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Writer's picture: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

Most secular counselors and psychologists do more harm than good

Some are settling for a brand of Christianity that isn’t biblical, one that embraces Jesus as Savior but neglects Him as Lord. It’s big on self-esteem, but it’s small on self-denial. It celebrates success but repudiates suffering. This brand of Christianity won’t change our world

In the Christian religion, we find a liberty that is far deeper than the civil and religious liberty of which we have spoken...

“If you love America, become a Daily Caller Patriot” - Donald Trump Jr.

Stop letting people talk you out of doing what God told you to do. If He gave you the vision, He knows you are capable of doing it. Just do it!

The question should never be: why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? It should be: how does God ever allow anything good to happen to any of us, sinners?

Think not to satisfy the Divine justice by any poor performances of your own; think not to cleanse or expiate the evil of your hearts by any of your own inventions; but, 'Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world'.

God cannot give us happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing. —C.S. Lewis

You cannot be more incredibly sinful than Christ is incredibly merciful.

“I fear there are multitudes like Judas in the contemporary church. They are friendly to Jesus. They look and talk like disciples. But they are not committed to Him and therefore capable of the worst kind of betrayal.” —John MacArthur

Never did I meet a Christian who, in his old age, said that he had made a mistake in relying upon Christ as his Savior.

Never does a person see any beauty in Christ as a Savior, until they discover that they are a lost and ruined sinner. -

JC Ryle

Come you, the chief of sinners, or whoever you may be, and in whatever sin you may have lived until now, and ask me, “Does Christ also call me? May I come? Would Christ also be willing to accept and save me?” I answer you in Christ’s Name, “Yes”.

—Wilhelmus à Brakel, 2:300

Whatever you read, read the Bible first. Beware of bad books: there are plenty in this day. Take heed of what you read.

J. C. Ryle

"Right away from anything that comes from us or to us, we look to Jesus, who is all our salvation, the Alpha and Omega, the author and the finisher of faith." -

Charles Spurgeon

Whomsoever God calls, He calls them seriously, with a will desirous of their repentance and salvation. -Arminius

Moral character is assessed not by what a man knows, but by what he loves. —


Christ’s blood alone can cleanse us; Christ’s righteousness alone can cleanse us; Christ’s merit alone can give us a title to heaven. All alike must either be saved by the Lord Jesus or lost forever. J.C. Ryle

If your Lord calls you to suffer, do not be dismayed, for he will provide a deeper portion of Christ in your suffering.

Samuel Rutherford

Christ is the end of the law; there is no condemnation, and there never can be. He has dealt with it and I am in Him, and being justified, I am as good as glorified.

When God wants to judge a nation, He gives them wicked rulers. John Calvin


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