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Writer's picture: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

Selfish love does not cherish but regards others as a trivial object for self-gratification.

R.C. Sproul

Heaven is not a consolation prize. It’s a prepared place for prepared people.

if you're God's, then this global mess isn't your fight nor is this earth your citizenship.

When God gave His Son, He gave Himself. — Charles Spurgeon

"Let not those eyes be windows of lust and inlets to adultery with which you one day hope to behold your Father and your Redeemer Jesus Christ in glory." -

Christopher Love.

"...abuse is the result of a heart of pride which uses power as a means of gaining or maintaining control." ––

Chris Moles, The Heart of Domestic Abuse, 28.

The efficacy of the ministry, as well as of the word, depends entirely on the accompanying influence of the Divine Spirit. Paul planteth, Apollos watereth; but it is God who giveth the increase. -Richard Watson

Consistency is key! Consistently surrender to God and seek after His heart and you will see your life transformed!

"A Christian’s distinctive mark is love." ~ Elisabeth Elliot

A husband or a father would never promote or encourage his wife or daughter to wear see-through clothing where she displays her lingerie for the world to see. A pimp would do this but not a husband or a father.

Happy were it if puzzled & perplexed Christians would turn their eyes from the defects that are in their obedience, to the fullness & completeness of Christ’s obedience; & see themselves complete in Him, when most lame & defective in themselves.

—Puritan John Flavel, Works 1.59

To declare that God helps those who help themselves is to repudiate one of the most precious truths taught in the Bible, and in the Bible alone; namely, that God helps those who are unable to help themselves, and who have tried again and again only to fail.

A.W. Pink

The Bible is the inevitable outcome of God's continuous speech. It is the infallible declaration of His mind. -A.W. Tozer

Nothing but an almighty personal Friend will ever meet the legitimate needs of a man's soul. -J.C. Ryle

It costs something to be a true Christian. It will cost us our sins, our self-righteousness, our ease, and our worldliness! ⏤ J.C. Ryle

I speak of those who are given him of his Father. Is he *dead*? Christ is *life*. Is he *weak*? Christ is the *power* of God, and the *wisdom* of God. Hath he the *sense of guilt* upon him? Christ is complete *righteousness*, - 'The LORD our righteousness.' - John Owen

You have 2 young kids. One of them is sins, so you apply appropriate discipline. Do you simultaneously discipline your other kid? Neither will God take the Church through the time of Jacob’s Trouble.

"The knowledge of our ignorance is the doorstep of the temple of knowledge."

— Charles Spurgeon

Mark Twain said regarding his own father: "When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years." I think, based on Paul's strained relationship with the Corinthian Church, they were in the "spiritual adolescence" stage. They were having great difficulty seeing anything Paul had done right.

Being a father can sometimes be a thankless job – that is until spiritual maturity sets in (Proverbs 10:1a): "A wise son brings joy to his father."

When we depend upon the Holy Spirit, He imparts the life of Jesus, our true vine, into and through our experience. The character of Christ is then seen in us. Consequently, all glory and praise go to God!

Don't miss your daily invitation to grow deeper in God's love. Seek Him in His Word. Look for Him in the faces of the people around you. Accept the hard things as part of what makes you a deeper, more compassionate person. Give away the love God gives you freely, abundantly, wisely, and with a grateful heart.

The first-century church had a job to do, and so do we.

Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.”

A Sunday school teacher said to her class of young students, “Can any of you tell me what a saint is?” One of the girls in the class thought about some stained glass windows of the apostles that she saw. So she said, “Those are people that the light shines through.”

Jesus did not call the apostles because they were great; they were great because Jesus called them. It is not the instrument but the One who holds the instrument. Before we can change the world, Jesus must first change us. Then God can take us, despite our flaws and shortcomings, and use us for His glory.


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