Our difficulties (like Paul's) have this invaluable purpose built into them: "that we should not trust in ourselves but in God who raises the dead." We have frequently noted that living by grace requires humility and faith. God gives grace to the humble, and faith accesses grace.
Religious leaders question Jesus Matthew 21: 23-32 Also read: Mark 11:20-33; Luke 20:1-8
Do you feel guilty saying “no” and end up saying “yes” for the wrong reasons?abide in God and to rest in Him requires a balanced life.
Ask God to give you the wisdom—and the strength—to say "no." To pray and love and support … but not to enable.
The Gospel is neither a discussion nor a debate. It is an announcement.
~Paul S. Rees~
Talk is cheep, confidence comes from the heart not the mouth.....! Just Saying.
The blood of Christ is the seal of the testament.
~Henry Smith~
When God told the people to celebrate the Passover and the other six feasts, He wanted them to remember, so they would recognize The Messiah when He came. Today, we must read God’s Word, so our eyes will be open to the great work of God.
The resurrection of Christ is the difference between a dead religion and a personal relationship. Living by resurrection power is the difference between earthly striving and heavenly reality. These differences can be seen in the contrast between the religious authorities of Israel and the disciples of Jesus.
You’re not who people say you are, you’re who God says you are.
God gives eternal choices, and these choices have eternal consequences.
Tell a relative how they have helped you. Express your gratitude for a family member who did something thoughtful for you.
“You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.”
— Woodrow Wilson
Compromise must always be impossible where the truth is
essential and fundamental.
~C. H. Spurgeon~
Grace is God walking into your world with a sparkle in his eye and an offer that’s hard to resist.
There are no dead ends for those who belong to God. No matter the circumstances, we are to be joyful.
The adjectives used to describe different stages of life will never change the definition of a “person.”
A cell, fetus, baby, or child will always be a person.
God’s promises are like the stars; the darker the night
the brighter they shine.
~David Nicholas~
Jesus Christ, His love has covered the multitude of past sins and failures.
God loves you. He is madly in love with you and you are so precious because you are in His kingdom, and you are His kid. And because we're His adopted kids, we take on His sweet fragrance. So let go of whatever you're holding on to, and let the awesome fragrance of Jesus fill your heart and your soul today.
Scheduling is one of the biggest factors in frustrated marriages.
We must say "no" to good things so we can say "yes" to the RIGHT things.
The cross before me the world behind me, no turning back no turning back!
Before you stand kneel
if god impacts your house he can impact our city and if He impacts our city He will impact our county and if He impacts our county He will impact our state and if He impacts our state He will impact our country and if He impact our country He will impact the world but the Lord work’s through you as you pray and move forward with grace and truth.
Change comes through large unrest & everyday faithfulness. What would happen if you lived like this in the everyday? // Jon Tyson
Get to know God.
In our requests and supplications, are we caught up only in our personal desires or are we drawing near to God with the hope of knowing Him more intimately?
He knows our desires. He knows our needs.
May our prayers also be a time of coming to Him for Him.
We are praying for your week! Pray for us as leaders, as directors, as a team, as a body--- that we desperately seek to glorify Jesus in all that we do, with an urgent heart for people moved by love.
marriage is less about perfection and more about perspective and perseverance. You're both learning, you're both going to make mistakes, and you're both works in progress. God hasn't given up on either of you yet, so neither should you.
The couple who pursues Jesus first is a wise couple.
God help me to do the impossible by the power of the Holy Spirit.
~Raul Ries~
Place your full confidence in God, and He will show you what great things He can do through your life!
Has God called you to do something impossible? Will you take a leap of faith? Place your full confidence in God, and He will show you what great things He can do through your life!
So often we can feel alone, isolated, and attacked. But our witness can be so much more effective when we team up and draw strength from one another as our testimony is supported.
"Two men look out the same prison bars; one sees mud and the other stars."
Frederick Langbridge
Wherever you are, be all there! Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God!”
~Jim Elliot~
A life of faith involves hard work, courage and discipline.
~Philip Nunn~
Prayer is vital to every follower of Jesus Christ. It is the lifeline that we use to connect and commune with God. Do we pray as often as we should? Not likely. In fact, there will always be room for improvement, which we strive to achieve day by day in our walk with Christ.
We know that prayer is critical because Jesus once encouraged his disciples to “always pray and not give up” (Luke 18:1 NIV).
God has His ways of positioning you; of
stationing you. In the New Testament, Philip
was told to go hang-out along the side of the
road. Along came an Ethiopian government
official. Philip shared the Lord with him,
baptized him, and the man brought the Gospel
to Africa.
You should have the anticipation that, at any
moment, God can use you.
You should ignore your thoughts of inability; or
you should rejoice in your inability; knowing that
you are just the kind of regular believer God can,
and does, use.
When you’re in a middle of a hard time or the world seems to have gone crazy, it’s hard to imagine God working everything together for the good.
Everything? Surely it doesn’t mean… you fill in the blanks. But what Christian hasn’t clung to this verse like a drowning person to a life raft? All things are possible with God. He is able to use whatever there is in your life for the good. He does this for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
When we learn from experience, the scars of sin can lead us to restoration and a renewed intimacy with God.
~Charles Stanley~
“In every Christian’s heart there is a cross and a throne, and the Christian is on the throne till he puts himself on the cross; if he refuses the cross, he remains on the throne…We all want to be saved but we insist that Christ do all the dying.” —
A.W. Tozer
We who have been born again by faith in the risen Lord Jesus can err when We can talk about the resurrection of Jesus, but behave as though it were not an actual reality for Christian living. We can be mistaken, "not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God."
“We cannot organize revival, but we can set our sails to catch the wind from Heaven when God chooses to blow upon His people once again.”
A child of God is a brand new person who is now submitted and governed by the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
A true child of God cannot continue to practice sin because of the conviction of the Holy Spirit. There is no way they can feel comfortable and at ease with sin, once they have been set free from the power of sin (Romans 6)
It was sin that made our bodies mortal ... therefore do not yield obedience to such an enemy.
~Matthew Henry~
A compromise must always be impossible where the truth is essential and fundamental.
~C. H. Spurgeon~
The only way to make sense of what is happening around the world today is to know what is going to happen tomorrow.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is always relevant. Martyn Lloyd-Jones.
Burk Parsons
We don't repent to get God to love us, we repent because God loves us.
“Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God‘s elect? It is God that justifieth. Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yes, rather, that is risen again.”That rising again has cleared us from all the sins that can ever be laid to our charge. Charles Spurgeon
I received some years ago orders from my Master to stand at the foot of the cross until He came. He has not come yet, but I mean to stand there until He does. Charles Spurgeon
Sometimes, the most loving thing we can do for our kids is to realize they’re not perfect. As parents, it’s our job to defend when appropriate, but it’s also our job to correct them when appropriate.
“God has infinite attention to spare for each one of us. You are as much alone with him as if you were the only being he had ever created.” - C.S. Lewis
"Genesis ends with Joseph’s death. Deuteronomy ends with Moses’s death. Joshua ends with Joshua’s death. The Gospels end with Jesus’s resurrection. And that changes everything." -Tony Merida
"After the most careful and prayerful preparation of a sermon, I am fully persuaded that unless it is used by the Holy Spirit it will accomplish nothing." - Francis Grimké
Jesus went to the cross for all. Those who believe, and those who betrayed Him. Ray Bentley
If it breaks God’s heart why do you think you will be blessed by it. Sin is deceptive. Learn to resist it and stand fast in Him by faith.
God is with us. We often need that reminder! It is especially reassuring to hear these words when God has given us a difficult assignment, one that seems impossible. We are not the first to have experienced fear and hesitation in accepting God’s assignment. David Jeremiah
Failure is a part of life. Don't label a person because of their failures. Encourage them.
Its encouraging to me to see a brother receive from the Lord here & launch out. You know, in ministry, there’s nothing like it. There’s no greater joy than to hear that your sons and your daughters are serving the Lord and continuing on. Pastor Jeff Johnson
"We are entrusted with a great power. Do we pray for our country?" — Charles Spurgeon
Gracious souls will bless God as much for sanctification as for justification. —Puritan Stephen Charnock, Works 2:401
"Self is the worst enemy a Christian has." — Charles Spurgeon
"Is it not glorious that the Lord of all is the Savior of sinners?" — Charles Spurgeon
"Fifteen words that can change a marriage: I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I need you. I was wrong."
Why do the ungodly have peace of conscience? “There is a difference between a dead sea and a calm sea; a stupid conscience they may have, but not a quiet conscience; their consciences are stupefied by drenching their souls in worldly delights and pleasures. —Thomas Manton
"A husband should love his wife with a constant love, for that is how Jesus loves his church." — Charles Spurgeon
Well-spent time in secret when we are solitary, shall be rewarded openly by a good carriage in society and company. —David Dickson, Geneva Series of Commentaries Psalms, Pg. 365
Trials come to prove and improve us. Augustine
The Holy Scriptures are our letters from home. Augustine
"The cross unites the church in the holy bands of love." — Charles Spurgeon
"Jesus did not come to save us because we were worth the saving." — Charles Spurgeon
The first step toward attaining a higher standard of holiness is to realize more fully the amazing sinfulness of sin. -J.C. Ryle -
God's sovereignty reveals HIS sufficiency and shows us our insufficiency. -A.W. Pink -
"Jesus is not merely a good man, great teacher, or noble exemplar. He is the Savior of sinners." — Charles Spurgeon
"The man who continues in his rejection of Christ has a pet sin somewhere." -A.W.Tozer.
"Do not go where there is fine preaching and clever preaching, unless it is true gospel preaching." — Charles Spurgeon
“Justification is by faith alone in the finished work of Christ alone because He vicariously paid the penalty for sin and positively fulfilled the divine law.” — Patrick Abendroth, The Active Obedience of Christ, 19.
"Christ saves his people, not in their sins, but from them." — Charles Spurgeon
The gospel brings together people who would never be in the same room. And they become family.
The disciples were proclaiming to the people the wondrous message of the risen Lord Jesus. "They taught the people and preached in Jesus the resurrection from the dead." Such a message infuriated the religious leaders. "The priests, the captain of the temple, and the Sadducees came upon them, being greatly disturbed." Today, many religious leaders reflect a similar response. In the popular religious world, universalism and skepticism prevail. Each religion is viewed as one more road leading to God. For many, the miraculous is unacceptable, as human reasoning reigns supreme. In many religious circles, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is either an object of scoffing or an area of hypocritical compromise.
Jesus Christ reveals, not an embarrassed God, not a confused God, not a God who stands apart from the problems, but One who stands in the thick of the whole thing with man.
Jesus represented the very fulfillment of the Passover’s promise of deliverance from sin, ushering in a new covenant to replace the old covenant.
Jesus Himself fulfilled more than 200 Old Testament proving that He is the Messiah, the Promised One, our Savior! For those of us who really like evidence and facts, how does the fulfillment of prophecy change the way you look at the Cross and salvation? For those of us who rely more on feelings and divine intervention in our personal lives, how does prophecy being proven by Jesus change the way you worship?
It seems like every time we turn around, another high-profile trial is underway. But the most important trial in human history took place in the first century. It was the greatest travesty of justice this world has ever seen, and its impact continues to this very day. It was when God went on trial.
Within twelve hours of His arrest, Christ was beaten and bloodied beyond human recognition and hanging on a crude Roman cross.
Jesus Himself pointed out to His own disciples that He would be betrayed and sentenced to die. They would mock and whip and crucify Him, but on the third day, He would rise from the dead. It all was going according to plan—God’s plan