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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


Sometimes our stories will take the most unexpected twists and turns through the darkest valleys we’ve ever known. But we can trust that God’s plan is still good. He has a perfect plan for a path to renewed joy and a redeemed future that’s probably one we can’t even fathom.

Prayer doesn’t always change things immediately, but it does help remind us that we’re not navigating all of this by ourselves.

In the midst of everything that shakes us and breaks us, we have a place to look. We have a Savior to look to.

God’s divine power is available to us. To you and me. Right now, through the knowledge of His Son, Jesus Christ. It is in Jesus that we find everything we need to live a godly life.

"You get to be an ambassador of the gospel" —Paul Twiss

"Preaching improves me." —John Chrysostom

“At the center of God’s redemptive work there is the need for proclamation, the need for the verbal preaching of Jesus and His atonement.” —Brad Klassen

Jesus did not call Himself merely a shepherd, among many shepherds. No, Jesus called Himself “the good shepherd”—an important distinction. —Patrick Slyman

“The ministry God has given you is not primarily for you, but for the benefit of the people you serve. God graciously equips individuals so they may be used to accomplish His purposes in the lives of His people.” —Josh Petras

"It starts with a desire of the heart and it is confirmed by the leadership of the church that you have the character qualifications, the skill to teach, and that there’s fruitfulness when you do that." —John MacArthur

"Forerunners of the Faith lifts the eyes of its readers beyond the events and figures of the past. It places the focus on the Lord Jesus—on His work, His Word, and the worship He deserves." —John MacArthur

"If we are to be encouraged to stand for truth in the fullness of conviction until our dying breath, let us gaze, wonder, and worship the God who is true and whose promises are sure." —

Isaías Muñoz

"If you flirt with sin, you will ruin your ministry" —Paul Twiss

"O worship the King, all glorious above, And gratefully sing His wonderful love. Our Sheild and Defender, the Ancient of Days, Pavilioned in splendor, and girded with praise."

—Charles Wesley

"Only the humble realization of the weight of the task will drive us to the dependency necessary for fulfilling it." — Reagan Rose

"True Servants of Christ are marked by apparent insignificance and real greatness—even glory—at the same time." —Joel Beeke, The Paradox of Ministry

"As Christians, we base our claims of truth on the Word. Christians must have a different philosophy of words than the secular culture around us. Our philosophy of language informs how we approach Scripture." —Nathan LeMaster

The expositor's task is to preach the mind of God." —John MacArthur

"Being a good listener requires humility. It does not come naturally to sinners whose instincts are self-glory and self-promotion. From the womb, we find ourselves inherently interesting, and we find others less so." —Corey Williams

"We need to be ready to say only what Scripture says." —Abner Chou

"The primary pursuit of theology must be the knowledge of God—or better, a personal relationship with God. The goal of theology is personal knowledge of God Himself and a close living relationship with Him." —Kevin Zuber, The Essential Scriptures

"Our labor is not in vain, we believe in the resurrection." —Mark Zhakevich

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