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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

Updated: Mar 29, 2024

"If Jesus rose from the dead, then you have to accept all that he said; if he didn't rise from the dead, then why worry about any of what he said? The issue on which everything hangs is not whether or not you like his teaching but whether or not he rose from the dead." Tim Keller

When we allow the Lord to work in our lives, we grow. But when we are challenged, tempted, and persecuted -- yet continue to seek the Lord is when we experience the blessing of multiplication.

The Bible is filled with men and women who were unlikely servants. Weak, fearful and unwilling, they fought against the call of God, offering excuses and pleading for exemption – just like we do. Gideon was such a man. Making excuses is always a waste of time because God is completely aware of who we are and what we can and cannot do. When God calls us, He not only equips us but empowers us to obey that calling. The Lord told Gideon to “go in the strength you have.” God was asking Gideon to step out in faith, knowing that his meager strength would not be enough for the task ahead. The reality is that our strength is never enough for any task. That’s what faith is all about. Faith is a willingness to step out in mid-air, no safety net in sight – trusting God to be there – at the point of our greatest need.

God is ever calling, desiring our mind, heart and will to respond to who He is. His Names testify to every attribute He possesses.

El Shaddai completely nourishes, satisfies, and supplies as a mother would her child. He is our sustainer. (Genesis 17:1, 28:3, 35:11, 43:14

El Roi is our God who sees us. Not one of our pains or needs is out of His periphery. (Genesis 16:13)

Jehovah denotes our God who reveals Himself unceasingly. Nissi means banner. In battle, opposing nations flew their flags in front.

Jehovah Rapha restores and heals. Our Great Physician makes better our physical and emotional needs. (Exodus 15:26)

Jehovah Mekoddishkem calls us to holiness and gently reminds us that it's God who sets us apart. (Exodus 31:13; Leviticus 20:8)

Sandpaper people are hard to serve and hard to help because they rarely, if ever, think of themselves as someone in need. The needs of others are not high on their priority list. Control and power are at the top. To manipulate is to succeed. Sandpaper people honestly believe that the world does or should revolve around them. It doesn’t seem to matter if the audience is applauding or jeering. Either way, they win.

GANODERMA LUCİDUM (REİSHİ MUSHROOM RED) Ganoderma Lucidum today was the "shining leather" means. Due to this influence in Japan Reishi mushroom has been used for thousands of years, the far medical. Far East countries consider the sacred mushroom of immortality, "phylum", "Elixir", and "magic mushrooms" referred to by their name. In nature, due to a multitude of very little, this is also called the ghost fungus are rewarded if they meet the Emperor, who uses their athlete's wizards is çarptırılıyorlardı sentenced to death.

 Japan Ministry of Health and is recognized as the only natural medicine against cancer in the context of the bioactive component of the 400 reishi in (nükleotidler, tripertenler, alkaloids, polysaccharides, proteins, and lectin, germenyum, selenium as well as trace elements). Reishinin has over 100 different types of polysaccharides. Studies on the polysaccharides in the world and over 60 of these substances are known to have anti-tumor effects by strengthening the immune system.  Reishinin is the effect of a particular organ or tissue, but the entire body is a direct or indirect impact on the public. This is referred to as the adaptogen property. By stopping the development of the disease in the first place, then treatment is a help to speak as a "smart" reishi and davranmakta and in the body of the organism, and then finding the disease does not exist.

Jesus won’t climb into your life by a back window. He stands at the door and knocks.

When the devil seeks to control you he probes for the weak places he can exploit. When Jesus seeks entry into your heart to bring His Love.

Jesus knocks at your heart’s door to sup with you. Let in Satan and he snatches everything on the table. Allow Jesus into your life.

Knowing God is your single greatest

 privilege as a Christian.

 ~Sinclair Ferguson~

Kind words don't cost anything. Yet they could be worth everything.

The sinner in his sinful nature could never have a will

according to God.

~J. Denham Smith~

I find it interesting that while there are many verses about how they plotted to kill Jesus: Matthew 22:15, 26:4, 27:1; Mark 3:6, 14:1; Luke 22:1-2; 11:53; nowhere do you find them seeking the Lord, saying, “Lord, how do we take care of this blasphemous man? Lord help us to reveal this deceitful man.” They did not seek the Lord like Moses, David and the prophets. They sought to take care of things in their own way. They sought to kill an innocent man.

Do you think they did not seek the Lord because they knew they were wrong? Do you think they knew they were in sin, so they avoided asking the Lord for guidance? In everything we do, we must seek the Lord and His will. In our own will, we will never accomplish God’s will—never!

What’s left? The empty tomb is left. You don’t have to toss out common sense to believe in the resurrection of Jesus. It’s just as challenging to disprove the resurrection as to prove it. He has risen!

A clear, methodical approach will help you move steadily forward, without danger of being overwhelmed by the ultimate goal.

“Visualize and think about yourself as you would ideally like to be, not just as you are.”

— Brian Tracy

“Stretch your visions. See what can be, not just what is. Practice adding value to things, to people and to yourself.”

— David Schwartz

“Cherish your visions and your dreams. They are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.”

— Napoleon Hill

“The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can't be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it.”

— Harry Emerson Fosdick

“A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future.”

— Denis Waitley

“If you don't have a vision for the future, then your future is threatened to be a repeat of the past.”

— A. R. Bernard

We live and die; Christ died and lived!

Think on this love, if you where Jesus would you have gone the distance for people who would rebel against you, your word and your Spirit? Jesus did it so we could have life to the fullest.

How Vain

I counted dollars while God counted crosses.

I counted gains while He counted losses.

I counted my worth by the things gained in store.

But He sized me up by the scars that I bore.

I coveted honors and sought for degrees.

He wept as He counted the hours on my knees.

And I never knew till one day at a grave

how vain are the things that we spend life to save.

Keep the truth and the truth will keep you.

~William Bridge~

Real friends don't take you away from the Lord; they bring you closer to Him. Maybe the Lord is telling you to be a friend to those who desperately need Jesus in their lives. Maybe the Lord is prompting you to build relationships with those who you know do not know the Lord, and He wants to use you to "carry them" to Him. We don't need Bible thumpers; we need friendships.

The Bible is a great treasure and gift, different from any other book or document ever written. And it only stands to reason that a God who is powerful enough to cause everything to exist and order it with such meticulous, intricate, beautiful design can bring about the changes He desires in us through His Word. And we are eternally thankful to Him for that!

“Two men look out the same prison bars; one sees mud and the other stars.“

Frederick Langbridge

To say that Jesus is the only way to Heaven is not a very popular thing in today’s society. But listen, do you think if all roads led to the same destination, and living a good life could get you to Heaven, that God would have poured His judgment on His own beloved Son? Of course not. There was no other way to satisfy His righteous demands—not good works, not reincarnation, not karma or positive thinking or anything else. Only the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

You no your doing it right when others copy you and change the name...

Whatever your circumstances, God invites you to be tucked away in His love, protected, cared for, and strengthened to face whatever the world throws at you.

The problem is not the Spirit in you, it's pride.

Study God’s Word, pray, draw close to the Lord, and allow Him to pull you back up from the daily grind to see things from above.

Put your life in perspective. See the bigger picture, the long view, and realize that the hassles and difficulties of today will be old news in a short time. Worry and anxiety do not need to consume your thoughts and dictate your state of mind.

"Let's talk about the ingredients that go into the making of a second man. An assistant pastor is there to support the senior pastor, full-on, full-out, without grumbling. The assistant is there to take orders or even suggestions with eagerness. Whether the need is to clean toilets or to teach Bible studies, they are there to help. Who is an assistant supposed to help? Anyone. An assistant is not "on the clock." He is not a member of a "pastor's union." As an assistant, you are not the senior pastor's buddy. You are to leave after taking care of all the basic needs of the church and everything is done that needs to be done. This often will mean leaving the church grounds long after the senior pastor has gone home. You are to be a Timothy, someone who does not seek his own interests, but those of Jesus Christ."

- L.E. Romaine - Second

Death never was God’s plan in the beginning. But now, because of the entrance of sin into the human race, all of us will die one day. Some will live longer than others, but we all will die. And we think the greatest tragedy is when someone dies young. While this is an extreme tragedy, I don’t think it is the ultimate tragedy. I think the ultimate tragedy is when a life has been lived to its entire length and has been entirely wasted and squandered on sin.

I think of the words of Jim Elliot, who was a modern-day martyr of the faith, put to death as he tried to bring the gospel to a tribe in Ecuador known at the time as the Aucas. Jim was lanced through with a spear, and wrapped around that spear was one of the gospel tracts he and missionary pilot Nate Saint had dropped over their village from the air. In his journal Jim Elliot had written, “I seek not a long life but a full one like Yours, Lord Jesus.”

We think that length of life is the ultimate goal. And yes, it’s good to live long. But what is more important is to live right, to do what is right before God. What is more important is to live a life that is pleasing to Him.

Greg Laurie

Truth don't live a lukewarm life Get Closer to God

"Part of leading our family means I must diligently seek God and his vision for our lives.

In most cases, Selena and I are in agreement on our family vision – but this doesn’t come without lots of diligent communication, prayer, and even more communication...

It is not trying to obey the Law on the outside that attains perfection for us. Rather, it is the Lawgiver, the One who loved us by laying down His life, who will be with us. He will whisper from the inside: "Why are you going there? Why watch that? Why are you thinking those thoughts?" And then He offers Himself: "Let Me show you a better way, different thoughts, and a new way of living."

Before you ever can put on Christ you have to be willing to put off the works of the flesh. Light and darkness don't mix.

Faith is not intellectual understanding; faith is a deliberate commitment to the Person of Jesus Christ, even when I can't see the way ahead.

Don't wait till you get to heaven to live like you are there.

Take heart that through the finished work of Christ, whatever your work may be, it exists as an opportunity to serve God, serve your neighbor, and serve the work itself.

“Give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin, and desire nothing but God, and I care not a straw whether they be clergymen or laymen; such alone will shake the gates of hell and set up the kingdom of heaven on earth.”

~John Wesley~

“The life of faith is not a life of mounting up with wings, but a life of walking and not fainting…Faith never knows it is being led, but it loves and knows the One who is leading.”—

Oswald Chambers

What should be our focus in these days?

We see in Titus 2 the grace of God which has appeared, “teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age,” (verse 12). We have a natural inability to be what we know we should be, what we hope to be—and so His grace is teaching us to say no to ungodliness!

The law only points out the problem, but grace trains us—and so this hope that we have is a purifying hope as we are “looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.” (Titus 2:13) And having our eyes on the Lord is key!

I’m looking forward to continuing our Looking Up Series this weekend as we learn to let go of lesser things and stay focused on what truly matters.

Not all who serve, serve with others in mind. They serve the pastor, maybe it's for notoriety, or pride to say you did that. All that takes the glory from the Lord. Second by L.E. Romaine"

Our heavenly Father wants to build a close relationship with us, His children. He wants us to know His love. "The love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us"

Conflict is inevitable when we set the truth of God’s Word against the evil of this world.

Dustin Benge

When we copy Scripture and carry it with us throughout the day, reading it and memorizing it, we make God’s Word a part of us. As Paul said, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly” (Colossians 3:16).

Randy Alcorn

We can count upon Jesus to love us faithfully and sacrificially. We can rest in His constant companionship, never leaving us for any reason throughout our pilgrimage here on earth.

God doesn’t want new methods; He wants new men.

~Alan Redpath~

Forgive, forget. Bear with the faults of others as you would have them bear with yours. Be patient and understanding. Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious.

~Phillips Brooks~

Jesus is our example. We need to come to the throne of God to ask Him to help us forgive our enemies. What of our pride, our inconsistencies, and our sins? We still ask God in prayer to forgive our sins, so how can we still not forgive others? Forgive and you shall be forgiven.

Raul Ries

Some people just don't discover what is best for them until they try to run away and find that God is a God of pursuing love.

“When we Christians behave badly, or fail to behave well, we are making Christianity unbelievable to the outside world.” - C.S. Lewis

Success is not about what you have; its about what you have to give.

The little things don't go unnoticed to God, the kind deeds, the love, the sacrifice. His eye is on the sparrow

t's the Holy Spirit that sets us free and gives us wisdom. Don't let failure or temporary setbacks hinder you from the work of the Cross. Setbacks are a setup for success!

Strength of character gives you purpose in life, faith in Christ gives you eternal life.

"An angel cannot be more pure than the poor blood-washed sinner." — Charles Spurgeon

"Half-hearted worshippers are an insult to God." — Charles Spurgeon








Mar 27

"Let the temple of my body be the Lord's. He has built it and has cleansed it with his blood." — Charles Spurgeon

"If the Lord is your joy, your joy will never dry up." — Charles Spurgeon









"Never associate the Bible with anything that is dull and unhappy in the minds of your children." — Charles Spurgeon

"The glory of the Old Testament is not dimmed by the New Testament, but increased by it." — Charles Spurgeon









"God's love is electing, unchangeable, eternal, immutable, and conquering." — Chalres Spurgeon









"Thousands are congratulating themselves that they are devout worshipers, while living in an unregenerate state." — Charles Spurgeon









"Let the Bible be the guide of our life, our comfort, and our instruction." — Charles Spurgeon

"The Lord will never fail us, even if earth and hell should stand in the way." — Charles Spurgeon








"The Lord Jesus loves his people so much, that every day he is still washing their soiled feet." — Charles Spurgeon

"All the studies in the world are vain, compared with the study of Christ crucified." — Charles Spurgeon








“‘Let your requests be made known,’ not to your neighbors, but ‘to God.’” — Charles Spurgeon

"Your life should be a magnet to draw others to Christ." — Charles Spurgeon









“My voice has no power to save unless Christ shall use my voice and make it the echo of his own.” — Charles Spurgeon

"The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end." – Charles Spurgeon








"As long as you live, endeavor to bless others." — Charles Spurgeon








"We must not imagine that we are suffering for Christ if we are not in Christ." — Charles Spurgeon








"If you live with Jesus, his life becomes your life." — Charles Spurgeon

For by this (Christ’s righteousness imputed to us) we are taught even in the highest degree of our sanctification, to look out of ourselves for a better righteousness. —Westminster Divine Anthony Burgess, The True Doctrine of Justification Vindicated, Pg. 149

The church is like a river. If it gets wider instead of deeper it will lose its power. —Puritan Thomas Manton




Puritan Gold




You are to follow none, but as they follow Christ: the most godly ministers are but limited examples; you are to follow them as far as they follow Christ, but no further. —Ralph Erskine, Works 1:213




Puritan Gold




As we know a tree by its fruit; so we may know justification by sanctification. —Ralph Erskine, Works 1:378




Puritan Gold reposted

James Dorman IV




Justification is not up and down, according to the changes in sanctification. —Ralph Erskine (1685-1752) , Works 1:379





Puritan Gold




If you allow your love of creature comforts — or even your pleasure in family and loved ones — to outrun your love for the Lord, you cannot be a victorious soldier for Christ. —William Gurnall, The Christian in Complete Armour, 1:72

Paul Washer

Christ is not some minor accessory that dresses up our life and makes it better, in receiving the Gospel, He becomes our life.

If you do not find salvation in Christ, you will never find it elsewhere. Charles Spurgeon

There is no tribunal so magnificent, no throne so stately, no show of triumph so distinguished, no chariot so elevated, as is the cross on which Christ hath subdued death and the devil. John Calvin

“We live and die; Christ died and lived!” -John Stott

“Preaching of the Word, being the power of God unto salvation, and one of the greatest and most excellent works belong to the ministry of the gospel, should be so performed, that the work man need not be ashamed, but may save himself, and those that hear him." - William Perkins

"Illustrations well used never upstage the teaching of Scripture; instead, it brings its message home concretely and eloquently, gripping the heart and enlarging the understanding." -Rosalie de Rosset


Expositors Collective




Our responsibility is to present [the Gospel] as clearly, coherently and cogently as we can…And all the time we will be trusting the Holy Spirit of truth to dispel people’s ignorance, overcome their prejudices and convince them about Christ.’ -Leon Morris

"We must strive to be doers of the Word, not just preachers of it.” – Josiah Grauman #ShepCon2024




T. S. Sinclair reposted

Andrew Ramos




“Thankfulness for grace will set you a-work for God rather than a legal conscience.” - Thomas Manton. Works, 20:12.

We need the last Adam to obey where the first Adam—and we in Adam—disobeyed. Christ obeyed in our place, and His obedience becomes ours through faith.” — Guy Prentiss Waters, Facing The Last Enemy, 37.

"The best theologians and the best theological statements have always emphasized the scandalous nature of gospel grace and the indispensable need for personal holiness." — Kevin DeYoung

“… nothing is more certain than the word of God and the Scriptures because it is God who addresses us in his word and teaches us through his word." — William Whitaker, A Disputation on Holy Scripture, 286.

He that is not zealous against error, is not likely to be zealous for truth. -J.C. Ryle -




Belt of Truth 1




Strong proof of human depravity that men's cursings and Christ's blessing should meet on the same person. -A.W. Pink -

You won't become a saint by studying your Bible--you'll become a saint by living it. -Leonard Ravenhill -



Belt of Truth 1




We cannot enter into the presence of God while we are rebelling against God. -A.W. Tozer -


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