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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

The soul that has wandered from God will search heaven and earth in vain for rest. Charles Bridges

Never begin anything without going to God about it in prayer! George Muller

There are two ways of living in His love. One is constant trust, and the other is constant obedience, and His own Word gives the message for both. AB Simpson

Many in this world live with broken hearts.   Spurgeon

I believe hundreds of Christian people are being deceived by Satan now on this point, that they have not got the assurance of salvation just because they are not willing to take God at His word. Moody

“If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.” - C.S. Lewis

These ministers must be the devil’s ministers, and not the ministers of Christ, who, instead of preaching a crucified Christ, entertain their hearers with heathen morality, flourishes of rhetoric, the doctrines of self-love… —Ebenezer Erskine, Works 2:536

Many a husband hath been won to Christ by the holy life of the wife; and many a wife hath been won to Christ by the holy life of the husband. —Thomas Brooks, Works 4:162

There are others who profess to own all above truths, who yet so blend law and gospel, that they make the covenant of grace little better than another edition of the covenant of works… —Ebenezer Erskine, Works 2

Here is the wonder of Christ's love: it is fixed upon man, the worst of creatures. — Puritan David Clarkson

When Satan would tempt us to despair, we should call to mind that we have a merciful God that ‘forgives all our sins, and heals our infirmities,’ Ps. ciiii. 3. —Richard Sibbes, Works 7:173

The covenants were several, as that with Abraham, and that by Moses, and differ in some accidents, but the promise in each of them was one and the same, which was the substance of each. —Matthew Poole, Commentary on the Holy Bible, 3:668

The greater measures of holiness and sanctification any man attains to, the clearer and brighter will the evidence of his justification be. —Puritan Thomas Brooks, Works 4:353

The church is like a river. If it gets wider instead of deeper it will lose its power. —Puritan Thomas Manton

As for those parents who will not use the rod upon their children, I pray God He useth not their children as a rod for them. —Thomas Fuller, A Puritan Golden Treasury, Pg. 203

God is forced to mortify sins by afflictions, because we mortify them not by the Spirit. —Richard Sibbes, Works 7:205

God never yet sent any man to hell for sin, to whom sin has commonly been the greatest hell in this world. He shall never be damned for his sins, whose heart is set upon killing his sins. —Thomas Brooks, The Works of Thomas Brooks, 3:381

Many men fall to questioning, ‘Oh that I had assurance of my salvation! Oh that I were the child of God!’ Why, man, fall to obedience [instead]. —Richard Sibbes, Works 7:209

"Jesus, I would have believed in You, but all Your followers are hypocrites" will not be a legitimate excuse when you stand before the Lord one day.

Jesus is King. You can’t impeach Him, and He ain’t going to resign!



The church is like a river. If it gets wider instead of deeper it will lose its power. —Puritan Thomas Manton

Sound doctrinal preaching must always be practical and experimental, applied to the necessity and capacities of the hearers." -Ernest Reisinger.

Guilt, grace, gratitude   “There are three main parts of our salvation: first, a true knowledge of our misery; and secondly, the knowledge of our deliverance; and then, to live a life answerable.” —Puritan Richard Sibbes, Works 7:210

Don’t excuse yourself by accusing Satan. - Thomas Brooks

"Whatever power sin might have to ruin us, Jesus has still greater power to save us." — Charles Spurgeon

"Entrust yourself to those pierced hands, which are now glorified with the signet rings of royal power." — Charles Spurgeon

The time of our loathing was the time of God's loving. We had something in us to provoke fury, but nothing to excite love. What love, passing understanding, was it, to give Christ to us! - Thomas Watson

"Depend on it: there is no verse in the Bible that is superfluous or a chapter that is useless." — Charles Spurgeon

"Pastor the congregation you have. Equip the leaders you have. No regrets or daydreams, go for resurrections in actual lives." - Jordan Taylor

Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom. Charles Spurgeon

"What is given to the poor and to the Lord's cause is deposited in the Bank of Eternity." — Charles Spurgeon

nominal Christians are really unholy heathens! They R abandoned slaves of sin-who yet pretend 2 be the servants of...Jesus! -Samuel Davies -

God sometimes leaves men to themselves...A more dreadful judgment than this, cannot be inflicted on this side of hell. -John Newton -

"Is it not glorious that the Lord of all is the Savior of sinners?" — Charles Spurgeon

The Lord's mercy often rides to the door of our heart upon the black horse of affliction. Charles Spurgeon

God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing. - C.S. Lewis

Tony Evans

When God takes you from where you are to where He wants you to be, He is not only taking you to the place - in the process of taking you there - He is preparing you for the place.

"Do not spend the strength of your zeal for your religion in censuring others. The man that is most busy in censuring others is always least employed in examining himself." -Thomas Lye.

"Get to the Bible, and study that; search out the promises, and feed upon them." — Charles Spurgeon

"With all your efforts you do not succeed, because you omit to pray to God." — Charles Spurgeon

"God washes the stains of the past, lifts us from the foul ways of the present, and keeps us from failing in the future." — Charles Spurgeon

"The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end." – Charles Spurgeon

"Let it never be forgotten that Jesus gives all that is needed for our salvation." — Charles Spurgeon

Nobody ever outgrows Scripture; the book widens and deepens with our years. Charles Spurgeon

It’s difficult to learn to be healthy in a doctor’s office and almost impossible in the hospital. So let’s do it now while we still have a chance.

Never think that a praying heart pleads to a deaf God. Never imagine that God is so far removed that He fails to notice our needs. God hears prayer and grants His children’s desires and requests. Spurgeon

4 things that lead a church to liberalism: 1. Pursuing the world’s wisdom. 2. Embracing the world’s theology. 3. Following the world’s agenda. 4. Employing the world’s methods. James Montgomery Boice

The God of Scripture is not some impersonal force, particle field, or energy mass. He is independent (Acts 17:25) He is eternal (Ps 102:12) He thinks (Is 58:8-9) He communicates (Heb 1:1-2) He acts in history (Heb 2:4) He loves (Jn 3:16) He is kind (Acts 14:17)

Jonathan Edwards

Holiness is a most beautiful and lovely thing. We drink in strange notions of holiness from our childhood, as if it were a melancholy, morose, sour and unpleasant thing; but there is nothing in it but what is sweet and ravishingly lovely.

Sola Gratia: Our salvation rests solely on the work of God's grace for us. R.C. Sproul

"One has a work given him of God to do, and if he does it rightly he cannot do it carelessly." - Charles Spurgeon

"We can possess nothing—no property and no person ... It is God who owns everything, and we are but stewards of His property during the brief time we are on earth." #BillyGraham

"So, if we are afraid that the devil should get in among us let us always in prayer entreat that there may be no space for the devil, because the Lord Jesus Christ fills all, and keeps out the adversary." - Charles Spurgeon

Whoever lives by faith never dies by fear. John Flavel

The Bible is the only book ever written that can fundamentally change your life in every way.

Christian: Sir, what think you? Is there hope? ... May my sin be forgiven? Evangelist: Thy sin is very great, ... yet will the man at the gate receive thee, for he has good-will for men. — John Bunyan

We need not go far to find abundant proofs that the so-called “natural man” prefers the despotism of sin to the freedom of righteousness. -Daniel Steele (1897)

After you heard and believed the gospel, you were confirmed and protected for life by God’s seal! John 6:27 2 Corinthians 1:22 Ephesians 1:13 Ephesians 4:30 2 Timothy 2:19



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