“Of all the bad men, religious bad men are the worst.” -C.S. Lewis
The Bible is Alive, Active, Authoritative, Eternal, Light, Inerrant, Infallible, Perfect, Pure, True, Trustworthy, Sufficient, Unbreakable, Sweeter than HONEY, More precious than gold, Sharper than any two-edged,
Read it, Study it, Meditate on it, Obey it, Be transformed by it!
In 1877, Charles H. Spurgeon wrote to his son offering advice for ministry faithfulness:
“Give them the Gospel. Study all you can, preach boldly, and let your behavior be with great discretion. Live to Him, and you will be better than great.”
God values no man by outward excellencies, but by inward graces; they are the internal ornaments of the Spirit, which are of great price in God’s sight. John Flavel
A true Christian desires to be free from sin, not to sin freely.
"I don't always feel His presence. But God's promises do not depend upon my feelings; they rest upon His integrity." - R. C. Sproul
Do not glory in your own faith, your own feelings, your own knowledge, or your own diligence. Glory in nothing but Christ. - J C Ryle
"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." -
Mother Teresa
There is nothing sweeter to the Christian than knowing Jesus is interceding for us.
1. He prays for our protection (Jn 17:15).
2. He prays for our unity (Jn 17:20–23).
3. He prays for grace in time of need (Heb 4:16).
4. He prays for our recovery from sin (1 Jn 2:1).
Dustin Benge
"The best thing about the past is that it shows you what not to bring into your future." -
The Bible is authoritative not because we accept it as such, but because it is the word of the risen Lord. It has a claim on all people. Its truth is the truth for every person in every place. -
K. Scott Oliphint
“People come to church for the ministry of the Word, not for the words of the minister.”
- Gerald Bray
Without God, what am I but a guide to my own destruction?
Pride is the oldest and most common of sins. Humility is the rarest and most beautiful of graces.
J C Ryle
We need preachers who still preach God is holy, hell is real, salvation is available, death is coming, and Jesus is returning. God, give us such men!
Dustin Benge
The believer delights in coming like a beggar in his own rags, for he knows he has nothing else to offer to God. Jonathan Edwards
Without the cross, there would be no grace. Without the cross, there would be no goodness.
Without the cross, there would be no gratitude. — Dr. Carl Livingston
To tell about Jesus without the cross is to betray him with a kiss. Charles Spurgeon
The church does not meet as often as the home. Thus, if Christ is to be worshipped daily, it is incumbent upon the home to play an important spiritual role. Consequently, fathers, as heads of households, are thrust into a pastoral role. - Voddie
The streams of glory are not like the water of a conduit, often stopped so that we cannot have one drop of water; but those heavenly streams of joy are continually running. Thomas Watson
If you go past the cross, you’ve gone too far. — Dr. Carl Livingston
"Many people will do almost anything except think." — Charles Spurgeon