“In dying, Christ bought my pardon, so that I have no cause to fear the punishment of my sin.” - Charles Spurgeon
All the abilities, powers, and instincts, that are found amongst creatures, are emanations from his fulness. - John Newton
Faith abases men, and exalts God, it gives all the glory of redemption to God alone.
"God never gives us a burden to break our backs but to bow our knees." -
Corrie ten Boom.
Good works never produce faith; faith always produces good works.
"How do I know that I am full of sin? Because God tells me so. How do I know that Christ died for me? Because God tells me so." —
Charles Spurgeon
“I said, sinner, that God was angry with you; but if your sin is remitted, his anger is gone. What does a forgiven sinner say to God? “Though thou wast angry with me, thine anger is turned away, and thou comforted me.” -
Charles Spurgeon
Whatever subject I preach, I do not stop until I reach the Savior, the Lord Jesus, for in Him are all things.
Charles Spurgeon
God so works upon the soul by his immediate influence, and by a strong, though inexplicable, operation, that the stormy wind and troubled waves subside, and there is a sweet calm - the heart resting as in the arms of Jesus.
- John Wesley
"The Bible is the portrait of Jesus Christ." -John Stott.
What you are in secret is what you really are. —John Owen
"Reading the whole Bible is how you become a whole Christian." -
J.C. Ryle
"Until God rejects Christ, he cannot reject his people." —
Charles Spurgeon
It is part of the essential glory of God that he is of such a nature that disposes of him necessarily to hate sin and to be displeased with it.
The Word of God is not on trial. The heart of man is.
"No Christ in your sermon, sir? Then go home, and never preach again until you have something worth preaching." – Charles Spurgeon
“We were guilty and hell-deserving; but, having believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, we know that our sins, which were many, are all, forgiven.” -
Charles Spurgeon
“When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place.” -
C.S. Lewis
Don’t compare yourself to others who call themselves Christians. Compare Yourself to Scripture. —Paul Washer
We are never losers from doing the will of God. —George Müller
Whenever God’s people endeavor to do God’s work in God’s way, it will not go unopposed. —Alistair Begg
Forgiveness in the blood of Christ doth not only take guilt from the soul, but trouble also from the conscience, and in this respect doth the apostle at large set forth the excellency of his sacrifice. John Owen
I am not asking you whether you are a church member. We sorrowfully know that it is one thing to be that, and quite another thing to receive Christ.
Charles Spurgeon
John the Baptist never performed any miracles. Yet he was greater than any of the Old Testament prophets. Leonard Ravenhill
"Nothing this world has to offer is more precious than God’s Word." —
John MacArthur, Truth Matters
Stand true to your calling to be a man. Real women will always be relieved and grateful when men are willing to be men. Elizabeth Elliot