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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

Updated: Apr 7, 2024


Jesus Christ is always unyielding to my claim to my right to myself. The one essential element in all our Lord’s teaching about discipleship is abandon, no calculation, no trace of self–interest.

To take its full form, resurrection requires both life and loss.

Have you grieved what has been lost? Maybe it feels like as a Christian, that isn’t ok. But, it is. We’re going to suffer and have deep troubles here on earth because it was broken by our sin. Jesus knows that we’ll face dark nights of the soul and He will be here for us through it all. Let’s lean on the One who loves us unto death.

There are times in our lives when we might say things like “The devil really tempted me!” But the fact is that it’s highly unlikely the devil himself has ever tempted us. Rather, it probably was one of his demons who was doing the tempting.

The Bible says, “The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure” (1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT).

God won’t give you too much. He knows your breaking point. He knows how much you can handle. And you might be able to handle a lot more than you think you can. Sometimes, it may seem as though you’re overwhelmed with temptation. But God isn’t going to give you more than you can take.

He is pulling for you right now. Just as Jesus stood up for Simon, He is standing up for you.

Another wonderful blessing in Christ is the foundation that He provides for all who live by His grace. As with buildings, lives also need solid foundations. Our foundation is a person, Jesus. "For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ." By the grace of God enabling him, Paul ministered the gospel of Jesus Christ. "According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation." In doing this, he was laying the only reliable spiritual ground for living as God intended. So many people attempt to lay other foundations for their lives. Some turn to earthly riches. Others hope in human wisdom. Others put their confidence in personal power and influence. Such vain pursuits are like attempting to construct a building upon shifting, sinking sand.

God promises that if you know Him you will know true joy. Joy is not merely happiness but rather an unshakable confidence that God is in control. Therefore, He is our one and only source of joy and stands ready, waiting to saturate every circumstance with His presence.

Joy is not about how I FEEL BUT WHAT I DO!

Our hurry-up, need-it, gotta-have-it-now culture often makes us feel there's something wrong with waiting and that we shouldn't have to.

Even though we are anointed and appointed we may still have to wait. David waited fifteen years to be king of Judah.

God's ways are not our ways; His thoughts are not our thoughts. After being anointed and appointed David was called to serve Saul.

God doesn't waste time ... He redeems it. The time of waiting will be used to prosper us in each season of life.

If we allow it, our waiting will bring us an intimate knowledge of the Savior that we would not otherwise have.

God doesn't ignore the cries of His children. David cried, and at times begged God for help.

Christmas is filled with rejoices for our Savior's birth somber and sobering thoughts stream through Good Friday. We need both to understand

One drop of Christ’s blood is worth more

than heaven and earth.

~Martin Luther~

The things we experience are not random events that float in and out of our lives. Rather, they are specific events that have been chosen by God and are timely and purposeful.

When you put your faith in Jesus Christ, you come under His protective care. God is fully aware of everything that happens to you, and thankfully He is never asleep on the job. He pays careful attention to the smallest details of your life and is in complete in control of all circumstances that surround you.

Tonight I BBQed with wood. It's not special but the memories of out cliff diving college students after walking through a place called Rattlesnake Heaven, catching wild things from bats to snakes, swimming in a river during spring thaw (twice), and homemade Indian tents while catching catfish at dusk with Pillsbury caddis larvae bait. This was all in the days of Springville California when Catrina Sanford and I were naive but the forest was our playground. Not a game system. When Nathan Raimo was my battle buddy and Phillip Raimo challenged me to build and explore -- and I did. But that was long ago. Another time and place that influenced who I and today. This is what cooking with wood does to me.

You cannot grow in grace to any high degree while you are conformed to the world. The life of separation may be a path of sorrow, but it is the highway of safety; and though the separated life may be painful and make every day a battle, yet it is a happy life after all. No joy can excel that of the soldier of Christ: Jesus reveals Himself so graciously and gives such sweet refreshment that the warrior feels more calm and peace in his daily strife than others in their hours of rest.

The less a person strives for himself,

the more God will be his champion.

~John Trapp~

Intimacy builds with every single interaction every day. It happens with every glance, small touch, kind word, and inside joke you quietly laugh about when around other people.

If the only time you're intimate is before and during sex, you're missing out; there's so much more to the picture!

Intimacy is extreme closeness, and closeness can only be achieved by proximity.

Intimacy starts long before the bedroom and it begins by building closeness.

Some of us are nearer the end of our journey than the beginning, where our lives and gifts appear more fragile and uncertain. Wherever and whenever we find ourselves, the challenge is to be “trustworthy in a few things.” As someone has wisely said, the challenge of this life is not in doing great things, but in doing small things with great love.

This job has been given to me to do. Therefore, it is a gift. Therefore, it is a privilege … Therefore, it is to be done gladly, if it is done for Him. Here, not somewhere else, I may learn God’s way. In this job, not in some other, God looks for faithfulness.

~Elizabeth Elliot~

Leaving the past behind and pressing ahead takes faith.

Many don’t walk by faith because the past keeps dragging us backward. Abuse, pain, grief, childhood memories, bitterness, and false security can turn the past into an obsession.

A true and safe leader is likely to be one who has no desire to lead but is forced into a position of leadership by the inward pressure of the Holy Spirit and the press of the external situation.

~A.W. Tozer~

The death of Christ doesn’t instantly bring reconciliation to divided workplaces. But it does lay a foundation for true, deep, lasting reconciliation in every sector of life.

 If Christ gave his life to bring reconciliation to a broken world, surely those of us who follow him will seek to bring reconciliation to the places in the world to which God has sent us.

Throughout the Bible, we read story after story of God's faithfulness in the face of adversity, despite the faithlessness of His people. Paul says in Romans 8:24, "Hope that is seen is no hope at all. For who hopes for what he already has?"

We live in dangerous times. Not only does violence stalk us in the form of terrorism and crime, but our culture itself is crumbling. Our society tolerates and even praises what would once have been barely spoken of. If we stand up we are branded as intolerant, the term today’s culture considers the inexcusable offense. If we don’t speak up, people won’t know biblical truth.

When you invite Jesus into the home of your being (being born again), you are supposed to also give Him the run of the house (making Him Lord over your life). However, many of us are slow to do that completely. Whether we admit it or not, we hesitate to believe that God can be trusted with every area of our lives.

The Bible says,

Another wonderful blessing in Christ is the foundation that He provides for all who live by His grace. As with buildings, lives also need solid foundations. Our foundation is a person, Jesus. "For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ." By the grace of God enabling him, Paul ministered to the gospel of Jesus Christ. "According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder, I have laid the foundation."

Often times we find it easier to weep with those who are weeping than it is to rejoice with those who rejoice. Don't think so? Look at your own family. How many times have you heard (or said), "That's not fair, he or she gets so and so and I don't." Usually, a temper tantrum or pout follows. And families are supposed to love and want what's best, for each other. The word tells us to rejoice with those who rejoice.

Integrity is not a given factor in everyone’s life. It is a result of self-discipline, inner trust, and a decision to be relentlessly honest in all situations in our lives.

~John Maxwell~

How much of our reading Scripture is missing Jesus Himself? How often do we try to unscrew the inscrutable instead of just knowing the voice of Jesus and leaning into Him as a Friend?

How can I trust God when I’m suffering? The Bible doesn’t give us easy, pat answers to the problem of suffering. But it does acknowledge both the reality of pain and the presence of God in the midst of pain. When we suffer, we may not have the answers we desire, but we can know the presence and compassion of God.

The carnal person fears man, and not God; the strong Christian fears God, not man; the weak Christian fears man too much, and God too little."

- John Flavel. A Practical Treatise of Fear. Works, 3:241.

The world is getting darker by the hour. These "final days" won't turn into years. This could be your last call. You're either in Christ or you're out. There is no neutral place. Take that step of faith and come to Him - believing! He's waiting for YOU!

If you are never born twice, you will wish you were never born once.

  ·During my mom's memorial service, a selected group of siblings, son-in-law, and nieces all would say they were mom's favorite. It made me remember the disciples wanting to be the favorite. Jesus said if you want to be great in the kingdom of God serve the least. The worst of the worst.

We waist about 3Billion tons of food in the USA each year. If you have leftovers you don't eat. freeze them, mark the bag with what it and give it away to someone in need.

Opposition to the divine will is the very essence of all sin.

~David Thomas~

The “main Character” in my favorite book dies. But it’s okay

He comes back to Life in 3 days!

Highly recommend this Book!!

“An abusive or neglectful spouse has already functionally ‘broken’… the marriage covenant… [this view] is not a modern accommodation but a matter that wise men who care for and truly shepherd the solas of the flock have dealt with head-on for centuries.” — Brian C. Sayers

Christian men and women, nothing but the Gospel can sweep away social evil. Vices are like vipers, and only the voice of Jesus can drive them out of the land. The Gospel is the great broom with which to cleanse the filthiness of the city; nothing else will avail. — C.H. Spurgeon

“How do we know that God has elected us before the creation of the world? By believing in Jesus Christ.” — John Calvin

"Yet if, after all, you will appeal to the law, to the law you must go. But remember, that in so doing, Christ shall profit you nothing. So that you have no alternative, but to keep it perfectly, or die eternally." - Abraham Booth. Death of Legal Hope, 36.

“It is not faith that saves, but faith in Jesus Christ... It is not, strictly speaking, even faith in Christ that saves, but Christ that saves through faith.” — B.B. Warfield

"This word of God's grace, that requires not holiness of us as a condition, but promises it to us as a free gift, must needs be the only doctrine, that is 'able to build us up, and to give us an inheritance among them that are sanctified.' (Acts 20:32)" - Marshall Gospel Mystery

“The saving power resides exclusively, not in the act of faith or the attitude of faith or the nature of faith, but in the object of faith... Christ Himself.” — B.B. Warfield

“Without the vital reality of Christ's active obedience, the foundation for justification is gone, and so are the assurance-giving blessings.” — Patrick Abendroth, The Active Obedience of Christ, 74.

“The Lord told me” is no substitute for “the Bible says.'” - Voddie Baucham

Your view of Genesis 1-11 will drastically affect your counseling.

It is time for a new Reformation in the Church--to call the Church back to the authority of the Word of God, beginning in Genesis. (Ken Ham)

A puritan a day keeps the devil away.

When it comes to infertility, unbelievers are far more caring, compassionate, and supportive than believers. I wonder why.

“There are only two kinds of people: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, ‘All right, then, have it your way.’” - C.S. Lewis

Our opinions don’t change Scripture, Scripture should change our opinions.

Atheist: "There is no God" Agnostic: "There might be a God" Humanist: "Let's remove God" Pornography: "Sex is God" Greed: "Money is God" Government: "Power is God" Pride: "I am God" One day opinions will flee, knees will bow, and tongues will confess who the REAL God really is!

Though sin is not so evil as God is good, yet it is the greatest evil, and stands in opposition to God as the greatest good. —Stephen Charnock, Works 2:365

The intercession of Christ, which is part of his priestly office, was as much in the thoughts of God, for his keeping firm this reconciliation, as the death of Christ was upon his heart to effect it. —Stephen Charnock, Works 3:489

As God was willing and desirous to make reconciliation by the blood of Christ, when all your sins lay before him with their crimson aggravations, much more will he renew it upon a particular fall. —Stephen Charnock, Works 3:499

Unbelief now is worse than the unbelief of the Jews, and worse than the act of crucifying Christ, and more grievous to him. They crucified him when he was in a state of humiliation; our unbelief against him, since he is exalted at the right hand of the Father. —Stephen Charnock

The church is like a river. If it gets wider instead of deeper it will lose its power. —Puritan Thomas Manton

Four things we might pray God would do through our sermons as Sunday approaches— Sharpen (clarity) Empower (activity) Engage (humanity) Deepen (humility

“God, grant that we may have an unquestioning, unstaggering faith.” — Charles Spurgeon

God can no more condemn a believing soul when he looks upon Christ, than he can drown the world against his promise when he looks on the rainbow. —Puritan Stephen Charnock, Works 3:489

“We believe in Jesus. We have no other confidence. Where could we find any other?” — Charles Spurgeon

"I cannot believe that you know the Lord unless you long for your offspring to know him." — Charles Spurgeon

Hospitality is not a house inspection, it’s friendship. Rosaria Butterfield

"When men of God are mighty in prayer, we owe much to them." — Charles Spurgeon

All of us go through trying times, and they don’t happen by accident. God arranges those times to help us grow. David Jeremiah

People often think they have not strength enough; the fact is we have too much strength. It is when we feel that we have no strength of our own, that we are willing God should use us, and work through us. Moody

Listen, do you not hear God’s voice in the gospel? He shuts out none that do not shut themselves out. —Puritan Stephen Charnock, Works 3:495

“Every minute that the Christian lives will be a minute of grace.” — Charles Spurgeon

I think we delight to praise what we enjoy because the praise not merely expresses but completes the enjoyment; it is its appointed consummation. (C.S. Lewis)

You teach what you know, but you reproduce what you are. Howard Hendricks

“One mistake New Testament Christians make is to neglect the use of God's moral law, and particularly the moral principles undergirding Old Testament ordinances.” — Brian C. Sayers, Abuse, Neglect and Pornography Use as Grounds for Divorce, 1.

“There is no fear that we shall ever go too far in our love to God.” — Charles Spurgeon

"It is what a preacher says, not how he says it, that is the vital thing." — Charles Spurgeon

Disasters teach us humility. Anselm of Canterbury

"The successful preacher does not end his sermon with the congregation on its feet applauding him, but on its knees adoring Christ." -Leonard Ravenhill

“A Christian is not meant to be a solitary being.” — Charles Spurgeon

God does not delay to hear our prayers because He has no mind to give; but that, by enlarging our desires, He may give us the more largely. Anselm of Canterbury

“You must continue to do God's will. Only God can enable you to do so.” — Charles Spurgeon

Better to have a hard will and a soft heart than a soft will and a hard heart -Leonard Ravenhill -

Unless our 'Bible study' is conforming us, both inwardly and outwardly to the image of Christ, it profits us not. -A.W. Pink -

“Jesus is the lamb once slain, no more to die.” — Charles Spurgeon

“Apart from God, there is no life.” — Charles Spurgeon

Anybody that would respect Benny Hinn is not respectable. Justin Peters

I do not try, Lord, to attain Your lofty heights, because my understanding is in no way equal to it. But I do desire to understand Your truth a little, that truth that my heart believes and loves. Anselm of Canterbury

“You must love every truth so long as you know it to be the truth of God's own Word.” — Charles Spurgeon

Consider that the trials and troubles, the calamities and miseries, the crosses and losses that you meet with in this world, are all the hell that ever you shall have. Thomas Brooks

In Adam we all suffered shipwreck, and repentance is the only plank left us after shipwreck—to swim to heaven. Thomas Watson 1668 The Doctrine of Repentance

We look for more in this life than it will ever yield to us, here little and hear after much. As Bunyan says, is best for us! O Lord grant me grace to live above the poor trifles of this fleeting world. Charles Spurgeon

The Law and the Gospel are two keys. The Law is the key that shutteth up all men under condemnation, and the Gospel is the key which opens the door and lets them out. William Tyndale

"Hell reigns wherever there is no peace with God" John Calvin

God makes our adversity our university. Thomas Watson

"When God forgives, he forgives forever. Until God can change or lie, he will never bring to mind again the sin of that man who he has pardoned." Charles Spurgeon

"When God pardons a man's sins, he pardons them all; he makes a clean sweep of the whole." Charles Spurgeon

Christ gives peace to the most sinful and miserable that come to Him. Jonathan Edwards

"Preach you Christ, and Christ, and Christ, and Christ, and nothing else but Christ." Charles Spurgeon

“We must judge teaching carefully and not think that any opinion will do.” — Charles Spurgeon

He who orders all the circumstances of our lives is acquainted with all of our sorrows, and has not neglected us or forgotten our distress. All things are open before his eyes! Isaac Watts

The people and powers of this world are only tools in the hand of God. He is always using them for His own purposes—however little they may be aware of it. J.C. Ryle

I offer my heart to thee O Lord, promptly and sincerely. John Calvin

Short sins often cost us long and sad sorrows. Philip Henry

Those against whom no charge can be laid (Rom 8:33) , who cannot by any means be separated from the love of God in Christ (Rom. 8:38) , cannot totally and finally fall away from faith, and fall out of God’s favour. —Puritan John Owen, Works 11:371

Our feeling of ignorance, vanity, want, weakness, in short, depravity and corruption, reminds us that in the Lord, and none but He, dwell the true light of wisdom, solid virtue, exuberant goodness. John Calvin

In subordinating Christianity to culture we have really destroyed Christianity, and what continues to bear the old name is a counterfeit. J.Gresham Machen

I maintain that to tell a person they are born again while they live in carelessness or sin is a dangerous delusion. J.C. Ryle

The blessings of God to us are such as if none but we had them, and God cares for us as if he had none else to care for in the world besides. Richard Sibbes

To repent is more than feeling sorry for your sin. Judas was sorry for betraying Christ and went straight to hell. Steven Lawson

There is no greater message, no greater thought than what Christ has done for us on the cross. Paul Washer

What did Jesus mean when He said we are to seek God's kingdom first? It means our top priority in life should be to seek what is eternal. John MacArthur

Daily bread may make us live comfortably, but forgiveness of sin will make us die comfortably. Thomas Watson

"The true convert does not receive the gospel as an addition to his previous life, but in exchange for it." Paul Washer

The best argument to bring sinners to believe in Jesus is Jesus. - Charles Spurgeon, 6 April 1873

There is the difference between human and divine love. The one is fleeting, the other is everlasting. There is no end of God's love. D.L. Moody

Christian men and women, nothing but the Gospel can sweep away social evil. Vices are like vipers, and only the voice of Jesus can drive them out of the land. The Gospel is the great broom with which to cleanse the filthiness of the city; nothing else will avail. — C.H. Spurgeon

“Holy Spirit, guide our thoughts and words rightly.” — Charles Spurgeon

The schools say, that the word grace, is either taken for the gifts of the Holy Ghost, or for saving and sanctifying grace. —William Bridge, Works 1:224

“How do we know that God has elected us before the creation of the world? By believing in Jesus Christ.” — John Calvin

Parents, let none of us be content until Jesus has received our children.” — Charles Spurgeon

If we do not abide in prayer, we will abide in temptation. -John Owen -

When a sinful desire gains the will, it also prejudices the understanding -Jonathan Edwards -

“Thank God that you know you are a sinner and Christ is your savior.” — Charles Spurgeon

When you, Christian, observe laws in the Bible, remember that they are given to you to guide you, not condemn you. Jesus took all the punishment for your sin at Calvary and declared, "It is finished." — Mike Abendroth

“You should fear nothing and nobody so long as you can glorify God.” — Charles Spurgeon

"The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end." – Charles Spurgeon

"The true child of God is kept from sin by better forces than a fear of being turned away by his Father." — Charles Spurgeon

Happy indeed is that church whose members not only desire to reach heaven themselves, but desire also to take others with them! -J.C. Ryle -

Ignorance is the mother of error according to the Word of God. -C.H. Spurgeon -

Jerry Bridges has said “Scripture speaks of both a holiness which we have in Christ before God, and a holiness which we are to strive after.”

Jerry Bridges

Our answer to the question, “Who am I?”, is to be found in neither our achievements, nor our failures, but in Christ alone.

“I tell you, transgressors, Christ prays for you when you do not pray for yourselves.” - Charles Spurgeon

Unrepentant sin is a cause of depression. It is not the only cause, but it is a cause. Pastor Gabe said that it may be the cause. He did not give a definite cause. How was this post unhelpful?

Steven Lawson

Tomorrow is Sunday: Preacher, remember that the sermon is not about you, but is about Christ.

To remove doubts and create a confident expectation I recommend a reverent study of the Word of God itself. I am willing to rest my case upon the teachings of the New Testament. -Tozer

You need never be afraid that Christ will cast you out when you can hear him pleading for you.” - Charles Spurgeon

“Before you know yourselves to be transgressors and have any desire for pardon, while as yet you are lying dead in sin, his intercession has gone up even for such as you are.” - Charles Spurgeon

// f i n i s h e d // When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. John 19:30 Guilt—finished. Shame—finished. Condemnation—finished

"God has not only chosen you for heaven, He has chosen you to be His representative on this earth. Let nothing distract you from that purpose.” – Steve Lawson

“Set faith—on Christ for the killing of sin. Live in this, and thou wilt die a conqueror.” John Owen, 6:79

“Throw thyself with all thy sin upon [Christ’s] substitution and feel that this is a safe resting-place for thy believing, because it is a solid basis for thy Lord’s intercession.” - Charles Spurgeon

"Be hard on yourself and easy on others. Carry your own cross but never lay one on the back of another." AW Tozer

Ever since his fall, even the thoughts of man's heart have been evil & that continually & his words & actions have borne sufficient evidence of the depravity of his heart. Man is wholly sinful & in all his acts a sinner; hence his debt—his inconceivable debt to his Maker. -Clarke

Many times we wonder why God doesn't use us -- it's because of what we're full of. Paul, in Romans 1:29-31 gives us a pretty complete list of what we don't want to be filled by: "They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, quarreling, deceit, and viciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, haughty, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to their parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless."

A biblical mystery is something that can only be known by the revealing work of God. The mysteries of the Scriptures cannot be discovered or understood by intellectual investigation or personal experience. God Himself must make them known. The Lord does this through the grace-empowered, Spirit-empowered proclamation of His word.

Don't say that a loving God sends people to hell. Say that there is a holy God, and when you do not meet His standard you cannot go into His heaven where He is. That ought to be very obvious to you. In your home I'm sure that you have a standard and there are certain people that you would not let come in. God does the same thing. You have to meet His standard if you're going to heaven.

The cross is proof of God’s love for you.

There's only one place for the lost who have rejected the Lord Jesus Christ and that's with the devil and his demons. Don't say that a loving God is going to send you to hell - He's not. The thing that's going to send you to hell is that you're a sinner and you don't want to admit it. That's the problem with the human family. It's a self will, a desire to want to go their way.

Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; For the LORD GOD is my strength and song, - Isaiah 12:2

God alone is the well in the desert of existence, and those who go to Him to satisfy their parched souls find an inexhaustible fount.

"In my life the Resurrection means_____________ "

It means a new beginning. Everything is in the past, just like it says in the book of Isaiah...if God forgets my sins, why would i want to keep reminding Him.

Because of what Christ did on the cross, I have been given a new life, with a new beginning and new opportunities. My past is gone, I have the present and my future which are all in His hands...all because of the ultimate sacrifice He made. My hope is in Him, my life is in Him and with Him, all things are possible. There isn't anything in this world that I can't face, that He can't get me through. Without Him, I am nothing, With Him, I am something.

by Darci Escandon

"Its my time, its my life, I can do what I like! This time, its forever, it gets better!" -Enrique Iglesias

When we don't understand what God is doing, understand who God is!~ Pastor Dennis Davenport

Don't ever judge God by what you would do if you where God.

Dennis Davenport

God is Sovereign. You can not see the picture by one piece of the puzzle. Trust who He is. He is listening to you, He is working on your behalf, and He is always in control.

“You cannot succeed by yourself. It's hard to find a rich hermit.” – Jim Rohn

“Don’t mistake movement for achievement. It’s easy to get faked out by being busy. The questions is: Busy doing what?” – Jim Rohn

“We shouldn’t say things about our beliefs that we won’t back up with our love.” ~

Repentance is, fundamentally, a change of direction, a

turning from sin to God.

~James Philip~

Inside the will of God there is no failure.

Outside the will of God there is no success.

~Bernard Edinger~

The church is not the building but rather a group of corporate believers worshiping with one mine in one accord in Christ.

Jesus commanded us to pray (Matthew 9:37, among others). Jesus showed us how to pray (Matthew 6:9-13). And Jesus Himself prayed! Follow His lead and take time to pray, even if it's just a few moments here and there throughout the day. Let whatever is in your heart be made known to God.

One leak over time will sink a ship, and one sin will destroy a sinner.

~John Bunyan~

In the Bible, the Holy Spirit is likened to a divine gardener. At times, the seeds of faith may be lying quietly in your heart enduring the winter of a seemingly insurmountable disappointment or challenge. Yet when you respond to the voice encouraging you to pray, read Scripture or worship in song, you suddenly sense resurrection and find the hope of new life in your heart.

When He [Christ] returns, is not as important as the fact that

we are ready for Him when He does return.

~A.W. Tozer~

The Christian life is about falling in love with Jesus because He first loved us. But in this distracting, busy world, it is easy to lose sight of that love.

Jesus gave us the solution, “Remember from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works” (Revelation 2:5).

“When Christ said: ‘I was hungry and you fed me,’ He didn’t mean only the hunger for bread and for food; He also meant the hunger to be loved. Jesus Himself experienced this loneliness. He came amongst His own and His own received Him not, and it hurt Him then and it has kept on hurting Him. The same hunger, the same loneliness, the same having no one to be accepted by and to be loved and wanted by. Every human being, in that case, resembles Christ in His loneliness, and that is the hardest part, that’s real hunger.” —Mother Teresa

When a woman cherishes God most—far more than material things, ambition, physical beauty, or people pleasing—that is when she is full enough and free enough to love her husband the way God intended.

In sin, some husbands have abused their authority and headship to domineer and control. In sin, some wives have sought to undermine authority for selfish gain. No one is without one except Jesus. And Jesus has shown us a better way—a better love!

find your worth, identity, and security in Christ alone. Be consumed by God. Then, you will have all you need and more to love your husband exactly as God intended.

The French Commentator Fredrick Godet says… “Jesus

feels himself a stranger in the midst of unbelief… the

holy enjoyment of the night before, as it was made

Him homesick.”

Christ sacrifice requires us to bare our own cross.

He is faithful!

His word is faithful

His character is faithful

It is perpetuated throughout all generations

If the mountain is too high, He is faithful

If the valley is to low He is faithful

If the river is too wide He is faithful

Bills too much

Depression too great

Sin seems too severe

Marriage to hard

Singleness too lonely

Health too depleted that you can't move forward

Your children too far gone

When the problem has lasted way too long

Guess what?

He is faithful!

He who came in humility and shame will return in spectacular magnificence.

~John R. W. Stott~

The brilliant fifth-century theologian, Augustine of Hippo, once wrote this of Christ. I love it: “In his most compassionate humanity and through his servant form we may now learn what is to be despised in this life and what is to be hoped for in eternity. In that very passion in which his proud enemies seemed most triumphant, he took on the speech of our infirmity, in which ‘our sinful nature was crucified with him’ that the body of sin might be destroyed, and said: ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’ . . . Thus the Psalm begins, which was sung so long ago, in the prophecy of his passion and the revelation of the grace which he brought to raise up his faithful and set them free” (Augustine, “Letter 140 to Honoratus,” 5

We remember Your love, O Jesus, as it was manifest to us in Your holy life, from the manger of Bethlehem to the Garden of Gethsemane.

~C. H. Spurgeon~

Trials and pain, blessings and ease, no matter what comes our way, God is still our God! He deserves our praise and worship because He is so good to us!

He hath shown thee, O man, what is good: and what doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?

~Micah 6:8 KJV~

No believer can remain a caterpillar. If there is no change, I would question

the salvation.

All that God has for us is ours "in Christ." We can now enjoy the benefits of who Christ is and all that He has accomplished for us because we are in Him.

God knows we need each other. We may not want to, but we do. We may not admit it, but it's a fact. Recognize this about yourself and others. Rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn -- God intended for us to share the ups and downs of life with our brothers and sisters in Christ. It's why He describes the church as "family".

E. M. Bounds writes, “It is the answer to prayer which brings things to pass, changes the natural trend of things, and orders all things according to the will of God.” He adds, “Answered prayer is the proof of your real praying… The answer to prayer is the part of prayer which glorifies God.”


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