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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


"To preach Christ is the only effective way to preach morality." -Thomas Chalmers.

"Faith in Jesus is the best cure for every care, the best balm for every wound." — Charles Spurgeon

A Christian without a Bible is a soldier without a weapon. —

Wilhelmus à Brakel, The Christian’s Reasonable Service, 1:76

Whenever God means to make a man great, He breaks him in pieces first.

Charles Spurgeon

We glorify God by standing up for his truths. Thomas Watson

A weak faith may receive a strong Christ. - Thomas Watson

"Whatever your soul is full of, if it is not full of Christ, it is in an evil case." -

Charles Spurgeon

"The hands of the wicked cannot stir one moment before God allows them to begin, and cannot stir one moment after God commands them to stop!" -


"He who is a stranger to wonder is a stranger to God." — Charles Spurgeon

Praise in the heart is an inward expression of love, joy, and admiration towards God under a sense of his excellency and grace.

Johnathan Edwards

"May God save us from being backsliders lest the smooth current of our life should turn into a raging torrent of woe." - Charles Spurgeon

"Is there nothing to sing about today? Then borrow a song from tomorrow; sing of what is yet to be." — Charles Spurgeon

"Reading is more important to me than eating." -John Piper.

Like a clock whose wheels inside do not coincide with the hands on the face, the inner workings of the heart [of a hypocrite] do not match the behavior of the outer man. —

William Gurnall, Christian in Complete Armour, 2:47

The cross will never be forgotten, even in heaven. For all eternity, we will gaze into the wounds of Jesus and behold the greatest love that has ever been unveiled.

"Faith is in the good man’s heart and he is satisfied with what faith brings him, for it conveys to him the perfect pardon of his sin." - Charles Spurgeon

Knowing you are weak keeps you from wandering too far from Him. —

William Gurnall, The Christian in Complete Armour, 1:213

"Truth cannot be stated clearly at all without being set over against error." -

Gresham Machen.

The church may go through her dark ages, but Christ is with her at midnight.

Charles Spurgeon

Pastor, you may not feel like preaching tomorrow, but your power in the pulpit isn’t based on your feelings, abilities, or even talents, but on the power of the Holy Spirit. Rest in Him.

"All those many times you have been praying all pass for nothing in the sight of God, because you are a hypocrite." — Charles Spurgeon

"The Christian has infinity, yea the infinite One himself, for the Father is his Father, the Son is his Saviour, the Spirit of God dwells within him— the Trinity may well fill the heart of man." -

Charles Spurgeon

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