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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


Forgiveness in the blood of Christ, doth not only take guilt from the soul but trouble also from the conscience. - John Owen

The Bible is the living, inspired, infallible, inerrant, authoritative, sufficient word of God.

If you do not come to Christ, you must either continue still weary and burdened, or, which is worse, you must return to your old dead sleep, to a state of stupidity; and not only so, but you must be everlastingly wearied with God's wrath.

Jonathan Edwards

One special office of the Spirit is to testify of Christ; and when Christ is faithfully preached, the Spirit testifies of Him, and applies His truth in power to the soul. O let us be thankful for this. -Richard Watson

"The most important part of sermon preparation is God preparing the heart of His servant." -

Jim Cymbala

Never let success get to your head and never let failure get to your heart.


"No man who is without eminent piety need give the matter of a call to the ministry his attention." -William Plumer.

"No man who is without eminent piety need give the matter of a call to the ministry his attention." -William Plumer.

"[Jesus] has been condemned and you shall not be condemned. He has died for you, and now he gives you the promise — “Because I live you shall live also.” -

Charles Spurgeon

A humble spirit or heart is an infallible sign of regeneration, for the unregenerate are proud, self-satisfied, and self-righteous. -A.W. Pink

If everyone who did not think they were not worthy, stepped up there would be no needs. Stop limiting God's use of you. Make yourself available.

“Pride lies behind every sin and especially behind strife and contention (Proverbs 13:10).” — Stuart Scott, From Pride To Humility, 28.

All the doors that lead inward to the secret place of the most High, are doors outward — out of self — out of smallness — out of wrong.

When God is presented as a mere life-improvement coach, He is robbed of His glory. –

Todd Friel

"Preaching is a prayerful wrestling with the biblical find the real meaning of these authoritative scriptural sentences." -

Frederick Dale Bruner

There is undoubtedly a secret voice of the Spirit which speaks inwardly [an internal call] what is outwardly heard [outward call]. Both calls, however, may be resisted.

-William Burt Pope

I hate sin, not because it damns me, but because it has done God wrong. To have grieved my God is the worst grief to me.

Charles Spurgeon

"With him are we crucified, with him are we buried, with him we rise again, and in his acceptance, we are accepted." - Charles Spurgeon

To know that nothing happens in God’s world apart from God’s will may frighten the godless, but it stabilizes the saints. J. I. Packer

"That which [Jesus] meant to do by dying shall be done, and he shall not pour his blood upon the ground in waste in any measure or sense." - Charles Spurgeon

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