To redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.
Galatians 4:5
Have you ever watched a video of a child who was told they were going to be adopted? It is often incredibly touching, full of happy tears by the child, parents, and other family members as they celebrate their new permanent addition to the family. This is also a beautiful picture of what happens when God adopts another child into His family.
The idea of adoption mentioned in this verse most likely referred to the Roman custom of adoption. With this custom, adopted sons were given completely equal privileges within the family. They held equal status as heirs, took the family name as their own, and could not be disowned. They were wanted, cared for, and made a permanent part of the family.
In his letter to the churches in Galatia, Paul reminds the believers that their salvation cannot be earned by their works, but is instead received through faith in Jesus alone. In chapter 4, verse 5, Paul goes so far as to say that not only are those who are saved purchased from slavery under the law but that they are elevated to the status of sons and daughters of God through adoption.
What a beautiful picture of the true love God has for His children! As you spend time in prayer today, let this picture of your adoption into the Lord’s family fill your heart. Let it direct your prayers for your life and for the country. Thank Him for His continued care for His children, and pray that they would be willing and available to further His kingdom on Earth.