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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


"Bernard used to say when he heard any scandalous sin of a brother, 'He fell today, I may stumble tomorrow'." -William Gurnall.

Fruitless will be all attempts to sustain, much more to revive, the fainting cause of morals unless you can in some degree restore the prevalence of evangelical Christianity. - William Wilberforce. "You’re the one who must take the initiative to draw out of your wife the information necessary to develop and maintain the one-flesh intimacy God intends you to have with her.” ––

Lou Priolo, The Complete Husband, 15-16.

The way [of salvation] is opened and prepared, and it is not because men cannot enter, but because they will not, that they do not enter. —John Owen, Works 6:529

"None but God could have had patience with some of us!" - Charles Spurgeon

True holiness does not consist merely of believing and feeling, but of doing and bearing, and a practical exhibition of grace.

“Humility is a strange flower; it grows best in winter weather and under storms of affliction.” -Samuel Rutherford

As a pastor, my main concern isn’t how many we have or how much we have done, but that we are faithful to, 1. Preach God’s Word 2. Pastor God’s People 3. Pursue those far from God and tell them how to be made right with him. Choose faithfulness and trust God with the rest.

My confidence in the future rests in my confidence in the God who controls history. R.C. Sproul

To love to preach is one thing, to love those to whom we preach is quite another. - D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Our daily Bible readings are often forgotten the moment we rise, but in time they form in us a deep and lasting reservoir of true spirituality. —Paul Washer

“Stand more in the fear of the Word of God than all the terrors of the world.” —John Bunyan

No presumption is worse than entertaining the idea that I am bound for Heaven while I live like a child of Hell. - AW Pink

It is possible in the Christian walk to go through a program and a process all the while missing the Person. It is possible to cross off a long list of spiritual duties all the while missing the cross. If a relationship is based on a list, there is a problem in that relationship.

As someone who is concerned about Reformed Thomism, we are not arguing to toss out tradition. We are concerned that tradition is being put on equal ground with Scripture, and in some cases, over it.

To believe in the forgiveness of sins is not nearly as easy as I thought. Real belief in it is the sort of thing that very easily slips away if we don't keep on polishing it up. C. S. Lewis

“Temporary Christians are not really Christians.” —Charles Spurgeon

If you would be at peace with God, turn to the promises of God. Tyndale

The external light, derived from arguments that are employed to effect persuasion, must be distinguished from the internal light of the Holy Spirit bearing his own testimony -Arminius

"Through it ALL, God has been my ALL ROUND SUFFICIENCY, hence let no man boost, not by power not by might, but by the spirit of God, for by strength shall no man prevail. I don't know how, but God keeps making a way. He alone will I reverence, he alone I owe it all. I am not self-sufficient, I am God-sufficient. Hence no man earns the credit but Jireh

"You cannot fail to be wise if you commune with Incarnate Wisdom." — Charles Spurgeon

“Whatever God takes, be still thankful for what he leaves.” —John Flavel

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