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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

Updated: Mar 20, 2024

We have a myriad of reasons to bless our great God, to speak of Him with grateful praises. "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Our heavenly Father has mercifully showered us with so many blessings that we rightly desire Him to be honored and blessed. "For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, And abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You" (Psalm 86:5). Based on His great love, He sent His Son to pay for our debt of sin. Through faith in His name, we have received forgiveness and new life. Day by day He is present with us and is working in and through our lives. How blessed we are!

As we celebrate the Resurrection during this season, let God enter your life now and believe that He cares about NOW, about what happens to you today, this minute.

God is ready to help you right now.

Today is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2, NLT).

The Jewish historian Josephus tells us that during this siege, rivers of blood flowed through the gates of the city and the beloved temple burned to the ground, fulfilling Jesus’ prophecy. He had said of the temple, “Do you see all these buildings? I tell you the truth, they will be completely demolished. Not one stone will be left on top of another!” (Matthew 24:2 NLT).

God created the world. He placed the planets in orbit. He made the light to shine out of darkness. But when someone closes their heart to Him, He won’t forcibly enter. He will knock, but He will not make people believe.

Sometimes people come to me and say they’re doing thus and so. I tell them they really shouldn’t be doing that, and I explain what the Bible says about it. Usually, they say something along the lines of “Hey, don’t judge me!”


The great thing about faith in God is that it keeps a man undisturbed in the midst of disturbance.

How often do you remember that you are a new creation — the old is passed away, the old life is no longer, the old you has been buried with Christ and the new you has been raised with Him? Today, let’s soak in that and ask the Lord to show us ways in which we’re still pretending that the old ways will fit with new life. How do we need to live differently?

“I have learned now that while those who speak about one’s miseries usually hurt, those who keep silence hurt more.” - C.S. Lewis

"A good wife and health are a man's best wealth." — Charles Spurgeon

"The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end." – Charles Spurgeon

"Faith alone can bring us to see Jesus." — Charles Spurgeon

I am resolved simply to preach the gospel of Christ, and leave others to quarrel by and with themselves. - George Whitefield

It’s not hateful to say that God determines sex and gender. It’s actually more unloving to affirm and celebrate someone into believing a lie that somehow a perfect God made a mistake on them. God doesn’t make mistakes.

An ounce of heart knowledge is worth more than a ton of head learning. Charles Spurgeon

To love to preach is one thing, to love those to whom we preach quite another. Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

If not the greatest need, then surely one of the greatest is for the appearance of Christian leaders with prophetic vision. We desperately need seers who can see through the mist. Tozer

"Though the heavens should fall through our doing right, we are not to sin in order to keep them up." -Charles Spurgeon.

Is there nothing to sing about to-day? Then borrow a song from tomorrow; sing of what is yet to be. Is this world dreary? Then think of the next. Charles Spurgeon

Ignorance of God will always lead to disobedience.

If we have the faith that believes to see, it will keep us from growing discouraged. We shall “laugh at impossibilities,” we shall watch with delight to see how God is going to open up a path through the Red Sea when there is no human way out of our difficulty. Streams Desert

As we celebrate the Resurrection during this season, let God enter your life now and believe that He cares about NOW, about what happens to you today, this minute. God is ready to help you right now. Ray Bentley

The consideration that we are forgiven by Christ 𝘴𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘴 is a good reason why we should forgive others. —Puritan Matthew Henry, Commentary on the Whole Bible, 6:615

Luther, a poor monk, with a trumpet of ram’s horn, with his preaching and with his writing, you see how he shook the walls of Rome, how much they have lost within the last hundred years. —Richard Sibbes, Works 7:469

"If you try to draw comfort from your fickle, changeable feelings, you seek the living among the dead." — Charles Spurgeon

The greatest guilt that ever was contracted upon a trembling, shaking conscience, can stand before the efficacy of the blood of Christ no more than the sinner himself can stand before the justice of the Lord, with all their guilt upon him. —Puritan John Flavel, Works 1:328

“God guarantees the success of His own gospel. We preach, we witness. He calls, He regenerates.” Steven Lawson

"Do not seek lasting comfort in earthly things." — Charles Spurgeon

The Church used to be a lifeboat rescuing the perishing. Now she is a cruise ship recruiting the promising. -Leonard Ravenhill -

Daily living by faith on Christ is what makes the difference between the sickly and the healthy Christian... -A.W. Pink -

"You have tried to find comfort in your wealth. It is grievous when a Christian becomes an idolater!" — Charles Spurgeon

"Do not look to human strength, but look to the abounding mercy of God in Christ Jesus." — Charles Spurgeon

…as he made us out of nothing, and bought us when worse than nothing, and still keepeth us from returning into our original morning… —Thomas Manton, Works 7:58

God is willing to give us infinitely more than we ask of Him. Spurgeon

"A father does not live for himself, but for that dear family gathered around him." — Charles Spurgeon

"I do not venture to make any assertion where Scripture is silent." -John Calvin.

"Empty-handed sinners, all that you can possibly need is in Jesus." — Charles Spurgeon

If you don't have a burden for others to be saved, it is doubtful if you yourself are saved -C.H Spurgeon -

The Lord Jesus is a friend who never changes. There is no fickleness about Him: those whom He loves, He loves unto the end. -J.C. Ryle -

You cannot slander human nature; it is worse than words can paint it. Charles Spurgeon

“The greatest natural genius cannot subsist on its own stock: he who resolves never to ransack any brain but his own will soon be reduced, from mere barrenness, to the poorest of all imitations.” - Arthur Gossip

Through faith in His name, we have received forgiveness and new life. Day by day He is present with us and is working in and through our lives. How blessed we are!

The unique hope the Lord provides for us is a "living hope." It is a hope that pulsates with resurrection life. "[God] has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."

There is only one answer: Jesus. Jesus and his love. As Christians, we can help one another through difficult times by loving one another.

Once we accept the call, it’s His business to supply our needs use us where we fit best, and finish the job. We work from a position of rest.

Commitment and pro activity leads to change.

A signature is an act of commitment but doing the law is true love.

Conviction leads to submission.

If you give God all of your mistakes, He'll give you all of His forgiveness.

When we read and study God’s Word, He is going to speak to us and He is going to share His promises for our lives.

When God has spoken to you, wait upon Him to confirm it through His Word. Write it down and wait for the Lord to bring it to pass. He will blow you away.

Prophecy is not given to make men prophets, but as a

witness to God when it is fulfilled.

~Isaac Newton~

“ It is better to risk saving a guilty man than to condemn an innocent one. ”

— Voltaire

In this life we cannot always do great things, but we can do small things with great love.

Only by changing the way you live, will you be able to create the legacy you want to leave, says

John Maxwell

Say hello to someone you don’t know. Your positive attitude is contagious.

“To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.”

— Henri Bergson

Entrepreneurs don't finish when we are tired. We finish when we are done.

Vision today is fundamental whether it's for your personal life, business, or church. There is a saying that says without vision people lose their brakes. As a person you know where you're going, does it have a north? In your business what is your vision, not desire, your vision, is your mission following the vision? In church, if your vision is these full time and preach 3 to 4 times a month, stay at home and not go to the office and attend to people, well it's clear, you have no vision and you should resign.

Seeds of Discipline: Excellence is a Habit

by Denis Waitley

You can be a total winner, even if you're a beginner

If you think you can you can, if you think you can you can

You can wear the gold medallion, you can ride your own black stallion

If you think you can you can, if you think you can you can

It's not your talent or the gifted birth

It's not your bank book that determines worth

It isn't in your gender or the color of your skin

It's your attitude that lets you win

You can live with "coulds" or "shoulds," or be like Tiger Woods

If you think you can you can, if you think you can you can

Even if you're hesitant, you can be a woman President

If you think you can you can, if you think you can you can

It doesn't matter what you've done before

It makes no difference what the halftime score

It's never over 'til the final gun

So keep on trying and you'll find you've won

Just grab your dream and then believe it

Go out and work, and you'll achieve it

If you think you can, you can

If you think you can, you can

If you look too long at the door that just closed, you’ll miss the one that just opened.

Let grace happen. Of all the things you must earn in life, God’s unending affection is not one of them. You have it!

The wrath of God does not end with death.

~C. H. Spurgeon~

We have a myriad of reasons to bless our great God, to speak of Him with grateful praises. "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Our heavenly Father has mercifully showered us with so many blessings that we rightly desire Him to be honored and blessed. "For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, And abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You" (Psalm 86:5). Based on His great love, He sent His Son to pay for our debt of sin. Through faith in His name, we have received forgiveness and new life. Day by day He is present with us and is working in and through our lives. How blessed we are!

When fear and insecurity fill our hearts, we respond with selfish indifference to the needs of our neighbors. But when faith rules our lives, when we have wrestled with God and found Him true, we become secure in His ability to care for us, and we cease to doubt and fear."

Christians need to study the historical facts in the Bible. They need to know the stories so they will not be unaware or “ignorant,” concerning the Scriptures. God’s Word not only warns us against offending God and sinning against Him, but teaches us of His character, and how He guides our lives and protects us. Many Christians who do not listen and learn from the stories in the Bible lack understanding of the Scriptures. They learn the hard way as they reap consequences. Do you not think it is better to read your Bible, learn and be wise?

I am praying for the Church, pastors, those in the congregation and for people in the world. God’s Word burns in my heart. I see the corruption, more than ever before, and the need for God’s Word to be preached.

Raul Ries

There is a right and wrong way of taking a stand against ungodliness and letting our light shine. For example, the Pharisees were hypocrites in their declarations of what was right -- they missed the issues of the heart and only placed value on the external and public demonstrations of godliness. Many times, when they delivered reprimands or rebukes, it was both self-serving and completely absent of the concept of love.

“Do not be satisfied with loving people in your own mind. Love them until they feel your love.”—Mike Mason

Just when you think something is hopeless, The Lord's answered prayer comes knocking at your door with opportunities you never knew were available to you... Praise the Lord for He is FAITHFUL

The more I feel connected to you, the harder it will be for me to lie to you. The more I share life with you, the more I am encouraged to be open with you. The more I experience our unity as members of Christ's body, the more I will be committed to speaking the truth that is in Jesus so that you might grow in your faith and so that we might grow up together in the body of Christ.

As the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, so denial of God is the height of foolishness.

~R.C. Sproul~

As a follower of Christ, you have an enemy seeking to destroy the good work God is doing in your life. The good news is there is no temptation, oppression, or slavery Christ has not already overcome. Even so, the key to escaping the clutches of your adversary is in listening. When you carefully attend to God’s words, He can faithfully lead you out of danger.

What we need is to act, and to act with the best light we have, and as we step out into the present duty and full obedience, many things will be made plain which it is no use waiting to decide. AB Simpson

These truth-packed verses unfold the role of the resurrection as we started out with God through justification, when He declared us righteous in Christ. In this initial work of the Lord on our behalf, we were "buried with Him in baptism." Here, baptism is referring to our identification with Christ. When we first believed on the Lord Jesus, we were joined to Him, made one with Him, identified with Him. "We have been united together in the likeness of His death" (Romans 6:5). From God's perspective, we who trusted in Jesus Christ died on the cross with Him and were buried in the tomb with Him. Water baptism bears testimony to this truth. Identification with Christ makes this our spiritual history before God. In God's sight, our old life was crucified and buried.

Jesus set the precedent by dying for us —and resurrecting. Through Him we experience hope, new life, beauty, and the love that will nourish and carry us through the end of our days and into eternity.

Meekness is not weakness. It is power under constraint. Meekness is being able to do something and choosing not to. Weakness, on the other hand, is not being able to do anything. That is the difference.

Sometimes we get to see the redemption that can come from our lives’ hardships; sometimes we don’t. Whatever you are going through right now, confess to God your trust in His sovereignty. Ask Him to give you the faith to believe in His goodness, even if you find yourself doubting it. Invite Him to show you the way through the difficulty with grace, hope, and trust, so that gloomy thoughts are not controlling thoughts in your life.


We all have the trick of saying—If only I were not where I am!—If only I had not got the kind of people I have to live with! If our faith or our religion does not help us in the conditions we are in, we have either a further struggle to go through, or we had better abandon that faith and religion.

To build your house on the rock is to hear what Jesus says and obey. To be foolish and build your house on the sand is to hear and ignore. Kevin DeYoung

What were we made for? To know God. What aim should we have in life? To know God. What is the eternal life that Jesus gives? To know God. What is the best thing in life? To know God. What in humans gives God most pleasure? Knowledge of Himself. J.I. Packer

He is not humanity defied. He is not Godhead humanized. He is God. He is man. He is all that God is, and all that man is as God created him. Charles Spurgeon

“When Christ died, he died for you individually just as much as if you had been the only person in the world.” - C.S. Lewis

Oh, if the tempted and struggling one could only understand or remember what perhaps he has learned before, that Christ is our righteousness, and that it is not by law but by grace alone. AB Simpson

Jesus moved with a paced peace and an ordered steadiness because He knew the heart of the Father. Jon Courson

True praise rises spontaneously from the heart, recognizing God’s goodness and grace. Chuck Smith

"The teachings of the New Testament are as sound and true today as they were eighteen hundred years ago." — Charles Spurgeon








Mar 19

"All the philosophers in the world do not know so much of the Father God as a forgiven sinner knows." — Charles Spurgeon







Mar 19

"The very essence of anxiety is the imagining that we are wiser than God." — Charles Spurgeon








Mar 19

"You cannot bring others to Christ unless you have first been with him." — Charles Spurgeon

"There are no white lies. They are scarlet, and they will sink a man to hell if they are not confessed and forgiven." — Charles Spurgeon









"We delight to feel that he who has ruled all things for our good does not change." — Charles Spurgeon

"Read good books to feed the appetite with healthy food." — Charles Spurgeon








"We shall not grow weary of waiting upon God is we remember how long and how graciously he once waited for us." — Charles Spurgeon









"Neglect of private prayer devours the strength of the church." — Charles Spurgeon

"Eternal salvation comes without a penny of cost to every hungry, needy, bankrupt soul that is willing to receive it." — Charles Spurgeon

"How can your children believe in your religion, when they see the godlessness of your life?" — Charles Spurgeon

"How much is done for the devil in the name of God!" — Charles Spurgeon









"If a man can preach one sermon without mentioning Christ's name, it ought to be his last." — Charles Spurgeon

"Our faith in Jesus is most real. We believe in those dear wounds of his as we believe in nothing else." — Charles Spurgeon









"If it is foolish to believe what we find in Scripture, we will remain fools to the end." — Charles Spurgeon









"Married life is not all sugar, but grace in the heart will keep away most of the sours." — Charles Spurgeon

"The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end." – Charles Spurgeon








"If the service of God is worth anything, it is worth everything." — Charles Spurgeon

“I don’t have to go to church, because I am the church”. Consider this thought… Be the church, go to the church.

"God will never give you more than you can handle" is a lie. You were never meant to handle everything by your own power. You're created to trust in the God who can handle everything through you. Sometimes, He does give you more than you handle, so that you'll rely on Him.

If we look for salvation by the law of Moses, then we render the death of Christ needless: for to what purpose should he be appointed to die, if we might have been saved without it? —Matthew Henry, Commentary on the Whole Bible, 6:529

The church is like a river. If it gets wider instead of deeper it will lose its power. —Puritan Thomas Manton




Puritan Gold




The Christian many times walks more cheerfully under sore trials than others in the sunshine of worldly prosperity. The three children walked to and fro with more joy in the furnace than Nebuchadnezzar in his stately palace. —William Spurstowe, Wells of Salvation Opened, Pg. 39



Puritan Gold




It is far better to have the ungodly man's enmity than his society (i.e fellowship or companionship). By the former, he is most hateful, but by the latter he is most hurtful. —William Secker, Nonsuch Professor, Pg. 52




Puritan Gold




Lord, grant that my religion may not be occasional and partial, but universal, influential, effective, and may I always continue in thy words as well as thy works, so that I may reach my end in peace. —Valley of Vision, Pg. 73




Puritan Gold




There are many in hell, who would be glad to change conditions with you, as bad as you think yours to be. —John Flavel, Works 1:365

True self-examination should drive us to Christ; and there we see the finished work which God sent Him to do, and we end by rejoicing. If your self-examination does not end in rejoicing it is wrong. —Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Exposition of Romans 5: Assurance, Pg. 166

"He who, when called upon to speak a disagreeable truth, tells it boldly and has done, is both bolder and milder than he who nibbles in a low voice and never ceases nibbling." -Johann Kaspar Lavater

It is still His delight to show mercy. Jesus is far more willing to save sinners than sinners are to be saved. -J.C. Ryle -

Belt of Truth 1




The pinnacle of prayer is the worship and adoration of the slain and risen Lamb of God. -A.W. Pink -

Jonathan Edwards

Every atom in the universe is managed by Christ so as to be most to the advantage of the Christian, every particle of air or every ray of the sun; so that he in the other world, when he comes to see it, shall sit and enjoy all this vast inheritance with surprising, amazing joy.

The true change is known by the change of the heart. If men's heads are never so full with speculative knowledge or with great ideas and strong imaginations, if the heart be not changed, it avails nothing. God looks at the heart.

Jonathan Edwards

Jerry Bridges

God has blotted out our sins, removing them from His record. He has done more than wipe the slate clean. He has thrown away the slate.

When God is presented as a mere life-improvement coach, He is robbed of His glory. – Todd Friel


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