect situation. He uses imperfect people to walk out His perfect will. - Michelle Borquez

All life should be subject to the kingly rule of God.

~Martin Buber~

Theologian Richard John Neuhaus stated that Christians are by their nature a people out of place. You are not a citizen of this world; your true home is with God. You are a stranger in a strange land – an exile.

Most Christians don’t hear God’s voice because we’ve already decided we aren’t going to do what He says.

~A. W. Tozer~

Dr. J. Vernon McGee, in his characteristic style, said,

“Just as most crooks have aliases, antichrist has

more aliases than any person I know of. He has

thirty names which are given on the pages of



God is always on time and never late so don't rush and make it worse for you.

If you are put on the shelf, do not rust there, but pray the master to brighten you up so that when He comes to use you again you may be fully fitted for the work which he has in hand for you.

~C. H. Spurgeon~

Jesus isn’t offering you a better life, or your best

life. He is promising you eternal life in Heaven

rather than in Hell.

People need to be motivated by truth; by the

Word of God. Submitted to God’s Word, you

accept its explanations and judgments, and you

apply its corrections and rebukes.

He (Jesus) was like a king who temporarily puts on the garments of a peasant while at the same time remaining king.

~John F. Walvoord~

Your money can make you an overseas missionary without ever leaving your home town, an evangelist without ever mounting a platform, a broadcaster without ever entering a studio, a Bible teacher without ever writing a book.

~John Blanchard~

“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God”

Colossians 3:1-3, NIV).

Ray Bently

“If our God is the same as the God of the New Testament believers, how can we justify ourselves in resting content with an experience of communion with him, and a level of Christian conduct, that falls so far below theirs?” —J. I. Packer

Without Jesus, there is only God's wrath. I know for some it is a tough concept to embrace, but it is true nonetheless. The fact God knows of our past, present, and future unrighteousness does not mean God is unjust in judging us. It is why He gave us a Savior. He died for us so we may live. God's love is infinite.

Some Christians would think it doesn't matter how God gets His glory as long as He gets the glory. But does a sinful act bring the kind of glory God wants? Does it reflect His nature or ours?

When we present the Gospel, it is only good news if folks hear the bad news, too. They are sinners, spiritually dead, condemned to Hell. At the Cross, Jesus took their place. He exchanges

His righteousness for their sin so that God can declare the believing sinner justified.

Most Christians don’t hear God’s voice because we’ve already decided we aren’t going to do what He says.

~A. W. Tozer~

love motivated Jesus. He wasn't playing games, and He wasn't "playing church." He was simply thinking about you.

Your eternal destination is really your choice. Not everyone will be saved in the end—only those who put their faith in Jesus Christ.

We're sinners, Jesus is holy. We're messed up, He is perfect. When they shoved the crown of thorns on His head, that should have been us. When they nailed Him to the cross, that should have been us. We deserved all the punishment, but Jesus took our place. His grace is amazing.

“In any situation, some of the most difficult hurdles to overcome are the fear of the unknown and the misconception of the familiar.”

The cross is proof of God’s love for you.

“The epicenter of bad therapy in your children's life is, most likely, their [public] school.” — Abigail Shrier, Bad Therapy, 65.

This is the best evidence to any that he is actually reconciled [to God], when he hates that (sin) which made the first separation. —Puritan Stephen Charnock, Works 3:496

“With the wonderful biblical reality of Christ's active obedience, justification through faith alone is upheld.” — Patrick Abendroth,

“Blessed are they that die in the Lord. Death, that separates the soul from the body, cannot separate either from Christ.” - Richard Sibbes. Works, 5:94.

“It is far too biblically short-sighted to conclude that Jesus obeyed for Himself and to merely be qualified.” — Patrick Abendroth,

“… the Father has given His children good ground to rely upon His unchangeable love.” — William Romaine

“The benefits of the gospel (justification, reconciliation, redemption, adoption) are in Christ. They do not exist apart from him. They are ours only in him.” - Sinclair Ferguson. The Whole Christ, 44.

The gospel is “the good tidings of the accomplishment of the promise by the sending of Jesus Christ.” — John Owen

“The good news about Jesus motivates Christians to obey and be grateful children.” — Mike Abendroth

“The gospel reveals to us what the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit have done for us, what inestimable blessings they have provided for us... The gospel, then, is glad tidings of good things.” — John Colquhoun

“Simply attend to the promises of God concerning the persevering.” — William Romaine

"In the gospel, through the person and work of Jesus Christ, divine pardon triumphs over our desperate condition and our deserved condemnation.” – Nathan Busenitz

“The door on which we have been knocking all our lives will open at last.” - C.S. Lewis

“To walk out of his will is to walk into nowhere.” - C.S. Lewis

Genesis 2:23 “may be construed as a wedding vow with God as the witness.” — William A. Heth

David could bear persecution without murmuring, but when he came to prosperity he could not turn away his eyes from vanity. Richard Baker

“God has so made man's heart that nothing can ever fill it but God himself.” — Charles Spurgeon

Begin your healthy lifestyle journey. Just start. Start slow if you have to. Start small if you have to. Start privately if you have to. Just start.

Adoption gives us the privilege of sons, regeneration the nature of sons. Stephen Charnock

Often before God fulfills His vision or dreams for our life, we have to steward what He has placed in front of us. Maina Mwaura

Oh that we were all more distressed as we think of the portion of the ungodly in the lake of fire. The popular plan is to shut our eyes and forget all about it, or pretend to doubt it; but that is not the way of the faithful servant of God. —Charles Spurgeon, on Psalm 119:53

“The pulpit is never to be the ladder by which ambition is to climb.” — Charles Spurgeon

“The Lord has dealt bountifully with thee if he hath given thee the knowledge of his Christ, whatever he denies thee.” - Thomas Manton. Works, 20:27

God is light, sin is darkness; God is life, sin is death; God is heaven, sin is hell; God is beauty, sin is deformity. - Thomas Brooks, Works i:33

Satan can never undo a man without himself; but a man may easily undo himself without Satan. Thomas Brooks

"Long sermons are not really useful; they should be short, scriptural, and addressed to people’s conscience." - Gavin Parker

“Labor to teach your children to always have an eye to God.” — Charles Spurgeon

When men have orthodox judgements and heterodox hearts, there must needs be little love to truth. William Gurnall

It is common for men to make doubts when they have the mind to desert the truth. Samuel Rutherford

“When will Jesus cast you out? That time will never come.” — Charles Spurgeon

“We would be happy if we would trust God and raise no questions of any sort.” — Charles Spurgeon

"There's no such thing as a perfect pastor. There's no such thing as a perfect sermon. But all must see our progress. A congregation will forgive almost any failure in the pulpit if they see us growing." - David Short

"Nine times out of ten, falling away from God begins in the neglect of private prayer." — Charles Spurgeon

“Look to Jesus and remember his peace-speaking blood.” — Charles Spurgeon

Steven Lawson

We may not know what the future holds, but we know Who holds the future.

There are no tears in heaven, and there are no smiles in hell -Leonard Ravenhill -

May the Lord grant us steadfastness of heart, and keep us from being drawn away by the things of time and sense. -A.W. Pink -

A godly man prefers grace before goods, and wisdom before the world. Richard Bernard

"Christ’s soldiers must expect hard blows. The cross is always to be borne by those who trust in the Crucified." — Charles Spurgeon

"The Christ on the cross will never save you unless there is also Christ within you." — Charles Spurgeon

Be not only attentive in hearing, but retentive after hearing. Thomas Watson

“We must learn more and more from God and then teach others.” — Charles Spurgeon

"Men are more in danger from prosperity than adversity. For when matters go smoothly, they flatter themselves and are intoxicated by success." John Calvin

I challenge you: over a week's time, compare your screen time to your prayer time. Paul Washer

Learn in confession to be honest with God. Do not give fair names to foul sins; call them what you will, they will smell no sweeter. Charles Spurgeon

Society has twisted Jesus to be a mere benign, soft hearted, compassionate teacher and He just wants to do for you whatever you'd like Him to. No. He is not your genie, He is your King. John MacArthur

“…the good things which have been given to us [in Christ] are even greater than those which we have lost [in Adam]. —John Chrysostom

We're sinners, Jesus is holy. We're messed up, He is perfect. When they shoved the crown of thorns on His head, that should have been us. When they nailed Him to the cross, that should have been us. We deserved all the punishment, but Jesus took our place. His grace is amazing.

"We can do nothing unless by a supernatural grace of God. It is God who gives the will. It is God who gives the power." John Calvin

"We can do nothing unless by a supernatural grace of God. It is God who gives the will. It is God who gives the power." John Calvin

“In any situation, some of the most difficult hurdles to overcome are the fear of the unknown and the misconception of the familiar.” Scott Pace & Shane Pruitt | “Calling Out the Called”

"To say that we are sorry for our sins is mere hypocrisy, unless we show we are really sorry for them, by giving them up." J.C. Ryle

The first link between my soul and Christ is, not my goodness, but my badness; not my merit, but my misery; not my standing, but my falling; not my riches, but my need. Charles Spurgeon

"A dark hour makes Jesus bright." -Robert Murray M'Cheyne.

"God has punished Christ instead of me, and therefore he cannot also punish me." Charles Spurgeon

“So when my poor heart is afflicted, when Satan storms, or the world frowns, when I suffer sickness, or when all your waves and storms seem to go over me, what a relief it is to know that you, Jesus, see me. And that you care!” Robert Hawker (1753-1827)

“In the divine decree that never changes, in the divine heart that never alters, in the divine memory that never fails, in the divine thought that never forgets, all the names of the godly are written.” Charles Spurgeon

Every day in America, we hear one of the great pernicious lies about God, namely, that we all worship the same god. We are told that whatever we call Him or it—Allah or Yahweh or Tao or Buddha—we all worship the same thing. To that I reply, 'No, we don’t.' RC Sproul

"Make the Bible a sweet dear book to your children.” Charles Spurgeon

We need a heaven-sent, God-exalting, sin-exposing, grace-giving, holiness-pursuing, soul-saving revival to sweep through our churches. Steven Lawson

Each passing year increases my conviction that all I have is Jesus. The inward look brings only despair, but one glance at Christ heals all. Paul Washer

“We live between two great days: the day Christ hung before men, and the day all men will kneel before Christ.” Paul Washer

“Jesus’ presence is the church's power.” — Charles Spurgeon

The malcontent is ever complaining of his condition; the contented spirit is ever giving thanks. O what height of grace is this! A contented heart is a temple where the praises of God are sung forth - not a sepulchre wherein they are buried. - Thomas Watson

“Nature bids you die, but the Omnipotent bids you live again.” — Charles Spurgeon

Sins spin webs of confusion. Repentance breaks those webs and replaces sin with clarity. Rosaria Butterfield

The gospel message hurts our pride in life-giving ways, and for that I praise God. Rosaria Butterfield

Prayer is the Christian’s element, and as the fish lives in the water as in its element and dies when it is out of it, so a Christian lives in prayer as in his element, and his heart dies when he is out of it. —Puritan William Bridge, Lifting Up, Pg. 106-7

“There can be no falsehood in Christ Jesus, nor failure in him.” — Charles Spurgeon

Christ's blood is the great sovereign remedy for sin-sick souls. -John Owen -

The seeking of the kingdom of God is the chief business of the Christian life -Jonathan Edwards -

Not to be afflicted is a sign of weakness; for, therefore God imposeth no more on me, because He sees I can bear no more. Joseph Hall

“You are justified by faith, not by feelings.” — Charles Spurgeon

Be soonest angry with thyself. Thomas Fuller

Faith is our seal; assurance of faith is God's seal. Christopher Nessie

He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust. Thomas Aquinas

Justification and Sanctification: What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.   “The ends of Christ’s death cannot be separated; he is no atoner, where he is not a refiner.” —Puritan Stephen Charnock, Works 3:496

“The true religion of Jesus is a good thing for you.” — Charles Spurgeon

“We shall remember that the real preparation of a sermon is not the few hours which we are specifically devoted to it, but the whole stream of the preacher’s Christian experience thus far, of which the sermon is a distilled drop.” -John Stott

"Many difficult problems can be best solved by prayer."

— Charles Spurgeon

Burk Parsons

Some pastors believe that we should avoid delving too deeply into theology for fear that it might drive people away. However, the deeper we go in our study of theology, the deeper we go in our knowledge of God, awe of God, love of God, humility before God, and worship of God.

“If our salvation depended upon our feelings, we should be lost one day and saved another.” — Charles Spurgeon

God often works more by the life of the illiterate seeking the things that are God's, than by the ability of the learned seeking the things that are their own. Anselm of Canterbury

“Understanding the love of Jesus lifts the mind above all fear.” — Charles Spurgeon

“Go on and believe that God will save your children. Expect fruit.” — Charles Spurgeon

“You can truly serve God behind the counter, in the workroom, by digging a ditch, or clipping a hedge.” — Charles Spurgeon

“Grace is free; Christ is free. Come, poor sinner, there is none to push you back.” — Charles Spurgeon

“God's sword was driven into Jesus' heart, and he received it for your sake.” — Charles Spurgeon

Five minutes after you die you'll know how you should have lived. -Leonard Ravenhill -

The only Christian you want to listen to is the one who gives you more of a hunger for God. -A.W. Tozer -

"Our business is to study the Word of God and preach it as we find it." — Charles Spurgeon

“God’s love is not from something good in us; it is love of us because of everything good in him.” — Charles Spurgeon

An honest preacher's prayer: Lord, by Your Spirit, may your people hear a better sermon than the one I am about to preach. -Kevin DeYoung

You contribute nothing to your salvation except the sin that made it necessary. Jonathan Edwards

Idleness is the enemy of the soul. Anselm of Canterbury

Seek first the kingdom of God, and then trust that He will take care of our needs, even before we know what they are and where we’re going. Kevin DeYoung

"True preaching is never an exhibition of the brilliance or intellect of the preacher but an exposition of the wisdom and power of God." - Al Mohler

Let no worldly prosperity divert you, nor any worldly adversity restrain you from His praise. Anselm of Canterbury

“We live by faith, and if that faith be weak, praise God that weak faith is faith.” — Charles Spurgeon

The heart of Christianity is Christ. It is to know Christ. It is to follow Christ. It is to love Christ. It is to adore Christ. The sum and the substance of the Christian life is Jesus Christ. Steven Lawson

No Calvinism in the Gospel of John? John 6:44 made me a Calvinist: "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. Dustin Benge

"The Bible not only corrects us; it also oxygenates us. We need a Bible not only because we are wrong in our minds but also because we are empty in our souls." - Dane Ortlund

“The Law sends us to the Gospel for our justification; the Gospel sends us to the law to frame our way of life… (Christ) has freed us from the manner of our obedience, but not from the matter of our obedience”. Samuel Bolton (1606-1654)

“In heaven is no war-fare, but all well-fare.” John Boys

“You are to follow no man further than he follows Christ.” John Collins (1632–1687)

“The foundation of the true church of God is Scripture.” John Lightfoot (1602-1675)

“Temptations, when we meet them at first, are as the lion that reared upon Samson; but if we overcome them, the next time we see them we shall find a nest of honey within them.” John Bunyan


Joseph said to his brethren, ‘You did intend me hurt, but God did intend me good.’ So it may be said concerning all ungodly, wicked men; they do intend evil against the Church and people of God, but God intends His people's good, and, in conclusion, effects it. Jeremiah Whitaker

“The Scriptures teach us the best way of living, the noblest way of suffering, and the most comfortable way of dying.” John Flavel (1628-1691)

“Tie the Word about your neck, write it upon your hand, lay it in your bosom. When you go let it lead you, when you sleep let it keep you, when you wake let it talk with you.” Joseph Alleine (1634-1668)

“There are three kinds of lies: a lie told, a lie taught, a lie acted out.” Joseph Caryl (1602-1673)

“The heart of man is his worst part before it is regenerate, and it is his best part afterwards. It is the seat of principles and the fountain of actions. The eye of God is, and the eye of the Christian ought to be, principally fixed upon it.” John Flavel

We see the main cause of unbelief and despair. It is ignorance of the Father’s interest in redemption; the ignorance of the transaction between the Father and the Son is the cause of this [unbelief and despair], ‘because they know not him who sent me.’ —Stephen Charnock, 3:388

"Seek the truth. Listen to the truth. Teach the truth. Love the truth. Abide by the truth. And defend the truth. Unto death." Jan Hus

If I ever reach Heaven I expect to find three wonders there: first, to meet some I had not thought to see there; second, to miss some I had expected to see there; and third, the greatest wonder of all, to find myself there. John Newton

"Forsaking false doctrines, let us return to the Word which has been handed down to us from the beginning." Polycarp

"Every saint is God's temple, and he that carries his temple around with him, may go to prayer when he pleases." Augustine

“Christ is Altogether Lovely. He is bread to the hungry, water to the thirsty, a garment to the naked, healing to the wounded; and whatever a soul can desire is found in him.” John Flavel

“Severe trouble in a true believer has the effect of loosening the roots of his soul earthward and tightening the anchor-hold of his heart heavenward.” C.H. Spurgeon


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