By faith, Moses called God's people to apply the blood of the Passover lamb so that they might be delivered from the judgment that was to befall Egypt. Then, Moses led the people out of Egypt, eventually passing through the Red Sea, by faith.
Faith sets love to work. - Thomas Watson
"It is a crime and an insult to God, for me, an atom, a particle of dust, to dare to deny his words." — Charles Spurgeon
"If you merely read the Bible and no more, it is just like water running in at one side and out at the other. In order to be really benefited by it, we must meditate on it." -
George Muller.
When sorrows surround you, let the Bible be your helper.
No one could sympathize with them as Jesus could; no one had the same compassion for them that Jesus had. In all our troubles, the best thing we can do is to tell it all to him. He is a high priest that can be touched by our infirmities.
We are on holy ground when we stop and listen to the Holy Spirit. We’re on holy ground when we break from the world and turn toward His face. We are on holy ground when we allow the Holy Spirit to be poured out through us for others. Let’s not take it lightly!
Few topics can elicit stress, anxiety, and fear like death can. But, for the believer, there is no worry about the unknown. We have the hope of Heaven. The gift of Heaven!
Depression is hard. Thank You, God, that these days we know a great deal about how to help people think, feel, and act better! And, thank You, Lord, that there is healing in Your wings!
If you feel God’s absence, do you remember once feeling His Presence? Is your love and longing for Him growing? If you have a loved one who is running from Jesus, be encouraged that they cannot run from heaven’s hound. Jesus is after His kids even if you see no evidence of it.
Deborah was not only a brave and bold woman of God, she was also a faithful warrior for Him. Did she fear? Maybe. But, she followed Him no matter what! Let’s pray today to be people of faith like Deborah.
Boundaries help us stay true to who we really are. When we own our boundaries and hold to them without a question mark at the end, it helps us avoid having those boundaries violated and having inappropriate responses as a result. Have you seen this play out in your own life? God created us to have boundaries and to respect the boundaries of others.
It’s the month of gratitude! Nearly Thanksgiving! Before we move straight to Christmas planning, shopping, wrapping, and celebrating, let’s remember every day to be thankful. What are you grateful for?
The Christian is the visual aid that God brings onto the stage when he begins to speak to an unconverted person.
~H.W. Cragg~
David Wilkerson witnessed to Nicky Cruz, a violent gang member. David was a skinny Pentecostal preacher, and yet Nicky was saved. God used Nicky’s life to bring about an amazing revival. I believe, like David, you can be yourself, have an intelligent conversation with a nonbeliever, and allow the Holy Spirit to do His work.
“When you are in the dark, listen, and God will give you a very precious message for someone else when you get into the light.”— Oswald Chambers.
Repentance is an inner change of heart and mind and an outward change of life.
~John Blanchard~
no one can come into the kingdom of God unless they truly repent. The word repent means “to change your mind.” You no longer have the same lifestyle––your mind and heart change. The direction of your life is turned around, and you go the opposite way. God has touched your heart, and there is a feeling of deep sorrow and regret for what you have done. Salvation is instant. A repentant person receives eternal life. As a person reads God’s Word, they continue to have a gradual change. Others seemingly accept the Lord, but no real change is seen in their lives. They soon forget about God and go right back to their old habits. This is not a true conversion. When ministering to others, give them the truth of God’s Word. The Holy Spirit will convict them of sin. As they come to know Jesus Christ, pray for a genuine conviction and true repentance.
Robert Frost captured this great human dilemma with these poignant lines:
The woods are lovely, dark, and deep
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
Being grateful to God changes our perspective! We can change the way we think about our circumstances no matter how wonderful or how challenging by changing our focus.
You can contribute nothing to your salvation except the sin that made it necessary.
~Jonathan Edwards~
according to biblical doctrine, a person is to repent of their sin and place their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation.
God is in control. Even before time began He was in control. Throughout eternity He will remain in control. And, remarkably, our good God is also in love with us. We make His heart sing!
You cannot stop a revival any more than you can start it. It is altogether in the hands of God.
~D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones~
The promise of the Holy Spirit is not only for those we have read about in the book of Acts. It is for us and for our children––for all who are afar off––as many as the Lord our God has called. Think about it: God has called you and me, and we are a long way off from what happened in the book of Acts, and yet, here we are––a part of this prophecy. I thank God for it!