“Let us not seek any other ground of assurance than God's own testimony.” — John Calvin
Make failure your teacher, not your undertaker.
"An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it."--Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper
To manipulate, drive or manage people is not the same thing as to lead them.
"Every soul that journeys towards heaven has Christ for its associate." - Charles Spurgeon
“It would be a good contest among Christians, one to labor to give no offense, and the other to labor to take none. The best men are severe to themselves, tender toward others.”
— Richard Sibbes
The church always grows through persecution, driving us to our knees and depending on Him
We're heading for a final wedding and everyone's invited to the wedding. The question is: Have you accepted the invitation?
Sometimes GOD doesn't change the situation because HE's working on changing us.
Never settle for less. Know your worth. Work with your head high and your shoulders squared. Yes, you, you are a king's kid. Royalty runs in your DNA. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
"Jesus was not recognized by His very own (family, brethren, and some of his disciples-Peter, Thomas, and Judas the betrayer), yet He still went about DOING GOOD. Don't be offended when people doubt or critique what you carry; that is what I call GRACE, and that's the sure thing that makes the difference. So, for the doubters, betrayers, gossipers, sideline observers, spectators, naysayers, and backbiters, please accept Jesus as Lord and love one another as Christ loves you.
"[Christ] has trodden every step of the way before us; whatever our temptations, he has been so tempted; whatever our afflictions, he has been so afflicted." -
Charles Spurgeon
A graceless heart may be troubled for the rod that sin draws after it, but not for sin itself.
My heart is all of sin, but Jesus lives.
True revival is “God’s extraordinary blessing on his ordinary means of grace.”
— Michael Horton, Ordinary, 79.
“Where the battle rages, there the soldier’s loyalty is proven.” —Martin Luther
“We should not smite one another by hasty censures, especially in things of a secondary nature.” — Richard Sibbes
The Rapture is so close now. I live every minute in anticipation of this glorious event. Are you ready for the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet? For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed! So be ready...
It is no small evil in believers not to be pressing after perfection in believing and obedience. —John Owen, Works 6:413
Any time we feel it may be easier to go it on our own and not bring a decision back to God’s Word, we must recognize that thinking for what it is — a lie from Satan. The Word of God is our handbook for living. Let’s keep it close and use it as a light unto our path every day.
“Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done.”
- C.S. Lewis
It's amazing to me how offended some people are by a God in whom they don't believe.