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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


If you are struggling in any area of your life, the solution will start with one-on-one time spent with the Lord. Begin slowly at first, commit to a time and a place, then stay committed. This time you spend with Jesus will become the most valuable part of your day. It will become the "cornerstone" in the construction of your life

In a world that seems increasingly tolerant of venomous speech, it can be easy for us to start spewing it, especially if we’re hurt or angry. As a follower of Jesus, I am committed to not doing this. But I surely need God’s help to keep me from the temporary and self-defeating joy of attacking those who attack me.

We live in a perpetual battlefield ...The wars among the nations on earth are mere popgun affairs compared to the fierceness of battle in the spiritual unseen world.

~Billy Graham~

Social policy these days tends to play into the emotion that it’s not fair that someone else has more than you. In truth, some people are more industrious; others are just lazy. Then there are those who totally disregard God’s way and prosper. It’s easy to be envious of them and their often ill-gotten gains.

Do not be jealous of another person’s success or become consumed with the desire to do what they do to get what you supposedly deserve. Instead, walk with integrity. One Bible commentary encourages you to be governed by the fear of the Lord in all you say and do. Constantly keep awe of God upon your spirit, pay deference to His authority, and have the dread of His wrath. In that way, you will maintain the character of His servant – and He will reward you in ways far greater and more fulfilling than mere material gain. Trust in the Lord’s power; He is committed to your best interests if you stay in the right relationship with Him. At the root of the Christian life lies the belief in the invisible. The object of the Christian faith is an unseen reality. ~A. W. Tozer~

God has a plan and the devil has a plan, and you will have to decide which plan you are going to fit into.

~Billy Graham~

This is your only free will, the freedom to choose to be in God's will or o be in sin.

Submitting to man is always limited by God and his word. We can accept or reject man but never God!

All God's appointed authority ultimately fulfills His good purpose!

Teenagers can be curious creatures: funny, perplexing and sometimes scary. A new phenomenon has taken hold of young people – supernatural romances between the living and the no-longer-dead…or “zombies.” A television hoax was aired in Montana a few years ago cautioning residents to watch for empty graves and the undead walking about, calling it a zombie apocalypse. The entire matter must be seen as the devil’s game and a call to prayer for the truth to invade young minds. What truth is that? There will indeed be a resurrection, some believe very soon when the graves of Christians will be emptied as they are powerfully and instantly changed and taken in an instant to be with the Lord. But dead bodies won’t be walking the streets, and they certainly won’t be romancing impressionable young men and women.

Jesus’ bodily resurrection from the dead was the first of its kind, but it will not be the last! Victory over the sting of death has been made. You will be freed from sin’s corrupting influence. Rejoice in that truth…

“In every Christian’s heart there is a cross and a throne, and the Christian is on the throne till he puts himself on the cross; if he refuses the cross, he remains on the throne…We all want to be saved but we insist that Christ do all the dying.” — A.W. Tozer

God has a plan and the devil has a plan, and you will have to decide which plan you are going to fit into. ~Billy Graham~

Encourage and build up your fellow believers… pray for them and intercede.

Even though God dwells within us; we must come to the house of the Lord to receive from Him. He will speak to us as we listen to the message given by the pastor, and we are to serve the Lord and joyfully give to Him. Raul Ries

At the end of World War II, hungry and malnourished orphans were gathered and placed in secure camps. Despite the best of attention and care, they were anxious, afraid, and had trouble sleeping. Finally, a psychologist found a solution.

After a good meal, each child was put to bed with a slice of bread. Just to hold, not to eat. The children went to bed holding onto the assurance that they would have food for the next day. The children began to sleep restfully, feeling safe, and secure. The bread gave them hope.

The Bread of Life, Jesus, gives us hope for the future. Knowing that we can hold on to Him during the dark nights of our lives and that He will be with us when we wake in the morning and will feed us, nourish us, and nurture us, is what will enable us to carry on.

Let the kitchen or the office become a cathedral or the classroom a chapel. Give God your whispering thoughts!

“We have a tendency in our relationships— even our closest ones to speak 95 percent of the truth. We don’t take it the full 100 percent. But that last 5 percent is what really needs to be said. More often than not, the startling realization takes place in the 5 percent of hard truth. All of us need a relationship with someone who has permission to flip the switch we missed.”

(Kyle Idleman, AHA: 40 Days To Lasting Change)

Don't keep God out of arms reach in any area of your life...

There are three important questions to ask when discerning true doctrine: Did Jesus teach it in the Gospels? Is it taught in the book of Acts? Is it taught in the Epistles? If it is, then it is sound doctrine. If it is not taught in all these places in Scripture, then do not accept those teachings.

Raul Ries

A man must be able to affirm, I know for certain, that what I teach is the only Word of the high Majesty of God in heaven, his final conclusion and everlasting, unchangeable truth, and whatsoever concurs and agrees not with this doctrine, is altogether false, and spun by the devil.

~Martin Luther~

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