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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


Updated: Mar 17, 2023

When God is our strength, it is strength indeed; when our strength is our own, it is only weakness. Augustine

Sin must first be seen before it can be wept for. Hence I infer that where there is no sight of sin, there can be no repentance. – Thomas Watson

Mormons: “We worship the same Jesus as Christians do.” Also, Mormons: “Jesus was procreated, and is brothers with Lucifer.” It’s not the same Jesus.

“I was like a stone lying in deep mire, and He that is mighty coming and in His mercy raised me up and, indeed, lifted me high up and placed me on top of the wall. And from there I ought to shout out in gratitude to the Lord for His great favors…” —St. Patrick, from the Confession of Saint Patrick— 450 A.D

Too often when we make mistakes, rather than confess and ask forgiveness we seek to cover and excuse.

The world is shaking. God is allowing us to be stirred and unsettled, but He wants to see us walk in victory in Him, free of fear. Satan tried to isolate us and separate the Body of Christ from each other. But church still happened, and God never stopped moving among His people.

Making a disciple of someone means mentoring not lording over people. You need to get dirty to disciple the flock...

Any man touched by Jesus Christ is good publicity for the gospel.

~Vance Havner~

People are often misled by their teachers. Faith in Christ alone gives a person eternal life (John 3:16). It is important to know the Bible so that you are not to be deceived by the traditions and rules and regulations of man. “ ’In vain they worship Me [Christ], teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ ” ~Matthew 15:9~

"If you know God's will, then how and why do you get so off track?"

Their compass was initially pointed at the Lord -- but over time it became directed at each other (they relied on their own interpretations of the Law and lost sight of the Lord's leadership).

Good intentions but poor results. It's easy to do and is one of the many ways we get off track as well -- we want to follow the Lord -- instead, we end up just following one another in big, random circles. It is important for each of us to take our direction directly from the Lord. So many get off track because they follow men rather than the Lord. It's how cults are developed and also one of the reasons the original Ten Commandments morphed into thousands of laws and rules for the Jews to follow. Following men versus following God.

Liberty is not the same as license; to be free is not to be free and easy; the Christian is not free to please himself but to please God.

~John Blanchard~

A significant number of people around the world will be wearing green today, having fun but knowing little about the man for whom the day is commemorated. On the other hand, there is a great deal of information about another man, Jesus, and not nearly the following.

But he said to them, “I have food to eat that you do not know about.” John 4:32 St. Patrick died, but Jesus lives on!

The Resurrection Is Victory.

I love this time of the year, getting ready for Easter Sunday but let's face it we who are in Christ live Easter every day. Thank you, Lord!

A Scottish theologian named George Adam once wrote, “Other nations have been our teachers in art and wisdom and government. But Israel is our mistress in pain and patience.”

We learn from Israel the amazing depth, consistency, and passion of God’s pursuing love.

Despite the divisions and distractions dividing our nation and disorienting our culture, we believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ remains the hope of the world and is more needed in our nation now than at almost any point in our nation's history.

This is not to diminish the important good works and examples that the church as a whole provides, but it is to emphasize that Jesus has commanded us to "go into all the world and preach the gospel" and to "make disciples of all nations." Greg Laurie

When it was time for Jesus to choose His disciples, did He make a list of pros and cons? Matthew is faithful but unpopular. Peter is passionate but impulsive. James and John are devoted, but they have a mom who is politically ambitious and a dad with a quick temper. The Bible says in Luke 6:12 that before He selected the disciples, Christ spent the night praying to the Father.

"Any ambition which is in the tiniest degree away from this central one of being "approved unto God" may end in our being castaways. Learn to discern where the ambition leads, and you will see why it is so necessary to live to face the Lord Jesus Christ...

..I have to learn to relate everything to the master ambition and to maintain it without any cessation. My worth to God in public is what I am in private. Is my master ambition to please Him and be acceptable to Him or is it something less, no matter how noble?"


We must not approach His Word only to seek Him for OUR lives but to acquaint ourselves with Him who IS our life! The more we know HIM -- the less we need to know about the details of OUR lives. Trust comes much easier when you know the character of whom you are trusting. Maureen Schaffer

Often times we find that many of the graces God places upon us are tied to the graces we place upon other people.

“The worst days of those who enjoy what they do are better than the best days of those who don't.” – Jim Rohn

“My father taught me to always do more than you get paid for as an investment in your future.”


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