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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


"Crises reveal character." -Oswald Chambers.

"Half-hearted worshippers are an insult to God." — Charles Spurgeon

You do not try to serve Christ in order that you may be saved, but because you are saved. You do not obey his commands that you may become his children, but because you are his children. Charles H. Spurgeon

"He is such a Master that I must follow him; such a Lord that I cannot but serve him; and if his service should involve the carrying of the cross, I say, “Welcome cross! Lord, put it on my back.” - Charles Spurgeon

I am weakness itself, but he is all-powerful and we are assured that they who seek shall find, and of his fulness, his people receive and grace for grace. -

William Wilberforce

There are no men so prone to conceal their own wickedness, as those that are most forward to proclaim their own goodness. —Thomas Brooks, Works 3:40

It is our duty as believers to be prepared to endure any hardship or trial which God lays out for us in our Christian walk. —William Gurnall, The Christian in Complete Armour, 2:358

"I would rather be nobody at Christ's feet than everybody anywhere else." —

Charles Spurgeon

"I do not think that all the cherubim and seraphim in heaven ever praised God as they have done who have died in prison for Jesus’ sake, or at the stake have poured forth their blood rather than deny him." - Charles Spurgeon

It won't be looked upon by Christ as too much boldness for us to choose him for our beloved. Jonathan Edwards

God can see behind outward actions. He can read the thoughts of the heart. Our innermost life, invisible to the mortal eye, is laid bare before Him. We cannot deceive Him by external conformity. D.L. Moody

I don’t believe a man can be a Holy Ghost preacher and have an empty church.

Leonard Ravenhill

You cannot love Christ if you do not love truth. Charles Spurgeon

"It is easy to pick holes in other people's work, but it is far more profitable to do better work ourselves." -Charles Spurgeon.

"Christ loves you. He would sooner die than allow you to perish." —

Charles Spurgeon

The Apostle Paul mentions Jesus almost 400 times throughout his epistles. He couldn’t help but proclaim his Savior! How many times do you mention Christ in a day?

“It is abominable to try and represent the glory of Christ by pictures and images.” —

John Owen

"So, sufferers, behold your King! In all your afflictions he was afflicted; he was tempted in all points as you are; so be not ashamed of that cross which once your Saviour’s shoulders bore." - Charles Spurgeon

"God is sovereign even over who believes in His sovereignty." -Steven Lawson.

Your cleverness, personality, eloquence, intellect, creativity, or methodologies never saved anyone. Just share the gospel. God saves.

We are justified not by giving anything to God, but by receiving from him what Christ has already done for us. —

William Gurnall, The Christian in Complete Armour, 3:38

"Your lot is a very hard one; but if you bear it as a Christian should, Christ is honored through you. He looks down from heaven, and he says, “See how she loves me, that, for my sake, she is willing to bear all this.”" - Charles Spurgeon

"Our money we may lose, but our treasure is safe." —

Charles Spurgeon

Christ doesn't only declare that God will give us needed grace, but he himself undertakes to see it done.

Jonathan Edwards

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