Various are the pleas and arguments that men of corrupt minds frequently urge against yielding obedience to the just and holy commands of God. George Whitefield He is unworthy of the name of a minister of the gospel of peace, who is unwilling, not only to have his name cast out as evil but also to die for the truths of the Lord Jesus. George Whitefield Why fear ye that the Lord Jesus Christ will not accept of you? Your sins will be no hindrance, your unworthiness no burden; if your own corrupt hearts do not keep you back, nothing will hinder Christ from receiving of you. George Whitefield
Left to himself, man is half beast and half devil. George Whitefield God has condescended to become an author, and yet people will not read his writings. There are very few that ever gave this Book of God, the grand charter of salvation, one fair reading through. George Whitefield The Fall of Man is written in too legible characters not to be understood: Those that deny it, by their denying, prove it. George Whitefield
Justice may not seem to matter much these days in the world around us but it matters greatly to God! And one day all will see, their vail will be away from their eyes.
In the Psalms, there is no true worship without justice, no faithful prayer that leaves out justice, and no genuine faith that takes justice less seriously than God takes it. There is no account of God that makes justice secondary to his nature or an afterthought to his redemptive, restorative work in the world. There is likewise no account of human beings in the Psalms that allows justice to remain a concern only of other people, rather than of all humanity.
Your priorities must be God first, God second, and God third, until your life continually faces to face with God. ~Oswald Chambers~
“Some people lose their faith because of a sharp sense of disappointment with God. They expect God to act in a certain way, and God ‘lets them down.’ Others may not lose their faith, but they too experience disappointment. They believe God will intervene, they pray for a miracle, and their prayers come back unanswered.” Philip Yancey
Ultimately, the problem with perishing, lost, and blind people is that they "do not believe." Consequently, they already stand guilty.
What we do today is what matters most."
Humility and gratefulness are the closest companions, and entitlement is their greatest enemy.
Burk Parsons
A godly man must be faithful to his wife even though he does not have one yet.
Kyle Anderson
"Bold-hearted men are always called mean-spirited by cowards." — Charles Spurgeon
“Unless you are simple in your sermons you will never be understood, and unless you are understood you cannot do good to those who hear you.” -J.C. Ryle “Simplicity in Preaching”
We glorify God, by standing up for his truths. Thomas Watson
Forgiveness is not for them it’s for you. It sets you free. God will repay. Pattie Mallette
You are a great sinner, but He is a greater Savior. Charles Spurgeon
Forgiveness isn’t excusing sin. Forgiveness says, “What you did was wrong, but since God has forgiven me, I also forgive you.” Dustin Benge
Imagine you have two pizzas and divide them evenly among zero friends… how many people are having a good time at your party? Zero! Calculus aside, dividing by zero is pointless, yet division over nothing is one of the enemy’s effective tools for causing pain in the world.