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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


By justification we are saved from the guilt of sin… by sanctification, we are saved from the power and root of sin. John Wesley

"He who stands in the front will get kicked in the rear." - Joel Beeke

The fact that God has ordained to lead one individual onto salvation through Christ and to damn another individual for his sins is solely to be attributed to the free exercise of his sovereignty. —Wilhelmus à Brakel, Christian’s Reasonable Service, 1:216

“Jesus Christ did not say, ‘Go into all the world and tell the world that it is quite right.’” -

C.S. Lewis

“Family worship is a delightful part of each day.” — Charles Spurgeon

Call me old fashioned but Repentance is still necessary, Holiness is still right and the Blood still works!

Nothing short of God can satisfy your soul.

“No good work is done anywhere without aid from the Father of Lights.” -

C.S. Lewis

"Just as water seeks to fill the lowest places, so God fills you with His glory and power when He finds you empty and abased." - Andrew Murray

The covenant of works has been broken and it would be to the advantage of God’s children to look away from this covenant. Therefore one must make Christ in the covenant of grace the foundation for all rest and comfort and seek holiness from Him… —

Wilhelmus à Brakel, 1:380

God's eternal Election is the first link in that chain of a sinner's salvation, of which Heavenly glory is the end!

JC Ryle

"Death is the gate of endless joys. Do you dread to enter there?" —

Charles Spurgeon

As Midas of old touched even the most valueless objects and turned them into gold, so does the hand of divine love transmute every trial and affliction into everlasting joy for his people.

Charles Spurgeon

The first & most basic meaning of prevenient or preceding grace is that in Christ by the Holy Spirit God has gone ahead of us (ahead of every person), preceding us, counteracting the effects of sin to the extent that people can respond to grace. -

Howard Snyder

Vice does not lose its character by becoming fashionable.

John Wesley

“Groanings which cannot be uttered are often prayers which cannot be refused.”

— C. H. Spurgeon

“Everyone loves Jesus as long as you don’t define who He is.” —

Voddie Baucham

Catch on fire and people will come for miles to see you burn.

John Wesley

Grace means we are not held to our worst moment or cursed by our worst decision.

Paul Tripp

Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God. —William Carey

We need to cut loose any excess weight that will hurt us or slow us down in the race of life. The key is keeping our eyes on Jesus. Then we won’t have to fear the passing of years. We can look forward to it because that means we are closer to eternity, to see the Lord.

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