Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 2:5
Between 397 and 400 A.D., Augustine of Hippo wrote several books and lessons, including his Confessions, in which he declared that the imitation of Christ was “the fundamental purpose of Christian life.” Thomas à Kempis later discussed this in The Imitation of Christ in the early 15th century.
The C.S. Lewis Institute states that this à Kempis devotional book has endured the test of time because “it calls us to look away from our self-sufficiency to God who is all-sufficient, then to look back with transformed vision to a world in need where service replaces self-seeking.”
Summarizing the quotes of great theologians, imitating Christ is “loving God and serving Him by loving others.” This is what Jesus instructed His followers to do in Matthew 12!
Texas Pastor Shawn Thomas stated that the problem many Christians have is that they are trying to imitate someone other than Jesus. He suggests you begin by adopting the same attitudes Jesus had—particularly toward others. C.S. Lewis said when it comes to imitating Christ, you come to a point where the real Son of God is beside you, slowly transforming you into being more like Him.
The process of developing the “mind of Christ“ requires discipline and commitment on the part of the believer. Seek to be attentive to the Holy Spirit as He guides you through the act of loving.