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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

Updated: Jun 11, 2023

Don’t trust a preacher that doesn’t trust the Bible.

"Peace is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of God." — John Hagee

"Faith must be confessed and affirmed, not just felt and believed."— Pastor James McDonald

When the Lord works in us unto obedience ("what is well pleasing in His sight"), He Himself is the one who appropriately receives the glory.

We can get stuck in:

  • our emotions

  • our thoughts

  • our attitudes

  • our opinions

  • our possessions

  • our plans

  • our desires

  • our habits

  • our comfort

  • our pain

  • our wounds

  • our relationships

  • our past

  • our present

  • our future hopes

There are myriad ways and places we can get stuck, and it is my prayer that as we journey together through the pages of this book, we will discover where we may have gotten stuck and uncover ways to get unstuck — so we can move forward into the purpose and promises of God for our future.

There is a lot in life to trouble us these days. We can live in fear and paranoia, worrying about what might happen. Or, as Christians, we can commit our ways to the Lord.

Notice the beauty all around you today. In the middle of the ordinariness of every day, there are extraordinary graces. What tiny moments are gifts from God to you?

Read the Ten Commandments, and pause at each one, and confess that you have broken it either in thought, or word, or deed. Remember that by a glance we may commit adultery, by a thought we may be guilty of murder, by a desire we may steal. ~C. H Spurgeon

10 Lies of the World You Should Watch Out For-

1. It's all about you. 2. A little overspending won't hurt you. 3. Righteousness isn't as important as it used to be. 4. You can say whatever you think. 5. It's a free country; you can do whatever you please. 6. A good job and money provide the happiness you need. 7. You can watch a movie or TV without agreeing with the message. 8. You don't need to discipline your children. 9. You don't have to study the Bible to be a good Christian. 10. Loving others isn't important.

When the sins of a people reach up to heaven, the wrath of God will reach down to earth.

~Matthew Henry~

C.S. Lewis said, “We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at sea. We are far too easily pleased.”

Paul warned people if they did not come to Christ for salvation, they would stand before God––guilty! guilty! guilty! Even the Jew would not be justified by the law. The Bible is God’s law. God has given His code in the Bible on how people should live. The law teaches us the knowledge of sin––people know they are guilty. Underline in your Bible the phrase …and all the world may become guilty…. Understand, the whole world is guilty before God, and there is a day of judgment coming. Raul Ries

Arise, my soul, arise, shake off thy guilty fears; The bleeding Sacrifice on my behalf appears: Before the throne, my Surety stands… my name is written on His hands. ~Charles Wesley~

Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, "Most people are willing to take the Sermon on the Mount as a flag to sail under, but few will use it as a rudder by which to steer."

The church isn’t, as some pejoratively say, “organized religion.” The church is an organism,

comprised of living believers, organized by Jesus as Head of His body. Don't forsake the body, of Christ.

Everywhere the apostle Paul went on his missionary journeys, he established churches. He preached Christ, and Him crucified, but he didn’t leave converts to do as they pleased. He organized them under gifted leaders - pastors, teachers, elders, and deacons.

Not everything we experience in life has a clear purpose or meaning. You can make yourself crazy trying to understand why something happened and what it is supposed to mean to you or someone else. Sometimes things are beyond our understanding until after the event has occurred and we have the benefit of looking back. However, there will be other times when things just don't make sense from any point of view -- except God's. This is where faith kicks in. "May we know the peace and love of God that surpasses all our understanding." When we use our words to fill the air with nonsense and when we say things that are off-color, not only are we degrading ourselves and disobeying Scripture, but also we are missing an opportunity to use our words for good.

Every time I choose to say something empty or inappropriate, I am choosing not to say things that are edifying to others and glorifying to God. I am neglecting the fact that my words matter. I am failing to make them count for good.

John Calvin worried about any suggestion that God has feelings and even wrote in his commentary on Hosea, “For it must ever be remembered, that God is exempt from every passion.” Yes, Jesus wept, got angry, and had joy and sorrow at times. But he was not controlled by any of these things.

John Calvin worried about any suggestion that God has feelings and even wrote in his commentary on Hosea, “For it must ever be remembered, that God is exempt from every passion.” Yes, Jesus wept, got angry, and had joy and sorrow at times. But he was not controlled by any of these things.

British writer and theologian C. S. Lewis famously once said, “A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic — on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg — or else he would be the Devil of Hell.”

Are you a loyal and loving friend? True friendship can only be made between true men. Hearts are the soul of honor. ~C.H. Spurgeon~

The service we give to God should possess us rather than our possessing it. God is working in and through our lives and as He does, we must keep a light grasp upon what He has us to do for Him.

When we submit to the Lord and come to people in the love of the Lord, great things can be accomplished.

Suspicions subtract, faith adds, but love multiplies. It blesses twice—him who gives it and him who gets it. ~C. T. Studd~

*Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it.

Living is giving your best self away,

Living is helping someone every day;

Living is giving more than you get,

It's treating an animal like a person, instead of a pet.

It's helping the handicapped across the street,

It's smiling at the new person at work that you meet;

It's respect for all nations, colors, and creeds,

It's sharing and caring for your neighbor's needs

One of God's greatest laws you can live and believe,

The more that you give, the more you'll receive!

"Character is a quality that embodies many important traits, such as integrity, courage, perseverance, confidence, and wisdom. Unlike your fingerprints that you are born with and can’t change, the character is something that you create within yourself and must take responsibility for changing" -- Jim Rohn

Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. -Mother Teresa

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. - Robert Collier

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new. -Socrates

Success is never final, failure is never fatal. It's courage that counts. -John Wooden

Don’t let negative and toxic people rent space in your head. Raise the rent and kick them out! by Robert Tew

"The greatest need of the church today: to be filled with the Holy Spirit--to work in Him&have Him work through us." AW Tozer

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. - Benjamin Franklin

A mile of worries won't get you as far as one inch of action. -Gonzo Arzuaga

There are no office hours for champions. -Paul Dietzel

The power to live a new life depends upon daily communion with the living Lord.

~John Eadie~

The prison of want. You’ve seen her prisoners. They want something bigger. Nicer.

Faster. Thinner. They want a new job. A new house. A new spouse. If you feel better when you have more and worse when you have less—you’re in the prison of want.

It's always good to end on a good note. When I use to train horses if you end on a bad note they always remembered it. God is so good and I am so blessed to have you all in my life. The Bible says Iron sharpens iron. We all need each other.

There's a big difference between the ART of worship and the HEART of worship. When pushing for excellence, it's easy to get lost in the art of what we do and lose focus on the heart.

Movie Quote: With a Christian application, There is no problem we can not bring home to our Father that He will not have a solution for.....

Let's allow the Gospel to shine out of us as lights in this darkness and bear the fruit that God has given to us.

Let's allow the Gospel to shine out of us as lights in this darkness and bear the fruit that God has given to us.

It may come as a shock to some that "let go and let God" is not biblical. The truth is that the Christian life is not effortless.


They're Not CHECKING ON YOU, They're CHECKING ON WHAT YOU'RE DOING. Be Discerning! If You Gave it to God in Prayer ... LEAVE IT THERE! If you think your mistakes have blown God’s purpose, plan, and promises for your life, Rest in this: You my beautiful friend, ARE NOT THAT POWERFUL. "Too MANY Want to Be CLOTHED WITH POWER, Too FEW Want to Be STRIPPED OF PRIDE."


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