Remember, our deliverance came in the form of a baby born in Bethlehem, when the Kingdom of God invaded the earth with healings, miracles, deliverance, salvation, sacrifice, resurrection, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit!
You might be feeling a little broken and bruised right about now. Family issues loom over the holidays. People get sick from being tired and under pressure. The COVID pandemic takes no break for the holidays.
You’re trying your hardest, doing your best, but Christmas is full of high expectations. You want to make the season bright and cheerful for everyone you love!
Let me encourage you to allow this to be a season where you take a deep breath and pace yourself. Allow Jesus to humble Himself, bend down, pick you up, and carry you across His broad shoulders. Allow yourself time to rest in Him, worship Him, and find strength and peace and joy as we celebrate His first coming.
