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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


"He that would be saved by Christ, and not ruled by Him, shall not be saved by Him at all. We are to receive a whole Christ, not by halves." —John Owen

The Christian appeal to the world is not “live Christian principles,” it’s “you must be born again.”

If I have a mallet, a message, and a door to post it on, I am nothing without love.

Moses left Egypt on two occasions, under two different sets of circumstances. On the first occasion, he left Israel behind in Egypt, going out in fear. On the second occasion, he is seen leading Israel out of Egypt, by faith.

"Look around and be distressed Look within and be depressed Look at Him and be at rest." -Corrie ten Boom.

"Blessings enjoyed by us are streams that flow from the fountainhead of God’s infinite goodness to the sons of men." - Charles Spurgeon

The Lord Jesus can; if you fly to him for refuge, he will set your souls at liberty. -

George Whitefield

“Prayer is the safest method of replying to words of hatred.”

— Charles Spurgeon

Many appeal to Christ for salvation who do not appeal to Him for sanctification. This is false. —Samuel Bolton, The True Bounds of Christian Freedom, 33

The power of Scripture:

1. It reveals God’s will.

2. It penetrates the heart.

3. It binds the conscience.

4. It reproves the sinner.

5. It divides truth from error.

6. It makes the world foolish.

7. It equips for every good work.

8. It proclaims salvation in Christ.

You will never know the fullness of Christ until you know the emptiness of everything but Christ.

"Though I am the greatest of sinners, that does not discourage me; for all my transgressions are the sins of a finite person, but the merits of our Lord's sufferings & righteousness are infinite!" -Susanna Wesley.

Pastors aren’t called to be popular but heralds of the truth. —

Tim Challies

When Moses boldly led Israel out of Egypt, his fearlessness was based upon his faith in the true and living God. His confidence in the invisible Lord God had been confirmed by what he saw regarding the Lord's faithfulness when he kept the Passover, by faith.

"Be more afraid of sinning, than of suffering." -Thomas Watson.

"The soul that knows the name of the Lord rejoices at the very mention of him." -

Charles Spurgeon

The gospel is open to all. You may “come as you are,” but you'll never leave that way.

When we have been washed in the blood of the Lamb, the next thing is to get our mouths opened. We must confess Christ in this dark world and tell His love to others. We are not to be ashamed of the Son of God.

"A calm hour with God is worth a lifetime with man." — Charles Spurgeon

"Real strength of moral and spiritual character is both derived and conserved by the refusal of the unimportant." -Duncan Campbell.

How are believers to respond when imminent danger threatens our families, churches, and neighborhoods? When the enemy chisels away at the truth, revealing an ever-growing fracture of deceit, what are the righteous to do?

Some run for higher ground and cloister themselves away from growing danger. Others think themselves immune from the peril and rush to swim in the world's streams, eventually drowning in the rushing waters of compromise. Still, others don’t know how to respond.

How do we achieve living in the world while being separate from it? First, believers separate themselves by refusing to be conformed to this fallen world and its systems of lies and unbelief by being transformed into the image of Christ (Rom 12:2; 1 Cor 11:1).

Second, believers separate themselves by proclaiming the counter-cultural truth of God’s Word, in love, before an antagonistic and unbelieving world, even in the face of persecution (Col 4:2–6).

Third, believers separate themselves by developing biblical discernment, destroying all arguments and opinions with Scripture, and taking every thought captive to obey Christ (2 Cor 10:5).

When believers do this, we will be hated (Mt 10:22), slandered (1 Cor 4:13), and persecuted possibly unto death (Mt 24:9). But rest assured, those who persevere unto the end — loving the truth, proclaiming the truth, living the truth — will be saved (Mt 24:13).

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