If your strategy of reaching the next generation with the Gospel is to start compromising on sin and biblical truth... it's not going to work.
It never has and it never will. Be kind, loving, and patient. But, also be Biblical, convictional, bold, and clear.
Preachers should never apologize for preaching the Bible. We should apologize when we don’t.
We need more preachers like you now more than ever
“Never call the Holy Spirit 'it.' Worship him, love him, and trust him with confidence.” — Charles Spurgeon
Living day by day by grace is essentially about developing an intimate relationship with the Lord. "You also have become dead to the law through the body of Christ, that you may be married to another, even to Him who was raised from the dead" (Romans 7:4). We have considered some of the radical extent of that intimacy through the intriguing phrase "in Christ." "But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ" (Ephesians 2:13). Through this profound uniting with Christ, astounding spiritual riches are now ours.
We have seen that all the grace resources God has for us to live by here on earth are already ours "in Christ." Now, our need is to have these comprehensive spiritual treasures revealed to us by the Lord Himself: "the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling." In order to draw upon these heavenly provisions, we need the Lord to enlighten our understanding concerning what is ours in Christ Jesus. "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit" (1 Corinthians 2:9-10). As the Holy Spirit uses the word of God to reveal these matters to us, our faith develops so we might access them by faith. "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17).
“If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a million enemies. Yet distance makes no difference. He is praying for me.” ~Robert M. McCheyne, (1813-1843) Scottish preacher
Entranced by this concept, St. Augustine wrote, “The harmony between the single and the double…has been naturally so implanted in us (by whom indeed, if not by Him who created us?) that not even the illiterate can remain unaware of it.“
Am I learning how to use my Bible? The way to become complete for the Master’s service is to be well soaked in the Bible; some of us only exploit certain passages. Our Lord wants to give us continuous instruction out of His word; continuous instruction turns hearers into disciples.
When we feel like we can’t hold on to anything else, we can hold on to His Word.
Has worry can wrapped you in a shroud of dread? Is fear stealing your sleep and your peace? God is our refuge, our strength, and our deliverer. We are His beloved children. He will never ever leave us or forsake us! Hang onto that today and thank Him that He holds us secure. ~
There is nothing, naturally speaking, that makes us lose heart quicker than decay—the decay of bodily beauty, of natural life, of friendship, of associations, all these things make a man lose heart; but Paul says when we are trusting in Jesus Christ these things do not find us discouraged, light comes through them.
The culture in which we live today is spiritually bankrupt and hostile to God. We’re living in a world that is hostile to our faith and values as followers of Jesus Christ.
As Christians living in a culture that is hostile to our faith, it is tempting for us to try to fit in and not stand out as people who really believe in Jesus, as people who hold certain values. But if you are a child of God, then don’t hide it. Be proud of it.
In this day when it’s acceptable to openly mock and deride Christians, it is a real temptation to not stand up for what you believe.
Some people have a warped concept of God as being some kind of celestial party pooper in Heaven. They think that God is waiting for them to surrender their lives to Him so that He can make them miserable. However, that is a warped concept of our heavenly Father. His plan for you is good. It is perfect. And it is better than your plan for yourself.
In the same way, you might say, “Lord, this seems to be Your will, so I’m asking You to please open the door circumstantially.” However, don’t base your entire situation on circumstances, because circumstances can sometimes lead us in the wrong direction.
Colossians 3:15 tells us, “And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful” (NLT).
If we want to know the will of God, then not only do we need to ask God to give us His peace, but we also need to ask Him to open doors through circumstances, confirming His Word. We also must remember that God will not lead us into something that is contrary to what Scripture says.
My pause is not a punishment, nor is it because I’ve been forgotten; it is because I need completing.
You’re not being punished. You haven’t been forgotten. God is doing very good things in and for you right now, so hang on and trust Him!
Our Lord’s life was ordered by his objective.
~Ken Robins~
Does a rose bush have thorns or does a thorn bush have roses? It really is all about perspective...
My life is more than half full. It overflows. I just have to be willing to see who God is
start trusting Jesus and open up to him. Tell him how you feel and ask for his help. He already knows everything about you, so there are no surprises. He loves you despite your flaws and failings. He loves you so much, he went to the cross for you. You can trust him totally. Whatever happens around you, he will always be there for you.
A successful man is one who lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. - David Brinkley
We have to keep the Gospel of Jesus Christ before us at all times, so we do not get fooled by the many false doctrines introduced every day. If we know God’s Word and we hold fast, we will not fall away.
The Gospel is neither a discussion nor a debate. It is an
~Paul S. Reese
There are times when to speak is to violate the moment. When silence represents the highest respect. The word for such times is reverence. The prayer for such times is “Hallowed be Thy name!” (Matthew 6:9).
Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day.
You will never get to where God has planned for you if your life is spent wallowing in the heartache of where you are.
I think there are things, and places, in our lives that distract us from worshiping the Lord. It may be material possessions, or homes, or oceans and lakes. God created so many incredible things to allow us to experience enjoyment and to see His handiwork in them, but it doesn't mean that we ought to worship them and forget about Jesus.
“All of our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them.”
— Walt Disney
“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.”
— Franklin Delano Roosevelt
“All successful men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.”
— Brian Tracy
“Hold on to your dreams for they are, in a sense, the stuff of which reality is made. It is through our dreams that we maintain the possibility of a better, more meaningful life.”
— Leo Buscaglia
“To realize a dream, you must have a dream to realize.”
— Mark Victor Hansen
When you learn to respond right the fragrance of Jesus is manifested.
The real horror of being outside of Christ is that there is no
shelter from the wrath of God.
~Eric Alexander~
“Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.”
—Benjamin Franklin
“Poor or fuzzy communications are major time-wasters. Take the time to be crystal-clear in your communications with others.”
— Brian Tracy
“The goal of effective communication should be for listeners to say, ‘Me, too!’ versus ‘So what?’”
— Jim Rohn
“There are four ways, and only four ways, in which we have contact with the world. We are evaluated and classified by these four contacts: what we do, how we look, what we say, and how we say it.”
— Dale Carnegie
We have seen that all the grace resources God has for us to live by here on earth are already ours "in Christ." Now, our need is to have these comprehensive spiritual treasures revealed to us by the Lord Himself: "the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling." In order to draw upon these heavenly provisions, we need the Lord to enlighten our understanding concerning what is ours in Christ Jesus. "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit" (1 Corinthians 2:9-10). As the Holy Spirit uses the word of God to reveal these matters to us, our faith develops so we might access them by faith. "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17).
We should always begin and end our harmonies with and in Christ Jesus. Most conflict resolution specialists start discussions by identifying similarities, not differences. Why? Because most of the time when we realize how closely we are aligned on important matters, the disconnections seem minor.
Men and women are equal but not the same!
Beat Him
Striped Him
Gave Him a reed as a scepter
Put a crown a thorns on His head
aprox. 600 solders mocked Him
Took 39 stripes upon His back with a catnine tail
Plucked His Beard Out
Walked to His death up hill
Carried His cross of aprox.200 plus pounds
Was Nailed to the Cross
Pierced by a spear
This is just some of what our Lord had to indoor.
We all are sinners with grace knocking at the door of your heart, One thief asked for forgiveness the other rebelled. One day you will not be able to rebel anymore. Jesus will wait for you.
Put your faith and trust in the finish work of Jesus Christ today
Today is the day of salvation
Every gift reveals God’s love—but no gift reveals his love more than the gifts of the cross. They came, not wrapped in paper, but in passion. Not covered with ribbons, but sprinkled with blood. The gifts of the cross! Have you taken time to open these gifts? If you do, perhaps you will hear him whisper, “I did it just for you.”
The inner life of a believer is an odd mixture of motivations, some spiritual, some selfish, as interwoven as the “joints and marrow” of our bodies. Even when we aspire to good our motives may be flawed. The Word of God is living and full of energy and possesses the power to expose the intentions of our hearts.
Pride was the sin that changed angels into devils.
~Thomas Manton~
The deeper you venture into the Bible together, the more profound your relationship will become.
If the presence of God is in the Church, the Church will draw the world in. If the presence of God is not in the Church the world
will draw the Church out.
~Charles Finney~
Walking with the Lord and serving other people in His name can be emotionally risky. You develop something of His heart for others, which translates into deep concern and caring. You will be drawn into others’ lives, rather than sitting on the sidelines watching.
“To be a true minister to men is to accept new happiness and new distress,” wrote Pastor Phillip Brooks. “The man who gives himself to other men can never be a wholly sad man; but no more can he be a man of unclouded gladness. To him shall come with every deeper consecration a before untasted joy, but in the same cup shall be mixed sorrow that was beyond his power to feel before.”
God will enlarge our hearts to love more, care more, serve more. But some of us prefer the safety of a small heart; it minimizes sorrow.
"Ships were not made for the port or harbor but the port was made for the ship".
A docked ship is either not being used or being serviced.
When you feel put-upon and your soul seems depleted, or when your life seems to have crazy days, know that what society offers is not the answer. It is in those times that you must turn to the Lord. He will hear you and while His answer may not be the removal of the craziness, He will give you comfort is more than able to remove your fears in the midst of your troubles.
It is through the Lord (His influence, direction, and inspiration) that we ultimately find strength, hope, joy, peace, understanding, and comfort regardless of our present circumstance.
“Jesus didn’t call us to merely make a decision for him. He doesn’t need our vote of approval. He doesn’t want deciders. He wants disciples—people who are devoted to becoming more and more like him in everything, every day.”
― Jeff Vanderstelt, Saturate: Being Disciples of Jesus in the Everyday Stuff of Life
“Our job is not to be Jesus. Our job is to believe Jesus, depend on Jesus, and submit to Jesus working in and through us to accomplish his work.”
― Jeff Vanderstelt, Saturate: Being Disciples of Jesus in the Everyday Stuff of Life
“whenever God does something to you, he also intends to do something through you. Our work in the world is an extension and expression of God’s very identity.”
― Jeff Vanderstelt, Saturate: Being Disciples of Jesus in the Everyday Stuff of Life
Don't talk yourself out of what Jesus put you in.
“Preach to yourself” by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
“Have you realized that most of your unhappiness in life is due to the fact that you are listening to yourself instead of talking to yourself? Take those thoughts that come to you the moment you wake up in the morning. You have not originated them, but they start talking to you, they bring back the problems of yesterday, etc.
Somebody is talking. Who is talking? Your self is talking to you. Now this man’s treatment was this; instead of allowing this self to talk to him, he starts talking to himself. ‘Why art thou cast down, O my soul?’ he asks. His soul had been depressing him, crushing him. So he stands up and says: ‘Self, listen for a moment, I will speak to you.’…
The main art in the matter of spiritual living is to know how to handle yourself. You have to take yourself in hand, you have to address yourself, preach to yourself, question yourself. You must say to your soul: ‘Why art thou cast down’– what business have you to be disquieted?
You must turn on yourself, upbraid yourself, condemn yourself, exhort yourself, and say to yourself: ‘Hope thou in God’– instead of muttering in this depressed, unhappy way. And then you must go on to remind yourself of God, Who God is, and what God is and what God has done, and what God has pledged Himself to do.
Then having done that, end on this great note: defy yourself, and defy other people, and defy the devil and the whole world, and say with this man: ‘I shall yet praise Him for the help of His countenance, who is also the health of my countenance and my God.'”
–D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Its Cure (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1965/2002), 20-1.
Confusion and impotence are the inevitable results when the wisdom and resources of the world are substituted for the presence and power of the Spirit.
~Samuel Chadwick~
The spiritual forces that oppose God and his people can and will use anger to cripple us so that we are unable to experience the joy of God’s grace and to share this grace with the world. Therefore, we must be committed to dealing with our anger in a healthy, faithful, and God-honoring way.
Following after Jesus is better than fitting in~
We get so focused on the outcome and the future, we say when this happens I will do that and all the while God is moving now.
Be obedient right where you are.
Rejection might be a delay. It may be a distraction or even devastating for a season but it's not the final destination because on the other side of every hardship is a resurrection.
When we stop with expectations and accept people for who they are, things get better. We want to do everything we can to help them succeed. Serve the least.
Whatever has your attention, will have your ambition.
We don't serve for a position we serve from a position!
Serve the Lord right where you are!
In the truest sense, Christian pilgrims have the best of both worlds. We have joy whenever this world reminds us of the next, and we take solace whenever it does not.
~C.S. Lewis~
God made many promises to the Jews as a people which were uniquely their own and have yet to be fulfilled. God's covenant with Abraham in Genesis 12 is just as valid today as His promise to us in John 3:16. God is not through with the Jews and He certainly is not finished with you and me.
“We are Easter people living in a Good Friday world.”
Barbara Johnson
Jesus didn’t die boldly and publicly for you to live your faith timidly and privately
Preachers should never apologize for preaching the Bible. We should apologize when we don’t.
God is watching you when no one is there.
If Jesus doesn’t reorient your life, you don’t know Jesus! His death, burial and resurrection, when believed by faith, will change your life, speech, desires, and passions.
Don’t let the world keep you from truly following Jesus!! Praying for you!!
It’s a tragedy that we embrace lies because we don’t remember the truth. Rosaria Butterfield'
Burk Parsons
Trusting Jesus is not a leap of faith, it's falling into his arms and resting in him forever.
If we are growing holier, we are growing kinder. —Andrew Bonar
The Christian family matters, and its neglect is deadly. Rosaria Butterfield
We are of no good to God or our loved ones if we believe the lies the culture feeds us about what it means to be a man or a woman. Rosaria Butterfield
We are all equally sinners. We are all guilty in the sight of God. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
“There are only two kinds of people: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, ‘All right, then, have it your way.’” - C.S. Lewis
“If God had granted all the silly prayers I’ve made in my life, where should I be now?” - C.S. Lewis
“God forgives sinners, not because they are good, but because he is good.” — Charles Spurgeon
"Be thankful for the thorns and thistles which keep you from being in love with this world." — Charles Spurgeon
"The streams of God's love are as deep, as broad, and as full as ever." — Charles Spurgeon
"Without Christ we perish, but in Christ Jesus there is perfect safety." — Charles Spurgeon
"In God you have more than gold or riches ever could buy." — Charles Spurgeon
"Salvation not only changes my outward actions; it alters the whole purpose of my life." — Charles Spurgeon
"So long as we are receivers of mercy we must be givers of thanks." — Charles Spurgeon
"Without our God we should fear to move; but when he bids us to, it would be dangerous to tarry." — Charles Spurgeon
The true way to handle a matter wisely is to trust in the Lord." — Charles Spurgeon
"Prayer must not be our chance work, but our daily business, our habit, and vocation." — Charles Spurgeon
"My dear friend, when grief presses you to the dust, worship there." — Charles Spurgeon
"The Savior bruised is the healing of bruised hearts." — Charles Spurgeon
"Absolute power cannot be in better hands than in those of the God of love." — Charles Spurgeon
"There is nothing in heaven, earth, or hell that need make you fear who trust in Jesus." — Charles Spurgeon
"Brothers, you will need all the wisdom and grace you can get in order to fulfill your duties as pastors." — Charles Spurgeon
"The more of heaven there is in our lives, the less of earth we shall covet." — Charles Spurgeon
"Giving is true having." — Charles Spurgeon
"The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end." – Charles Spurgeon
"Believe that God loves you as much in seasons of trouble as times of happiness." — Charles Spurgeon
Never did a man obtain mercy from the Lord for himself, but he wished that others should partake also. —Puritan Robert Traill, Works 1:118
“Death used to be an executioner, but the gospel has made him just a gardener.” - George Herbert
"It should be the husband’s pleasure to please his wife." — Charles Spurgeon
Jerry Bridges
God glories in calling into His service people who are neither worthy nor adequate. He makes them worthy in Christ alone.
I see life as a tiny speck of an island, surrounded by a shoreline ocean of eternity. -Leonard Ravenhill -
The wise Christian will not let his assurance depend upon his powers of imagination. -A.W. Tozer -
"Whether I am little or great on earth, make me great in obedience to you." — Charles Spurgeon
“Our faith is not to be confined to our closet; we must carry out that which we believe.” — Charles Spurgeon
Such who cry up revelations make it their practice to cry down the Word.
—William Spurstowe, The Wells of Salvation Opened, 114
“Assurance makes heavy afflictions light, long afflictions short, bitter afflictions sweet.”
— Thomas Brooks
Assuredly, sooner or later, God will meet you. My hearty daily prayer is, that it may be in a way of mercy, and that you may be added to the number of the trophies of his invincible grace. - John Newton
“Whatever power sin might have to ruin us, Jesus has still greater power to save us.” — Charles Spurgeon
The greatest kindness one can render to any man is leading him to truth. Augustine
Sanctification is the work of God’s free grace, whereby we are renewed in the whole man after the image of God, and are enabled more and more to die unto sin, and live unto righteousness. — Baptist Catechism 37
“Entrust yourself to those pierced hands, which are now glorified with the signet rings of royal power.” — Charles Spurgeon
“Jesus has nothing which he will not use for a sinner's salvation.” — Charles Spurgeon
“Depend on it: there is no verse in the Bible that is superfluous or a chapter that is useless.” — Charles Spurgeon
One of the greatest enemies of true Christianity is “spirituality.” People believe they are good with God because they say "I am a spiritual person." The truth is that everyone is a spiritual person. The question is: Whose spirit do you possess?
Can you remember the last time you didn't go to bed because people were dying without Christ? -Leonard Ravenhill -
Almost all doctrinal error is really truth perverted. Truth wrongly divided. Truth disproportionately held and taught. -A.W. Pink -
“He that cannot be safely imitated ought not to be tolerated in a pulpit.” — Charles Spurgeon
“When a man has been in the fire, and has the smell of it still upon him, he is the one to warn others not to meddle with fire.” - C.H. Spurgeon
"We ought to work as if all depended upon us, and then we are to trust God knowing that all depends on him." — Charles Spurgeon
"We need grace to learn the gospel rightly, and to teach the whole of it." — Charles Spurgeon
“Salvation is due to the work of God in Christ because of His substitutionary life, death, resurrection, and ascension.” — Patrick Abendroth, The Active Obedience of Christ, 65
How glorious is God’s creation that He would give us music as an art, a skill, a poetic outlet that reflects His glory and is imbued with His perfect harmony! Ray Bentley
“He who died on the cross was none other than he that made the world.” — Charles Spurgeon
“Bring up your children that they shall have every opportunity to serve the living God.” — Charles Spurgeon
Some people have a warped concept of God as being some kind of celestial party pooper in Heaven. They think that God is waiting for them to surrender their lives to Him so that He can make them miserable. However, that is a warped concept of our heavenly Father. His plan for…
"Cling to that cross which took your sin away. Serve him who served you." — Charles Spurgeon
“The unfinished work of the Church is to make sure every person on earth hears about the finished work of the cross.” -Louie Giglio
Remember this. When people choose to withdraw far from a fire, the fire continues to give warmth, but they grow cold. When people choose to withdraw far from light, the light continues to be bright in itself but they are in darkness. Augustine
“The very essence of assurance lies in communion with God.” — Augustus Toplady
“Ministry takes place when divine resources meet human needs through loving channels to the glory of God.” - Warren Wiersbe
Few, I am afraid, have the least idea what a shortcut to happiness it is to be content -J.C. Ryle -
Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you're not saved yourself, be sure of that! -C.H. Spurgeon -
“A promise once given unto a soul, shall never be reversed or repealed and have ye not the whole gospel before you [as] a bag of golden promises?” — William Bridge
Lord help me to be a blessing to others as well as to advance in my own soul. - William Wilberforce
We definitely don't need to burn-out, but we also shouldn't sloth-out either. Take care of yourself. Take care of your family. But, also work hard for the glory of God.
“But let not trembling believers forget that faith, strictly so called, is neither more nor less than a receiving of Christ, for ourselves in particular, as our only possible propitiation, righteousness, and Saviour.” — Augustus Toplady
"The Holy Spirit is acknowledged as the one who spoke ‘through David’in the writing of Psalm 95.The Spirit continues to speak to subsequent generations of Christians through this scripture,warning them to make each day a fresh‘Today’in which to hear His voice & live" -D Peterson
If Thou art in Christ thou hast a Friend, a mighty Friend, a loving Friend, a wise Friend, a Friend that never fails. -J.C. Ryle -
God is working out his eternal purpose, not only in spite of human and satanic opposition, but by means of them. -A.W. Pink -
If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a million enemies. Yet distance makes no difference. He is praying for me. Robert M. McCheyne
Do you desire security? Here you have it. The Lord says to you, "I will never abandon you, I will always be with you." Augustine
“Evangelical… repentance… is a transformation or change of mind and heart, wrought by the holy Ghost, through the power of the Word; whereby a believing sinner is humbled for all sin, and turns away from it in the purpose of his heart…” — James Renihan
To my young brothers who constantly ask their pastors, "when do I get to preach?" I applaud that ! But, you're asking the wrong question. Ask, "when do I get to visit hospitals, stack chairs, lead a small group, etc?" If serving is beneath you, preaching is still above you.
If we begin to think or to speak about any part of the Christian life and ethics apart from Christ, our flesh will turn it into idolatry. - Grant Macaskill
Telling people that the Lord loves them, that every sin they’ve ever committed, are committing, or will ever commit is forgiven because of Jesus’ death on the Cross, is not a burden. It’s a privilege! Jon Courson
God has promised forgiveness to your repentance, but He has not promised tomorrow to your procrastination. Augustine
“Theology is theoretical insofar as it points us to God as the chief end in all our knowing and delighting, but we also insist that this beholding should result in us becoming more like Christ.” (3/3) — Kevin DeYoung
Solomon was right: to everything there is a time and a purpose. Trust the Lord. Go with the flow. Walk with Him one step at a time, and He’ll lead you in paths you could never have imagined. Jon Courson
"Address the inner-lawyer within your people as you preach, and you will increase the punch in your point." - Erik Reed
He who has God has everything; he who has everything but God has nothing. Augustine
Beware of despairing about yourself: you are commanded to put your trust in God, and not in yourself. Augustine
If the profession of godliness be lightly taken up, it will be as lightly left. —Thomas Manton, Works 7:106
If [the gospel] isn’t allowed to percolate through everything in a church, then a theologically solid church can become touchy, rigid, harsh, and so forth—maybe not even realizing what’s going wrong because doctrine is the only category the church is sensitive to. — Ray Ortlund
God’s election or choosing of you is manifested by your election or your choosing of God. —Thomas Manton, Works 7:115