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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

God will never speak to us anything contradictory to His written Word. However, as we go through our day, He will, through the Holy Spirit, remind us of the words we have read and give us illustration after illustration to help us understand and apply those truths to our lives.

Sin can overflow lives until there seems to be no hope. Yet, the Scriptures boldly declare that the grace of God is greater than the most terrible, aggravated sin of man.

Often we do not pray the prayer of faith out of concern for God's reputation if there should be no healing. We should remember that God is big enough to handle His own reputation.

Instead, we should simply receive what James reminds us of: "The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." In writing about the need for prayer for the suffering, for the sick, and for the sinning, James points to the effective nature of prayer - when it is fervent and offered by a righteous man.

The idea of fervent in this context is strong. Much of our prayer is not effective simply because it is not fervent. It is offered with a lukewarm attitude that virtually asks God to care about something that we care little about. Effective prayer must be fervent, not because we must emotionally persuade a reluctant God, but because we must gain God's heart by being fervent for the things He is fervent for.

In the New Testament, there are repeated admonitions to give thanks to God. Thanksgiving is to always be a part of our prayers.

Of all of God’s gifts, the greatest one He has given is the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. On the cross of Calvary, Jesus paid our sin debt, so a holy and just Judge could forgive us our sins and give us eternal life as a free gift.

Since a team’s goals are constantly changing, the best measure of its health is not only the team’s distance from a desired destination but also the direction in which it’s moving. Review the three questions posed above. Are you pleased with your team’s movement with respect to its mission, growth, and teamwork? Why or why not? Have you clearly communicated expectations to those on your team?

One of the easiest ways to partake in this season of thanksgiving is to affirm others.

Gratefulness sings these truths:

• God's grace is sufficient.

• When you are weak, He is strong.

• You've been forgiven; you are a new creation.

• Don't dwell on the past, God is doing a new thing.

In thanking God, we fasten upon His favours to us.

~Matthew Henry~

God may not do what you want, but He will do what is right—and best. He is the Father of forward motion. Trust Him. He will get you home. And the trials of the trip will be lost in the joys of the feast. Max Lucado

Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit that can’t be faked! You either have it or you don't. You might attempt to hang apples on the pear tree – but that’s not real fruit! God doesn’t want you to pretend. If you don’t have the joy that God intends for you, go to Him today. Yield yourself to Him, to His will, to His love and He will fill your life with joy unspeakable.

Throw your soul into the work as if your one employer were

the Lord!

~R. C. H. Lenski~

God is delighted when we pray to Him! You see, prayer causes us to stay close to the Lord and, in return, we grow spiritually. It is hard to get away from God unless you stop talking with Him.

Just because a person is willing to take a step does not mean they are ready to lead but give credit for their willingness to die to self. Let them do small things as they work towards the goal of leadership.

God is for you. Not “may be,” not “has been,” or “was,” but God is! He is for you.

Robert Kiyosaki

Rich dad said, “There is no one in your way except you and your doubts. It is easy to stay the same. It is easy to not change.

"One person can make a difference, and everyone should try." - John F. Kennedy


1. I love wine but re-frame from drinking it. Wilson Creek Winery

2. I love to cook.

3. love to go fast, Ie: jets, race cars, snowboards, life!

4. Love the country life. As a child wanted to own the Ponderosa Ranch.

5. Love Children and youth. Little patients with hard headed adults. But I am one so God is working on me.

6. Use to raise wolfs and hybrids for sled dogs

7. Love worshiping the Lord in song and word.

8. Love teaching

9. A firm believer in going the extra mile. Hence 7 was asked for I give 10

10. Giving back is a priority in my life.

The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Today we honor proud Navy veteran President John F. Kennedy.

A consistent exposure to the Bible with a consistent desire to obey it will do more for you than any other thing in your Christian walk.

None are allowed to go for God but those

who are sent by Him.

~Matthew Henry~

The most willing service to men is rendered

by those who are best on pleasing Christ!

~Geoffrey B. Wilson~

I hate it when people are not thankful but it has been that way since the time of Christ. Remember Jesus heald the 10 and only one came back with a heart of gratitude.

A child’s shoulders weren’t built to bear the weight of their parents’ choices.

Thanksgiving isn’t just a holiday; it’s a daily privilege and command. The happiest people are the most thankful ones.

Forgetfulness is the greatest thief to your thankfulness!

“The covenant of grace, as it is revealed in the New Testament, is essentially the same as that which governed the relation of Old Testament believers to God.” —Louis Berkhoff, Systematic Theology, 301

“As soldiers march to music, so while we walk in paths of righteousness, we should keep step to

the notes of thanksgiving.” — Charles Spurgeon #Thanksgiving

“Although we may not always be healthy or prosperous, yet God is always good, and therefore, there is always a sufficient argument for giving thanks.” — Charles Spurgeon #Thanksgiving

“We all have much for which we should be thankful, however sad we may think our lot to be.” — Charles Spurgeon #Thanksgiving “So long as we are receivers of mercy we must be givers of thanks.” — Charles Spurgeon #Thanksgiving “Be thankful for the thorns and thistles which keep you from being in love with this world.” — Charles Spurgeon #Thanksgiving “The deeper our troubles the louder our thanks to God.” — Charles Spurgeon #Thanksgiving

“We are in a wrong state of mind if we are not in a thankful state of mind.” — Charles Spurgeon #Thanksgiving “Even ordinary mercies should awaken your gratitude.” — Charles Spurgeon #Thanksgiving “We should not allow the mercies of the Lord to lie forgotten in unthankfulness.” — Charles Spurgeon #Thanksgiving

"The gospel is all about Christ from beginning to end." – Charles Spurgeon “God grants grace, and we should give gratitude.” — Charles Spurgeon #Thanksgiving

The most effective way to impact the next generation for Christ is to start with the ones in your own home.

When the Savior saves us today, He has already factored in our stupidity of tomorrow.

It doesn’t take big crowds or a big budget to make a big impact on people. After all, Jesus turned the world upside down with a few faithful disciples.

“The whole of God is glorified in Christ; and though some part of the name of God is written in the material universe, it is best read in Him who was the Son of man, and also the Son of God.” - C. H. Spurgeon. Good Tidings of Great Joy, 2.

“… make certain you understand the difference between faith (in the object of the risen Lord Jesus) and faithfulness (our obedience).” — Mike Abendroth @nocoradio “But let me tell you, the whole world is not a theatre large enough to shew the glory of Christ upon, or unfold the one half of the unsearchable riches that lie hid in him.” — John Flavel

Why should we read the Bible? 1. Know God's will (Ps 119:105) 2. Grow in faith (Rom 10:17) 3. Receive instruction (2 Tim 3:16) 4. Receive correction (2 Tim 3:16) 5. Find comfort (Rom 15:4) 6. Find encouragement (Rom 15:4) 7. Share it with others (1 Pet 3:15) 8. Equip ourselves (2 Tim 3:16–17) 9. Overcome temptation (Ps. 119:11)

The testimony of the Spirit is more excellent than all reason. For as God alone is a fit witness of himself in his Word,' so also the Word will not find acceptance in men's hearts before it is sealed by the inward testimony of the Spirit. Calvin “Your salvation remains secure, not because of anything you do, but because Christ finished the work the Father gave him to accomplish and satisfied God's justice.” — Brown and Keele, Sacred Bond, 40.

“What shall I say of Christ? The excelling glory of that object dazzles all apprehension, swallows up all expression.” — John Flavel

“If God hath loved me once, then He will love me forever.” — C.H. Spurgeon

It does not seem proper to speak of one attribute of God as being more central and fundamental than another; but if this were permissible, the Scriptural emphasis on the holiness of God would seem to justify its selection. - Louis Berkhof

“The doctrine of the covenant of redemption is indeed very practical for the Christian life, for it teaches us about the love of God, provides us with comfort and assurance, and guards us against speculation.” — Brown and Keele, Sacred Bond, 38.

“Faith's discovery of forgiveness in God is the great supportment of a sin-perplexed soul.” — John Owen

“Covenant theology helps us to see the grand and glorious unity in Scripture.” — Dr. Guy Waters

“Jesus Christ is scarce loved for Jesus’ sake.” —Thomas Manton, Works 6:92

“ [Believers] must love Christ for himself, not chiefly for what they get by him.” —Thomas Vincent, Love for the Unseen Christ, Pg. 19

“From the first reading of the text to the final words of the sermon, we are entirely dependent on the gracious work of the Spirit, in preacher and hearers alike, to bring understanding, to generate faith, and to empower obedience.” – David Jackman

Though God stand in no need of us, yet he is willing to communicate his blessedness, and to make us happy in the enjoyment of himself. —Thomas Manton, Works 6:111

Gratitude blesses you, the people you thank, and honors and blesses the Lord. Ray Bentley

The more a man loves God, the more he will do for God. —Thomas Manton, Works 6:97 “Each day we are becoming a creature of splendid glory or one of unthinkable horror.” - C.S. Lewis

Ignorance of Scripture is the root of every error in religion, and the source of every heresy. JC RYLYE

He that lives in the kingdom of sense, shall die in the kingdom of sorrow. -Richard Baxter - The doctrines of grace humble man without degrading him and exalt him without inflating him. -Charles Hodge -

To us, we say it is free, but not to Christ, who paid most dearly for it. He bought forgiveness with his most precious, holy blood, because there was no other price by which God’s judgement could be satisfied. John Calvin

God is a God hearing prayer. - George Whitefield Oh, that a great wave of prayer would sweep over the church, asking God to send out laborers into the needy harvest fields! There is no danger of the Lord sending out too many laborers and crowding the fields. If He calls you, He will equip you. EM Bounds

Jesus will be merciful when you don’t deserve it. Neil C. Stewart Not only does Christ take our sins, our debts, and our demerits, but He also gives us His obedience, His assets, and His merits. R.C. Sproul He who is the feeder of sparrows, will also furnish you with what you need. Sit not down in despair; hope on, hope ever. Charles Spurgeon

Preach so simply that a child can understand you, & then the chances are the older people will understand you too. -R.B.Kuiper.

We should not be concerned to be popular or liked, but ensure that we are witnessing to the truth. -Oliver Barclay - There is nothing more notable or glorious in the church than the ministry of the gospel. -John Calvin -

The more experience men have of the ways of God, the more sensible will they be of their readiness to wander. —Thomas Manton, Works 6:96


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