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Joel 2

Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

Take a breath and save your righteous wrath against everything we're seeing today: the blasphemies, the mockery, the heresies, the slander, the profanities, the irreverence.

Remember, we will have our day to fight during Armageddon! On that day, Jesus will descend from heaven, followed by the Lord's army—(God's people, His Church)—to destroy the armies of the enemy in the winepress of His fury! We will be mighty warriors, strong and invincible!

Keep looking up!


💪🏼The world is telling us to get up and fight back, but we should respond just like Jesus did when He said, "My kingdom is not of this world." He did not come as a conquering King to defeat Rome, but as a suffering Servant to defeat Satan, sin, death, and hell.


🌍Just as He doesn't belong to this world, we don't belong to it either, because we belong to Him. Our citizenship is in heaven!

But on THAT day, He will return as a conquering King and we will return as His army—  the sword coming out of His mouth to execute His words— THAT WILL BE OUR TIME TO FIGHT! 


📖"The Lord gives voice before His army,

For His camp is very great;

For strong is the One who executes His word.

For the day of the Lord is great and very terrible;

Who can endure it?" Joel 2:11


👉🏼This is how we're coming back to this world after being raptured first and at the end of the 7-year tribulation, along with Jesus during His second coming:


💣We will be strong, powerful, destructive, swift, intimidating, and invincible warriors—a meticulously organized army, moving with precision at the command of the Lord!


📖Joel 2:


👉🏼STRONG: We will be strong like no one has seen ever before or will EVER SEE AGAIN!


2  "People come, great and strong,

The like of whom has never been"


👉🏼 DESTRUCTIVE: We will have the capability to wipe everything clean in our path.


📖3 "A fire devours before them,

And behind them a flame burns;

The land is like the Garden of Eden before them,

And behind them a desolate wilderness;

Surely nothing shall escape them" 


👉🏼FAST: We will be fast as horses, reaching an average speed of around 25 to 30 miles per hour.


📖4 "And like swift steeds, so they run" 


👉🏼LEAP HIGH:  We will be able to jump an average of 1,200 meters. 


📖5 "Over mountaintops they leap"


 👉🏼 INTIMIDATING: We will bring deep distress and despair to anyone who encounters us.


📖6 "Before them the people writhe in pain;

All faces are drained of color"


👉🏼ORGANIZED SEASONED WARRIORS: We will be an incredibly organized force that is well-prepared for battle. Climbing walls, marching in formation, not breaking ranks, not pushing one another, not breaking form.


📖7-8 "They climb the wall like men of war;

Everyone marches in formation,

And they do not break ranks.

They do not push one another;

Everyone marches in his own column"


👉🏼INVINCIBLE:  We will be an army with exceptional skills, agility, and resilience in the face of danger, enabling us to maneuver through the chaos of battle while avoiding harm. NO ARM WILL WOUND US!


📖8 "Though they lunge between the weapons,

They are not cut down"


👉🏼POWERFUL: We will hold immense power and we'll command the attention of both the earthly and celestial realms.


📖10 "The earth quakes before them,

The heavens tremble;

The sun and moon grow dark,

And the stars diminish their brightness"


👉🏼THE LORD IS OUR COMMANDER: We will "execute" His words. We will be the sword coming out of His mouth.


🔊🎯11 "The Lord gives voice before His army,

For His camp is very great;

For strong is the One who executes His word"


📜We will be coming along with David and all of God's people from all generations for the final battle. He will give us the ultimate victory over our enemies!


⛪Why wouldn't He use His Church? Since the beginning, He has used His people: judges, prophets, kings, priests, apostles, — HE WILL USE  HIS CHURCH!


We shall return, becoming the sword of His mouth to carry out His commands! 

Right now let's keep preaching the gospel and KEEP LOOKING UP, FOR OUR REDEMPTION DRAW— THIS WORLD IS NOT OUR HOME!


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