The Christian life requires spiritual stamina. The journey of growth, trials, service, and battle can become wearisome. We can be tempted to slack off, to quit pressing ahead. Such is always vain thinking for us, and it is displeasing to the Lord.
Day by Day by Grace
It is when we surrender ourselves as living sacrifices that we find true rest.
Prayer is not about getting my will done in heaven, but getting the Father's will done on earth. In other words, aligning ourselves with God's will. So I don't give directions to God, instead, I pray: "I hold up this need to you. I place this situation in your hands. I open the door for you to work through me. Direct me according to your will."
The Christian life is a walk. It is comprised of day-by-day steps from where we are to where the Lord wants us to go (both spiritually and geographically). This walk is undertaken by faith, not by sight.
Bob Hoekstra
The Holy Spirit knows what God has planned for us, what is already in store. It's all waiting for us. The Holy Spirit's job is to get us to want it, and then ask for it.
We cannot progress spiritually by the use of our natural, Adamic faculties. We must walk by faith in the Lord and His word.
Bob Hoekstra
The granting of prayer, when offered in the name of Jesus, reveals the Father’s love to Him, and the honor which he has put upon Him.
~Charles Spurgeon~
It is the effectual, fervent prayer that influences God. ~E.M. Bounds~ There is a general kind of praying which fails for lack of precision. It is as if a regiment of soldiers should fire off their guns anywhere. Possibly somebody would be killed, but the majority of the enemy would be missed.
~C.H. Spurgeon~
It’s one thing to maintain the doctrines of grace, it’s something else altogether to manifest the grace of such doctrines.
Dustin Benge
The church that can’t worship must be entertained. And men who can’t lead a church to worship must provide entertainment.
A.W. Tozer
We exist to reach people where they are and to connect them to everything God has for their life in Jesus.
Cassy Kendell
We are a GOSPEL-centered people…
1. Who lives sacrificially. We are willing to give it all because Jesus gave it all. We are marked as risk-takers and dream chasers as we follow Jesus. (Romans 12:1)
2. Who worships Jesus passionately. We are known as those who live with lifted eyes, lifted hands, and lifted hearts to Jesus. (Romans 12:1)
3. Who serve with humility. We are one body, and serve one God for the glory of one Savior, Jesus. We believe this church is not built on the talents of a few, but the gifts of many.
(Romans 12:3-7)
4. Who loves others fiercely. People might walk in as a stranger but they leave as family.
(Romans 12:9)
5. Who forgives others generously. We are not known for fighting against one another but for one another.
(Romans 12:10)
6. Who reaches out diligently. We are known for getting our hands dirty so hearts can be changed in our city.
(Romans 12:11)
7. Who party regularly. We are known as life-giving, celebrating people. We were once lost, but now we are found. We were dead, but now we are alive. All of our hopeless ends have turned into an endless hope because Jesus is alive.
(Romans 12:12)
8. Who endure patiently. We are known for our strong hearts and backs. We do not give up in the face of adversity.
(Romans 12:12)
9. Who pray steadfastly. We are known for praying audacious prayers and expecting the impossible. (Romans 12:12)
10. Who demonstrates hospitality. We are known not just for where we are, but for who we are. We are seeking to give every heart a home.
(Romans 12:12)
11. Who participates actively. We are known not for being above people, but for coming alongside people and helping them as they journey home.
(Romans 12:14-16)
12. Who trust immensely. We are known as people who do what seems unreasonable, bear what seems unbearable, and expect what seems impossible.
(Romans 12:17-21)
We need to hear from God before we hear from everybody else. That’s a good reason not to start the day by looking at email or text messages, but rather to first look at the messages God has placed in your primary inbox: Scripture.
Randy Alcorn
The path of discipleship can only be traveled by faith (by trusting in our unseen Lord). Progress can never be made by sight (by relying upon that which our human senses can gather and process).
Pastor Bill H.
Spiritual discernment is not optional for the believer but is a clearly commanded necessity for proper Christian living.
Dustin Benge
Use wisdom when choosing who you marry.
That person will have the ability to unite or divide. They can bring calm or chaos!
Jason Robinson
The most critical need of the church at this moment is men, bold men, free men. The church must seek, in prayer and much humility, the coming again of men made of the stuff of which prophets and martyrs are made.
~A.W. Tozer~
When we’re stumbled by the behavior or words of another Christian, we honor them by going directly and in private, just as we would want them to do to us.
Ray Bently
Great eagles fly alone; great lions hunt alone; great souls walk alone-alone with God. Such loneliness is hard to endure and impossible to enjoy unless God accompanied...
~Leonard Ravenhill~
We may feel we need to go to someone and “set them straight,” but we need to make sure we’re straight ourselves…. about our attitudes and the goal, which is always to restore, in love and gentleness, our brother or sister.
Ray Bently
Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, “You too? I thought I was the only one.”
~C.S. Lewis~
The firmest friendships have been formed in mutual adversity, as iron is most strongly united by the fiercest flame.
~C. C. Colton~
No sin you forgive in others is greater than the sin God forgave in you.
Dustin Benge
Worship isn’t about adding to the Lord’s glory; it’s about delighting in and beholding the Lord’s glory.
Dustin Benge
Billy Graham said, “What a moment to take the newspaper in one hand and the Bible in the other and watch and watch the unfolding of the great drama of the ages. This is an exciting and thrilling time to be alive. I would not want to live in any other period.”