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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


Updated: Jul 25, 2022

The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is one of the best-attested facts on record. There were so many witnesses to behold it, that if we do in the slightest degree receive the credibility of men’s testimonies, we cannot and dare not doubt that Jesus rose from the dead.

~C.H. Spurgeon~

The account of the life of Jesus Christ is the only biography known to man that does not end with death and burial—the only record of human life that joyfully hastens on to the next chapter after the last!

~A. W. Tozer~

If you belong to God you are filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, deeply loved, with a healthy mind strong enough to resist the enemy and live in victory.

When we are considering the promises of God, it is invaluable to keep His faithfulness in view.

Our Lord wants us to know that we can count on Him to be faithful to keep His promises to establish us and guard us.

It seems as though the significance of the moniker we wear as the body of Christ is lost on many in the church today. When we tell someone we are a Christian, we are not informing them of our religious affiliation nor are we identifying ourselves with an organization. When we say we are a Christian we are saying we are “like Christ”, for this is the very definition of the term.

There is an old saying; “If you aim at nothing, you are sure to hit it.”

As Christians, our aim is to be like Christ, and Christ has committed himself to the task of working on us until we see Him. But we also need to remember that John said, “Beloved, now we are children of God” not we will be children of God when we are like Christ. John, as Paul did in Philippians, said this aim to be like Christ is going to be our goal the whole of our lives on earth, and only when we see Him will we finally be fully like Him.

Rest time is not a waste of time. It is wise to gather fresh strength.

Power isn’t based on your feelings, abilities, or talents but on the power of the Holy Spirit. Depend on Him, and sleep well tonight.

The idol gods have no existence, but our God is the author of all existences; they are mere earthly vanities, while he is not only heavenly but made the heavens. -

Charles Spurgeon

"It is better for me to die for Christ than to reign over the ends of the earth." -

Ignatius of Antioch.

If it is man-praising, and man-honoring, it is not of God. ~Spurgeon

It is God only who works grace in the heart. He infuses a principle of life.

God made the world to demonstrate his own glory. The world is a looking glass, in which we may see the power and goodness of God shine forth. -

Thomas Watson

Ever since the fall, all the comforts of this life have a thorn and a thistle in them!

“He that believeth on him hath everlasting life.” Baptism follows as an act of obedience, and you must not neglect it, but trust Christ, and you are saved. God grant you grace to trust him, for Jesus’ sake.

Man’s haste is often folly, but God’s apparent delays are ever wise.

Charles Spurgeon

It is Christ who sanctifieth believers; yet is it from God, who first sanctified him, that he and they might be of one, and so become brethren, as bearing the image of the same Father.

"Be not swift to change because of any reason of thine own, but be not slow to change if God bids thee do so." -

Charles Spurgeon


Charles Spurgeon

It seems to me that if we get one look at Christ in His love and beauty, this world and its pleasures will look very small to us.

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