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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.

Michael Jordan

Lay siege to your sins, and starve them out by keeping away the food and fuel which is their maintenance and life. Richard Baxter

“Let us carry ourselves patiently in all troubles, submitting ourselves under the mighty hand of God.” — Richard Sibbes

This life was not intended to be the place of our perfection, but the preparation for it.

Richard Baxter

"That which I have preached I will seal with my blood." - John Rogers, who had been converted through William Tyndale, was burned at the stake in London, on 4 February 1555.

If faith does not grow, unbelief will

The resurrection of Christ is one of the foundation stones of Christianity. It was the seal of the great work that He came on earth to do. It was the crowning proof that the ransom He paid for sinners was accepted, the atonement for sin accomplished & the victory won-

"God’s rod of mercy is ever in his hands outstretched; his sword of justice is in its scabbard, held down by that pierced hand of love which bled for the sins of men." —

Charles Spurgeon

“If God forgives us we must forgive ourselves otherwise its like setting up ourselves as a higher tribunal than him.” - C.S. Lewis

The Christian, who sees everything in the light of the Word of God, is anything but narrow in his view. He is generous in heart and mind. He looks over the whole earth and reckons it is all his own because he is Christ's and Christ is God's.

— Herman Bavinck, Wonderful Works, 21.

Prayer will become effective when we stop using it as a substitute for obedience. -

A.W. Tozer

“Man does not come to know God through works—he comes to know God by faith, through grace. You cannot work your way toward happiness and heaven … It comes as a gift of God through Christ.” —

"This is the reality in a universe without God: there is no hope; there is no purpose."

—William Lane Craig

Jesus Christ is the: • Way • Truth • Life • Light • Word • Son of God • Holy One • Author of life • Resurrection • Power of God • Lord of glory • Head of the Church • King of kings • Lord of lords • Almighty • Alpha & Omega • Savior Happy Lord’s Day!

"Faith in Jesus is the best cure for every care, the best balm for every wound."—

Charles Spurgeon

"The Lord Jesus Christ has opened a Hospital for Incurables, for those who cannot be cured by all the medicines of human morality and outward religion." —

Charles Spurgeon

We are not to consider what men merit of themselves but to look upon the image of God...which effaces their transgressions, and with its beauty allures us to love and embrace them….[S0] whatever man you meet who needs your aid, you have no reason to refuse to help….

J. Calvin

I could more easily contain Niagara Falls in a teacup than I can comprehend the wild, uncontainable love of God. –Brennan Manning

"The message must last long enough for the text to be rightly explained and the practical implications properly developed." —Brian Biedebach

“Jesus is our Savior, not merely because He died, but because He lived a sinless life.” —

R.C. Sproul

“Should you use video clips in a sermon? Sure, if you can’t preach!”

— Steven Lawson

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