Spiritual maturity is one of the heavenly blessings that is ours "in Christ Jesus." Our heavenly Father desires that all of His children develop in this blessing of maturity: "that we may present every man perfect [mature] in Christ Jesus." As God's people are being built up, the goal is that "we all come…to a perfect [mature] man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children…but… may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ" (Ephesians 4:13-15). Jesus is our standard of spiritual maturity.
You have heard the old saying, “What goes around, comes around.” Truer words were never spoken when talking about encouragement. We all need encouragement – especially during the tough times. Those “tough” times can come in all shapes, sizes and forms and can vary from person to person. Give hope !
The Lord delights to give heavenly spiritual insight to the humble of heart, not to those who trust in their own wisdom and prudence. "In that hour Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit and said, 'I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to babes'" (Luke 10:21). This picture of spiritual children humbly trusting in the Heavenly Father to reveal His ways fits perfectly God's pattern for living by grace. This pattern is humility and faith.
Every grace resource that heaven has to offer is already ours here on earth. This does not mean that we are fully aware of all that has been given to us. Certainly, it does not mean that we are experiencing all of these blessings. Yet, it does mean that they are all ours to draw upon for the fullness of life here on earth!
Jesus promised His followers that as long as we are under Him, we have His authority, including power over the “serpents” and “scorpions. When you are under authority, you are trusted with authority. So, under Christ’s Lordship, you have the authority, not the devil.
We may blame outside pressures for our problems, but many times the issue is within.
As Christians we have a direct line to God's wisdom, His Word.
Work where your deserved not where your needed.
Focus on getting results. Don't be a scatter head.
You lose your money, you've lost nothing. If you lose your health, you've lost little. If you lose your character, you've lost everything.
Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.
The Gospel is nothing but a frozen asset unless it is
~J. B. Phillips~
Sometimes you have to say no to the good things so you can say yes to the God things.
Vices are more costly than virtues.
~Thomas Brooks~
I think the fundamental problem of people who suffer from the twin sins of pride and conceit is they believe what they have is the fruit of their labors and not a blessing from God.
There is no other way to be saved, Come to Jesus!
Christian, let your heart rejoice, for you are "accepted in the beloved"--what do you have to fear? Keep a smile on your face! Live near your Master; live in the suburbs of the Heavenly City; for soon, when your time has come, you will rise up to where Jesus sits and reign at His right hand; and all because the Lord Jesus was made "to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God."
In the Cross, sin is cursed and cancelled. In the Cross, grace is victorious and available.
~G. Campbell Morgan~
Jesus doesn't demand anything of us that He didn't first demonstrate for us. We love Him because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). We serve Him because He demonstrated His love for us through service. He taught us how to pray, how to live under the power of the Holy Spirit, how to overcome temptation, how to deal with arrogant and prideful people... and He taught us by example.
Don’t wait until you’re “shot down” to appreciate His Word. Examine yourself and thank God today for the blessings He has already poured out in your life. Then allow yourself to be spiritually nourished by God’s truth.
Jesus set the precedent by dying for us —and resurrecting. Through Him we experience hope, new life, beauty, and the love that will nourish and carry us through the end of our days and into eternity.
When Christians meet, they talk to each other about their Christian work and Christian interests, their Christian acquaintances, the state of the churches, and the problems of theology—but rarely of their daily experience of God. Modern Christian books and magazines contain much about Christian doctrine, Christian standards, problems of Christian con- duct, techniques of Christian service—but little about the inner realities of fellowship with God. Our sermons contain much sound doctrine—but little relating to the converse between the soul and the Savior. We do not spend much time, alone or together, in dwelling on the wonder of the fact that God and sinners have communion at all; no, we just take that for granted, and give our minds to other matters. Thus we make it plain that communion with God is a small thing to us. // Packer
In every situation, God has called us to represent Him to the people. We are to love the Lord and love His people, no matter how contentious they may be. If He loves them so should we.
I always get a little concerned whenever a person asks, “How can God do this to me?” Blaming God for something that’s happened only reveals a general ignorance of world history. The reason things on earth are so messed up is because when humanity rejected God, Satan was given control of the world and its systems. Sin and rebelliousness remain the main problems to this day.
The written Word of God reveals the mind of God. When we pray the Word of God we pray the will of God.
What you put into your minds, will go into your hearts.
It will always be about Jesus, He Has redeemed our past, He has made sense of our present, and He has made our future secure, Amen.
Mary and Martha knew the agony of death but they also knew the victory of life.
Jesus is the Lord of life!
Salvation is an act of God. It is initiated by God, wrought by God, and sustained by God.
~Billy Graham~
I’ve discovered that leaning into unsettledness and uncertainty rather than trying to quench it can serve to keep us prepared to take the next step because there will always be the next step. Our restlessness can be a compass God uses to guide us home.
The slogan “Let Go and Let God!” was popular back in the day. It appeared on bumper stickers, church signs, and Christian bookstore paraphernalia. I believe it originated in Alcoholics Anonymous. But its popularity soon spread far beyond that 12-step program. Whether you struggled with an addiction or not, it was good to be reminded to “Let Go and Let God.”
It's good to have goals, but what good are goals if we leave God out of them?
It is one of the devil's oldest tricks to discourage Christian believers by causing them to look back at what they once were. It is indeed the enemy of our souls who makes us forget that we are never at the end of God's love. No one will make progress with God until the eyes are lifted to the faithfulness of God and we stop looking at ourselves! Our instructions in the New Testament all add up to the necessity of looking forward in faith-and not spending our time looking back or just looking within. Brethren, our Lord is more than able to take care of our past. He pardons instantly and forgives completely, and his blood makes us worthy! The goodness of God is infinitely more wonderful than we will ever be able to comprehend. If the "root of the matter" is in you and you are born again, God is prepared to start with you where you are!
A. W. Tozer Sermon: Toward the Mark
I Will... If it is God's Will...
Judging others makes us blind, whereas love is illuminating. By judging others we blind ourselves to our own evil and to the grace which others are just as entitled to as we are.
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer~
The cross stands high above the opinions of men––and to that cross, all opinions must come at last for judgment
The Gospel doesn't just call us FROM things (sin, death, destruction), it also calls us TO things: to a relationship with God, to new life, to love others, to the Church, to the Kingdom, to hope, to freedom, to peace, to victory, to a purpose, to a mission, to never look back!
Pastor: You need to be at church. It’s important. Skipping church affects your spiritual growth. Your church family needs you. Person: That’s legalistic! I am the church, so I don’t have to go to church! Coach: You have to be at practice. It’s important. Skipping practice affects your playing time. Your team needs you. Same person: Absolutely, see you then!
Spiritual maturity is one of the heavenly blessings that is ours "in Christ Jesus." Our heavenly Father desires that all of His children develop in this blessing of maturity: "that we may present every man perfect [mature] in Christ Jesus." As God's people are being built up, the goal is that "we all come…to a perfect [mature] man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children…but… may grow up in all things into Him who is the head-Christ" (Ephesians 4:13-15). Jesus is our standard of spiritual maturity. The Lord wants us to be maturing into the likeness of the character of Christ.
Jesus as our High Priest is one of the magnificent truths that matures us in the faith and draws us more intimately to Him. When we see the greatness of Jesus in this role, our steadfastness is strengthened. "Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession." Jesus was completely successful in His mission of redemption. He came and died as the sacrifice for our sins. He rose victorious over sin and death. He ascended to heaven, seated in authority at the right hand of the Father. Knowing this, we have great cause to remain steadfast in our confession of hope in Him.
The Christian life is about falling in love with Jesus because He first loved us. But in this distracting, busy world, it is easy to lose sight of that love. Jesus gave us the solution in the next verse after today’s Scripture: “Remember from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works” (Revelation 2:5).
Albert Camus once wrote, “Truth, like light, blinds. Falsehood, on the contrary, is a beautiful twilight that enhances every object.“
Those who fill themselves only with themselves will always remain full of themselves—but will lack the opportunity to grow, give, and find meaning and purpose in life.
“Christ was a complete man.” —Augustine of Hippo
A shallow concept of sin leads to misunderstanding the nature of sin.
The consequences of our sins can be redemptive, as in the story of the Prodigal Son. When the son wanted to leave, the father did not put him under lock and key nor prevent him from ruining his life in a far country. He gave him his freedom, even if it led to a pig sty! That pig sty snapped him back to his senses and brought him back into the arms of a loving father who accepted him without hesitation (Luke 15).
The fiery furnaces are there by God’s direct permission. It is misleading to imagine that we are developed in spite of our circumstances; we are developed because of them. It is mastery in circumstances that is needed, not mastery over them.
There is no condition of life in which we cannot abide in Jesus. We have to learn to abide in Him wherever we are placed.
We are on holy ground when we stop and listen to the Holy Spirit. We’re on holy ground when we break from the world and turn toward His face. We are on holy ground when we allow the Holy Spirit to be poured out through us for others. Let’s not take it lightly!
Idols themselves aren’t the problem. They’re simply things we are hoping will give us that which only God can give.
It’s not comfortable to talk about idols in our personal lives, but it’s so important! Anything that takes our attention and focus away from Jesus will absolutely disappoint us every single time. Let’s stick with Jesus and vigilantly guard ourselves against any idols that might tempt us!
There is a natural tendency to go in the wrong direction. As a result of putting our faith in Jesus Christ, we have a new nature. But we also have an old nature that fights with the new nature.
We make a choice whether to build up our spiritual lives or neglect them. And when we neglect the things of God, we are feeding our old nature. It’s a battle, and every day the battle rages.
We need to recognize that we have the potential to fall. We have the potential to sin. We don’t need self-confidence; we need Christ-confidence. We need to trust in Him and stay as close to Him as we can.
The Bible specifically warns believers about falling away. The apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, “Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons” (1 Timothy 4:1 NLT).
We need to keep our guard up. We need to be careful, because any believer could potentially fall away spiritually.
There are a lot of people who may be in church and think they’re walking closely with the Lord. But in reality, they’re backsliders. The Bible clearly warns against the sin of backsliding. Speaking through the prophet Jeremiah, God said, “My wayward children . . . come back to me, and I will heal your wayward hearts” (Jeremiah 3:22 NLT).
Maybe you’re thinking, “That is so dramatic. But I don’t think I’ve actually backslidden. I’ll admit that I’m not as active today spiritually as I was ten years ago. I still go to church—when I can find the time. I still read the Bible—when I get around to it. And I still obey God—unless it conflicts with what I want to do.”
As Christians, we’re either moving forward or backward. We’re either climbing or slipping. And the moment that we stop progressing as believers will be the moment that we begin to backslide.
May the Spirit of God assist us to leave the mists of fear and the fevers of anxiety, and all the ills which gather in this valley of earth, and to ascend the mountains of anticipated joy and blessedness. May God the Holy Spirit cut the cords that keep us here below, and assist us to mount! We sit too often like chained eagles fastened to the rock, only that, unlike the eagle, we begin to love our chain.
C.H. Spergen
Is your ministry area growing or stagnant? Why? No matter what you're doing -- whether it's parking cars or serving food -- the word should always lead. If your ministry area isn't growing ask yourself: Is God's word leading? If God's word was leading, what would be different?
Submit and resist are the actions for overcoming the entrapments, snares, wiles and schemes of the devil.
God’s promise is that the devil will scamper away from you fast when he sees Christ over you and collides with God’s truth within you.
The blood of Christ is the seal of the Testament.
~Henry Smith~
Press in to God when you want to pull away.
Praise God out loud when you want to get lost in complaints.
Put yourself in the company of truth.
Bring it all to God. He can handle your honesty and will respond.
Obedience in one area will not make you strike it rich, find the man of your dreams, or live happily ever after. But it's a good start.
God’s silence is because He is waiting for us to obey what we do know before He gives us more direction. Thy word is thy truth
If you want to get over-powered, beaten and bloodied, then try to be someone you are not.
Jesus as our High Priest is one of the magnificent truths that matures us in the faith and draws us more intimately to Him. When we see the greatness of Jesus in this role, our steadfastness is strengthened.
Cry the Gospel with your whole life.
~Charles de Foucauld~
Jesus sent out the eleven in Matthew 28:18-20, and again in Acts 1:3 through 8 He gave the Great Commission. He gave it to not only the eleven or the 500; He gave it to all of us. How can people come to a personal relationship with Christ if we are not giving them the truth of God? We do not have to be ashamed of the Gospel. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation.
Part of living with priorities is: Don't do too many things. Narrow your focus down to the things that God has for you to do. Say yes to the right things and say no to everything else. To put it in medical terminology: Don't be a general practitioner, become a specialist. Billy Graham was offered land free of charge and funding to build a Christian university by 22 different cities in America. But each time he declined, not because Christian universities aren't important but because he said God called him to be an evangelist, not to run a university
The greater the blessings the greater the responsibility you have. And the enemy is looking for an opportunity to distract you from His glory. Stand Fast, stay the course, run to win......
At no time does Satan tempt or try you with out wanting to rob, steal, and destroy from your life But know this, If the Lord allows it He knows you can handle it.
Jesus is not a dead teach but one who rose from the dead!
Story of an undertaker and his mother in law who went to the Holy land on vacation. While they where there the mother in law died.
A mortician there said you can ship her home for 5 thousand dollars or you can do a service here for two hundred and fifty dollars.
The undertaker said I better ship her home.
The mortician said are you sure it so much cheaper.
The undertaker said ya 2000 years ago you put Jesus in the grave and He came back to life.........
Disagreements left unsettled will erode your unity and crack your foundation.
But disagreements that you work through will strengthen your covenant and bring you closer.
It's also vital not to say hurtful things to each other in the heat of an argument.
You may disagree with each other, but NEVER degrade one another.
There is always something new to learn within the Word of God. But, if all we do is fill our heads with Biblical knowledge, and fail to live out the things we have already learned, we will find ourselves in a dangerous place.
I love getting away with my wife. Even to the park, taking a walk is a big deal in relationship. Keep a date a date and a fellowship a fellowship. Don't confuse them. If you need closeness and rekindling the relationship fellowship won't do it. The children won't do it, only time together as one.
I am a firm believer in the necessity of personal devotion time -- praying, reading, contemplating, and studying our Bibles. It's really the only way we can know if a doctrine we've heard is true or false. Is it validated by Scripture? Even quotes need to be checked out.
There is no pit so great that Jesus Christ is not greater.”
Corry Ten Boom~
The problem is not will God Work; the problem is will you Surrender. Are you willing to Die to self?
God’s delays are not always God’s Denials!
The resurrection is not just an event, the resurrection is a person. The person Jesus Christ.~
There is no darkness I can’t bring color to
There is no defeat I can’t bring victory to
No death I have not conquered with my resurrection.
There is no emptiness I can not bring satisfaction with my own life.
What Jesus brings into our world is color, the vividness of victory, the brightness of belief in Jesus Christ, and in Him is the life we all need, Jesus, love you…
We all have days we wish we could do over. The kind of days that wilt your heart and leave you red eyed and splotchy faced.
But there is a good working on our insides when circumstances are hard fought on the outside. If we will press in and hold tight to the Lord, there's a gift in the yuck.
Character. An inner strength that's worth what it takes to get it.
We are a people............... WHO SERVE WITH HUMILITY: Who are One body and serve One God for the glory of One Savior, Jesus. We believe this Church is not built on the talents of a few but the gifts of many.
Romans 12:3-7
Father, may we not be like the Israelites, who heard the message of hope but did not combine it with faith.
Love is a powerful commodity. It cannot be destroyed, no matter what life throws at us. “Many waters cannot quench love,” says Song of Songs 8:7. Even if we had to withstand a natural disaster such as a typhoon or flood, “rivers cannot sweep [love] away.” This is a hopeful metaphor for families as we withstand the natural disaster of pandemic disease.
According to Song of Songs, love is not only durable, but it’s also priceless. It cannot be purchased, even for “all the wealth of one’s house” (Song of Songs 8:7). This is also good news in times of economic uncertainty. We may not know what’s going to happen to our jobs or in the world economy in the coming months. But we know that whatever happens, it can’t touch the reserves of love deposited in our family day after day.
The father is a debtor to his child and owes him love, provision, and nurture. The child is a debtor to his parent and owes them honor and obedience.
~William Gurnall~
"Because God is infinitely happy, he delights in the happiness of his creatures." — Charles Spurgeon
"A large number of children means a large number of trials; but it also means a multitude of joys." — Charles Spurgeon
"The Lord will never fail us, even if earth and hell should stand in the way." — Charles Spurgeon
"We praise the electing, unchangeable, eternal, conquering love of the Lord." — Charles Spurgeon
"Scatter the word of the Lord wherever your hand can reach." — Charles Spurgeon
"There is no fact which has been more fully demonstrated than this: that God hears prayers." — Charles Spurgeon
"This is a sweet thought to a true Christian: God has chosen me and loved me." — Charles Spurgeon
"We shall trust everything in those dear hands that were nailed to the cross for us." — Charles Spurgeon
"In the Bible, we find our peace, our strength, our life, our hope, our happiness." — Charles Spurgeon
“Preachers must not always appeal to the emotions only, but give out also good, sound, strong gospel doctrine.” — Charles Spurgeon
“If you have done the right thing before God, fear nothing and go forward.” — Charles Spurgeon
“Without Jesus I can do nothing.” — Charles Spurgeon
"Fear not. Unbelief is a sin and faith is a duty." — Charles Spurgeon
"On his knees, the believer is invincible." — Charles Spurgeon
“An angel cannot be more pure than the poor blood-washed sinner.” — Charles Spurgeon
“God is always wise. There can be no accidents, no mistakes.” — Charles Spurgeon
“God's love is a sea, an unsearchable depth.” — Charles Spurgeon
"If you say to kids, ‘Be good boys and girls and God will love you,’ you are telling lies." — Charles Spurgeon
“God has sent us comforts to relieve us of the sorrow which we foolishly brought upon ourselves.” — Charles Spurgeon
“If you want to complain, you will soon have something to complain of.” — Charles Spurgeon
“The Bible is living and incorruptible. There is no destroying it.” — Charles Spurgeon
"When we get to the end of our ministry, one of our regrets will be that we did not preach more of Christ." — Charles Spurgeon
“The way to hell is downhill; and it is easy traveling.” — Charles Spurgeon
“If you are a servant of God, obey him at once without question.” — Charles Spurgeon
If you are not God's servant, you are his foe.” — Charles Spurgeon
“I find in God all that I want; but I find in myself nothing but sin and misery.” — Charles Spurgeon
“Christians will never have any cause to be ashamed of Jesus upon whom they believe.” — Charles Spurgeon
“With more prayer we shall have more power.” — Charles Spurgeon
“Those who are angry with God show the littleness of their minds.” — Charles Spurgeon
“I should never say a word in my own praise. Every syllable should be for Jesus.” — Charles Spurgeon
“Assurance of God's love will make us very courageous.” — Charles Spurgeon
"The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end." – Charles Spurgeon
“God gives us no cause for wavering, for he never wavers.” — Charles Spurgeon
When people who are living in open and flagrant sin try to convince others that they’re happy... The people who know and love them the most can see it on their faces and in their eyes that it’s a lie.
There’s no secret sauce in ministry. If you have the Holy Spirit, the Bible and the gospel, then you have the power to reach the next generation. -Shane Pruitt
Pastors need Jesus too. Pastors need pastors too. Pastors need friends too. Pastors need grace too. Pastors need prayers too. Pastors need rest too. Pastors need encouragement too. Pastors need family time too. Pastors need the gospel too. Pastors are only humans too.
Aquaint your soul much with the difference between the covenant of works and the covenant of grace. In the covenant of works, a man’s work is first accepted and then his person; but in the covenant of grace, a man’s person is accepted and then his work. —Puritan William Bridge
The saints and people of God have no true reason for their discouragements, whatever their condition be. —Puritan William Bridge, Works 2:43
Certainly, beloved, the Lord Jesus is as full of love and tender affection toward his [own] now [as] He is in heaven, as he was upon earth. —Puritan William Bridge, Works 1:189
Lesser sins are usually inlets to larger [sins]: as the little thief let in at the window opens the door, and makes way for the larger [thief]. This a holy heart well understands, and therefore it hates and abhors the least sin. —Puritan Thomas Brooks, Works 4:112-13
“God hates the sin but loves the converted sinner.” —Mark Jones
When the Lord is pleased to convert, and draw a poor sinner unto Himself, he does not always take those that are the best, those that are the wisest, those that are the most moral, civil men … but many times the Lord takes the worst. —Puritan William Bridge, Works 1:231
If you be comforted in a way of free grace and love, then your comforts are true friends to holiness of life. How is it with you? Is your comfort a friend to holiness of life; and can you say, The more comforted I am, the more holy I am? —Puritan William Bridge, Works 2:405
“The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God.” - C.S. Lewis
"When you are arguing against God you are arguing against the very power that makes you able to argue at all.” - C.S. Lewis"
It is no advantage to be near the light if the eyes are closed. Augustine
We need to hear the Gospel every day, because we forget it every day. Martin Luther
Sin is believing the lie that you are self-created, self-dependent and self-sustained. Augustine
If you are silent, be silent out of love. If you speak, speak out of love. Augustine
We need to hear the Gospel every day, because we forget it every day. Martin Luther
For I do not seek to understand in order to believe, but I believe in order to understand. For I believe this: unless I believe, I will not understand. Anselm of Canterbury
Bad times, hard times, this is what people keep saying; but let us live well, and times shall be good. We are the times: Such as we are, such are the times. Augustine
If God is, why is there evil? But if God is not, why is there good? Augustine
Oh, God, to know you is life. To serve You is freedom. To praise you is the soul's joy and delight. Guard me with the power of Your grace here and in all places. Now and at all times, forever. Amen. Augustine
“The basis for justification through faith alone is the righteousness of Christ gained by Him through His active obedience.“ — Patrick Abendroth, The Active Obedience of Christ, 74
The Lord has always desired an intimate, love relationship with His people. That hasn’t changed. The Christian life is about falling in love with Jesus because He first loved us. Ray Bentley
If we make our final stop at the cross, we miss the core of Christianity. Without the resurrection, our faith is dead. Because Christ rose from the dead, our past is forgiven and our future is secure. The empty tomb represents victory for every Christian. David Jeremiah
“We are saved—not by the intensity of our faith, but by the Object of our faith.” — D.A. Carson
"It is the whole job of the whole church to preach the whole gospel to the whole world." - C.H. Spurgeon
"Sermons should be text driven and every text should be preached in the light of the gospel. And if the gospel is preached, then an opportunity to respond to the gospel should be given." - Shane Pruitt
"Preach to the ache." - Dan Hamel
Burk Parsons
Truth doesn't have to try to be cool or popular.
“Self-denial is a great and glorious truth that every man and woman should take notice of and put in practice.” William Greenhill, Stop Loving the World, 40.
A man must hear the voice of God before he can be a voice for God. -Leonard Ravenhill -
Preachers today are so thoroughly imbued with free-willism that they have departed almost wholly from sound evangelism -A.W. Pink -
"In a world of instant access to the best commentaries in human history I’m convinced this is an underrated aspect of sermon prep: Walking Space for prayer, silence, processing, the Spirit, thinking & creativity. Sometimes a 20 minute walk is what our sermon needs" -Tim Hunter
I therefore which am in bondes for the Lordes sake exhorte you thatt ye walke worthy off the vocation wherwith ye are called in all humblenes of mynde and meknes and longesufferynge forbearinge one another thorowe love - Eph 4, 1-2 (William Tyndale translation)
"The first and principal duty of a pastor is to feed the flock by diligent preaching of the Word." - John Owen
We do not walk worthy of the vocation wherewith we are called if we be not faithful friends to all Christians, and sworn enemies to all sin. —Matthew Henry, Commentary on the Whole Bible, 6:565
If the heart stay on Christ in the midst of doubtings, it is 𝘯𝘰𝘵 an evil heart of unbelief. That cannot be unbelief that resists unbelief. —Puritan Stephen Charnock, Works 4:226
The heart of Christianity is Christ. It is to know Christ. It is to follow Christ. It is to love Christ. It is to adore Christ. The sum and the substance of the Christian life is Jesus Christ. Steven Lawson
True repentance is a turning, not from some sin, but from every sin. —Thomas Brooks, Works 4:193
"Sermon prep should have more importance on your calendar than anything else you do as a pastor." - Thom Rainer
“Valid motivation [to motivate people to obey God] can only come from gratitude as the Spirit works.” — Patrick Abendroth, The Active Obedience of Christ, 63
"Preach every sermon like your son is sitting on the back pew and giving church one last chance." - T.F. Tenney
Be faithful. Be Loyal. Be authentic.
Disingenuous leadership is NOT leadership at all.
Ed Taylor
Every generation of believers faces new assaults on their faith and wrestles with their own questions, doubts, and discoveries. But to those well-founded in the Word and growing spiritually, this is not threatening—it is a healthy part of growth! Ray Bentley
“We need to hear the Gospel every day, because we forget it every day.” — Martin Luther
“To preach a sermon is a great and awful task. Woe to that man, who slights it with a perfunctory preparation and a careless heart.” —R.L. Dabney
It is the especial work of God by his Spirit to enable us to understand his mind and will as revealed in the Scripture. - John Owen
The Lord’s return is close. At the end of each day, we can truthfully say we are one day closer to the return of Jesus Christ than we were yesterday. Our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. Chuck Smith
“Let thy eye and heart, first, most, and last, be fixed upon Christ, then will assurance bed and board with thee.” — Thomas Brooks
We should no more tolerate false doctrine than we would tolerate sin -J.C. Ryle -
The Christian life is not a flowery bed of ease, but is often a field of battle. -C.H.Spurgeon -
"Proper sermon preparation includes serious thinking/contemplation/meditation over a text. You aren’t doing that with constant distractions and interruptions. Love your church by tuning the other stuff out during study." - Richard Caldwell
"In giving an invitation, people need to know why they need to put their trust in Jesus and that God’s not made it complicated for us to be saved." —Catherine Renfro
And whatever is pretended by some unto the contrary, it is a most eminent divine privelage, to have the seal of the covenant in baptism communicated unto the children of believers in their infancy… —John Owen, Works 16:145
Children are still in the same covenant with their parents, or the truth of the promises of God to the fathers was not confirmed by Christ (Rom. 15:8). —John Owen
“We cry out against Roman Catholics that they set up images and bow to them; yet we are greater idolaters ourselves if we love the world and the things of the world.” — William Greenhill, Stop Loving the World, 20.
Go on, my dear man; venture boldly to the throne of grace; fear not. - God will heal our backslidings; he loves us freely. - George Whitefield
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. Winston Churchill
“We may say too much in a single sermon, we may give a field of wheat instead of a loaf of bread.” - Charles Spurgeon
"The successful preacher does not end his sermon with the congregation on its feet applauding him, but on its knees adoring Christ." -Leonard Ravenhill
"When we get to the end of our ministry, one of our regrets will be that we did not preach more of Christ." — Charles Spurgeon
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. This is a promise, and God will keep it to us. If we resist the adversary, He will compel him to flee, and will give us the victory. AB Simpson
My goal is God Himself--not joy, not peace, not even blessing, but God! -Leonard Ravenhill -
Most men, indeed, play at religion as they play at games, religion itself being of all games the one most universally played -A.W. Tozer -
Every Christian may truly say, 'God loves me better than I do myself.' Richard Sibbes
"If you feel quite weak and ordinary – if you feel like a mess but have the Spirit – you have the right credentials. You are one of the ordinary people God uses to help others." - Ed Welch
There are many now in hell who have had a great confidence of going to heaven. —Thomas Brooks, Works 4:99
“It is far too common that church leaders have pressed the abused and neglected to go home in ways that are truly a dereliction of duty for a shepherd called to guide and protect the flock.” — Brian C. Sayers, Abuse, Neglect and Pornography Use as Grounds for Divorce, 38.
“The law exposes the disease of sin, and as a side-effect stimulates and stirs up. But it provides no remedy for it. However the gospel not only teaches us what is to be done, it also has the power of the Holy Spirit joined to it.” — William Perkins, The Art of Prophesying, 61.
When people who are living in open and flagrant sin try to convince others that they’re happy... The people who know and love them the most can see on their faces and in their eyes that it’s a lie.
When people say that alcohol, drugs, or shrooms help them feel closer to God… You can be sure they are connecting to a spirit. It just ain’t the Holy Spirit.