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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


Updated: Jul 18, 2022

"...there are some Christians, who seem to love the Lord by fits and starts, when they get excited, or at certain special seasons; but I pray you, beloved, to let your love be a deep-seated and lasting fire." - Charles Spurgeon

A man 𝘪𝘴 indeed, which he 𝘪𝘴 in his family… —

John Flavel, Works 1:391

“True faith goes into operation when there are no answers.” ~

Elisabeth Elliot

There is no storm that God won’t carry you through, No fire He can’t save you from.

“It is virtually beyond our power to conceive of a future as consistently delightful as that which Christ is preparing for us. And who is to say what is possible with God?” —

A. W. Tozer

"The" promise of all promises that God has made is the gift of everlasting life. "And this is the promise that He has promised us eternal life" (1 John 2:25). All who respond by faith to this promise of life become part of the church Jesus promises to build. "I will build My church."

Morally, a Christian is called to holiness; dynamically, he is called to service.

~John Blanchard~

The book of Acts is the only book without an “Amen,” because the work of the Holy Spirit continues today––through us––until Christ comes again. Only then will the book come to its full conclusion.

All over the world, God is opening doors of opportunity, making it possible for us to take the Gospel to millions who have never heard of Christ.

~Billy Graham~

Paul traveled by walking, by mule, and by ship. How we need the same vision and passion as Paul. He endured so many hardships and persecution and finally faced his death to fulfill his call. God wants to use us so people can have eternal life and not be lost eternally.

Here, then, is our guidebook, our textbook - the Word of God. If I utter a syllable that is not justified by the Scriptures, don't believe me.

D.L. Moody

Have you been a thief? The thief upon the cross found mercy. -

George Whitefield

It is good for me to be afflicted, that I may die wholly to this world, and all that is in it.

David Brainerd

The study of God is the highest science, the loftiest pursuit, and the mightiest discipline.

Charles Spurgeon

Half our fears arise from neglect of the Bible.

Dustin Benge

If we do but accept him, if our hearts close with him, he desires no more. He doesn't offer to sell himself to us for our righteousness or anything that we can do for him, grace to give to him. He offers himself freely.

Jonathan Edwards

We know nothing of humility by nature, for we are all born proud. -

JC Ryle

"Whatever idol you have, you will be the slave of that idol; but, dear friend, if you love God, you are free." -

Charles Spurgeon

Go with confidence in this mercy; as when one goes to a fire, not doubtingly, saying, perhaps it will warm me, perhaps not.

There is not one drop of injustice in all the sea of my sorrows. —

John Flavel, Works 1:416

Some men pursue good, and it flies from them, they can never overtake it, but goodness and mercy follow the people of God, and they cannot avoid or escape it. It gives them chase day by day and finds them out even when they sometimes put themselves by sin out of the way of it.

"He who says, 'I have no sin,' has surely never seen into his own heart at all." —

Charles Spurgeon

“I am convinced that everything that happens fits into a pattern for good.” ~

Elisabeth Elliot

Christianity without distinct doctrine is a powerless thing. It may be beautiful to some minds, but it is childless & barren.

JC Ryle

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