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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


Updated: Sep 8, 2022

"Trial is intended to discover what is in man; to show his strength or his weakness, his virtue or his vice, his religion or his irreligion." -

Thomas Jones.

"Any teaching, whatever authority is may claim, which does not glorify Christ, is most assuredly false." — Charles Spurgeon

The more the bowels of Christ do work towards a sinner, the more furious will Satan assault that sinner.

—Thomas Brooks, Works 2:348

"The church is the conscience of the state, and it is a conscience that cannot afford to become seared and must remind the state of its God-given duty." -


"I hate sin not because it damns me, but because it has done God wrong. To have grieved my God is the worst grief to me." — Charles Spurgeon

To see God is this: it is to have an immediate and certain understanding of God's glorious excellency and love.

A “church” that baptizes unrepentant sinners and endorses sin isn’t a church but a synagogue of Satan.

"I thank God every day for my wheelchair." -

Joni Eareckson Tada.

Build not your nest here. This world is a hard, ill-made bed; no rest is in it for your soul. —Samuel Rutherford, Letters, Pg. 514

"God has punished Christ instead of me, and therefore he cannot also punish me." —

Charles Spurgeon

If you want to be a happy person, read the Word of God. Meditate on it. In Eastern meditation, people seek to empty their minds. But in biblical meditation, we fill our minds with the Word of God. This is how we will grow spiritually.

For every epic fail, you have at least one way you can be refined in it. Probably a lot more. In each of my failures, my goal is still to get way more out of it than I lost from it.

It’s time to stop obsessing over your failures. You are fearfully and wonderfully made… and mistakes are the rule, not the exception. Understand that you are God’s beloved and He doesn’t see your mistakes when He looks at you.

"Bad company does a man real harm, for if you lie down with dogs you will get up with fleas." — Charles Spurgeon

I’d much rather be hated for believing in Jesus than loved for denying Him.

The persistent unrepentant sin of one impacts the whole. Don't be deceived.

He that sees God, he has an immediate view of God's great and awful majesty, of his pure and beauteous holiness, of his wonderful and enduring grace and mercy.

My friends, there is one spot on earth where the fear of Death, of Sin, and of Judgment need never trouble us, the only safe spot on earth where the sinner can stand - Calvary.

"Evangelical unity is a precious commodity, and we should avoid damaging unity over matters which are not central." -Erroll Hulse.

"To risk all with Jesus is to end all risk." — Charles Spurgeon

Christians can’t grow without the Bible.

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