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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


The only way to avoid despair is to place our faith in Jesus Christ for the salvation God provides. ~R.C. Sproul~

You can make an effort, but God can make it away. Don’t exhaust yourself trying to force something to happen when you could be resting and trusting in what God will make happen. His way is the best way.

As there is only one God, so there can be only one gospel. ~James Denney~

Legalism is looking at something besides Jesus Christ in order to be acceptable and clean before God. Timothy Keller

God made mankind in His image, and because humans are physical beings—though God is spirit—something in our bodies reflects His identity. Certainly, there’s nothing about our bodies that repulses God, who created humanity as His crowning achievement.

Every doctrine that is not embedded in the Cross of Jesus will lead astray. ~Oswald Chambers~

It's not always easy to see interruptions as God’s sovereign plan for us, but if we don’t view them that way, we’ll end up annoyed instead of useful and grateful. We’ll resent people for interrupting us, rather than looking for divine appointments.

A biblical false prophet was a servant of the devil attempting to lead people away from the truth. ~Walter Martin~

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